luvvme said:You all are so very ignorant...I hope it makes you feel better to wallow in someone else's dispair...If a hurricane distroyed this bull #### county we would need help too
There are parts of the city that are so far below sea level that no buildings should have been built in those areas in the first place.AndyMarquisLIVE said:I agree in principle, but New Orleans is a sitting disaster. There will be more hurricanes and the gulf coast is a target for more hurricanes. We still have yet a category 5 storm.
Speaking from my own personal experience, all of the blacks I know believe in hard work, family, community, and religion. In fact, they are much more conservative than I am on social issues. So I don't understand why some people link blacks and welfare.Bruzilla said:You can forget that. All of the racial hype after the storm means that no one in congress can dare call a leech a leech without being hung as a racist.
Because blacks, by percentage of their population, are more likely to be welfare recipients and criminals. Considering they only make up about 12% of the population of the US, they have very high stats for welfare and crime.Tonio said:Speaking from my own personal experience, all of the blacks I know believe in hard work, family, community, and religion. In fact, they are much more conservative than I am on social issues. So I don't understand why some people link blacks and welfare.
Tonio said:Speaking from my own personal experience, all of the blacks I know believe in hard work, family, community, and religion. In fact, they are much more conservative than I am on social issues. So I don't understand why some people link blacks and welfare.
I agree completely. Welfare has a toxic effect on the human spirit, both individually and culturally. Here's something funny and ironic--the only welfare recipient I've ever met was a white woman who regarded blacks as genetically lazy. She would rant about blacks one minute, while admitting the next minute that she was gaming the system to boost her welfare.Bruzilla said:It's not about your color, but your mindset...
vraiblonde said:Because blacks, by percentage of their population, are more likely to be welfare recipients and criminals. Considering they only make up about 12% of the population of the US, they have very high stats for welfare and crime.
The reason you, personally, have no experience with this element is the same reason I don't: We hang out or work with people that are like us - they have jobs and families and are responsible citizens. We don't spend a lot of time in inner cities or hanging out with gangs.
Your post supports Vrai's post.luvvme said:the african americans make up about only 12% of the population.
Nearly 9 million children on welfare in 1995 were White, the statistics show, compared to 4.8 million Black children.
luvvme said:Nearly 9 million children on welfare in 1995 were White, the statistics show, compared to 4.8 million Black children.
luvvme said:![]()
This is just your opinion...Actually whites are the largest recipents of welfare .... Where did you get your degree???????They obviously forgot to teach you to check your FACTS!!!
Because blacks, by percentage of their population, are more likely to be welfare recipients and criminals.
Differences by Race. For black children, however, long-term welfare receipt is considerably more common than for non-black children. Thirty-eight (38) percent of all black children born in the years 1973-1975 spent 11 or more years of their childhood living in families receiving at least some welfare. This contrasts with the experience of non-black children, of whom only 6 percent spent 11 or more years of their childhood in families receiving welfare.
luvvme said:Where did you get your degree???????They obviously forgot to teach you to check your FACTS!!!
kwillia said:Your post supports Vrai's post.
Simple. She said more blacks are on welfare than whites by percentage of their population. If there are 4.8 million blacks on welfare and they make up only 12% of the population, whites would need to make up <24% of the population (which they make up a much larger percentage than that) in order for 9 million whites to have a larger number by percentage of their population than blacks. Understand?luvvme said:How? when she says more blacks are on welfare than whites and my quote from the article say 9 million whites are on welfare and only 4.8 black are
She said "blacks, by percentage of their population" which means a larger precentage of the total black population. Blacks only make up 12% of the total population, yet they have 4.8 million on welfare... over half the amount of whites on welfare.luvvme said:How? when she says more blacks are on welfare than whites and my quote from the article say 9 million whites are on welfare and only 4.8 black are
Larry Gude said:This is what she wrote:
...these are the facts:
Do you comprehend this?
The devestation wrought on black folks by liberal social policies is a national disgrace. They need opportunity, incouragement and expectations, just like everyone else. They do not need the anchors of policies that insidiously destroy will.
ylexot said:Simple. She said more blacks are on welfare than whites by percentage of their population. If there are 4.8 million blacks on welfare and they make up only 12% of the population, whites would need to make up <24% of the population (which they make up a much larger percentage than that) in order for 9 million whites to have a larger number by percentage of their population than blacks. Understand?