Media Corruption


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🔥 Woke liberal Washington Post columnist Taylor Lorenz is getting SO close to figuring it out. She’s ALMOST there. Last week she tweeted this:

She’s exactly right. People in their 30s and 40s should NOT be dying like this. My best guess is Taylor just got word of yet ANOTHER young person she knows who died suddenly, and in her grief turned to Twitter.

Taylor has locked her comments, so only people she knows can respond to her tweets. Still, the responses from her politically-aligned friends were eye-opening:

I find Taylor’s reaction significant in a way can’t easily explain. But that’s not all. There was another one.

Did anyone mention covid shots to her .?


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BBC’s ‘Cunk On Earth’ Mockumentary Is Brilliantly Stupid

Take episode “Mecha-Streisand,” in the first season of “South Park,” which pulls together bad American soft-pop, Japanese Kaiju flicks, and English new-wave music, all in a crashing dénouement complete with toppled skyscrapers. It’s great fun, making mockery of these strands of human artistry (though musician Robert Smith does come off as the hero). But it’s played for mere comedy. The implications of what it’s saying aren’t clear, if there are any at all.

“Cunk” shows its hand from the get-go: “Ancient people invented currency to make life on Earth easier, but in doing so we inadvertently invented capitalism, which is gonna kill everyone. Sorry, that’s not a question. It’s just something I read on Twitter.”

Cunk makes her statement. Her would-be interlocutor, a professor of ancient Middle Eastern history, blinks once. There is no conversation, because there is no possibility of any meeting of minds. You have to wonder if Cunk has a mind, properly speaking — a cultivated ground of thought and reason, fructified by past wisdom. Well, you don’t really — she doesn’t. What’s funny about it is that the show comes right out and shows us what it’s doing. History, as a concept, is here reduced to the noise of social media, at the hands of this glassy-eyed dolt. After history, the rest of human endeavor follows.


PREMO Member

Corrupt New York Times Freaks Out Over Gas Stoves, Downplays Poisonous Chemical Spill In Ohio

Richard Trumka Jr. of the United States Consumer Product Safety Commission began pushing to ban gas stoves back in December, calling it “a real possibility” that could happen quickly with enough public pressure. Shortly after, there was an outpouring of studies on the “science” of why gas stoves are hazardous, and Democrat lawmakers began throwing out every talking point from “gas stoves cause brain damage” to “gas stoves are racist.”

The gas stove panic has nothing to do with science. It’s wrapped up in a massive tyrannical power grab cloaked in environmentalism, and those who want your gas stove won’t stop there; they want to ban all gas-powered appliances.

The media never considered there were any negatives to a gas stove ban, though. Instead, they gleefully defended Trumka’s proposal and worked to convince the public that their gas stoves are an environmental and health liability. Then, shortly after, the media reversed course, assuring people there would be no ban, and the whole thing was a “right-wing culture war” topic once the White House backed away from the proposal.

Naturally, when duty called for the media to downplay an actual health crisis — the chemical spill in Ohio — they obliged. After the freight train spilled a slew of toxic chemicals, the EPA evacuated East Palestine and burned the spill, causing a mushroom cloud of hazardous chemicals to plume over the area.

Two days after the burn, the EPA told citizens it was safe for them to come home, breathe the air, and drink the water. But since residents have gone home, they have reported experiencing headaches and irritated eyes and finding countless fish, pets, and wildlife dead or dying.
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Here's What the Media Suggest Families Do to Save Money As Food Prices Soar

I’m a fan of The Wall Street Journal, which shouldn’t shock anyone. It’s the more palatable of mainstream publications out there, but like any other outlet—they’re not perfect. I’m shocked this was ever considered for publication, given the sheer indifference to the rising cost of food and its impact on working families. Inflation continues to burden America’s families, and eggs are becoming a luxury item. Lettuce prices alone are up nearly 17 percent. So, how does one writer at the Journal respond: by telling people to stop eating? Specifically, we should skip breakfast. Is this the Marie Antionette hour (via WSJ):

Several breakfast staples saw sharp price increases due to a perfect storm of bad weather and disease outbreaks—and continued effects from Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.
Egg prices increased 8.5% in January from a month earlier and are up 70.1% over the past year, the highest annual rate since 1973. The deadliest avian-influenza outbreak on record has devastated poultry flocks across the U.S., leading the price of eggs to rise more than any other grocery item in 2022, according to Information Resources Inc. U.S. egg inventories were 29% lower in the final week of December 2022 than at the beginning of 2022, according to the USDA.
Frozen, noncarbonated juices and drinks—a category that includes frozen orange juice—rose by 1.5% in January from a month earlier, and the 12.4% annual increase is the highest in over a decade. Florida orange growers are harvesting their smallest crop in nearly 90 years, the result of a freeze, two hurricanes and a citrus disease that is laying waste to its groves.


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2018 Senate Testimony Tells A Different Story Than Hamilton 68’s Masterminds Are Telling Now

Watts’ 2018 Senate testimony bolstering the Hamilton 68 dashboard as the means of “understanding … what Russia is doing in social media,” cannot be squared with attempts by the dashboard’s host, the Alliance for Securing Democracy, to extricate itself from the latest scandal exposed by “The Twitter Files.”

One week ago today, independent journalist Matt Taibbi published “Move Over, Jayson Blair: Meet Hamilton 68, the New King of Media Fraud,” revealing internal Twitter communications establishing that the Hamilton 68 dashboard adopted a flawed methodology. Rather than using Russian bots or trolls to assess Russian influence campaigns, the accounts Hamilton 68 used to “understand” what the Russians were doing in social media were “neither strongly Russian nor strongly bots.”

Other Twitter emails stressed there was “no evidence to support the statement that the dashboard is a finger on the pulse of Russian information ops,” and that Hamilton 68 was “hardly evidence of a massive influence campaign.” Twitter’s then-chief of trust and safety, Yoel Roth, said it more simply: “I think we need to just call this out on the bullsh-t it is.”

While Twitter tried to warn the media and politicians not to rely on Hamilton 68, the tech giant opted to play the “long game,” limiting its public comments to vague counters to the claims of Russian influence campaigns rather than unequivocally calling out the BS. For that, Twitter deserves condemnation.


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DeSantis team rips Andrea Mitchell's claim he does not want slavery taught: 'Maliciously intent on deceiving'

"Let me ask you, what does Governor Ron DeSantis not know about Black history and the Black experience when he says that slavery and the aftermath of slavery should not be taught to Florida schoolchildren?" Mitchell asked on "MSNBC Reports."

While DeSantis has opposed the teaching of critical race theory in public schools and rejected an AP course in African American studies, he has not attempted to remove slavery or Black history from Florida's curriculum. Team DeSantis and other conservatives pointed this out online.



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You see, the Global Disinformation Index’s list of “risky” websites doesn’t highlight concrete examples of false reporting. It’s not good enough to show the people facts and make arguments on behalf of ideas. That’s dangerous. After all, the people could come to the wrong conclusions. Instead, GDI created a complicated sounding metric that mostly just tracks ideological heresy.

Objective truth doesn’t exist in the postmodern mind. Disinformation comes from rejecting the narratives of our increasingly woke, left-wing institutions’ ruthless gatekeeping. To disagree or to promote information, true or not, that contradicts their preferred narratives is dangerous.

Dissenters must be rooted out, shamed, condemned, and ostracized by society. That’s done on behalf of science—or something.

GDI’s examples of disinformation appear to just be topics that make liberals uncomfortable. For instance, it ran a report on “misogyny,” among other things, pointing to a piece by Washington Examiner opinion editor Conn Carroll. Carroll’s piece was titled “Why are liberal women so unhappy?” and cites polling data about reported differing happiness levels between conservative and liberal women.

“Looking to explain why liberal women are so unhappy, National Marriage Project Director Brad Wilcox notes that no demographic is happier with their family life than conservative women,” the GDI report read. “Over 60% of conservative women say they are completely satisfied with their family life, compared to 50% of conservative men and just 35% of liberal women.”



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NPR Suffers a 'Major Loss'

A train carrying toxic chemicals derails in Ohio, and it’s not big a deal according to the federal government and the mainstream media. But NPR announces the layoff of 100 people, and it is a “major loss.” Um… okay.

National Public Radio will reduce its workforce by 10%, which means the termination of around 100 people. Positions that are currently vacant will be eliminated. The outlet reported that CEO John Lansing is attributing the move to a lack of advertising dollars, specifically in terms of its podcasts. NPR has an annual budget of $300 million and its revenues could be short $30 million to $32 million.

In a memo to NPR staffers, Lansing wrote, “When we say we are eliminating filled positions, we are talking about our colleagues — people whose skills, spirit, and talents help make NPR what it is today. This will be a major loss.” There is no word yet on what jobs will be cut, but Lansing said reductions will not be across the board and that NPR will make sure that the cuts do not disproportionately fall on “employees of color.”


Well-Known Member
They must have hidden her face because she is whiter than me.
She may identify as black, but her father is a light skinned man and her mother is white.
In reality her bloodlines make her more white than black.
That's up to her to claim to be black if she wants to, most mulattos do claim to be black ,but with her light skin and brown hair like they used to say in the old days. She could pass.

The old 1% drop I guess.
Maybe she works for the Navy where they allow you to claim to be anything you want by "Self Declaring". In my opinion, the government allowing this demeans the people that are of color or have physical disabilities if you can self declare you are disabled, etc.


Mostly settled in...
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Here’s an idea: how about we drop the swooning, astonished gasping about the near-daily historic black firsts and just celebrate hard-earned human accomplishment?
I can agree with that, as I think the Black mentors I have had as a child, youth, and man.


PREMO Member
Take the lab-leak story. The Energy Department, “citing new intelligence,” changed its view on the origins of COVID-19 and now thinks it did, in fact, escape from a lab in Wuhan, China.

It wasn’t long ago that such a claim opened you up to ridicule or worse.

A-list journalist Anne Applebaum once compared Sen. Tom Cotton, R-Ark., to a Soviet propagandist for suggesting that COVID came from a lab. A New York Times reporter said the lab-leak theory had “racist roots.” The editor in chief of Scientific American called it a “conspiracy theory.” CNN said it was “like something out of a comic book.”

Politifact, one of the supposed independent guardians against disinformation, said that any such claim was “inaccurate and ridiculous. We rate it Pants on Fire!” Facebook banned posts mentioning the lab-leak theory.

How about COVID vaccines? We were told that vaccines were far superior to natural immunity in fighting the virus. In October 2021, Centers for Disease Control Director Rochelle Walensky said that “we now have additional evidence that reaffirms the importance of COVID-19 vaccines.” The CDC insisted that even those who already had COVID should still get vaccinated. Anyone who disagreed was an anti-science troglodyte.

Then last week, the highly prestigious British medical journal, The Lancet, looked at all the existing research and concluded that natural immunity is just as effective as the vaccine at preventing both re-infection and serious illness from COVID.

Critics of mask mandates – who’d been derided as the moral equivalent of mass murderers – also turned out to be right. (We were among those early critics. See: Still More Evidence That Biden Is Wrong About Mask Mandates.)

As we noted in this space last week, Cochrane – an international collaborative effort funded by the Nation Institutes of Health that is regarded as employing “the highest standard in evidence-based health care” – looked at all the data and concluded that there is no evidence that masks made any difference.

The latest disinformation wrinkle comes right out of Biden’s own mouth.



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‘1619 Project’ Author Tries To Out-Grievance Survivor Of Mao’s Cultural Revolution

New York Times journalist Nikole Hannah Jones tried to outgrievance a self-proclaimed survivor of the Chinese cultural revolution during a debate about “American exceptionalism” on Sunday.

Jones, the lead writer of the controversial revisionist education titled “1619 Project,” burst onto the political scene in 2019 with the 1619 project. However, her work has been widely criticized, and on Sunday, Jones took heat from debate opponent Xi Van Fleet after Jones claimed the “very presence” of black people is the “greatest rebuke” to American exceptionalism.

“Yourself and I, an immigrant from China with 200 borrowed dollars in my pocket when I arrived more than 30 yrs ago, are the proof of American Exceptionalism,” Van Fleet responded.

Van Fleet went viral two years ago after delivering an impassioned speech to a Virginia school board claiming CRT is rooted in cultural Marxism and warned Americans the communist subversion happening in the United States classroom mirrors the Chinese Cultural Revolution, which divided China’s population by class instead of race.

“Natural rights is unique to American founding,” Van Fleet said in response to Jones asking for specifics. “Bc of it we were able to abolish slavery, Jim Crow, anti-Chinese laws … to allow individuals to succeed. What is not unique to America is slavery, which still exists today. Ppl fighting for human rights in China are jailed by CCP.”
