Media Corruption


PREMO Member
Meta, Facebook and Instagram’s parent company, revealed a new partnership with the Middlebury Institute of International Studies Center on Terrorism, Extremism, and Counterterrorism focused on fighting violent extremism. The summit website said Meta will work with Search For Common Ground to provide initiatives to help community-based partners trying to counter hate-fueled violence.

The website cited expanded YouTube policies to combat violent extremism by taking down content meant to inspire committing harm, fundraising or recruiting through glorifying violent acts. The platform’s educational media literacy campaign is particularly aimed at helping younger users identify manipulative misinformation-spreading tactics, and it pledged funding and training support for the McCain Institute and EdVenture Partners’ Invent2Prevent program pushing college students’ development of violence and terrorism prevention efforts.

Microsoft created “violence detection and prevention artificial intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) tools” capable of helping to reveal credible public safety threats, according to the website. The company revealed the development of a new Minecraft: Education Edition experience “to help students, families and educators learn ways to build a better and safer online and offline world through respect, empathy, trust and safety.”



Well-Known Member
Meta, Facebook and Instagram’s parent company, revealed a new partnership with the Middlebury Institute of International Studies Center on Terrorism, Extremism, and Counterterrorism focused on fighting violent extremism. The summit website said Meta will work with Search For Common Ground to provide initiatives to help community-based partners trying to counter hate-fueled violence.

The website cited expanded YouTube policies to combat violent extremism by taking down content meant to inspire committing harm, fundraising or recruiting through glorifying violent acts. The platform’s educational media literacy campaign is particularly aimed at helping younger users identify manipulative misinformation-spreading tactics, and it pledged funding and training support for the McCain Institute and EdVenture Partners’ Invent2Prevent program pushing college students’ development of violence and terrorism prevention efforts.

Microsoft created “violence detection and prevention artificial intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) tools” capable of helping to reveal credible public safety threats, according to the website. The company revealed the development of a new Minecraft: Education Edition experience “to help students, families and educators learn ways to build a better and safer online and offline world through respect, empathy, trust and safety.”

What violence are they talking about .? The only violence I've seen is happening on the left.


PREMO Member

It’s Time to Stop the Left’s ‘Fact Check’ Scheme

Both examples above are how the modern “fact-checking” regime works. They don’t like your opinion, so they add “context” that wasn’t there in the first place, then disprove the context they added, knowing you will be flagged and possibly suspended from social media.

It seems impossible, but this is how modern-day fascism has crept into our society. When considering where we have landed as a society, I always think of the book-burning scene in Indiana Jones. In the scene, Nazi soldiers are throwing every book they disagree with on a massive fire and celebrating the destruction of opposing opinions. Modern-day book burning doesn’t look as dirty. In my case, two young female “journalists” named Mariah and Kyley attempted to eliminate my opinion from society, most likely while sipping on a $7 latte in a trendy coffee shop in Brooklyn.

Instead of heaping my writings on a large bonfire with others, they added their own context to my 280 characters or less, then published the disproving of that added context to millions of viewers from their major media outlets, all while fully aware that Meta would use their false context to flag and even ban people with whom they disagree.

Instead of going back to their barracks, it’s off to happy hour at that cute craft cocktail bar after they finish their elimination of the opposing opinions for the day. More effective than one fascist soldier merely burning a book—hundreds, if not thousands of people will be silenced by the results of their work.

Unlike most of those who are frequently silenced, I am fortunate enough to have outlets that will continue to amplify my voice. But for many others, they may feel intimidated, worried, and afraid to share their opinions ever again.

There aren’t many ways to rectify these actions by the regime in our time. Rogan O’Handley, known as DC Draino on Instagram began bringing lawsuits with the help of Harmeet Dhillon against social media companies and the state of California for censoring his opinions after the 2020 election. I believe he’s onto something.


PREMO Member
🔥 So wouldn’t you like to know where all the millions to pay for top-tier deep-staters and buy off social media influencers are coming from? Oh wait, someone already tracked it down:

George Soros, what a shock! I knew you’d be surprised.

🔥 Now let’s go back and think about some of the talking points, because they evidence an interesting new narrative pivot.

First of all, the GIF advised Preston to call it a “criminal conspiracy,” and NOT an “attempted coup,” “treason,” or even an “insurrection.” Those other words must not be polling well, or maybe they just aren’t a great predicate for an indictment. Instead the GIF clearly prefers the term “criminal conspiracy.”

Second, they echoed the White House’s recent talking points, advising Preston to say that “MAGA Republicans” were to blame, and NOT “Trump and his allies.” It’s just one data point, but it sure looks like coordination with Team Biden.

Finally, the Good Info Foundation clearly wants its paid influencers to link “anger” at the “criminal conspiracy” with voting against Republican candidates. In other words, they are trying to influence the elections.

So what does all this suggest? It suggests that the democrats are ramping up to argue there is some kind of ongoing criminal conspiracy directly fueled by President Trump, with the enthusiastic support of “MAGA Republicans.”

Haha, I think there IS a criminal conspiracy all right. Except it’s a criminal conspiracy to influence the elections, through fake news and disinformation, directly fueled by lunatics like George Soros, with the enthusiastic support of deep state actors.


PREMO Member
There was something glorious about the liberal meltdown on Twitter the past few days. They sputtered, they trotted out absurdities about DeSantis “kidnapping” and being engaged in “human trafficking,” and they engaged in their typical reductio ad Hitlerum antics.

And most gloriously of all, they now characterize mobilizing the National Guard and declaring a state of emergency over 50 people coming to a supposed sanctuary as a great example of Christian compassion. If the problem being highlighted weren’t so sad it would be funny.

But the truth is that liberals are just angry because they can’t consign illegal border crossers to living under a bridge in El Paso. They are just fine with people crossing the Rio Grande being swept away to drown. And they can only muster the tiniest bit of compassion for people who are roasted alive in the back of semi-trucks. They allow such things, but have to deport 50 migrants from Martha’s Vineyard before they get settled in.

The Left’s moral posturing is disgusting. It is much worse than hypocrisy. It is the essence of cruelty.

It is not Republicans who are using desperate people as political tools, but Democrats who have opened the border and saddled Red states with a problem so huge that it strains their social services. I honestly believe that is the point: destroy Red states.

I hope DeSantis and Governor Abbot of Texas keep the pressure on and redouble their efforts. Until Democrats begin to pay a price for their policies the crisis will continue.



PREMO Member
🔥 In an epic win for social media user rights, on Friday, the Fifth Circuit upheld a new Texas statute prohibiting large social media platforms from political viewpoint-based user censorship. The Court noted that the platforms made the bizarre oxymoronic argument that they have a free speech right to “muzzle speech.”

The Fifth Circuit judges were having none of it. They explained that the platforms’ argument makes no sense:

The implications of the platforms' argument are staggering. On the platforms' view, email providers, mobile phone companies, and banks could cancel the accounts of anyone who sends an email, makes a phone call, or spends money in support of a disfavored political party, candidate, or business. What's worse, the platforms argue that a business can acquire a dominant market position by holding itself out as open to everyone-as Twitter did in championing itself as "the free speech wing of the free speech party." Then, having cemented itself as the monopolist of "the modern public square," Twitter unapologetically argues that it could turn around and ban all pro-LGBT speech for no other reason than its employees want to pick on members of that community.​

The short, two-page order ended like this:

Today we reject the idea that corporations have a freewheeling First Amendment right to censor what people say. Because the district court held otherwise, we reverse its injunction and remand for further proceedings.​


The appeal was filed by Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton, who has been doing some truly fantastic work lately.

The Court’s holding interferes with the deep state’s narrative-manipulation tools, so you can imagine that they must be thinking this is the worst thing that could ever have happened, literally a million times worse than the Hindenburg disaster. They’re squawking, too. For instance, here’s how deep state mouthpiece Foreign Policy magazine described the ruling in its headline:

See? According to the deep state, the problem is that a free and open social media town square is NOT SAFE. “Extremists” from “the globe” might post stuff that hurts your feelings, which is even worse than ACTUALLY hurting you, say through a jab mandate or something.

Safety uber-alles!

The authors of the Foreign Policy op-ed admitted their conflict of interests, noting parenthetically that “(Full disclosure: At Valens Global, we have received funding from Meta, the owner of Facebook, for our work on how national security intersects with technology.)” So.

The parade of horribles offered by the op-ed’s writers is mostly fantastical. For example, they begin the piece by warning their hands over a lunatic who live-streamed a shooting incident. If the platforms can’t censor THAT, then even more lunatics will be encouraged to shoot people and live-stream themselves.

The problem with that argument, of course, is that censoring criminal activity is not political viewpoint discrimination. The authors next invoked “radical Islam,” worrying that social media can be used to “radicalize” jihadists.

I’d say that letting the radical jihadist talk on social media helps us figure out where they are, and frankly I’m more concerned about the social media platforms censoring opinions for “Islamophobia.”

As my First Amendment professor used to say, “the antidote to bad speech is more speech.”



Well-Known Member
There was something glorious about the liberal meltdown on Twitter the past few days. They sputtered, they trotted out absurdities about DeSantis “kidnapping” and being engaged in “human trafficking,” and they engaged in their typical reductio ad Hitlerum antics.

And most gloriously of all, they now characterize mobilizing the National Guard and declaring a state of emergency over 50 people coming to a supposed sanctuary as a great example of Christian compassion. If the problem being highlighted weren’t so sad it would be funny.

But the truth is that liberals are just angry because they can’t consign illegal border crossers to living under a bridge in El Paso. They are just fine with people crossing the Rio Grande being swept away to drown. And they can only muster the tiniest bit of compassion for people who are roasted alive in the back of semi-trucks. They allow such things, but have to deport 50 migrants from Martha’s Vineyard before they get settled in.

The Left’s moral posturing is disgusting. It is much worse than hypocrisy. It is the essence of cruelty.

It is not Republicans who are using desperate people as political tools, but Democrats who have opened the border and saddled Red states with a problem so huge that it strains their social services. I honestly believe that is the point: destroy Red states.

I hope DeSantis and Governor Abbot of Texas keep the pressure on and redouble their efforts. Until Democrats begin to pay a price for their policies the crisis will continue.

Is the southern border holding almost 2 million people who have crossed. If the Fed is relocating these people to cities there should be a count of how many have been sent. Why is the media silent on this .?


PREMO Member

Second Round of Dem Attacks on Fox News’ Bill Melugin Confirms Peak Stupid Has Been Reached

On Wednesday, Politico’s Playbook noted that a “Democratic source” contacted them to let them know that in their previous write-up they didn’t even get to the supposedly “best part” about Bill Melugin – that in his younger years he landed a job with Abercrombie and Fitch because he looked good:

In response to last night’s top about Fox News’ BILL MELUGIN, a Democratic source wrote in to tell us we “left out the best part”: Melugin’s past part-time job at an Abercrombie & Fitch store, which was known for hiring men with a particular physique.
In 2011, Melugin, who went by Billy then, told Arizona State University’s student paper that Abercrombie was “always going out into the public trying to find people that fit their look.” He explained he was outside, studying for a test, when “two of their recruiters came up to me, said I had a great look and offered me a part-time job.”

Wow, so like he had a part-time job, worked retail, and looked fabulous while doing it. What a major own by this “Democratic source.” Like totally. My hat’s off to them for coming up with such a stunning dunk.

Like I said earlier, this attack on Melguin is just as disturbing (not to mention pathetic) as the one revolving around his coverage of the White House but for different reasons. Since when is working part-time and being attractive considered a negative in someone’s career path? Is objectification of Melugin and his good looks what Democrat critics of his reporting have been reduced to? If so, then you know he’s hit the target.


In any event, clearly the Biden White House isn’t a fan of having their massive failures at the border broadcast for the world to see on nightly Fox News programs – not to mention the periodic fact checks Melugin conducts on their claims, complete with receipts.

As a result, they are now on a very predictable name and shame mission on the heels of Media Matters doing the same thing, apparently unaware that reporters like Melugin don’t back down easily if what we’ve seen from him over the last 18 months or so of his time at the border and reporting on L.A. goings on is any indication.

As a media friend once reminded me, making politicians uncomfortable is a big part of a reporter’s job. And clearly BidenCo. are very uncomfortable with what Melugin, seen below in a meme of the week contender, has exposed about them.


PREMO Member
According to Politico, Melugin’s reporting is becoming a thorn in the White House’s side:

As Melugin has become an increasingly visible figure on the network, his coverage has caught the attention of the White House, which has become increasingly irritated by his reporting. During a press conference last week, press secretary KARINE JEAN-PIERRE noted that Fox News got the heads up on the Martha’s Vineyard flight before local, state and federal agencies.
“The fact that Fox News — and not the Department of Homeland Security, the city, or local NGOs — were alerted about a plan to leave migrants, including children, on the side of a busy D.C. street makes clear that this is just a cruel, premeditated political stunt,” she said.

Alternatively, Melugin is just very good at his job. The White House could be irritated by his detailed and visual reporting because they want the invasion at our southern border to continue apace without much fanfare.

The administration is visibly frustrated by migrants getting relocated to blue states and sanctuary cities by Republican governors. It poses very embarrassing questions. For instance, if the administration expects small Texas border towns to receive and handle tens of thousands of migrants per month, why can’t New York City manage a few hundred with all of its resources? Why is Mayor Lori Lightfoot so upset when migrants choose to travel from Texas to the Windy City when state officials offer them the chance? Chicago is a proud sanctuary city.

Politico notes that top advisors to President Biden, such as Ron Klain and Anita Dunn, have made it clear to White House staff that immigration is a decisive wedge issue heading into November. It is also ripping the mask off Democrats and their worthless virtue signaling. The Politico summary also points out that none of this should surprise the Biden administration. The New York Times reported that Biden’s pollster warned that immigration and inflation were potential trouble spots earlier this year:

But privately Mr. Biden’s lead pollster was already sounding the alarm that even with the early successes, certain gathering threats could sink support for the president and his party.
“Immigration is a growing vulnerability for the president,” John Anzalone and his team warned in a package of confidential polling, voter surveys and recommendations compiled for the White House. “Voters do not feel he has a plan to address the situation on the border, and it is starting to take a toll.”
Within a month, there was another stark warning. “Nearly nine in 10 registered voters are also concerned about increasing inflation,” said another memo obtained by The New York Times.



PREMO Member

WashPost Writer Blames Libs of TikTok for Her LAZY Research

Last week NewsBusters documented Washington Post technology columnist, crybully, pathological liar, and online harasser Taylor Lorenz threatening Libs of TikTok on behalf of her colleague Elizabeth Dwoskin with false claims that the account was responsible for threats made against a hospital and that it was “evacuated.” Well, there was fallout Thursday when Libs of TikTok called out how the paper lied about the hospital being “evacuated” and Dwoskin blamed the account for her lazy research.

In the false Washington Port report posted on Tuesday titled “Trump’s ‘big lie’ fueled a new generation of social media influencers,” Dwoskin and Jeremy B. Merrill wrote: “[Libs of TikTok] was recently suspended after a post led to death threats against providers at Boston Children’s Hospital, and bomb threat caused the hospital to be evacuated.”

According to screenshots provided by Libs of TikTok, the account direct messaged Dwoskin sometime after the report was published pointing out the fact “BCH was never evacuated” and asking “Why are you lying to you[r] reader? You should correct this ASAP.”

The same screenshot shows Dwoskin’s response blaming Libs of TikTok for her lazy research and trust of Lorenz, to tell the truth. “We will be making a correction this morning to reflect that it was put on lockdown and access was restricted. It should go up shortly. Curious why you did not flag this to Taylor when she reached out to you on my behalf?” she whined as if it was a plot to make her look bad. “The term was mistakenly in the note she sent you that you posted.”

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PREMO Member

Media ‘punked’ at Delaware airport, waiting for new round of DeSantis immigrants

Badly stung by Florida Governor Ron DeSantis’ brilliant idea to drop two planeloads of illegal immigrants in swanky Martha’s Vineyard last week, the media swarmed over rumors that more migrants were headed to President Biden’s home state of Delaware, flocking to the airport to greet them but being left with egg dripping from their faces when nobody showed up.

The official purveyors of disinformation have been having fits after DeSantis succeeded in putting the nation’s border crisis back in the headlines mere weeks before the crucial midterm elections that will determine whether Democrats can maintain their one-party rule over the government, sending the migrants to the wealthy elite’s very special island and suggesting that he could similarly drop off more of the unwelcome guests in other prime locations.

So when Twitter rumors emerged of a flight from Texas to an airport near President Biden’s vacation home in Rehoboth Beach, mainstream media outlets pounced, alerting viewers and readers of the grave injustice to the migrants by the Sunshine State Republican.



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CNN’s Wallace: Alarmed By ‘Weird’ Trump Rally – He’s Going ‘Darker And More Extreme’

Partial transcript as follows:

DAVID AXELROD: What worries me is that the more he’s held accountable for acts of corruption, the more he is insists on the, that the system is corrupt. And that becomes more and more central to what he is saying. And he’s been heading in this direction for a long time. But how do you assess him right now? What do you think is going through his mind?

WALLACE: You know, I think. Let me make it clear to social media, I’m not comparing Trump to Putin, but there are some similarities here, which, as a person gets under more and more pressure, there are a variety of ways of reacting.
You know, the old saying, when you’re in a hole, stop digging. Putin isn’t doing that. And, you know, one could argue that Trump–not comparing them to Putin. But in a kind of tactical or strategic sense, is not doing that. You know, you had that weird thing over the weekend where he started talking about the country in very dystopian terms, and they started playing this music and people were putting up one finger and it seemed, not that I’m in any kind of an expert on this, kind of heading in the QAnon direction.
And what one wonders is, and he is under tremendous pressure, you know, in terms of the January 6th investigations, in terms of the documents and in terms of what he conceivably or may have done down in Atlanta with the DA there, now you’ve got Letitia James, the attorney general of New York, on whether he committed fraud by inflating the value fraudulently of his businesses. You know, he seems to be going in a darker and more extreme direction in terms of American politics. And, you know, that would be interesting, but not particularly important, except for the fact that there are millions of people who seem to be willing to follow him in those directions.


PREMO Member

‘Christian Nationalism’

Charles-Philippe Larivière - detail of Battle of Ascalon

“Christian nationalism, a belief that the United States was founded as a white, Christian nation and that there is no separation between church and state, is gaining steam on the right,” contends a new Politico article on the dangers of the theocratic democracy-destroying right. The headline reads, “Most Republicans Support Declaring the United States a Christian Nation.” Most? It is all very disturbing. And since the piece is categorized as “political science” and written by two professors from the University of Maryland’s Critical Issues Poll — one of them a distinguished scholar — it also sounds quite genuine.

Alas, when you open the two-question (online) poll that forms the basis for this 1,000-word piece condemning Republicans as modern-day Crusaders, you will notice that Stella Rouse and Shibley Telhami have asked participants if they would “declare” the United States “a Christian nation.” They do not define what “declare” means. And nowhere do they mention anything about a “white Christian nation” or a “Christian nationalist” state or anything about stripping other faiths of their religious freedoms.

Why not? Well, you know why. But not only is the questioning deceptive — a set-up, really — but the two professors then retroactively define what a “Christian nation” means and attribute those beliefs to an entire political party. This would be tantamount to a conservative pollster asking a bunch of leftists if they want to declare America a “progressive nation,” and then, later, defining the state as an antisemitic Communist dictatorship. Not in a million years would Politico run such a piece.

None of this is to say that there aren’t some conservatives who support theocratic and illiberal ideas. There’s nothing, however, shocking or radical about contending that the United States is a “Christian nation.” Many of the foundational ideas of the nation were bound up in Christian ethics and ideas. Though it may not be so forever, we have been a predominantly Christian nation. These are objective historical facts. Nor is there anything extreme or theocratic about allowing Christianity to inform your political principles. I know this because leftists will often ask me “What would Jesus do?” (Probably not conduct partisan push-polling, is one of my guesses.)


PREMO Member

CBS Is Not 'Going Rogue' on Jan. 6

Next came Bill Whitaker's supine interview with Riggleman. Whitaker began by saying this man was "once a member of the ultraconservative House Freedom Caucus," but never asked why he ended up in ultraliberal Pelosi's clutches. Instead, they hyped up a 10-second phone call no one has heard between a rioter and some unknown person in the White House.

Whitaker described how Riggleman's data searches uncovered texts from White House chief of staff Mark Meadows. CBS viewers heard the Meadows texts were the "crown jewels," that Riggleman made a graph of the rioter messaging called "The Monster," and that these communications read like "an infection."

Riggleman decried "an administration that was completely eaten up with a digital virus called QAnon and conspiracy theories, an apocalyptic, Messianic buffoonery." He said this was the Republican psyche.

Whitaker offered this one brief feint toward an opposing viewpoint: "People in the Republican Party would say, 'You're an opponent, you're the opposition. Of course, you are going to say this.'" Riggleman said he'd tell Republicans, "I'm not their enemy. I'm just a guy who's trying to tell you that the data doesn't support that the election was stolen."

Try to parse that nonsense: I'm not anti-Republican. I'm only saying Republicans have been eaten alive by QAnon buffoonery.