Media Corruption


Well-Known Member
When did Hunter win the presidency?

If we are talking about kids what about the $2 billion Kushner got from Saudi Arabia?
Just to clarify, you believe investing in a real estate investment firm of which Kushner is a partner (not giving him money), a guy who is a real estate lawyer/developer with degrees from Harvard and NYU with several existing successful directly related businesses is equivalent to paying Hunter for his "extensive energy policy and african mineral rights knowledge" as well as buying his amateur paintings for amounts that most professional artists can't even dream about?

At best you could claim that the Saudis chose Kushner's firm to make a connection to that family, but it's still a legitimate business and a legitimate investment. There's no possible way to spin the Hunter stuff as legitimate.


Well-Known Member
Just to clarify, you believe investing in a real estate investment firm of which Kushner is a partner (not giving him money), a guy who is a real estate lawyer/developer with degrees from Harvard and NYU with several existing successful directly related businesses is equivalent to paying Hunter for his "extensive energy policy and african mineral rights knowledge" as well as buying his amateur paintings for amounts that most professional artists can't even dream about?

At best you could claim that the Saudis chose Kushner's firm to make a connection to that family, but it's still a legitimate business and a legitimate investment. There's no possible way to spin the Hunter stuff as legitimate.

BS. Please spare me

You only care because it's Hunter Biden who unlike Jared or Ivanka had no official role in our government which is the entire point!

"The panel that performs due diligence for the Saudi fund concluded that no one in their right mind would give the former first son-in-law a dime. Among other concerns, the panel noted that management was “inexperience[d],” that the kingdom would be responsible for “the bulk of the investment and risk,” that its fee seemed “excessive,” and that the firm’s operations were “unsatisfactory in all aspects.” Given those reservations, it warned that the country’s Public Investment Fund should stay far, far away from Kushner’s firm—a recommendation that was overturned by the fund’s board, which happens to be led by Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, i.e., the guy who approved a plan to kidnap, kill, and dismember a journalist via bone saw and benefited from Kushner’s unwavering support within the White House and reported insistence that the prince could “survive the outrage just as he [had] weathered past criticism.” (Again, just so it‘s abundantly clear, the “outrage” and “criticism” were over a Saudi dissident and U.S. resident being chopped up into pieces.)

The Chinese government granted a total of 41 trademarks to companies linked to Ivanka Trump by April of 2019—and the trademarks she applied for after her father became president got approved about 40% faster than those she requested before Donald Trump’s victory in the 2016 election, according to a new book by Forbes’ senior editor Dan Alexander.



PREMO Member

“Mr. Chew, that video was posted 41 days ago … this video was posted before this hearing was publicly noticed, I think that’s a very interesting point to raise, but more concerning is the fact that it names this chairwoman by name. Your own community guidelines state that you have a ‘firm stance against enabling violence on or off TikTok. We do not allow people to use our platform to threaten or incite violence.'”

“This video has been up for 41 days, it’s a direct threat to the chairwoman of this committee, the people of this room and yet it still remains on the platform,” she continued. “And you expect us to believe that you are capable of maintaining the data security privacy of 150 million Americans when you can’t even protect the people in this room?”

Shortly after Cammack’s speech, the user was removed off TikTok.



PREMO Member
That’s led to consternation, and the press isn’t having any success taking the backdoor either. According to a new report, journalists are growing frustrated with DeSantis because those around him don’t leak damaging information to them.

The piece explained how in the lead up to the 2024 election, prominent media outlets have been competing to find journalists familiar with the DeSantis administration to report on it, as the governor and potential 2024 presidential candidate’s team is “inherently distrustful of the press.”
Vanity Fair staff writer Charlotte Klein wrote Friday, “It can be particularly challenging to report inside DeSantis’s orbit, which makes the jockeying by news organizations all the more competitive. For one, it’s hard to source up inside an operation that appears inherently distrustful of journalists.”
Klein quoted one anonymous journalist, who claimed that DeSantis’ team seemed like it’s “running a straight-up opposition campaign against the media.”
The author noted that though former President Donald Trump had an adversarial relationship with media, he allowed journalists more access than DeSantis has.
She wrote, “Despite the fact that Trump has bashed the media for years, he—and others in his orbit—seemed to have reporters on speed dial during his chaotic presidency. DeSantis’s guardedness with the press, another political reporter said, has been ‘a little bit of a culture shock.”

So according to the press, DeSantis is bad because his team is too disciplined and competent, choosing not to leak information that could undermine the job they are trying to do. Talk about a sense of entitlement, and one that was earned over years of Republican politicians being surrounded by people who give reporters whatever they want.

Now, it’s a “culture shock” that a governor and possible presidential candidate actually has control of the narrative. That’s how it should be, though. Nothing was more damaging to Trump’s administration than the constant deluge of leaks from those around him. Every single day, a new anonymously sourced story would kneecap what he was trying to do and distract from the wins. DeSantis obviously saw that and decided he wasn’t going to allow the same mistakes to be made, and he’s followed through to the point that press members are now leaking how mad they are.



PREMO Member

People Can Win

Earlier today Susan Schmidt and I published an article about a series of changes at the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA), a creepy sub-division of the Department of Homleand Security. It turns out that CISA, which just a week or so ago was busted for scrubbing embarrasing text from its website by the Foundation for Freedom Online, quietly eliminated its so-called “MDM” or “Misinformation, Disinformation, and Malinformation” subcommittee.

Just a year ago, the Department of Homeland Security was going all-in on the fight against “MDM.” The notion that America is fatally infected with “Misinformation, Disinformation, and Malinformation” was in fact the animating idea begind the asinine plan the Biden administration announced last April to institute a “Disinformation Governance Board,” which was to be headed by Nina Jankowicz, a self-styled Mary Poppins of digital rectitude:

America took one look at Jankowicz and at most a few fleeting moments considering the “Disinformation Governance Board” plan before concluding, correctly, that it was a beyond-loathsome expression of aristocratic arrogance that needed shutting down before the first Jankowicz presser. Characteristically, the press lied about the public reaction, claiming that the only displeasure was heard from the “GOP.” In fact, all sane people across the spectrum were instantly nauseated, their distress loud enough that the DHS hit “pause” on Jankowicz and the batty MinTruth plan after just three weeks.

Even that might not have been fast enough, as was discovered by my co-author Sue Schmidt, who’s formerly of the Washington Post but joined Racket this month for a special report a team of us are preparing on what fellow #TwitterFiles reporter Michael Shellenberger calls the “Censorship-Industrial Complex.” (More on that later). Looking through the minutes of CISA’s subcommittee meetings last year, Sue found that the DHS’s little team of self-appointed information guardians was deeply worried about the “rollout” of their war against MDM, worrying repeatedly about how to “socialize” or “pre-socialize” various parties to the idea of a federal truth squad, realizing that just presenting the actual plan to a sentient person without lots of sweeteners wouldn’t go well.


Well-Known Member
That’s led to consternation, and the press isn’t having any success taking the backdoor either. According to a new report, journalists are growing frustrated with DeSantis because those around him don’t leak damaging information to them.

So according to the press, DeSantis is bad because his team is too disciplined and competent, choosing not to leak information that could undermine the job they are trying to do. Talk about a sense of entitlement, and one that was earned over years of Republican politicians being surrounded by people who give reporters whatever they want.

Now, it’s a “culture shock” that a governor and possible presidential candidate actually has control of the narrative. That’s how it should be, though. Nothing was more damaging to Trump’s administration than the constant deluge of leaks from those around him. Every single day, a new anonymously sourced story would kneecap what he was trying to do and distract from the wins. DeSantis obviously saw that and decided he wasn’t going to allow the same mistakes to be made, and he’s followed through to the point that press members are now leaking how mad they are.

On another site I post on a lefty said something about there is a story & photo of when DeSantis had graduated college and was teaching. The photo shows some female students hugging him at a graduation party. They were losing their $hit over it. I'd never heard of the story.


PREMO Member

Google Responds to Non-Partisan Study Claiming Google News Has Deep Political Bias

“Imbalanced or heavily biased news search results can have a negative impact on our democracy and elections,” Julie Mastrine, director of marketing and media bias ratings at AllSides, told The Daily Signal in a statement. “When people cannot access the full range of views on political and societal issues, they are subject to partisan manipulation and cannot truly decide for themselves.”

“The AllSides balanced newsfeed solves the problem of biased online news aggregation by curating articles from the left, center, and right, so people can get diverse perspectives and think for themselves,” she added.

A Google spokesperson downplayed the report in comments to The Daily Signal.

“Our systems do not take political ideology into account, and we go to extraordinary lengths to build our products for everyone,” the spokesperson claimed. “This study’s methodology is deeply flawed. It cherry-picked a few topics and ran for a very brief period of time, presenting a misleading picture of Google News.”

John Gable, CEO of AllSides, told The Daily Signal that Google News‘ biased results could be “an accident” of Google’s algorithms or a byproduct of a slant in overall internet news content.


PREMO Member

Mainstream Media Goes Into Overdrive Trying to Politicize Nashville Tragedy

A terrible tragedy occurred Monday as a deranged shooter killed six people in a rampage at a Christian school in Nashville, Tennessee. The murderer, who has now been identified as 28-year-old Aubrey Hale, was born as a female but identified as a male.

If you scanned the front pages of America’s major news outlets, however, you wouldn’t know that—because almost all of them completely avoided these facts in their headlines.

We turn to the news to get exactly that—the news. But here it’s quite clear that editors around the country decided that leaving out crucial information was more important than alerting people to it. Here is a snapshot of coverage at 4:00 am Eastern Standard Time on Tuesday. The headlines may have been updated by the time you read this, but this is where they stand at the moment:

  • LA Times: Police seek motive as Nashville school shooting captures the attention of a divided nation
  • Washington Post: 6 slain at Nashville school; heavily armed shooter a former student, police say
  • New York Times: 6 Killed at Christian School, Leaving a Nashville Community Shattered
  • Wall Street Journal: Nashville School Shooter Kills Six, Including Three Children
  • CNN: Nashville shooter was a former student at the private school, police say
  • MSNBC: 6 are dead in Nashville. Let’s revisit how much the Tennessee GOP loves guns.

The MSNBC entry is—not surprisingly—completely offensive, divisive and gratuituous.


Well-Known Member

Google Responds to Non-Partisan Study Claiming Google News Has Deep Political Bias

“Imbalanced or heavily biased news search results can have a negative impact on our democracy and elections,” Julie Mastrine, director of marketing and media bias ratings at AllSides, told The Daily Signal in a statement. “When people cannot access the full range of views on political and societal issues, they are subject to partisan manipulation and cannot truly decide for themselves.”

“The AllSides balanced newsfeed solves the problem of biased online news aggregation by curating articles from the left, center, and right, so people can get diverse perspectives and think for themselves,” she added.

A Google spokesperson downplayed the report in comments to The Daily Signal.

“Our systems do not take political ideology into account, and we go to extraordinary lengths to build our products for everyone,” the spokesperson claimed. “This study’s methodology is deeply flawed. It cherry-picked a few topics and ran for a very brief period of time, presenting a misleading picture of Google News.”

John Gable, CEO of AllSides, told The Daily Signal that Google News‘ biased results could be “an accident” of Google’s algorithms or a byproduct of a slant in overall internet news content.

Switch to Duck Duck Go .


Well-Known Member

Mainstream Media Goes Into Overdrive Trying to Politicize Nashville Tragedy

A terrible tragedy occurred Monday as a deranged shooter killed six people in a rampage at a Christian school in Nashville, Tennessee. The murderer, who has now been identified as 28-year-old Aubrey Hale, was born as a female but identified as a male.

If you scanned the front pages of America’s major news outlets, however, you wouldn’t know that—because almost all of them completely avoided these facts in their headlines.

We turn to the news to get exactly that—the news. But here it’s quite clear that editors around the country decided that leaving out crucial information was more important than alerting people to it. Here is a snapshot of coverage at 4:00 am Eastern Standard Time on Tuesday. The headlines may have been updated by the time you read this, but this is where they stand at the moment:

  • LA Times: Police seek motive as Nashville school shooting captures the attention of a divided nation
  • Washington Post: 6 slain at Nashville school; heavily armed shooter a former student, police say
  • New York Times: 6 Killed at Christian School, Leaving a Nashville Community Shattered
  • Wall Street Journal: Nashville School Shooter Kills Six, Including Three Children
  • CNN: Nashville shooter was a former student at the private school, police say
  • MSNBC: 6 are dead in Nashville. Let’s revisit how much the Tennessee GOP loves guns.

The MSNBC entry is—not surprisingly—completely offensive, divisive and gratuituous.

Don't you know its always the fault of the people on the right, its believed they love guns. Its also like every corporation is owned by people on the right and want to make ungodly profits on poor people. Don't people on the left own corporations.


PREMO Member
Switch to Duck Duck Go .

Even Duck Duck Go has issues ... I cannot find the news now, so I'll call this a rumor

DDG caved on some Covid Related Information and ' filtered ' some websites or information

DuckDuckGo Created a Privacy Exception for Microsoft

Cybersecurity and privacy researcher Zach Edwards discovered a glaring hole in the privacy protections of DuckDuckGo's purportedly privacy-focused browser: By examining the browser's data flows on Facebook-owned website, Edwards found that the site's Microsoft-placed tracking scripts continued to communicate back to Microsoft-owned domains like Bing and LinkedIn. DuckDuckGo CEO Gabriel Weinberg responded to Edwards on Twitter, admitting that "our search syndication agreement prevents us from stopping Microsoft-owned scripts from loading"—essentially admitting that a partnership deal DuckDuckGo struck with Microsoft includes creating a carveout that lets Microsoft track users of its browsers. Weinberg added that DuckDuckGo is "working to change that." (A company spokesperson reiterated in an email to WIRED Weinberg's assertion that none of this applies to DuckDuckGo search, adding that both its search and its browser offer more privacy protections than the competition.) In the meantime, the revelation blew a glaring hole of its own in the company's reputation as a rare privacy-preserving tech firm. Turns out this surveillance capitalism thing is pretty hard to escape.

DDG Ceo thinks you are too stupid to filter propaganda ...

DuckDuckGo will demote Russian propaganda in search results

Known for being a “privacy-minded” search engine, DuckDuckGo does not track its users or sell data to third parties. The company primarily makes money from affiliate links and non-targeted, contextual ads. DuckDuckGo, which regularly donates to digital rights groups like the Electronic Frontier Foundation and non-profit newsroom The Markup, has also been embraced by conspiracy theorists and far-right groups in recent years. A number of studies highlighted in the New York Times found that Bing’s search algorithm, which powers DuckDuckGo, surfaces more sites that promote conspiracy theories than Google.

Many fans of DuckDuckGo criticized the search engine for its decision on Russia, likening it to “censorship”. It’s unclear whether DuckDuckGo will make a wider effort to down-rank disinformation.
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