Meanwhile, back at the DNC...


Well-Known Member
It is in all Americans' faces, now, that our gov is corrupt on both sides. I think we are doomed, unless there is an awakening. I can't even listen to both sides, anymore. If I watch tv at all these days, it is FoodNetwork. At least, I learn something I don't already know.

We only watch LevinTV now. The Marine in the family cannot handle Fox and the rest. They have an agenda. It's so very clear they keep choosing our presidents for us.
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I bowl overhand
Never understood how Washerwoman Schultz ever got to be Chairperson of the Democrat party.
She is a goof, and it is pretty obvious.
I have watched this highjacked email thing from the party for a while and all I see is outrage over it's discovery.
I see no outrage over favoring Hillary and tossing bernie to the wolves. only outrage that it got found out.

Certainly the Primary was rigged, but is the General election rigged also.
Does the part have enough unAmerican traitors to change the poll count?

It's a question that needs answering.

It's apparent she got the job because she was willing to break the rules and the law to ensure the bosses got what they wanted from the DNC.. when you need or want a rule breaker you aren't going to get the most solid, smartest person for the job.


Well-Known Member
It's apparent she got the job because she was willing to break the rules and the law to ensure the bosses got what they wanted from the DNC.. when you need or want a rule breaker you aren't going to get the most solid, smartest person for the job.

I am sure you are about right, but the amazing thing is Hillary's ability to pick people who will take the rap for her schemes, and always leave her waltzing away
saying" I KNOW NOTHING".Some have even gone to prison for her and Bubba, and kept their mouth shut.

Fear?? She does have a long list of friends who passed away suddenly.


Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
PREMO Member
I'm going to give it the ole college try - but I am not sure I have the intestinal fortitude to watch another Bill Clinton speech. :dead:

I was never one of those who were enamored of him, he's always been smarmy to me and always made my skin crawl when he spoke. I'm not sure I can watch while he stands up and speechifies how wonnerful the wifey-poo he cheated on (and probably still cheats on!) is and how wonnerful a woman she is and how wonnerful a POTUS she will be. :barf: :barf: :barf:

Blech!!! :dead:


Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
PREMO Member
OHMYGAWD, he's going to go month by month and year by year. :cds:


God bless the USA
Bill is on mute here. We have a problem listening to a prez that was up for impeachment. The DNC stands for Disgusting National Convention. Why don't some Americans have a longer memory? Oh, yeah, lobotomies. Silly me. Do people not realize how corrupt the Clintons are, and if Hillary is elected, our country will never recover? Obviously, not.


Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
PREMO Member
Wait! Where was the part about Gennifer Flowers, Kathleen Willey, Juanita Broaddrick, Paula Jones and Monica Lewinsky? :confused:


Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
PREMO Member
The line of the night - "she'll never quit on you".

Except, she quit on the Americans in Benghazi.

Freaking delusional old goat.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
OHMYGAWD, he's going to go month by month and year by year. :cds:

Remember when he gave the nominating speech for Dukakis in '88 and blathered on for half an hour, and when he said, "In conclusion..." the audience cheered?



God bless the USA
Trump may not be the ideal candidate in the history of America, but if Americans want a final and total break down of our country, by all means, vote for Hillary. Try something else on for a 'change'. If y'all don't like the look, you can always 'change' y'all's mind. Try Trump on for size (lol) for four years. Y'all might like him and the look. I just don't understand that Americans are seeing the country change before their eyes, and are willing to settle for that; not to mention the corruption is out there for all to see. There are a lot of people I know and don't know that I would like to slap, and say, snap out of it! Has the zombie apocalypse already happened IRL? There is no other explanation.

Edit: No one can accuse Trump of being in any way responsible for the corruption in our government. The spin of it all is dizzying. If some Americans want to become globalist communists, there is nothing I can do about that, but I won't be part of it, and will fight to the end.

One more thing: To see Hillary and Chelsea clapping for a husband and father that betrayed the marriage, and they looked the other way, tells me it is all about the power. What ever it takes. Even if it means giving up one's integrity, honesty, morality and more. Disgusting.
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Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
PREMO Member
Remember when he gave the nominating speech for Dukakis in '88 and blathered on for half an hour, and when he said, "In conclusion..." the audience cheered?


I watched all the RNCs but I only remember parts of DNCs. I vaguely remember that one, but probably more due to it being talked about since then! :lol: I definitely remember the DNC when he was running for POTUS. Ugh.