Media Corruption


PREMO Member
You already knew this would be the next step once the race was revealed to the public. Nothing can be weaponized to attack Republicans, gun owners, rural Americans, or the National Rifle Association. The juice isn’t worth the squeeze when non-whites commit mass shootings, so they’re not of national concern—they’re local news stories. The best is when the shooter is white but an ardent leftist, then the evasive maneuvers are genuinely put into overdrive.

Does anyone remember the 2019 mass shooting in Dayton, Ohio? Probably not, since it lasted a hot second in the news. The perpetrator, Connor Stephen Betts, shot and killed nine people and wounded over 20 more at Ned Peppers Bar. An AR-15-style firearm was used to commit the crime. You could envision the liberal media salivating over this story: a mass shooting committed by a white guy with an AR-15-like weapon and ammunition. Except that Betts was a hardcore left-winger and ANTIFA supporter. Everyone then ran for the hills. It didn’t fit the narrative.

The shooting must be a white male who used some form of sporting rifle that liberals find scary to get anything out of it politically. They want the anti-gun talking points to be rehashed, they want liberal activists to fill the war chests of Democrats promising new gun control laws, and they want to move the needle, no matter how small, closer to ending the Second Amendment. It’s the long game, but Asians killing other Asians doesn’t mesh well with the far-left politics formula liberals want to shove down all our throats.

There are no campaign dollars for non-whites killing other non-whites, so the left isn’t going to care. They will get to the bottom of the motive since police appear to be on to something hours after the shooting, something the liberal media is probably relieved to learn since it means they can wrap this up soon. The sooner, the better because there’s nothing to gain here regarding helping their Democratic Party allies.



If I may ...
For your consideration ...



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'Breakfast Club' Race Hustler: Confiscate 25% of U.S. Economy, Redistribute to Blacks

A racist in a tablecloth suit named Dr. Umar Johnson decreed on The Breakfast Club radio show recently that the American government must carve out a full quarter of all economic activity — in perpetuity. “We get a 25% cut… every time America makes a dollar.” That would amount to approximately six trillion dollars annually. He makes sure to emphasize this is a forever arrangement.

Specifically, he wants cash for the “psychological damages” wrought by slavery. Nearly everything, apparently, counts as “psychological damage” to Dr. Johnson. “When you see a black man take the life of another black man, that’s psychological damage [caused by white supremacy],” he explains.

I have previously elaborated on the logistical difficulties of administering such a program of reparations, such as determining who qualifies as sufficiently genetically black and the disproportionate historical impact of racism based on skin tone (called “colorism”).


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Maybe European countries should bankrupt Germany for the psychological damge Hitler and their people did to them .


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Media Covers Itself in Shame With Its Coverage of Canadian Freedom Convoy

Press is taking pages from its hateful “Tea Party” coverage playbook.

This weekend, I mentioned that the elite media (both in Canada and the United States) failed to cover the attack on Freedom Convoy participants in Winnipeg.

Now, the media is shamefully portraying protests that specifically challenge ineffective pandemic policies as “anti-government demonstrations.”

For example, here is how The New York Times reported the increasingly popular Canadian grassroots movement.

Government officials are still bitterly clinging to vaccine mandates, despite the fact that the data now clearly show vaccines neither stop people from contracting covid or transmitting it.

Canadian Public Safety Minister Marco Mendicino said on Sunday that the government would not back down on the issue.

“We put the question of vaccines and vaccine mandates on the ballot … in the (2021) election and we’re simply carrying out the promise that we made with the support of the vast majority of Canadians,” he said on CBC television.

The #FreedomConvoy has now become the target of infiltators and hoaxes.

Most media has been corrupt for some time and will remain that way. The Federal Government regulates the media and chooses not to do anything about their long history of corruption.


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Blacks and whites are born equal. It's when blacks teach their kids that they are picked on and will never be successful because they are black and whites are out to get them that they become unequal.


PREMO Member
To The Left, Racism Is Like The Matrix

If you’re confused, join the club.

In trying to make the country view the Memphis death through a racial prism, the left not only manages to defy common sense but undermines everything it has been claiming about racist police officers. Namely, that systemic racism manifested itself in whites disproportionately targeting blacks, and the solution was more racial balance in police forces. Or to defund them altogether.

Not only were the officers involved in Nichols’ death black, the Memphis police force is 58% black, as is the police chief. And, as the Post admits, this was “the result of a decades-long effort to field a police force that resembles the city’s 64% black population.”

No matter. The reporters quote Samuel Sinyangwe, president of a group called Mapping Police Violence, saying that “diversifying law enforcement is certainly not going to solve this problem.”

And it quotes Nikki Owens, who is with the Maryland Coalition for Justice and Police Accountability, bemoaning how “In America, we’re taught that racism is black and white. And we are not taught about institutional or systemic racism, even though we see it everywhere. We are taught that if a black person kills another black person, it can’t be racist. It’s ‘black-on-black crime.’”


PREMO Member
The first swing at Barr and Durham came on Thursday when The New York Times’ leading Russia-collusion hoaxers, Charlie Savage, Adam Goldman, and Katie Benner, published “How Barr’s Quest to Find Flaws in the Russia Inquiry Unraveled.” As I detailed on Monday, the hit piece consisted of “one part chutzpah and two parts mendacity,” with the authors — among other things — declaring the special counsel’s investigation a failure even before Durham released his final report, and only then by ignoring the already public evidence of misconduct by members of the Crossfire Hurricane team.

The New York Times obviously planned a one-two punch, running on Monday an op-ed penned by editorial board member David Firestone, entitled “Bill Barr’s Image Rehab Is Kaput.” Firestone’s blow failed to land as well, with the former Times reporter and editor merely repeating many of the original misguided attacks on Barr.

For instance, Firestone referenced Savage, Goldman, and Benner’s reporting that Barr would regularly meet with Durham to discuss his progress and would advocate “on his behalf with intelligence officials,” with Firestone declaring such involvement verboten because “attorneys general are not supposed to interfere in a special counsel’s investigation.”



PREMO Member

Any ‘Journalist’ Relying On A Russia Hoaxer To Attack Barr And Durham Should Be Tuned Out

The Times’ opening salvo on Thursday, “How Barr’s Quest to Find Flaws in the Russia Inquiry Unraveled,” launched a narrative-building exercise to convince the public that Durham’s investigation into malfeasance by the FBI and intelligence agencies was politically motivated and a failure.

As I previously detailed in these pages, Charlie Savage, Adam Goldman, and Katie Benner’s article on Barr’s quest supposedly unraveling cannot withstand scrutiny. Nonetheless, the Times’ ploy to preempt the eventual public release of the special counsel report is already advancing as planned.

Countering the propaganda-pushing press is difficult, especially when the media join forces with Democrats, as is already happening with the attacks on Barr and Durham. Savage, Goldman, and Benner make the task particularly challenging with their sheer breadth of accusations leveled at the two.


PREMO Member

NBC Rediscovers Hunter’s ‘Much Talked About’ Laptop, Tout ‘Aggressive’ Attacks on Critics

Warning that such probes could begin “as soon as next week,” Welker countered that Hunter’s “lawyers writing a letter to the DOJ and Delaware attorney general asking them to criminally investigate some of former President Trump’s allies — you know these names Rudy Giuliani, Steve Bannon — for what they allege is trafficking in stolen information, including data possibly from his laptop and an effort to weaponize the contents from that laptop against President Biden.”

Fact-check: Pants on fire, Kristen. As the Free Beacon’s Andrew Kerr explained, “Hunter Biden authorized John Paul Mac Isaac to access his laptop data. Then he failed to retrieve the laptop. At that point it became abandoned property. & free game.”

Kerr also tweeted a screencap of the invoice from Mac Isaac’s repair shop that included an agreement he would retrieve the laptop once work was completed which, as we know, never happened.

In other words, it’s no different than someone dropping off their suits and never picking them up from the dry cleaners.

Having chosen not to fact-check Hunter, Welker continued with a more comical line that “you may remember” the laptop “was at the center of a series of salacious and frankly damaging media stories about the President’s son, a lot of them before the 2020 election, including alleged emails related to his business dealings overseas.”

As we’ve reported constantly at NewsBusters, NBC’s flagship shows haven’t touched them. For examples of “salacious” tales from 2022, see Geoffrey Dickens’s work from April 25, June 8 and 28, July 12 and 28, August 30, and October 5 and 13.


PREMO Member

Diary of disturbing disinformation and dangerous delusions

This story:

We say: Washington Post columnist Philip Bump claims Rep. Ilhan Omar, whom House Republicans booted from the Foreign Relations Committee Thursday, was singled out because she’s Muslim. Please. Her numerous anti-Semitic (and anti-American) statements certainly made her a legitimate candidate to be axed all by themselves. Or does Bump think she should get a pass because she’s Muslim?

This assertion:

‘We don’t need an emergency power to use the HEROES Act [to cancel student debt].’

— WH spokeswoman Karine Jean-Pierre, Wednesday

We say: Team Biden first claimed the HEROES Act (meant for military personnel dispatched after 9/11) could be used to cancel student debt, since COVID qualified as an “emergency” under the act. That was always a stretch, but now that President Biden is set to cancel remaining COVID emergency declarations, Jean-Pierre argues the WH doesn’t even need “emergency power” to write off the loans. Can they make it any more obvious that they just make this stuff up as they go along?


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NBC's Chuck Todd asks Pete Buttigieg why Biden's accomplishments aren't being celebrated by the public

Buttigieg said, 'there have been so many accomplishments under this administration, it can be difficult to list

"I will say that there have been so many accomplishments under this administration, it can be difficult to list them in a distilled way," Buttigieg said, referencing a recent statement from Biden’s now-former Chief of Staff Ron Klain.

"When you think back in historic terms to what it means to inherit one of the toughest situations faced by any President since F.D.R. Passed the most significant legislation on our economy in many ways since F.D.R. While facing the largest land war in Europe since Truman, achieving the second most important healthcare bill since L.B.J. And the most important infrastructure bill since Eisenhower, as Ron put it…" Buttigieg said.

"Yeah, that’s the thing. None of it seems to accrue to his benefit lately," Todd replied.

"People say that," responded Buttigieg, "but then this President has exceeded expectations again and again politically and functionally in terms of what we're getting done."

Buttigieg said the administration recognizes that Biden's presidency "is happening simultaneously with some of the toughest circumstances ever," but stopped short of assigning blame or responsibility.


PREMO Member
War Fever

The crusade against civil liberties during World War I.

Hochschild relates how, when the United States joined the conflict against Germany and its allies in 1917, “war fever swept the land.” Some examples of the widespread paranoia seem absurd: Hamburgers became “liberty sandwiches,” frankfurters “hot dogs.” (The latter name stuck, unlike the rechristening of french fries as “freedom fries” in 2003, after France refused to support the Iraq War.) The German Hospital and Dispensary in New York City changed its name to Lenox Hill Hospital (even though no hill is to be found nearby). In New Haven, Conn., volunteers manned an anti-aircraft gun around the clock, oblivious to the fact that Germany had no aircraft capable of reaching the United States. Neighbors accused Karl Muck, the German-born conductor of the Boston Symphony Orchestra, of radioing military information to submarines from his vacation home on the coast of Maine. Anecdotes like these have long enlivened history classrooms. But Hochschild also details the brutal treatment of conscientious objectors subjected to various forms of torture in military prison camps, including the infamous “water cure” the Army had employed in the Philippines, nowadays known as waterboarding.

In 1917 and 1918, Wilson and Congress codified this patriotic fervor in the Espionage and Sedition Acts. These laws had nothing to do with espionage as the term is commonly understood (and Hochschild points out that hardly any German spies were actually apprehended). The former criminalized almost any utterance that might interfere with the war effort; the latter outlawed saying or printing anything that cast “disrepute” on the country’s “form of government.” States supplemented these measures with their own laws and decrees, including banning speaking on the telephone in German or advocating “a change in industrial ownership.” It is difficult to say how many people were arrested under these statutes, but the number certainly reached into the thousands.

Meanwhile, private organizations such as the Knights of Liberty and the American Protection League took the law into their own hands. The APL investigated the “disloyal” by, among other methods, purloining documents, and it swept up thousands of Americans in “slacker raids,” in which men were accosted on the streets, in hotels, and in railway stations and were required to produce draft cards. If a person did not have one, he would be dragged off to prison. Throughout the country, individuals who refused to buy war bonds were tarred and feathered and paraded through their communities. German Americans everywhere came under suspicion for disloyalty, as did members of other immigrant groups. In the years before the war, Southern and Eastern Europeans had immigrated to the United States in unprecedented numbers, sometimes bringing political radicalism with them, and they too found themselves in the crosshairs of nativism.


PREMO Member

Harvard pulls the plug on disinformation research project led by Hunter Biden laptop skeptic

Harvard's Kennedy School of Government announced Thursday that it will shut down its years-long "misinformation" research program, parting ways with the program's director who was notably skeptical of the Hunter Biden laptop story.

The director of Harvard's Shorenstein Center on Media, Politics, and Public Policy, announced in an email obtained by Semafor that the Technology and Social Change Project, which studied disinformation online, was being shut down for what the outlet referred to as "bureaucratic reasons."

"The Kennedy School’s standing policy is that all research projects must be led by a full faculty member. While there can be limited exceptions, those can’t continue indefinitely without a faculty member as the principal project leader and academic head," the director wrote.

The announcement means that Harvard will be parting ways will Dr. Joan Donovan, who has led the project since its inception in 2019 to "help newsroom leaders fight misinformation and media manipulation." Donovan has become a champion of Democrats who've echoed her warnings about the dangers of so-called misinformation on social media from members of the right.


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PREMO Member
War Fever

The crusade against civil liberties during World War I.

Hochschild relates how, when the United States joined the conflict against Germany and its allies in 1917, “war fever swept the land.” Some examples of the widespread paranoia seem absurd: Hamburgers became “liberty sandwiches,” frankfurters “hot dogs.” (The latter name stuck, unlike the rechristening of french fries as “freedom fries” in 2003, after France refused to support the Iraq War.) The German Hospital and Dispensary in New York City changed its name to Lenox Hill Hospital (even though no hill is to be found nearby). In New Haven, Conn., volunteers manned an anti-aircraft gun around the clock, oblivious to the fact that Germany had no aircraft capable of reaching the United States. Neighbors accused Karl Muck, the German-born conductor of the Boston Symphony Orchestra, of radioing military information to submarines from his vacation home on the coast of Maine. Anecdotes like these have long enlivened history classrooms. But Hochschild also details the brutal treatment of conscientious objectors subjected to various forms of torture in military prison camps, including the infamous “water cure” the Army had employed in the Philippines, nowadays known as waterboarding.

In 1917 and 1918, Wilson and Congress codified this patriotic fervor in the Espionage and Sedition Acts. These laws had nothing to do with espionage as the term is commonly understood (and Hochschild points out that hardly any German spies were actually apprehended). The former criminalized almost any utterance that might interfere with the war effort; the latter outlawed saying or printing anything that cast “disrepute” on the country’s “form of government.” States supplemented these measures with their own laws and decrees, including banning speaking on the telephone in German or advocating “a change in industrial ownership.” It is difficult to say how many people were arrested under these statutes, but the number certainly reached into the thousands.

Meanwhile, private organizations such as the Knights of Liberty and the American Protection League took the law into their own hands. The APL investigated the “disloyal” by, among other methods, purloining documents, and it swept up thousands of Americans in “slacker raids,” in which men were accosted on the streets, in hotels, and in railway stations and were required to produce draft cards. If a person did not have one, he would be dragged off to prison. Throughout the country, individuals who refused to buy war bonds were tarred and feathered and paraded through their communities. German Americans everywhere came under suspicion for disloyalty, as did members of other immigrant groups. In the years before the war, Southern and Eastern Europeans had immigrated to the United States in unprecedented numbers, sometimes bringing political radicalism with them, and they too found themselves in the crosshairs of nativism.