Media Corruption


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Former Twitter Exec Admits Using Disappearing Message Apps With Government Officials

When asked if they had used disappearing message apps such as Signal, Snapchat, or Wicker to communicate with government officials, Baker answered, “I don’t recall,” Gadde replied, “Not to my recollection.”

Then Roth answered, “Yes.”

Earlier this week, Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer (R-KY) issued a press release in which he stated, “In the runup to the 2020 presidential election, Big Tech and the Swamp colluded to censor reporting about the Biden family’s shady business schemes. The U.S. intelligence community and the FBI frequently communicated with Big Tech and advised Twitter executives to question the validity of any Hunter Biden story—before the New York Post ever reported on it.”

“We also know members of Twitter’s top censorship team debated how they could justify limiting the spread of the story,” Comer charged. “They landed on a policy that even some among them doubted. Americans deserve answers about this attack on the First Amendment and why Big Tech and the Swamp colluded to censor this information about the Biden family selling access for profit. Accountability is coming.”


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NY Times Opinion: Maybe the left should try taking Gov. DeSantis seriously

Pamela Paul is a relative newcomer as a NY Times columnist. She used to be the editor of The New York Times Book Review but switched to writing columns last year. From what I can tell, Paul is fairly progressive on some issues but she also seems to be the kind of progressive who isn’t terribly fond of the wokeism and cancel culture that is gradually dominating left-wing spaces. Last month she wrote a really interesting take on the cancelation of American Dirt, the controversial novel which seemed to mark a turning point in the censorious left’s ability to dominate the discussion.

Today she has another piece which, while in no way an endorsement of Ron DeSantis, nevertheless argues that progressives shouldn’t write him off as the next Trump because that’s not what he is.

As the Democratic political strategist Lis Smith has remarked, the left’s reaction to DeSantis looks just like its reaction to Trump: “He’s picking these fights. He’s saying and doing abhorrent things. And all the same characters — whether in the media, Democratic politics, the punditry class, whatever it is — have the same freakout.”
Let’s pay closer attention this time.
First, we shouldn’t underestimate DeSantis. He may resemble Trump in his politics — but not in his intellect or resolve. Compare their respective backgrounds: Whereas Trump’s acceptance into the University of Pennsylvania, after an academic record notable only for its mediocrity, was an egregious example of leveraging personal connections to get into a prestigious university, DeSantis, the son of a TV ratings box installer and a nurse, actually earned his way into the Ivy League. People bent over backward to ascribe some accidental form of grifter street smarts to Trump. But DeSantis is demonstrably intelligent and industrious. He worked his way through Yale while playing baseball and graduated magna cum laude.
Whereas Trump skirted military service with a convenient discovery of bone spurs, DeSantis was a commissioned officer in the Navy. He graduated from Harvard Law School. He may share Trump’s taste for bluster, but this is not someone who bumbled his way into public office. As Dexter Filkins observed last year in a New Yorker profile, “DeSantis has an intense work ethic, a formidable intelligence and a granular understanding of policy.”

Paul’s position in this piece is basically that of someone trying to perform and intervention with progressives nationwide who are probably being too quick to deny DeSantis’ actual appeal. For instance, his decision to send 48 migrants to to Martha’s Vineyard was universally denounced by the left and the media but Paul reminds her readers that’s not how it actually went over in large parts of the country. The same was true for the so-called “Don’t Say Gay” law.


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Washington Post's 'bizarre,' 'comical' profile of Anna Paulina Luna littered with errors, congresswoman says

"As I've said before, and as the Washington Post has clearly showcased, anyone who is a conservative minority is a threat to Leftist control," Luna told Fox News Digital. "They can try to discredit me, but unfortunately for them the facts completely blow their story out of the water."

The Post story, based on interviews with relatives and former friends, calls into question aspects of Luna's biography and falsely reported that she once registered as a Democrat, she said. Luna added that the Post's story bears a striking resemblance to claims that the New York Times began reporting on earlier this year, but never published.

The Washington Post article states: "Luna’s sharp turn to the right, her account of an isolated and impoverished childhood, and her embrace of her Hispanic heritage have come as a surprise to some friends and family who knew her before her ascent to the U.S. House this year."


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Washington Post's 'bizarre,' 'comical' profile of Anna Paulina Luna littered with errors, congresswoman says

"As I've said before, and as the Washington Post has clearly showcased, anyone who is a conservative minority is a threat to Leftist control," Luna told Fox News Digital. "They can try to discredit me, but unfortunately for them the facts completely blow their story out of the water."

The Post story, based on interviews with relatives and former friends, calls into question aspects of Luna's biography and falsely reported that she once registered as a Democrat, she said. Luna added that the Post's story bears a striking resemblance to claims that the New York Times began reporting on earlier this year, but never published.

The Washington Post article states: "Luna’s sharp turn to the right, her account of an isolated and impoverished childhood, and her embrace of her Hispanic heritage have come as a surprise to some friends and family who knew her before her ascent to the U.S. House this year."

When will democrats do something about immigration. Once they see these people don't like their anti religious ways and won't be bribed into voting for democrats like blacks do.


PREMO Member

Ad Network Owned by Microsoft Is Using Foreign Disinformation ‘Experts’ to Blacklist Conservative Media Companies

The Global Disinformation Index (GDI), a foreign think tank headquartered in the United Kingdom, released an assessment of American online media designed to blacklist conservative media outlets and choke off their advertising revenue. The information is kept on what GDI calls its “Dynamic Exclusion List.”

Ad networks — including most prominently Xandr — which is owned by Microsoft — are now using this list to refuse to allow advertising on conservative media websites.

Microsoft has yet to respond to a request for comment regarding Xandr’s use of the Dynamic Exclusion List, which is censoring conservative outlets.

GDI in December released its report that detailed the alleged “disinformation risk” for the American online media market in partnership with the Global Disinformation Lab (GDIL), a think tank at the University of Texas at Austin that generates policy recommendations and solutions to combat disinformation.

The GDI report on the American online media landscape reviewed 69 news outlets, and listed ten outlets it found are the most at risk of spreading disinformation, and ten outlets that are the least likely to spread disinformation. GDI rated conservative sites as having the highest risk for spreading disinformation and liberal websites as the most trusted.

The report found many left-wing outlets that were the least risky, which include:

  1. HuffPost
  2. New York Times
  3. The Washington Post
  4. AP News
  5. NPR
  6. ProPublica
  7. BuzzFeed News
  8. USA Today
  9. Insider
  10. Wall Street Journal
GDI labeled NPR, AP News, the New York Times, and ProPublica as the “four minimum-risk sites.” A report from the Washington Examiner detailed that, citing a senior executive, Breitbart News is on the GDI’s Dynamic Exclusion List.

In contrast, the outlets at most risk of sharing disinformation were right-leaning, which include:

  1. New York Post
  2. RealClearPolitics
  3. Reason Magazine
  4. The Federalist
  5. The Daily Wire
  6. The Blaze
  7. One America News Network
  8. The American Conservative
  9. Newsmax
  10. The American Spectator
GDI has not responded to several requests from Breitbart News for comment about the nature of its Dynamic Exclusion List and the organizations it partners with, as well as requests to connect with a spokesperson. GDI did not respond to comments requests on December 13, December 27, January 5, and January 23.


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Alyssa Farah Griffin admits she lied about DeSantis, lack of apology sparks Twitter dogpile

Farah Griffin and Goldberg’s misrepresentation of the facts was blasted by Bryan Griffin, the governor’s press secretary who told Fox News Digital that they are “both dishonest and incorrect.”

On Friday, the chastened chatterbox took to Twitter to admit that she was full of malarkey, although stopped short of apologizing for her blatant falsehood.

“Sooo I got tripped up on a point re: DeSantis/ AP black history on air & accidentally misrepresented what the Governor is challenging. It’s more narrow than how I framed it, & while I still personally disagree, I own that I explained it wrong,” she fessed up.


PREMO Member

Adam Parkhomenko smears U.S. Air Force veteran and Mexican-American congresswoman Anna Paulina Luna

We’ve been filling Twitchy readers in on the WaPo hit job on Anna Paulina Luna and the subsequent corrections. Democrat strategist, Adam Parkhomenko, took the attack to a new low by trying to slander the Mexican-American congresswoman for the sins of her grandfather, who served in the Nazi army.

If they want to play this game, perhaps we should recall that Jimmy Carter’s and Barack Obama’s families owned slaves, John F. Kennedy’s brother drowned a woman, Hillary Clinton considered a former KKK member to be her mentor, and Joe Biden’s parents created Joe Biden.



PREMO Member
The Post story said in part, “Luna’s sharp turn to the right, her account of an isolated and impoverished childhood, and her embrace of her Hispanic heritage have come as a surprise to some friends and family who knew her before her ascent to the U.S. House this year.”

The Post claimed Luna “registered to vote as a Democrat in Washington state” in 2017. It later corrected that claim and stood by the piece as a whole.

“We have corrected one piece of factual information that was based on a database error. This deeply reported story about Rep. Luna’s biography includes ample perspectives from people who have known her throughout her life,” The Washington Post’s vice president of communications Shani George said, according to Fox.

Although the Post said it could find no evidence Luna’s father, George Mayerhofer, was ever in jail, Fox News said it was able to verify Luna’s depiction of her father as in and out of jail.

Edie Heipel, Luna’s communications director, said the story was designed to hurt Luna.

“Absolutely no conservative outlet would stand a chance if they dared say someone wasn’t ‘Hispanic enough,’ yet this is the main narrative WAPO is trying to spin,” Heipel said.



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Polls? We Don't Need No Stinking Polls! MSNBC's Mika Brzezinski Claims Biden 'Extremely Well-Liked'

The “credible” MSNBC panel included Jonathan Lemire, the current White House bureau chief of Politico, and host of MSNBC’s morning “news” show, Way Too Early. One of this hypocritical clown’s comments illustrates the consense of not only the panel but of Mika, as well:

It [Comer’s committee] was extraordinarily predictable yesterday. An airing of grievances and conspiracy theories. And making a bet that the American people care at all about Hunter Biden and his laptop and business dealings. And look, if there was some wrongdoing, it’ll be investigated by the proper authorities. And that remains to be seen, whether or not that will happen.
But this is something that they have talked themselves into a corner. That these conspiracy theories, what used to be on the fringes of the internet, became more mainstream thanks to Republican talking points.
They live on in primetime Fox News shows. And, for an element of the Republican base, they want to see this happen. and Republicans have told me they feel like they’d be punished by voters if they didn’t see through here.

Twilight Zone-level delusion, at best. Then there was Mika, who preceded to take the ridiculousness to a whole nother level (emphasis, mine):

I mean, I’m going to add to that description … they’re adding to their grievance train, the obsession with Hunter, for whatever they might find is, I think, that’s going to backfire as well.
This is President Biden, who is extremely well-liked. Who many believe has accomplished something in his first two years in office. And they’re going after him with such vigor. I’m not sure that’s a good look for them. While their former president, they literally closed their eyes, [and] put blinders on to an insurrection.
I just don’t know how that will translate, and I think we learned in the midterms that the American people are clued into democracy matters. They don’t like insurrections, where people get tortured and killed. And, they kind of like Joe Biden! They kind of like him!


PREMO Member

Ad Network Owned by Microsoft Is Using Foreign Disinformation ‘Experts’ to Blacklist Conservative Media Companies

The Global Disinformation Index (GDI), a foreign think tank headquartered in the United Kingdom, released an assessment of American online media designed to blacklist conservative media outlets and choke off their advertising revenue. The information is kept on what GDI calls its “Dynamic Exclusion List.”

Microsoft Suspends Foreign Disinformation ‘Experts’ That Blacklist Conservative Media

After Breitbart News, the Washington Examiner, and the Daily Caller News Foundation highlighted how a Microsoft-owned ad network, Xandr, employed foreign think tank Global Disinformation Index’s (GDI) media blacklist, otherwise known as the “Dynamic Exclusion List,” Microsoft said it has stopped using its blacklist, pending review.

“We try to take a principled approach to accuracy and fighting foreign propaganda. We’re working quickly to fix the issue and Xandr has stopped using GDI’s services while we are doing a larger review,” a Microsoft spokesperson told Breitbart News.

Now, according to the Washington Examiner‘s Gabe Kaminsky, Xandr has removed “rejection flags,” for conservative outlets.

“I just checked in Xandr’s platform again and can confirm that all rejection flags have been removed from domains,” a senior ad executive told Kaminsky.



PREMO Member
I like to think of myself as a thoughtful, artful writer. I weigh my words carefully. I like a certain dramatic flare, a certain flourish, if you will. I’m an artist, when all is said and done.

I find myself at a loss for words after reading an article from the Canadian Broadcast Corporation (CBC) on how the word “freedom” has become a “far-right” buzzword. After pondering and deliberating and contemplating and a lot of other synonyms for “thinking” I found in the thesaurus, I eventually decided the best approach to this topic is an honest one.

This is the craziest, crazy-pants article from Crazytown I’ve ever read. What the hell, Canada?

The premise? The word “freedom” has become a dangerous “rallying cry” for right wingers in the Great White North, and, presumably, beyond.

The article is written on behalf of the CBC program (or, as the Canadians say, programme) called Cross Country Checkup, and the writers are Very Concerned™ about all this freedom talk lately, particularly as it relates to the Canadian Freedom Convoy that so famously protested the COVID lockdowns there.

Often associated with protests and rallies in the United States, the term has taken hold among protesters who are part of the Freedom Convoy, which rolled into Ottawa in late January and has become entrenched in the city’s downtown.
For many, freedom is a malleable term — one that’s open to interpretation.



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🔥 Woke liberal Washington Post columnist Taylor Lorenz is getting SO close to figuring it out. She’s ALMOST there. Last week she tweeted this:

She’s exactly right. People in their 30s and 40s should NOT be dying like this. My best guess is Taylor just got word of yet ANOTHER young person she knows who died suddenly, and in her grief turned to Twitter.

Taylor has locked her comments, so only people she knows can respond to her tweets. Still, the responses from her politically-aligned friends were eye-opening:

I find Taylor’s reaction significant in a way can’t easily explain. But that’s not all. There was another one.
