Meanwhile, back at the DNC...


Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
PREMO Member
These comments always surprise me. Since when is calling people what they are "insulting"? I mean, sure, insulting to them, but don't they deserve to be insulted? And more?

I appreciate Trump's candor. You all can stick with the speeches and soundbites if that's what trips your trigger.

Are we the only ones with a backbone around here? :tap:


Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
PREMO Member
As I've been pointing out for some time, Trump comes from a world where insults and aggression and true take no prisoners, business wise, is normal. This folks come from a world where they didn't know how to handle it. He gave them the bums rush and it was no contest once it became clear people were all too happy to hear all this.

Then they better get a clue and learn. They were hired to take care of The People's business. They've been farting off on the jobs. They need to pull up their big boy or big girl panties and do the jobs they were hired to do. One thing I am sure Trump will be doing when he is POTUS, is holding people accountable for their job.


Well-Known Member
Then they better get a clue and learn. They were hired to take care of The People's business. They've been farting off on the jobs. They need to pull up their big boy or big girl panties and do the jobs they were hired to do. One thing I am sure Trump will be doing when he is POTUS, is holding people accountable for their job.

People like Comey I hope. He should be one of the first to go.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
As I've been pointing out for some time, Trump comes from a world where insults and aggression and true take no prisoners, business wise, is normal. This folks come from a world where they didn't know how to handle it.

Not true at all. They are some of the most vicious nasty attacking human beings I've ever even heard of. They just get their minions to do it for them. Have you not been reading the papers lately? No Twitter or Facebook?


Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
PREMO Member
So, Kaine. :yawn:

I thought he was lame as a speaker. (and as it happens, Brit Hume agreed with me!)

He has no upper lip, and it makes him look like he's smirking in this weird way. It's annoying.

Okay, so you can speak Spanish. LOTS of people can, Tim. :bigwhoop:

He's gonna be Hillary's lapdawg and it's gonna be interestin' to watch. :popcorn:


God bless the USA
I just tuned in and Obama is speaking. Why does he say that Repubs don't compromise? Well, maybe, because he doesn't let them. I am sick of him blaming everyone, but himself. I don't think of him as an American. He is such an egotistical pompous ass, but must not own a mirror. Trump is an egotistical, pompous ass, as well, but he is an American. That is the difference between them. This Dem convention has been nauseating, and it will never convince me that Dems are for America. Side from another thread. If Michelle is so boohooing about living in a house built by slaves (which were the minority btw), why did she want to move in in the first place? Never mind. I know the answer. The hypocrisy coming out of this Dem convention is beyond explanation. My hub just told me tonight that there is now a 'reparation' website where white people can donate to offset their white guilt. This is all so ridiculous that it is beyond words. Hillary. :boo:

Well, off to Food Network I go. It is more appetizing. Nite nite, y'all.
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Power with Control
I just tuned in and Obama is speaking. Why does he say that Repubs don't compromise? .

Well, you didnt get your newest political dictionary, did you? "Compromise" is code for "Give me everything I want". And both parties are guilty of it.


God bless the USA
Well, you didnt get your newest political dictionary, did you? "Compromise" is code for "Give me everything I want". And both parties are guilty of it.

:lol: That is true, but team Obama/Reid/Pelosi have taken (not) compromising to a new level never seen before.


PREMO Member
Apparently, there have been ads placed on Craigslist in Philly to fill those DNC empty seats - like 700 of them! At $50. a pop, too. There are a few "conditions" such as "being required to cheer". :roflmao:


Epic - AstroTurf Protests [paying for protestors - St Louis Ferguson Protestors] Now an AstroTurf Convention


Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
PREMO Member
For crap's sake - if you're going to give a speech with your heartfelt sentiments, the least you could do is read it with FEELING. :rolleyes:

These people are scripted within an inch of their lives and that's fine - but neither Chelsea, Hillary, or Kaine can read worth a crap.

Shrill can barely take her eyes off the Tele prompter long enough, and her eye balls are veering off left and right like she's having a freaking seizure.


Keep Calm and Don't Care!
The Republican National Convention was very good. They talked about faith, American exceptionalism, pride and patriotism, the military, protecting our cops, making sure our cops and our communities are in this together, fighting terrorism, fighting our opponents on the battlefield and on the internet and there were tons of American flags. Not to mention, they had Katy Perry looking hot :hot::hot::hot:.

Oh, that was the DEMOCRATIC Convention? Well, nevermind then. :roflmao:


Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
PREMO Member
The Republican National Convention was very good. They talked about faith, American exceptionalism, pride and patriotism, the military, protecting our cops, making sure our cops and our communities are in this together, fighting terrorism, fighting our opponents on the battlefield and on the internet and there were tons of American flags. Not to mention, they had Katy Perry looking hot :hot::hot::hot:.

Oh, that was the DEMOCRATIC Convention? Well, nevermind then. :roflmao:

Oh, please. You know they didn't have an American Flag to be seen until they removed the ones at City Hall (like on Wed) for the stage. Then, of course, by Friday they had all those US Flags handed out to the paid seat fillers so they could look all patriotic. :rolleyes: