Maybe I'll finally meet some people


New Member
jazz lady said:
:yeahthat: :hot:

Welcome to the forums, briancpest. I seem to remember your dad bringing you (I think) and your siblings to Jethro's one night a long time ago. :howdy:

nah, wouldn't have been me. I don't go in there. Used to work there. Had a bad situation. Never walked back in.


New Member
Radiant1 said:
Now see? That's the shiat I'm talkin' about!

Waggles, observe and learn. :biggrin:

lol. well, maybe this forum thing wasn't a bad idea after all.

i seem to be meeting enough people. but, are you the people i really want to be meeting? lol

but, since you pointed my attention to it... i wouldn't mind a mrs. robinson/sugar momma situation. :X
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New Member
shoot, i can't say I'm looking to meet my own BadGirl, but it'd be nice to meet ANYONE. this area is so boring for someone my age.... honestly
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New Member
ok, now that i know you all know my dad.... i'm going to have to watch what i say and try to be a good boy. *boring*

BS Gal

Voted Nicest in 08
briancpest said:
has anyone here who knows itsbob been to his house for one of his big get togethers before?
Were you there this past Memorial Day weekend and introduced to me as Bob's son?

Oh, and welcome.


New Member
BS Gal said:
Were you there this past Memorial Day weekend and introduced to me as Bob's son?

Oh, and welcome.


and yes i was there this memorial day weekend. and i dunno if i was introduced to you. My brother and I were both there, so I can't say for sure. I just remember there being a LOT of people.... and me hiding in the garage with my nephew


New Member
i don't remember personally being introduced to anyone that night. I just remember one woman in particular was being carried around cause she was drunk off her arse, and at the end of the night, i was sitting in a lawn chair next to my dad while he talked to a group of about 5 people, two women included.


briancpest said:
i don't remember personally being introduced to anyone that night. I just remember one woman in particular was being carried around cause she was drunk off her arse, and at the end of the night, i was sitting in a lawn chair next to my dad while he talked to a group of about 5 people, two women included.

I wasn't the drunk of my arse one, but you might have seen me trying to get her to the bathroom and then back to her house. I do believe I've met you. Welcome to the funny farm. :howdy:


Pea Brain
PREMO Member
briancpest said:
his post name will most likely be ItsBob. he's big in the motorcycle crowd. I think that's probably the only section of the forum he goes to as a matter of fact.
Only in our dreams. :howdy:


New Member
Wenchy said:
I wasn't the drunk of my arse one, but you might have seen me trying to get her to the bathroom and then back to her house. I do believe I've met you. Welcome to the funny farm. :howdy:

yes, i do distinctly remember someone dragging her about around her shoulder. lol


briancpest said:
LMAO. I'm sure everyone who reads that post will be thinking the exact same thing.... about whatever guy they happen to party with from the forums. And, no, Pete is not my father. lol
So far as you know.


I bowl overhand
briancpest said:
Wait, are you drooling from the heat, or from me? ;)

I know exactly what you mean!!! I have no ac.... so, I think I may be slowly dying. lol. I'm not so sure you're the one who's going to need saving by the end of the night.

So, who do you play soccer with? Is there a league around here? I happen to have the night off.... maybe I could come watch you play and hang around in case you do need saving?
DAMN, it really is him!!! :lmao: