MD Route 235 - A Neverending Saga



I wasn't here when it started, I have never seen this place without road construction, but when you see nothing being done it kind of gets on your nerves.

So if they said it will be 2020 would you be ok with that? Its not like they would have given anyone a choice.


New Member
Originally posted by watercolor23
I think you all are gonna just have to sit tight and quit getting your panties in a wad. The construction on the roads from what I understand will not be done until late 2004 or early 2005. So just sit tight and deal with it.
You have dealt with it this long, and not died of stress from the orange barriers....I know it stinks but there is notta you can do. Unless you wanna go and join the crews and put on a orange vest yourself and strart your jackhammer up.

So if ya really wanna complain, go to the food chain that deals with it, known as the board of commisioners and the dept. of transportation :razz:

Where are my sweet pills....hello? anyone?

I completely agree with you watercolor. It may be a pain but so are lots of other things. If this is the worst thing we have to put up with as the county grows, then I think we can count ourselves lucky!!:smile:


New Member
Originally posted by penncam

Speaking of Prolly people on their cell phones, maybe I'm in a minority here, but I see A LOT of folks on the phone: in traffic, at stoplights, driving into, out of parking lots; you name the situation - you'll see some turkey on a cellphone just yammering away seemingly oblivious to anything else.

:frown: Penncam

That was probably the late/former county commissioner Joe Anderson you saw yammering away!! I wonder what he will do now that he has to pay his own cell phone bill?:dance: :dance:


Football season!
I don't think the problem is not knowing about the original time line for the road work.. its the sheer time the original proposal allocated.. I mean, not like there are montains of rock that have to be dug through to fix the roads. And sections seem to be blocked off forever with no work being done


yeah yeah
Originally posted by SmallTown
I And sections seem to be blocked off forever with no work being done

Well did you ever stop to think that maybe there are other areas that have bigger issues than that one. You ALSO have to take into account mother nature. Yea you see people working in the rain,but when it rained like all hells furry for those couple days it causes a big droop. I know this from experience, from where I work. We get calls here all the time, with customers wanting to know "will there be someone out there today" "is someone working on there today" today today today. Well sometimes people need to learn one of the golden rules of "patience".

Same rule applies for the roads. Raevest and the other subcontractors that are working on these roads can not go and do some tribal dance to make the rain stop so they can cater to the motorist needs. The problem is, they have a job just like you and boss or higher up that they have to answer too. Maybe and emergency, such as the tornado this past summer caused a delay. And I think a roof over a traumatized persons head is much more important than getting the orange barriers outta the road crazy people that have no patience.

An act of God can not be predicted (ie: rain, snow, etc)...sure the weatherman can say all he wants, but tell me how many times have they been 100% right? Yea sure, Topper Shutt, and Bob Ryan are pretty good, but they are not psychic.

So once again I say, just like you or I who have a deadline for something, we tell the "customer"...." your home/road will be done on such a such date", they said 2004.

That means 2004...not the end of 2002 or 2003...but 2004

Shall we butt heads on this issue again?? I will be just as obliged if you like to contact my friends as the SHA..or give you the darn number. Or look up in the phone book and call raevest..they are the ones that are subed for this job, if you dont like what they are doing, then you rally up all the people you can, and get your jackhammers, steamrollers, blacktop layers, excavators, etc and march on out there, with your hard hat and vest and get to work.

But I think I will refrain from that, since people who KNOW what they are doing, can keep on the job that they are doing. Which, as it shows they are right on schedual. JUST KEEP IN MIND...devestation hit us a couple months back and that is a little more important.....


Football season!
considering we were in a drought all spring and summer, I don't think weather had an issue..

maybe they are just understaffed or something. I dunno.
but I would hate to see the time line when they go to build a NEW road (extension of pegg or FDR).. Sheesh.. My grandkids will probabaly be putting the finishing touches on it


yeah yeah
well actually, you are right in that aspect..with the drought...but I am speaking of the last couple weeks with the rain here Smalltown...can you remember that?? Or no? Maybe I should refresh it for you :rolleyes:

Doubt they are understaffed.....but I want you to think long and good and hard....when devestation hits, such as the F5 tornado that ran through here all of hells furry broke there, and omm certain people care enough about other human beings and their tourture that they drop everything and head out. Have you been there recently? Have you seen that everything IS STILL not ok?

Have you seen in the hughesville area where there are houses STILL in shambles? That even a few houses had to be torn down, because they could not be saved, from that roaring beast that ripped directly through their living room? Guess you couldnt fathom that, since it did not happen to you!!!!

OUR business here shut down for a good 2 weeks, except for paper work, to go and help over in LaPlata and surrounding areas. But, that is because we have comapssion and know that people who are really giving a rat's butt, would have patience, knowing there was a greater need involved here.

PLAIN AND SIMPLE: They said 2004...not any earlier. WE still have a year and months ahead of that. So just stop worrying about it, until December 31st, of 2003. Alright?

If you cant do that, I have the number right here to the SHA..and I will gladly give it to you so they can listen to you rant and rave and then send you a paper that has the numbers :

2- 0- 0- 4 on it!


Geez.. Smalltown, what's wrong with you?!
Do you have any idea how contracts (general and sub) work?!
Do you think an order of asphalt can be done in short time?!
an order of bricks in short time?! ... new hot asphalt can not be put down when certain temp condition is not ideal for the next 24 hrs.
Have you heard of design planning? budget planning? environment planning?
Have you heard of multi-tasking?! Have you heard of housebuilder doing this way where they put one house construction on hold waiting for orders to come in and go work on another house .. not just focus on one house , you know?! same thing with the 235 construction, okay?
Have you heard of inspections? .. like waiting for inspector to show up so they wait and wait for a phone call for OK to proceed with construction ..
I am sure there's million other factors involve other than the weather and whatever. Like WC said , 2004


New Member
Watercolor, you make your point in a very concise manner. One question though: Is there a particular reason you're taking this thread so personally, or are you sounding of, just as I did when I started this thread?

If you have a reason to be so passionate about this particular issue, please share your personal insight and experience. Otherwise, does it really hurt to let us discuss it? There are enough experts on both sides of the issue, I'm sure.

I can refer to news exposes on how construction companies have bilked county and state governments out of millions, particularly in New York and New Jersey. May not apply here, but that doesn't mean it's not worth talking about.

It's just talk...don't take it so personally.


New Member
Good post, SeaRide...lot of issues I hadn't thought of...

However, I can still hate orange barrels and potholes if I want to.


Football season!
Yes, I am aware of how contracts work.

and like I said, must be partly a staffing issue because back home there were dedicated road crews.. If other things popped up like water mentioned, then other people took care of that, not the road crews. But hey, if thats how things work down here then so be it. I won't be around to see it finished, but I may come back next year and see.. In all of my years, I have never seen a reoad project finish on time.. With all the little quirks that seem to be around here, it would be fascinating to see it done. So maybe then when I do travel back down to PAX, it will be a smoothe ride :smile:


yeah yeah
Originally posted by MDindef
Watercolor, you make your point in a very concise manner. One question though: Is there a particular reason you're taking this thread so personally, or are you sounding of, just as I did when I started this thread?

If you have a reason to be so passionate about this particular issue, please share your personal insight and experience. Otherwise, does it really hurt to let us discuss it? There are enough experts on both sides of the issue, I'm sure.

I can refer to news exposes on how construction companies have bilked county and state governments out of millions, particularly in New York and New Jersey. May not apply here, but that doesn't mean it's not worth talking about.

It's just talk...don't take it so personally.

Actually, not taking it personally...I just like to debate. Smalltown knows this...cause we did this on the education thread. :biggrin:

Read the one post about him getting turned on about me getting riled.:kiss: :lol:


Originally posted by MDindef

However, I can still hate orange barrels and potholes if I want to.
same here .. hate those orange barrels and potholes but I would prefer dull orange over neon pink, don't ya agree? :bubble:


Originally posted by SmallTown
Yes, I am aware of how contracts work.

and like I said, must be partly a staffing issue because back home there were dedicated road crews.. If other things popped up like water mentioned, then other people took care of that, not the road crews. But hey, if thats how things work down here then so be it. I won't be around to see it finished, but I may come back next year and see.. In all of my years, I have never seen a reoad project finish on time.. With all the little quirks that seem to be around here, it would be fascinating to see it done. So maybe then when I do travel back down to PAX, it will be a smoothe ride :smile:

I don't know where you were when the wilson bridge has gone through renovation during the 80's. The crew works mostly on night shift. During the day, there would be no crew around on the bridge and the traffic flows through as normal.

As for New York and New Jersey, I remember staying over in NY/NJ and learn something about construction on the road or bridge can be done with different crews working 24hrs non-stop until it's done. So I know it depends on contracts - county - state - location - resource of crew - resource of equipment - resource of supplies and who can do what in X amount of time.

Over at Lake Anna Power Plant, they had crews coming down from PA/NJ to fix the power plant. The crew stayed at the lakefront motels for months until the project is done. Like I said before.. it depends on contracts with who and what and where and HOW.


Dancing Up A Storm
Conversation at an End

Originally posted by watercolor23

But see, the problem is, that is was spelled out in clear english language that the project would NOT be done until mid-2004. So I dont know why people are so upset. It was clearly stated upfront . That is why I am having such a problem with people having a cow over it. That is the simple reason, because a straight forward answer was given. I mean, they gave you a time line...what you, well what the people wanted...what more are they to do. They can not cater to everyones needs. I am just saying in general pencam, I am not taking it out on you. I am just stating and reiterating again, what the county and SHA told everyone 2 1/2 years ago.
:bs: With respect to you and your last, I reiterate: "That's the best they can do?" Watercolor, we are talking about a 1/2 mile to maybe 3/4mi stretch from WalMart to San Souci, and they leave THAT little bit unfinished??? There wasn't enough money or time in the project to complete that section? Sorry, I'm not buying that arguement. Please try again to explain to common folk like me in the logic of that.


You're all F'in Mad...
Re: Conversation at an End

Originally posted by penncam

:bs: With respect to you and your last, I reiterate: "That's the best they can do?" Watercolor, we are talking about a 1/2 mile to maybe 3/4mi stretch from WalMart to San Souci, and they leave THAT little bit unfinished??? There wasn't enough money or time in the project to complete that section? Sorry, I'm not buying that arguement. Please try again to explain to common folk like me in the logic of that.

Do you really think they're just leaving it unfinished to p*ss us off? I don't know any more than you do, but I suspect there's a reason for finishing, or not finishing the area in question.


Dancing Up A Storm
Re: Conversation at an End

Originally posted by Nodnarb

Do you really think they're just leaving it unfinished to p*ss us off? I don't know any more than you do, but I suspect there's a reason for finishing, or not finishing the area in question.
:biggrin: Great reply, Nodnarb; now what the h**l do you"suspect the reason" is that they would leave it such a torn up condition? Notwithstanding all the orange barrels - that, OH BY the Way, do seem to MOVE now and then mysteriously this way and that, overnight, I'd say?
What that tells me, is SOMEBODY is working on that road, but to what avail?If I didn't know better I just might say "yes" to your query. HAH! penncam