Media Corruption


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Dan Rather Panics After CNN Continues To Fire Far-Left Employees, Gets Slammed Online

“What is going on at CNN? It’s a serious question,” Rather tweeted. “There is a lot of speculation on directives and motives. What’s really going on? And is it being noticed by the audience?”

Rather’s tweet comes after CNN parted ways with hard-left White House Correspondent John Harwood this week following hyper-partisan remarks from Harwood, including a tweet in which Harwood claimed, “Biden’s assertion that Trump and extremist Republicans pose a threat to American democracy is, undeniably, true.”

Harwood’s departure comes weeks after former CNN “Reliable Sources” host Brian Stelter recorded his last show and exited the network. Stelter’s exit reportedly came at the behest of CNN chief Chris Licht, who took over the network in February after Jeff Zucker’s exit. Licht has reportedly been driving CNN toward adopting a more nonpartisan stance in its news coverage.



PREMO Member
🔥 The New York Post ran an amusing story yesterday headlined, “Democrats Melt Down After CNN Hosts Criticize Biden Speech.” Leftist media types seem to think that CNN is trying to reform its awful image as a bastion of loony blueAnon conspiracy theories, and lefties don’t like it, not one little bit. The unhinged social media reaction yesterday focused on this tweet by CNN reporter Brianna Keilar:

That’s not much evidence that CNN is wholesale pivoting. But you know, there might be something to it. This before/after shot of two tweets from recently-fired CNN reporter John Harwood was also making the rounds yesterday:

CNN was right to fire Harwood. Reporters are supposed to be neutral, or at least look that way.

It’s not like CNN is tacking to the right of Fox or anything. But SOMETHING seems to be shifting. On Thursday after Biden’s boisterous speech, CNN anchor Don Lemon vigorously defending Biden — but he was doing so while debating a gal who was representing the conservative take on the speech. In other words, they aired both sides. If CNN does get its act together and start reporting the news in an even-handed way, that would be fine with me. Fox could use a little competition.

But CNN’s liberal viewers have launched a campaign to delete the CNN app from their devices in protest of the network presenting both sides of the Biden Speech debate. If you like the way it’s going, or just like poking the left, you might consider the previously unthinkable option of downloading the CNN news app as a counter-protest.



PREMO Member

CNN Is Making All the Right People Upset by Attempting to Report the News Unbiasedly

Lately, CNN anchors and correspondents have been tweeting their real opinion about Joe Biden, Hunter, and the Biden administration; however, many people seem upset about the direction that CNN is headed. When Chris Licht took over as CNN’s new CEO, his goal was to bring CNN back to the center of the political spectrum and make it the go-to news network again.

Whether you are a fan of CNN or not, the network needs to return to the way things were before — straight news and informing the public of the important stories that took place. On Twitter, for the last couple of days, we have seen people tweeting that they will boycott CNN and only watch MSNBC following the firing of Brian Stelter and John Harwood, although MSNBC is as partisan and biased as they get. The biggest difference between CNN and MSNBC, currently, is that CNN attempts to bring on both sides; they have had on people who worked for Trump’s campaign, administration, and politicians like Ted Cruz, although partisan anchors like Don Lemon and Jim Acosta are still part of the network. On MSNBC, you see none of that. The only Republicans they bring are those they agree with and the “Never Trumpers.”



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CNN Is Making All the Right People Upset by Attempting to Report the News Unbiasedly

Lately, CNN anchors and correspondents have been tweeting their real opinion about Joe Biden, Hunter, and the Biden administration; however, many people seem upset about the direction that CNN is headed. When Chris Licht took over as CNN’s new CEO, his goal was to bring CNN back to the center of the political spectrum and make it the go-to news network again.

Whether you are a fan of CNN or not, the network needs to return to the way things were before — straight news and informing the public of the important stories that took place. On Twitter, for the last couple of days, we have seen people tweeting that they will boycott CNN and only watch MSNBC following the firing of Brian Stelter and John Harwood, although MSNBC is as partisan and biased as they get. The biggest difference between CNN and MSNBC, currently, is that CNN attempts to bring on both sides; they have had on people who worked for Trump’s campaign, administration, and politicians like Ted Cruz, although partisan anchors like Don Lemon and Jim Acosta are still part of the network. On MSNBC, you see none of that. The only Republicans they bring are those they agree with and the “Never Trumpers.”

I thought this Licht guy worked with Stephen Colbert. Not very Trumper . :faint:


PREMO Member

“The challenge of the Civil War still resonates,” she says.

No, the MAGA movement isn’t advocating for slavery. But it does seek to rewrite the history of race through its fraudulent attack on “critical race theory,” just as Jim Crow defenders sought to refashion the Civil War by erecting monuments to traitorous secessionists. The aim is the same: to exonerate Whites and to recast them as noble victims.

Defenders of democracy have a hard task in face of the constant onslaught of fear-mongering, propaganda, phony history and dishonest right-wing media that shields its viewers and readers from disagreeable facts. Elevating America as an idea, a creed or the last, best hope for self-governance is more challenging that whipping up White resentment, fear of “replacement” and false victimhood.

How old is Rubin? And how many years of her life were spent thinking about Confederate monuments? Does she know the Confederates were Democrats?



Well-Known Member

“The challenge of the Civil War still resonates,” she says.

How old is Rubin? And how many years of her life were spent thinking about Confederate monuments? Does she know the Confederates were Democrats?

Democrats were the party of slavery up until republicans helped get the Civil Rights Act passed in 1964. Then somehow it changed because a democrat President signed it.


PREMO Member
And if all of this is not enough to have you buying Reynolds Wrap in bulk, now we have a new effort these social media companies have been working on to control the discourse on their platforms. NBC News details how they have been experimenting with techniques that are right in line with the FBI advance team efforts. The goal is for them to be “pre-emptively debunking misinformation or conspiracy theories by telling people what to watch out for.”

The practice is called “pre-bunking,” where they hope to coach users on what they are consuming. This effort began in 2020, with Twitter placing notifications on its central feed regarding the election. “These prompts will alert people that they may encounter misinformation, and provide them with credible, factual information on the subject,” Twitter said. This was not combating what the company saw as inaccurate information, it was the establishment of what the approved narrative would be. They were announcing what they considered to be acceptable discourse.

This latest evolution, being undertaken by Google, looks into the prospect of conditioning users on how to approach what the company considers to be disinformation. In studies, they are literally bringing in users to coach and educate them on how to properly take in information on the platform. The effort is to “find new ways to rebuild media literacy.”

The reasons for this are laid out. The use of fact-checkers on social media outlets has not delivered the desired results, so some other way of getting a handle on the narrative was seen as a priority.

Other approaches such as traditional fact-checking have failed to make a dent in online misinformation. “Words like ‘fact-checking’ themselves are becoming politicized, and that’s a problem, so you need to find a way around that,” said Jon Roozenbeek, lead author of the study and a postdoctoral fellow at Cambridge University’s Social Decision-Making Lab.

And just in case you have not yet gotten the Orwellian aftertaste after taking in this messaging, how about this description of what their goals are in this new effort?

The researchers compared the effects to vaccination, “inoculating” people against the harmful effects of conspiracy theories, propaganda or other misinformation.

This has become downright dystopian. The failure on many levels to get proper compliance on the vaccination messaging over the past couple of years now sees them wanting to go the next step and “innoculate” us against the messaging that they consider to be improper and of which they disapprove.

You know, I might feel a lot less paranoid and conspiratorial if they did not keep coming out with rather ominous proposals sending me down those pathways. Now hand me a fresh roll of aluminum wrap…



PREMO Member

Shocker: New York Times had its hit piece on Queen Elizabeth written up and ready to go

As Twitchy reported, Queen Elizabeth passed away Thursday at the age of 96. For lefty Twitter, it’s a chance to trash the queen for being a colonizer. We’re actually very saddened by the news: Anyone under age 70 doesn’t know of a time when she wasn’t Queen of England.

Newspapers usually have obituaries ready to go, with only the date to be filled in. The New York Times went a step further and had an opinion piece trashing the queen ready to go, written by a Harvard professor no less. To be more accurate, we should say that Maya Jasanoff trashed the British Empire, not the queen … go ahead and mourn the person, but don’t mourn for the era.



PREMO Member

USA Today writer says it’s a right-wing conspiracy to deny the racial incident at BYU

As Twitchy reported, on August 30, the media lit up with a story about how someone in the stands at a volleyball game between Duke and Brigham Young University shouted a racial slur at Duke’s Rachel Richardson. The incident made “Good Morning America,” MSNBC, USA Today, and CNN, where Richardson’s father was interviewed. Campus police investigated and cleared the fan who was banned. Video didn’t show any such incident. No one in the stands heard it either. In other words, it didn’t happen.

Ian Miller writes for Outkick:

But that’s not far enough for Mike Freeman, who, in classic activist fashion, compared questioning Robinson’s story to a ”Right-wing conspiracy theory” and QAnon.
Freeman claimed he would “break down the absurdity of it all,” but his first example of why to believe her is possibly the most absurd thing you’ll read all day.
According to him, one of the main reasons why she couldn’t be wrong about what she heard is that she called her father in tears after the match.
The interview with her father, on CNN naturally, says that the call with Rachel wasn’t normal:
“After the game, she called,” he said, “and this was a different call.”
This is supposedly part of the “proof” that it happened.

QAnon, really? As Miller writes, “She absolutely would let friends or family go on national television and tell the story, because that’s the whole point.”



PREMO Member
Presentation Paradox – MEDIA MATTERS

Tremors are being felt across the journalism landscape as CNN might become (GASP!) objective. The culling of hyper-partisan voices in recent weeks has chilled the offices in the Atlanta headquarters as well as caused hand-wringing in pressrooms across the country.
Taking these moves the hardest, obviously, is Media Matters For America, where they see the shift taking place at CNN as dire, leading to emotional outbursts. Matt Gertz states boldly that new board member John Malone suggests that CNN "should look to Fox as a model." This is Matt's assessment of Malone's quote, whereas Malone's actual quote was:
- "I would like to see CNN evolve back to the kind of journalism that it started with, and actually have journalists, which would be unique and refreshing."
Then Gertz basically says it is impossible for CNN hosts to remain nonpartisan because of the radicalism on the right. His claim is everyone on the right is radical, so to give them any kind of airtime is not partisan…somehow.
- "It's easier, however, for them to simply provide some false balance by leaning into the talking points Republicans use to attack Democrats; fill their panels with conservatives willing to defend the worst excesses of the Trumpian right; and maybe offer some breathless reporting of the speeches of Trump or his successor."
The admission by Gertz is that CNN currently does not allow Republican talking points and does not have conservatives on their panels. And that, Matt, is precisely the problem that has led the network to become a ratings vacuum.



PREMO Member



Dr. Naomi Wolf is a Best-Selling Author and The CEO of Daily Clout

‘On MAY 5TH 2022 Plaintiffs (Missouri Attorney General Eric Schmitt on behalf of State of Missouri ET AL) filed a complaint [Doc. No. 1] against Government Defendants. In the Complaint and Amended Complaint [Doc. No. 45], Plaintiffs allege Government Defendants have colluded with and/or coerced social media companies to suppress disfavored speakers, viewpoints, and content on social media platforms ‘disinformation’, ‘misinformation’ and ‘malinformation. Plaintiffs allege the suppression of disfavored speakers, viewpoints, and contents constitutes government action and violates Plaintiffs’ freedom of speech in violation of the First Amendment to the United States Constitution.’


“Today my lawyers submitted a new court filing (see below) with additional documents that show how the executive branch of our federal government worked with Twitter to silence me for asking questions about the Covid-19 vaccines. These documents also appear to show that the censorship project between Twitter and the executive branch began inside the White House. Nobody should be retaliated against for exercising her First Amendment rights. Thank you to Missouri AG Eric Schmitt and Louisiana AG Jeff Landry for working to obtain these documents. I will continue fighting to protect my rights and the rights of all Americans to speak their minds and ask tough questions.”


PREMO Member

Calling Half of America 'Semi-Fascist' Is 'Courageous,' in Pretend-Conservative S.E. Cupp's World

Let’s now go to CNN… The Most Trusted Name in News™… for a bit of searing honesty from practical conservative S.E. Cupp and her distinct reaction to a sitting president of the United States calling a former president and his supporters “semi-fascists.”

S.E., what’s your take on Joe Biden calling Donald Trump and MAGA Republicans semi-fascists?

I think he correctly identified a strain within MAGA — MAGA World. I mean, it — there are very few words to describe what Republicans are doing. Like I mentioned, book bans, having students turn in teachers for wokeism. I mean, really chilling stuff. Stuff you see in fascist countries, Republicans have adopted.
So, there’s no real other way to say it. And I think Biden was very careful in his speech yesterday to specify who he was talking about. Say, it’s not all Republicans. It’s not all Trump supporters. Look, you and I know Republicans, Sara. We know Trump supporters. They’re not all attached to this version of Trumpism.
But the party is going in a very bad place. And more and more candidates that are running all across the country for really important positions, like secretaries of state and attorneys general, want to do some really dangerous things.
So, listen, I think he was going to get blamed for, you know, and take some heat for using correct words to describe what’s happening. But he was, I think, courageous to do so.


PREMO Member

We can’t make this crap up.


Not even close.

Just when we think Taylor Lorenz has tapped out with her cry-bully routine she sets the bar even lower. It’s amazing, and not in a good way, how she continues to have a job that not only enables her to bully others in media but empowers it. Remember when she was interviewed by MSNBC about how she was harassed as a female journalist? Oh boo hoo, her life is so hard as a woman in this field, blah blah blah. Well, seems she is upset with all of the memes out there that resulted from HER BEHAVIOR.

Not the interview.

But that isn’t stopping her for attacking the female MSNBC journo who interviewed her.
