Media Corruption


PREMO Member
Gilded Reframe – THE GUARDIAN

The prospect of school districts banning books is such a self-made storyline that all a reporter needs is to get a few choice quotes, and they can submit their piece and hit the bars early. Of course, sometimes you run into the issue of facts screwing up the narrative, but hey – maybe the editor won't pick up on it!

The flaws emerge, though, with the core concept. Restricting some titles for age-appropriate content is not "banning books" any more than placing an R-rating on a motion picture to restrict under-17 youths is considered banning a movie. But it gets to be an even dumber accusation when the book is not restricted after all. After running the claim about a book series, "The Girls Who Code," being banned in Pennsylvania and conducting interviews with the publisher and the writers – who all appropriately displayed dismay and outrage at the restrictions – the paper had to "amend" their subheader and content.

- "A statement from officials in that district on Monday strongly denied that they had banned the book series, and called 'categorically false' information in a Business Insider interview with the founder of Girls Who Code, which reported the ban on the series. 'This book series has not been banned, and they remain available in our libraries,' the statement said."


PREMO Member

Climate Change Is Turning MAGA Republicans Into ‘Extremists,’ Columnists Claim

The state’s environmental policies tend to have an outsized impact on rural residents, who are generally more conservative than city-dwellers, such as orders to stop using river water to irrigate fields, according to the columnists. As California struggles with water scarcity and wildfires, some worry that the state could force the relocation of its rural residents by blocking rebuilding efforts in fire-prone areas.

“Floods, fires and hurricanes cause tens of thousands of temporary evacuations every year, displacing people from homes, jobs and schools and making them more susceptible to — or victims of — extremist propaganda,” the piece read.

One source stated without evidence that anti-government sentiments in the western U.S. were deeply linked to antisemitism.

“They all believe that the U.S. government has been captured by Jews,” said Alexander Reid Ross, an extremism expert at Portland State University, referring to the west’s “extremists.” He told the outlet that the longtime relationship between the western anti-government cowboy ethos and antisemitism was “supercharged” and mainstreamed through the MAGA movement.

Chabria and Smith did not respond to the Daily Caller News Foundation’s requests for comment.


PREMO Member

The rise of "QMaga": Conspiracy theorists, Christian nationalists unite as MAGA movement gets darker

Mother Jones' David Corn describes the intersection of QAnon, MAGA and "Christian nationalism" as "QMaga," attacking it as an authoritarian threat to U.S. democracy in an article that was originally published in his Our Land newsletter and was republished by Mother Jones on September 23. Extremism in the GOP is a subject that Corn also tackles in his new book, "American Psychosis: A Historical Investigation of How the Republican Party Went Crazy."

"For years, Trump had played footsie with QAnon, claiming he didn't know much about it but praising its adherents' supposed patriotism, their opposition to pedophilia and, naturally, their cultish love of him," Corn explains in his Mother Jones/Our Land article. "Offered the chance to denounce this perverse craziness, he bobbed and weaved…. No more. He went full QAnon the other day when he posted online a photoshopped image of him wearing a Q pin. To make the message clear, this picture proclaimed, 'The Storm Is Coming' — a QAnon catchphrase referring to that ultimate showdown between Trump and the evildoers. And it contained the abbreviation for the QAnon slogan, 'where we go one, we go all.'"

The fictional "evildoers" that Corn is referring to are, according to QAnon's outlandish conspiracy theory, an international cabal of child sex traffickers, pedophiles, Satanists and cannibals who have hijacked the United States' federal government. Trump, as QAnon sees it, was elected president in 2016 to fight the cabal — and QAnon believes that Trump's battle against the forces of darkness didn't end when he lost the 2020 election. Members of QAnon were among the far-right Trump supporters who violently attacked the U.S. Capitol Building on January 6, 2021.


PREMO Member

Media Matters senior researcher dismantles Ben Shapiro’s ‘logical’ school bathroom policy

You know how Brian Stelter’s thing was to watch Fox News all day long and tweet what they were doing? Media Matters “senior researcher” Jason Campbell seems to have a similar gig, but he watches Ben Shapiro’s show and then does absolutely nothing to refute what Shapiro says — it’s just supposed to be self-evident from the clips he posts.

As Twitchy reported earlier this week, students in Virginia held a walkout to protest Gov. Glenn Youngkin’s “transphobic” school policies; one viral interview showed a non-binary student break into tears because she was scared of the governor: “How can he stand there and say he loves this country and loves this state if he wants to hurt us,” she asked.

Check out what Shapiro thinks is a “logical” school policy on restrooms:



PREMO Member
  • February 16th, 2021 – Dominion and Facebook file Motions to Dismiss and send Gary and Ernie Rule 11 Sanctions letters. CTCL, Secretaries or State, and Governors follow with MTD over the following two months to which Plaintiffs respond.
  • March 17th, 2021 – Plaintiffs file an Amended Complaint
  • April 27th, 2021 – District Court Virtual Hearing before Federal Magistrate
  • April 28th, 2021 – District Court grants motions to dismiss
  • April 29th, 2021 – Plaintiffs file a Notice of Appeal to the 10th Circuit on issue of standing
  • April 30th, 2021 – Plaintiffs and Supports form Save Our Suffrage 501(c)4 to support the cost of litigation
  • May 13th, 2021 – Defendants begin file motions for $187,000 in sanctions
  • July 16th, 2021 – District Court hearing on motions for sanctions
  • August 3rd, 2021 – District Court grants motions for sanctions
  • September 18th, 2021 – Appellants file Opening Brief in the 10th Circuit on the issue of standing
  • December 22nd, 2021 – Plaintiffs file Notice of Appeal to the 10th Circuit on the issue of sanctions
  • March 14th, 2022 – The Fielder Principle Podcast begins
  • May 27th, 2022 – 10th Circuit Affirms the District Court
  • June 27th, 2022 – 10th Circuit Denies motion for rehearing
  • September 26th, 2022 – Plaintiffs file Writ of Cert with the Supreme Court
  • Respondents Dominion, Meta, CTCL, Zuck, and Chan, must file their brief by Oct 31st
  • While briefing is finished for the 10th Circuit Appeal on the Issue of sanctions the Court hasn’t made its decision yet
The group of Americans behind this effort send a message of hope that the fight isn’t over yet in the courts and they still have a chance of peacefully saving our county.

You can help them by donating through SOS to help prepare for the anticipated cost of SCOTUS litigation.

Petition Filed with the US Supreme Court Against Dominion, Facebook and CFCL in “A Case of Great National Importance”



PREMO Member

They 'Own the Science,' and They Want to Control How You Access Information About It

The United Nation’s Undersecretary for Communications Melissa Fleming was at a meeting of the World Economic Forum’s anti-disinformation panel last week (cue the laugh track). Along with the UN, representatives from CNN and Brown University were also in attendance for the “Tackling Disinformation” panel. Yeah. CNN at a disinformation panel. Sounds legit. I guess if you are going into the disinformation business, you can always use some pro tips.

According to the Post Millennial, Fleming announced that the UN was working in partnership with big tech companies to control information on climate change. TikTok is one such company. She also named Google. Naturally. If you’re going to manage the public’s access to information, you need Google, right? Her exact words were:

“We partnered with Google, for example, if you Google ‘climate change,’ you will, at the top of your search, you will get all kinds of UN resources. We started this partnership when we were shocked to see that when we Googled ‘climate change,’ we were getting incredibly distorted information right at the top. We’re becoming much more proactive. We own the science, and we think that the world should know it, and the platforms themselves also do,”

Fleming also said that the UN has been working with TikTok, aka Communist China, on a project called Team Halo to recruit influencers to coordinate an acceptable COVID-19 message. And the organization plans to recruit more influencers.

Yes, Google, Meta, and the rest have been skewing search results for a long time. It has been coming in bits and small bites to make it more palatable. Case in point: Fox News reports that the RNC is claiming that Google suppressed fundraising and get-out-the-vote emails. RNC officials say that Gmail is sending those emails to spam folders to the tune of 22 million, just since September 28. Google is claiming that its hands are clean. Republicans are demanding an FEC investigation. Good luck with that, RNC.

Elites control the media and the narratives, and, as Fleming says, they want people to know that. It isn’t that the elites are getting sloppy; they figure that their position is so secure that there is no need to mask their intent.


PREMO Member

‘Election Integrity’ Project Worked with Feds to Censor News Sites in 2020

In the runup to the 2020 election, the consortium created a system whereby state actors including the Department of Homeland Security and the State Department could file “tickets” alongside news stories, flagging them so that Big Tech platforms could subsequently suppress or attach warning labels to them.

Beyond this blatant case of a private-public censorship coalition, the EIP also engaged in partisan politics, allowing the Democratic National Committee to file tickets through the system, as well as the Democrat-aligned groups Common Cause and the NAACP.

News outlets targeted by the EIP included Breitbart News, Fox News, the New York Post, and the Epoch Times, as well as the social media accounts of prominent conservatives Charlie Kirk, Tom Fitton, Jack Posobiec, Mark Levin, James O’Keefe, and Sean Hannity, amongst others.

President Donald Trump was also frequently flagged by the consortium, as well as his sons Eric Trump and Donald Trump Jr.

New light was shed on the project through the voluntary disclosures of its own activities, published in a recent report.

According to the report, the EIP was successful in censoring content on social media. In 21 percent of cases, platforms labeled content identified by the EIP, and in 13 percent of cases, the content was removed from the platforms entirely.

The Democrat-aligned EIP, working hand-in-glove with the deep state, was therefore able to have a tangible impact on restricting the information voters were able to see on social media in the runup to the 2020 election.



PREMO Member

Did the AP think they wouldn’t get caught red-handed trying to push blatantly false narrative about Ron DeSantis’ leadership?

Take a look at this tweet:

Following Hurricane Ian's destruction, many residents on Florida's Pine Island have stayed put for days without electricity and other resources while hoping the lone bridge to the mainland is repaired.
— The Associated Press (@AP) October 6, 2022

Notice anything about that tweet? Well, for one thing, the story it links to is was published on October 2:



PREMO Member

Thou shalt not tell the truth: @FearTheFloof has vanished from Twitter after his thread about privileged backgrounds of wealthy lib journos

Yesterday, we told you about an absolutely epic thread from tweeter @FearTheFloof exposing the posh and privileged background of some of the most well known journalists in America. It was up to someone like Floof to expose that stuff because the journalists have worked very, very hard to keep the truth buried and inaccessible to the public.

We were very careful to note in the headline of that post that @FearTheFloor was risking the wrath of these journalists by putting the information out there. NBC News senior reporter Ben Collins, for example, got extremely pissed off when he learned about his inclusion in the thread. Collins was quick to accuse Floof of shoddy journalism and lying, but in actuality, all he did was prove Floof’s point.

It’s notable that throughout @FearTheFloof’s thread, there was no doxxing. No thinly or non-thinly veiled threats or calls to harass these journalists or their families. The only crime of which Floof was guilty was proving — with receipts and facts — that these journalists were hypocrites. And — lo and behold — our fear that Floof would put a target on his back seems to have come to fruition:



PREMO Member

Private consortium that flagged 2020 election 'misinformation' defends its work with feds

The Election Integrity Partnership issued a lengthy statement Wednesday after a series of reports by Just the News on the breadth of its efforts to censor purported misinformation, which impacted nearly 22 million tweets, 4,800 URLs, 20 news organizations, several lawmakers and candidates and two dozen influencers, with a 35% success rate for content removal, labeling or "soft-blocking."

"Unfortunately, not everything written or said on TV about us has been correct," the statement says, claiming the consortium's researchers including students "have received threatening emails and social media messages."

It denied the consortium ever attempted to do fact-checks or "decide what is or isn't 'misinformation'" as opposed to identifying attempted election interference and delegitimization of results. The Hunter Biden laptop story, for example, is not "in scope" for its project.

"To be clear, EIP did not send any reports of false rumors or disinformation to social media companies on behalf of the Department of Homeland Security or the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency," the DHS component that was instrumental in the consortium's creation.