MD. Constitution / Declaration of Rights.


JPC, Sr.

The Truth Shall Set Us All Free.

BS Gal said:
Out of curiousity, did your father contribute to your support when you were growing up?

:yay: My parents had 12 children and I am number 6 of 12 with 5 older siblings and 6 younger than me.

My parents never separated and my dad died of cancer when I was 16 and mother never remarried.

So yes he contributed.


American Beauty
PREMO Member
JPC said:
:yay: My parents had 12 children and I am number 6 of 12 with 5 older siblings and 6 younger than me.

My parents never separated and my dad died of cancer when I was 16 and mother never remarried.

So yes he contributed.

Did your mother work or collect welfare for such a large brood?

JPC, Sr.

The Truth Shall Set Us All Free.

RoseRed said:
Did your mother work or collect welfare for such a large brood?

:flowers: My mother's business is none of my business.

I must only speak for myself.

JPC, Sr.

The Truth Shall Set Us All Free.

:coffee: It is Oprah time so I got to go.

Bye, till some other time. :popcorn:


Well-Known Member
JPC said:
:flowers: My mother's business is none of my business.

I must only speak for myself.
WELFARE- and SS after the dad died, just guessing........

I guess thats why he thinks we should all pay to raise his kids, and their babies.


American Beauty
PREMO Member
Midnightrider said:
WELFARE- and SS after the dad died, just guessing........

I guess thats why he thinks we should all pay to raise his kids, and their babies.

My thoughts exactly.

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
JPC said:
:elaine: Surely I do know that the prisoners are considered as criminals by the unjust Court and laws but they have done nothing wrong, thus an innocent person is put into jail and called a criminal. That is what I am saying.

:coffee: The point is that now that we know the trailers are a fire hazzard then to keep putting public school students into harm's way is the equivolent of "ignoring the burned school houses." That is pretty darn specific.

:yay: ------------------- :whistle:
This is absurd. From everything you have posted there were a total of three cases remanded back to the courts as being outside compliance with the laws of the state and criminal procedure. Three people do not make an injustice, especially when the "unjust" system remands the cases for corrective action. And that corrective action had little to do with the penalty that they received but in the method of how it was given.

And again how many schools have burned that were ignored? Can't you answer a direct question?

JPC, Sr.

The Truth Shall Set Us All Free.

:yay: Today January 24th, is a big important Job Fair for Contractors of the Navy Base. It is at the J.T. Daughtery Conference Center, 22111 Three Notch Road, Lexington Park.

It is accross from Gate #1 of the Navy Base by the Marriot sign from 3:00pm to 6:00pm.

See here, The J. T. Daughtery Conference Center for SMC.

And here too, The Job Zone Online.

I am planning to go there later so no late posting here for me today.

This job fair is for the rich and privledged contractors for our Navy Base. Perhaps I might get a chance to tell them how things are going to change and how things are going to be after I stop the Base growth, BUT, if not then I might just pick up some of the free pens they give away. :razz:

JPC, Sr.

The Truth Will Set Us All Free.

Midnightrider said:
WELFARE- and SS after the dad died, just guessing........

:yay: Actually after our father died he had life insurance and the House morgage was instantly paid off too and he was a WW II veteran so his funeral was paid for and we recieved Veteran benefits and SS benefits per child and so we became financially secure after he died.

It is a peculiar irony in my family that his death was so beneficial.


mv = margaritaville
JPC said:
:yay: Today January 24th, is a big important Job Fair for Contractors of the Navy Base. It is at the J.T. Daughtery Conference Center, 22111 Three Notch Road, Lexington Park.

It is accross from Gate #1 of the Navy Base by the Marriot sign from 3:00pm to 6:00pm.

See here, The J. T. Daughtery Conference Center for SMC.

And here too, The Job Zone Online.

I am planning to go there later so no late posting here for me today.

This job fair is for the rich and privledged contractors for our Navy Base. Perhaps I might get a chance to tell them how things are going to change and how things are going to be after I stop the Base growth, BUT, if not then I might just pick up some of the free pens they give away. :razz:

You have got to be the biggest loser. You have No IDEA about your talking about. Please save us all the grief and go some where else


American Beauty
PREMO Member
JPC said:
:yay: Today January 24th, is a big important Job Fair for Contractors of the Navy Base. It is at the J.T. Daughtery Conference Center, 22111 Three Notch Road, Lexington Park.

It is accross from Gate #1 of the Navy Base by the Marriot sign from 3:00pm to 6:00pm.

See here, The J. T. Daughtery Conference Center for SMC.

And here too, The Job Zone Online.

I am planning to go there later so no late posting here for me today.

This job fair is for the rich and privledged contractors for our Navy Base. Perhaps I might get a chance to tell them how things are going to change and how things are going to be after I stop the Base growth, BUT, if not then I might just pick up some of the free pens they give away. :razz:



Lem Putt
JPC said:
:yay: Today January 24th, is a big important Job Fair for Contractors of the Navy Base. It is at the J.T. Daughtery Conference Center, 22111 Three Notch Road, Lexington Park.

It is accross from Gate #1 of the Navy Base by the Marriot sign from 3:00pm to 6:00pm.

See here, The J. T. Daughtery Conference Center for SMC.

And here too, The Job Zone Online.

I am planning to go there later so no late posting here for me today.

This job fair is for the rich and privledged contractors for our Navy Base. Perhaps I might get a chance to tell them how things are going to change and how things are going to be after I stop the Base growth, BUT, if not then I might just pick up some of the free pens they give away. :razz:

Do you realize what people this is for? This is for people who are trying to better their lives by getting a job. It is very rare that "rich and privledged" (sic) people are hired at these. It is usually entry level people who have done things like get an education and are trying to improve themselves.

If you are going there to get free pens, you have once again shown your true character. Rather than go to a job fair to get a job, you are going to get a handout. That's why you are, always have been, and always will be a worthless, pathetic, unethical loser.

JPC, Sr.

The Truth Shall Set Us All Free.

Ken King said:
This is absurd. From everything you have posted there were a total of three cases remanded back to the courts as being outside compliance with the laws of the state and criminal procedure. Three people do not make an injustice, especially when the "unjust" system remands the cases for corrective action. And that corrective action had little to do with the penalty that they received but in the method of how it was given.

:yay: I am saying that along with those three that I was a fourth one myself and I witnessed many more abused by the SMC Bureau of Support Enforcement. We others were simply not part of that particular case. Those three are just the 3 heroes that took their cases to the Maryland High Court and won and subsequently changed all the laws for the State of Maryland. Plus their case was reversed and it was not remanded.

Ken King said:
And again how many schools have burned that were ignored? Can't you answer a direct question?

:yay: There were two (2) school classroom trailers (with an "e") that were burned at Carver Annex in District 29B.


Working for the weekend
MMDad said:
Do you realize what people this is for? This is for people who are trying to better their lives by getting a job. It is very rare that "rich and privledged" (sic) people are hired at these. It is usually entry level people who have done things like get an education and are trying to improve themselves.

If you are going there to get free pens, you have once again shown your true character. Rather than go to a job fair to get a job, you are going to get a handout. That's why you are, always have been, and always will be a worthless, pathetic, unethical loser.
Good post......... :huggy:


mv = margaritaville
JPC said:
:yay: I am saying that along with those three that I was a fourth one myself and I witnessed many more abused by the SMC Bureau of Support Enforcement. We others were simply not part of that particular case. Those three are just the 3 heroes that took their cases to the Maryland High Court and won and subsequently changed all the laws for the State of Maryland. Plus their case was reversed and it was not remanded.

:yay: There were two (2) school classroom trailers (with an "e") that were burned at Carver Annex in District 29B.

you know you talk ALOT about these classrooms.

My 5 grade year, we were in one, due to improving the school. And half the year was spent there and i learned more there then i did when we moved back inside the school.
I see nothing wrong with them.

And what about everyone who lives in trailors. Aren't those fireboxes too? Should we make everyone move out and be homeless like you? Or expect the fact that almost every school district has them, and its a part of life??

JPC, Sr.

The Truth Shall Set Us All Free.

Mv_Princess said:
... ... ... what about everyone who lives in trailors. Aren't those fireboxes too? ... ... Or expect the fact that almost every school district has them, ... ...

:coffee: People live in trailers because they can not afford a house. We have students in trailer classrooms because the regular school houses are completely full.

It all comes from the overcrowding of all of St. Mary's County. It is no accident that the schools are overcrowded and that house prices are super inflated. It all comes from the needless growth at the Pax River Naval Base and that all comes from the greed of a few.

Consider the new near future coming Muti-Mission Aircraft program coming here is to bring some 250 new workers here just from this one project. That being 250 families of 2.5 children average for the 250 workers coming and these people are not going to want to live in trailers and they are not going to want their children going to classes in relocatable trailers that have a record of burning all because of the petty greed.

BUT, there are more others coming here too. The Joint Strike Fighter project and its many workers, the Replacement Presidential Heicopter, the V-22 Osprey programs, and much more coming now, while our small County is being overwhelmed with big inflation and over population. The 250 families from the MMA project alone will have enough students to fill up a brand new school all by themselves.

Mv_Princess said:
Or expect the fact that almost every school district has them, and its a part of life??

:coffee: It is a part of our life that has been unethically imposed upon us. We must make a stand against the oligarchy and its greed. The Navy Base has been a guest in our home and now we are not to be forced into being its servants.

When I get elected then I will stop it flat frozen. :killingme


Lem Putt
JPC said:
:coffee: People live in trailers because they can not afford a house. We have students in trailer classrooms because the regular school houses are completely full.

It all comes from the overcrowding of all of St. Mary's County. It is no accident that the schools are overcrowded and that house prices are super inflated. It all comes from the needless growth at the Pax River Naval Base and that all comes from the greed of a few.

Consider the new near future coming Muti-Mission Aircraft program coming here is to bring some 250 new workers here just from this one project. That being 250 families of 2.5 children average for the 250 workers coming and these people are not going to want to live in trailers and they are not going to want their children going to classes in relocatable trailers that have a record of burning all because of the petty greed.

BUT, there are more others coming here too. The Joint Strike Fighter project and its many workers, the Replacement Presidential Heicopter, the V-22 Osprey programs, and much more coming now, while our small County is being overwhelmed with big inflation and over population. The 250 families from the MMA project alone will have enough students to fill up a brand new school all by themselves.

:coffee: It is a part of our life that has been unethically imposed upon us. We must make a stand against the oligarchy and its greed. The Navy Base has been a guest in our home and now we are not to be forced into being its servants.

When I get elected then I will stop it flat frozen. :killingme

Please tell us how you will "stop it flat frozen". What legislation will you write? What code or rule changes will you propose? Since you feel so strongly about this, I assume you have written the bill so that you can present it on your first day in office? Please share.


mv = margaritaville
JPC said:
:coffee: People live in trailers because they can not afford a house. We have students in trailer classrooms because the regular school houses are completely full.

It all comes from the overcrowding of all of St. Mary's County. It is no accident that the schools are overcrowded and that house prices are super inflated. It all comes from the needless growth at the Pax River Naval Base and that all comes from the greed of a few.

Consider the new near future coming Muti-Mission Aircraft program coming here is to bring some 250 new workers here just from this one project. That being 250 families of 2.5 children average for the 250 workers coming and these people are not going to want to live in trailers and they are not going to want their children going to classes in relocatable trailers that have a record of burning all because of the petty greed.

BUT, there are more others coming here too. The Joint Strike Fighter project and its many workers, the Replacement Presidential Heicopter, the V-22 Osprey programs, and much more coming now, while our small County is being overwhelmed with big inflation and over population. The 250 families from the MMA project alone will have enough students to fill up a brand new school all by themselves.

:coffee: It is a part of our life that has been unethically imposed upon us. We must make a stand against the oligarchy and its greed. The Navy Base has been a guest in our home and now we are not to be forced into being its servants.

When I get elected then I will stop it flat frozen. :killingme

So maybe everyone should just live out on streets??? Your pizzin me off.

You don't know what your talking about. You know something I can't afford a house. That's not because of the base, it's because NATIONAL housing prices are going up. duh! And i live in a trailor....and it's rather nice. Nice and big. Probably 600x better then the sh*thole you live in.

If I was old enough I would run against you and Win, then put you back in Jail.