MD Route 235 - A Neverending Saga


New Member
Originally posted by watercolor23

So if ya really wanna complain, go to the food chain that deals with it, known as the board of commisioners and the dept. of transportation :razz:

A-ha! A real answer. So the board of commisioners is in on this one? I thought so. In the meantime, we'll all just have to be careful, especially when conditions aren't perfect.

The only thing I can think of is hoping it's all going to be better when they finally get "the longest three miles" done, sometime between two and three years from now, if not longer!


Originally posted by MDindef
In the meantime, I still insist that there are safety related issues on this highway in Lexington Park. Anyone have any real comments to make, or will there be more flames from flame-boy?
Now I remember something that my old friend told me long time ago when he work for his father's road pavement company. He said that at the end of the day after putting down newly asphalt, they have to put those shiny white/yellow strips on the road or else the state and/or people will sue the asphalt pavement company for safety related issue or breech of contract, etc.
I am sure everybody knows that as a common sense thing.


yeah yeah
Originally posted by MDindef

A-ha! A real answer. So the board of commisioners is in on this one? I thought so.

well what do you expect. they have their nose in everything in one way or another. If they dont answer your question, then you go higher up in the food chain. That is all there is to it. If you dont want to contact them then I just suggest you buckle up and get comfortable for the long haul.


You're all F'in Mad...
Originally posted by watercolor23
I think you all are gonna just have to sit tight and quit getting your panties in a wad. The construction on the roads from what I understand will not be done until late 2004 or early 2005. So just sit tight and deal with it.

The Route 235 expansion was a 7 year plan, and started in late 1997. So, Route 235 should be finished just as you said, as scheduled, in 2004/5. This shouldn't be news to anyone, but I know it's a frustration for those who drive it regularly.

Since it's a State project, complaining to the Commissioners would probably be about as useful as confessing your sins to the clerk at 7-11 instead of a Priest (if you're Catholic!) They can listen, and direct you to the proper contact, but can't take action.
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Regarding the lack of lines at times I often see cars infront of me wandering toward each other becuase there are no lines, sometimes one jerks the wheel in the other direction and almost hits the car on the other side. Wanting lines on the road can help someone else from running into you, something that you cannot control.

Some of the lane shifts are rather unnatural feeling to those driving on them for the first time.

And yes those potholes in the far right lane going south really sucl, who woulda thought that a road less than 6 months old has potholes that big in it already. I never understood why as soon as a new road is built someone somewhere feels the need to dig a hole in it for one reason or another. Cobblestone roads of the Roman empire are still there and 2000 years of progress gets us this?


Originally posted by MDindef
You're having fun with this, aren't you "torch..."

What about you, torch? How's your network admin work going? :snooze: I can see it keeps you busy.

In the meantime, I still insist that there are safety related issues on this highway in Lexington Park. Anyone have any real comments to make, or will there be more flames from flame-boy?

Yea, I'm just fun'n with ya mostly! :lol:

The network admin work is always going well. With your insinuation that I am not doing my job, I will say that “when the network is running fine and it looks like I am doing nothing, I am doing my job perfectly”.

LMAO @ flame-boy :lmao: Too funny I say.

I’m not saying there isn’t safety related issues on the highway, I’m just saying that for the most part, slowing down, staying alert and being considerate will go a long way in getting you and your family to your destination in one piece.


New Member
That's good...I figured it was that way...

It has been a pleasure trading insults. Perhaps we can do it again sometime.


Football season!
Originally posted by justhangn

I’m not saying there isn’t safety related issues on the highway, I’m just saying that for the most part, slowing down, staying alert and being considerate will go a long way in getting you and your family to your destination in one piece.

yea, and car makers could make there cars completely out of cheap plastic instead of metal and not include things like airbags and seatbelts..

Ok.. So some ARE using cheap plastic, but you get the point :smile:


Originally posted by SmallTown

yea, and car makers could make there cars completely out of cheap plastic instead of metal and not include things like airbags and seatbelts..

Ok.. So some ARE using cheap plastic, but you get the point :smile:

No, actually, your post is senseless.


yeah yeah
Originally posted by Heretic
I often see cars infront of me wandering toward each other becuase there are no lines, sometimes one jerks the wheel in the other direction and almost hits the car on the other side.

In all actuallity that is people with the "lack" of driving skills. When the idiots come out, they are all paged to do the same. Prolly people who are talking on their cell phone while driving :burning: ( I HATE THAT ) or someone who is to busy fumbling with their passangers......well anyway. Ok. So plain and simple....its is not the lack of lines..its the lack of driving skill.



Dancing Up A Storm
Originally posted by watercolor23

Prolly people who are talking on their cell phone while driving :burning:
Speaking of Prolly people on their cell phones, maybe I'm in a minority here, but I see A LOT of folks on the phone: in traffic, at stoplights, driving into, out of parking lots; you name the situation - you'll see some turkey on a cellphone just yammering away seemingly oblivious to anything else.
Some states have already instituted laws/statutes about cell phone use in a vehicle. I think New York is one of them
so far. Is Maryland considering any measures of the same? Has anyone heard yea or nay? How do you feel about this, is it a safety issue?
:frown: Penncam


Football season!
I used to wonder (and be nervous) when I saw people talking on the cell phone while driving.. Until the other day when I saw a guy reading a book while going down 235 and realized there are other more serious problems than cell phones on the roads :smile:


I saw a guy getting a BJ while driving down the road not too long ago.


Dancing Up A Storm
Wild Ride

Originally posted by Heretic
I saw a guy getting a BJ while driving down the road not too long ago.
:rolleyes: You have got to be sh**ting me!!
And, if you don't mind my asking, just HOW did you happen to notice this happening?


They were in a car, I drive a small SUV so I can see down in their car pretty easily as I passed them. This was on RT 301 between Upper Marboro and Waldorf. I noticed cause when I was behind I saw a big head of red hair go that direction. I was quite envious.


Dancing Up A Storm
Conversation at an End

Originally posted by watercolor23
Omm yea ok...Im outta this conversation now.. :rolleyes:
Yeah, I'm with you, I just hadda ask, huh?:nono: Well, enough of that; Okay.... since KKT is out of a job for Maryland
Governor, maybe we will see some movement on the pavement on RTE 235? I've heard the road improvement IS a state run
project. I have to sympathize with MDindef a little over the time it seems to be taking to get this repaving/widening job done. It does seem like an awful lot of time has passed, and the stretch between the WalMart center and San Souci Plaza is a piece of, oh heck, I don't need to get specific. Is that the best they can do?
They tax the pants off us each year and I wonder how much goes to this project, notwithstanding the salary increases our county and state honchos vote in for themselves. If I am wrong, OK, but the delay IS getting to be irritating.


yeah yeah
Re: Conversation at an End

Originally posted by penncam
I have to sympathize with MDindef a little over the time it seems to be taking to get this repaving/widening job done. It does seem like an awful lot of time has passed, and the stretch .

But see, the problem is, that is was spelled out in clear english language that the project would NOT be done until mid-2004. So I dont know why people are so upset. It was clearly stated upfront . That is why I am having such a problem with people having a cow over it. That is the simple reason, because a straight forward answer was given. I mean, they gave you a time line...what you, well what the people wanted...what more are they to do. They can not cater to everyones needs. I am just saying in general pencam, I am not taking it out on you. I am just stating and reiterating again, what the county and SHA told everyone 2 1/2 years ago.