Media Corruption


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Why is it when a conservative says something, people on the left twist it to mean something its not. But when a progressive says something and is called on, those same people on the left will fight to say that's not what was said.


If I may ...
For your consideration ...

Why is it when a conservative says something, people on the left twist it to mean something its not. But when a progressive says something and is called on, those same people on the left will fight to say that's not what was said.

Well .... because ..... narrative?


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Jeff Zucker Forbade CNN Staff from Investigating ‘Trump Talking Point’ Coronavirus Lab Leak Theory

A “well-placed CNN Insider” told Fox News Digital that Zucker issued the directive in the early stages of the pandemic.

On March 13, 2020, Harmeet Kauer, a “culture writer” for CNN, called the notion that the virus may have started in a laboratory a “fringe theory.”

Her colleague, Scottie Andrew, on April 13, 2020, wrote an article entitled “Nearly 30% in the US believe a coronavirus theory that’s almost certainly not true” in regards to the lab leak theory. It included the subheading, “Its origin is up for debate, but it wasn’t made in a lab.”

“There’s still much we don’t know about the coronavirus pandemic, but virus experts agree on one piece of its origin story: The virus likely originated in a bat, not in a Chinese lab,” he wrote.


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Leftist Goofs Don’t Get to Control What We Say

The Ruling Caste Seeks to Shame You Into Silence

There was a great example at CPAC during the media bashing panel. The regime media is just too juicy a target not to kick now that it is on its back spazzing out like a dying roach, so we went after it. During the panel, I told the (true) story of how a sergeant in my Gulf War platoon asked if he could shoot reporters. I told the audience that a good officer always listens to his NCOs. Lots of laughs. Then the panel, including our own Larry O’Connor, totally called it and said that I was going to get trashed by the media for wanting to kill journalists. I then laughed and denied that I was advocating hunting them for ‘sport. More laughs. You can watch it here on this commie lie site.

Well, we called it perfectly, though it was hardly a hard call. After lol, the regime media lies all the time. It’s just hilarious that this time they literally did it exactly as we predicted. I mean exactly.

Their mediocre mendacity aside, let’s assume I was joking about shooting journalists. Why can’t one joke about shooting journalists? What’s the rule on joking about harm to people you dislike? Because I am not sure there is a rule. A caveat: There can only be one rule. Now, I’ve heard some Ashli Babbitt jokes from the scumbag communists, and I’m wondering why if that is not against the rules. Or are there special rules that apply to the privileged caste that is journalists but not to, well, the rest of us? I think that’s it. I think they think they’re special, and they think that I should have recognized that my joke was not allowed. Their jokes are fine. In fact, their cheerleading to the death and/or disenfranchisement of people like us is cool. That’s the rule, apparently.


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Art critic says you should shun anyone you know who voted Republican and is pro-lynching

Saltz is one of those people who’d never catch our eye with his art criticism but some of his tweets belong in a museum. He’s one of those accounts that you can’t tell is a parody of progressivism or not, it’s so over-the-top. He says Republicanism needs to be “isolated and snuffed out” like the coronavirus, and that’s one of his tamer tweets.

Plus, the guy looks like a total beta.

Glenn Greenwald caught Saltz on Instagram doing what cults do: demanding you cut off and shun anyone who disagrees with you.

The long-time art critic for @NYMag, @jerrysaltz, instructed his Instagram followers yesterday to "shun" everyone – including family members and close friends – who voted Republican, and they shouldn't even provide an explanation: just cut off all ties.
— Glenn Greenwald (@ggreenwald) March 6, 2023
Excising everyone in your life who has different political views than you – including your parents, siblings and children – seems like a very psychologically unhealthy thing to do.
Doing that as a journalist seems fatal to the job, as well as psychologically ill.
— Glenn Greenwald (@ggreenwald) March 6, 2023
Republicans, as they are, no longer have what might be called your polite “political views.” They are anti-democratic, authoritarian. But you know this already and want to shade things to “both sides.” Fine by me. I seem to have caused a rumble up in your office.
— Jerry Saltz (@jerrysaltz) March 6, 2023


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Jon Stewart's COVID Melodrama Reveals Him as a Cowardly Sycophant

Lots of us in favor of maximum COVID truth breaking through the corporate media airwaves were pleasantly surprised when Jon Stewart dropped some logic bombs on COVIDian Stephen Colbert, much to the obvious discomfort of the latter.


What he left out of his statement is as follows: “I got smeared as a racist… and then I kept my mouth shut like a good boy until the Department of Energy Report made it safe for me to talk about again. I took this tact because I am a coward.”

The smear campaign worked to produce its intended effect. A hysterical gang of s***lib banshees attacked him on Twitter or whatever, and so Stewart quit talking about the lab leak theory. He folded like a cheap lawn chair, never to poke his head above ground again until he felt he had sufficient rhetorical backing from a respectable federal government agency in the form of the DOE.


PREMO Member
🔥 Nice job, conservative Catholics!

A small group of private citizens spent $4M of their own money to buy marketing databases from gay hookup apps, then cross referenced it with geotracking data, and identified active gay priests. They provided the results to Catholic bishops. I’m guessing they are giving the Catholic Church a chance to do the right thing before publicly outing the concupiscent clergy.

The Washington Post was NOT amused. But WaPo admitted the technique may be effective:

The project’s existence reflects a newly empowered American Catholic right wing that sees enforcing its interpretation of church teaching on sexuality and gender as an existential issue for the church and that no longer trusts bishops to do so. It is a flip of traditional church power dynamics, with the Colorado laypeople in a position to pressure bishops.​

This is an encouraging story about citizens taking things into their own hands and doing the work the wretched corporate media is no longer allowed to do.



Beloved Misanthrope
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We’ll provide some of the details that an actual journalist might have been interested in.

Is Rumble ‘Peter Thiel and Glenn Greenwald’s youtube knockoff service’? No. Rumble is a publicly traded company. Thiel is an investor and promoter of the platform. Greenwald creates content for the site. Andrew Tate made a reportedly big deal to provide content to Rumble after being banned from YouTube and other social media platforms.

‘Billionaires invest money and journalists, and whatever Andrew Tate is, create content’ is not exactly a damning revelation or link between the three.

Was Peter Thiel ‘photographed entering a Romanian castle’? Not that we’ve been able to find. Thiel was photographed at the airport and there’s little reason to question he attended (and possibly organized) the party. Again, these are details someone who calls themself a reporter for NBC News might want to verify and clarify.

The original tweet was also so hellbent on making the weak association to the in-the-news buzz over Romania, that it simply mentioned a ‘Romanian castle’ and left it at that. A journalist might want to let her readers know that this was the Bran Castle in Transylvania, more commonly known as Dracula’s Castle. Surely a journalist could surmise why super rich people might rent out Dracula’s Castle on Halloween for reasons other than ‘Hmmm … Andrew Tate lives in Romania too! Dun dun duuuuuunnnnnnn!!!’.

The final part attempted to drag Elon Musk into the picture as well, we supposed because ‘Elon Musk bad’, but we’re not exactly sure. The operative weasel word in this case that allowed the defenders to say this was also ‘substantiated’ is that the tweeter included the word ‘allegedly’. Sure, Musk’s throwing the party was alleged. Musk attending the party was alleged. Again, a few simple Google searches would have shown anyone interested in the truth that it’s likely the Musk connection was made up entirely or that he didn’t attend.



PREMO Member

Cable News Is Riddled With War Profiteers

The problem with cable news is that — outside of perhaps Tucker Carlson, who seems genuinely committed to exposing truths and has paid the price for it in the form of the Majority Leader calling for his censorship from the Senate floor — it’s not news.

It’s state propaganda, by and for the special interests that have purchased the state.

These special interests include big agriculture, big pharma, and, of course, the private weapons manufacturers that comprise the military-industrial complex.

Lever News explains:

Since Russia launched its invasion of Ukraine, cable news networks have routinely called on defense officials-turned-consultants to offer analysis and help the American public make sense of the crisis. Often, these analysts have used their TV time to call for greater U.S. involvement and bolder moves that could ratchet up tensions between two nuclear-armed superpowers.
The networks have consistently failed to disclose these analysts’ day jobs, [emphasis added] describing them instead by only their former high-ranking military or government roles — leaving viewers in the dark about the analysts’ financial ties to defense contractors that stand to profit from increased or prolonged conflict.
During its Ukraine coverage, MSNBC even failed to include disclosures when the network invited on former Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson, who serves on the board of directors at Lockheed Martin, the world’s biggest defense contractor.

In addition to blacklisting voices critical of the war du jour, the corporate media’s biggest crime in this regard is its refusal to identify war profiteers that it presents as straight news analysts. There is an obvious conflict of interest that informs the pundit’s worldview, but the viewer is kept in the dark. The only way for the viewer to discover said conflicts of interest is to do their own research — an activity that, not coincidentally, the corporate media constantly discourages its viewers and readers from doing.