Media Corruption


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LA Times Writer Slammed for Racist Claims that White Drivers are ‘Polluting the Air’ of ‘People of Color’

Article is a perfect amalgam of racism and pseudoscience.


A writer for the Los Angeles Times is getting substantial backlash for claiming white drivers are ‘polluting the air’ breathed by black and Latino residents.

According to his LinkedIn profile, Sammy Roth is the Energy Reporter for the outlet. In his piece, Roth cited a study that completely ignores economics and history and called the city’s freeway planning ‘racially motivated‘.

My colleague Terry Castleman wrote about the study, which was published in the peer-reviewed journal Urban Studies. The core finding is that for every 1% increase in miles driven to and from work by people who live in a particular part of L.A. County, there’s an estimated 0.62% decrease in the lung-damaging “fine particulate matter” to which those Angelenos are exposed.

How is that possible? I asked the study’s lead author, Geoff Boeing, a professor at the USC Sol Price School of Public Policy.
He told me it largely comes down to the shameful history of Los Angeles County’s low-income communities of color being torn apart to make way for freeways — a history that has been extensively documented by The Times. Today, many residents of the county’s whiter, more affluent neighborhoods — who were often able to keep highways out of their own backyards — commute to work through lower-income Black and Latino neighborhoods bisected by the 10, 110 and 105 freeways and more.
“It’s not like commuters are coming in and shopping in those communities, patronizing restaurants,” Boeing said. “They’re just driving through to get from one side of the city to the other.”

A quick review of Roth’s LinkedIn profile shows he graduated from Columbia University with a degree in . . . Sustainable Development.

I majored in Sustainable Development and minored in American Studies, graduating cum laude. My coursework included environmental law, urban studies, energy development, geographic information systems and environmental economics. I reported and edited for the Columbia Daily Spectator, and I worked on water conservation projects for the Columbia Aquanauts, an interdisciplinary water club.

Without a stronger background in questioning assertions and challenging hypotheses, certain elements are not considered. For example, are the patterns of freeway use perhaps more driven by socioeconomic factors rather than race?

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PREMO Member
Montgomery was in the news this week after Florida Department of Education communications director Alex Lanfranconi revealed how the Tampa Bay reporter responded to an emailed press release regarding a roundtable discussion on "divisive concepts such as Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) initiatives, Critical Race Theory (CRT) and the impact that these concepts have had on Florida higher education institutions and the students that attend them."

In a reply, Montgomery wrote back "this is propaganda, not a press release."

Lanfranconi shared a screenshot of the response on social media, prompting the liberal reporter to face swift backlash from the right. But it seems backlash on Twitter isn’t the only thing Montgomery had to deal with as a result of his actions.

Vanity Fair reporter Charlotte Klein first tweeted that Axios fired Montgomery on Monday over the incident. Montgomery publicly confirmed and appeared to make light of the situation.



PREMO Member

Study: Air Pollution From White People Driving Cars Are Killing Communities of Color

White people are being blamed for most societal ills, even imaginary ones, by the woke Left, who paradoxically push a message of community and unity, except regarding race. They want a system of reverse racial apartheid, where nonwhites are cordoned off, safe from the white devils that inhabit the areas from beyond. To add another layer of irony, those most aggressive about racial segregation tend to be white liberals. This ‘woke’ ethos has also leeched into the sciences, which has given it a pseudo-intellectual layer that some find credible. Take this study that pretty much says white folks driving cars are poisoning communities of color. Our friends at Hot Air had it first:

Vehicular air pollution has created an ongoing air quality and public health crisis. Despite growing knowledge of racial injustice in exposure levels, less is known about the relationship between the production of and exposure to such pollution. This study assesses pollution burden by testing whether local populations’ vehicular air pollution exposure is proportional to how much they drive. Through a Los Angeles, California case study we examine how this relates to race, ethnicity, and socioeconomic status—and how these relationships vary across the region. We find that, all else equal, tracts whose residents drive less are exposed to more air pollution, as are tracts with a less-White population. Commuters from majority-White tracts disproportionately drive through non-White tracts, compared to the inverse. Decades of racially-motivated freeway infrastructure planning and residential segregation shape today’s disparities in who produces vehicular air pollution and who is exposed to it, but opportunities exist for urban planning and transport policy to mitigate this injustice.

And like most things manufactured by the Left, it can be demolished within 30 seconds, usually by articles from liberal publications, like the LA Times. Hot Air did an excellent job explaining that real science explains the polluted air conditions in the Los Angeles area:

…the effect of geography on highway and population density, not to mention the ocean breeze effect on downtown smog. Even when the California tribes lived in the basin, it had a smoky haze from their campfires, because that bowl rarely cleans itself out. If you look up “thermal inversion,” there’s probably a picture of LA to illustrate it.


PREMO Member

From WaPo:

Intelligence sources told CBS News that there’s been a “significant increase” in threats and violent rhetoric online from domestic violent extremists as former President Donald Trump claimed he will be indicted by a Manhattan grand jury.
But the sources said they have not identified any credible or direct threats to a person or property and they are continuing to monitor for credible specific threats.

Sound familiar to you guys?


Sources said the threats are mostly aimed at law enforcement, judges and government officials in New York and elsewhere that domestic violent extremists perceive as participants in what they see as a political persecution of Trump.

‘Intelligence sources.’ Right.

They so badly want another January 6.



PREMO Member

Tucker Carlson Is “Enraged” His Private Texts Were Leaked; “I Love Trump”

In one of the texts revealed, Carlson said, “I hate him [Trump] passionately.”

Another text read: “We are very very close to being able to ignore Trump most nights, I truly can’t wait,” Carlson wrote in a text to an unidentified Fox employee on Jan. 4, 2021.

However, on Tuesday, Carlson clarified his remarks by saying “I spent four years defending his policies and I’m going to defend them again tonight, and actually… I’m pretty straight forward: I love Trump. Like, as a person, I think Trump is funny and insightful.”

Carlson continued to explain, “I said this to Trump when he called me, you know, all wounded about those texts, that was a moment in time where I was absolutely infuriated.”


PREMO Member

'CBS Mornings' Hosts Join Disgraced Former Sen. Al Franken in Lie-Fest About DeSantis Anti-CRT Law

Welp, look who slithered out of the woodwork. Disgraced former Minnesota Democrat Sen. Al Franken showed up on “CBS Mornings” to flat-out lie about Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis’s anti-CRT law. “Shockingly,” his gracious CBS hosts gleefully provided more-than-able assists throughout the lie-fest segment.

First, a bit of catch-up.

Comedy Central’s “The Daily Show” is featuring a cycle of substitute guest hosts to replace pretend-comedian Trevor Noah. This week’s host is Franken. Spoiler: The entire segment was dreadfully dishonest, with the hosts slobbering all over Franken, one after another. Yes, it really was that bad.

As reported by NewsBusters, after the necessary friendly conversation on Franken’s upcoming hosting duties, guest co-host Vladimir Duthiers gave the former senator a big fat pitch right down the center of the plate as an opening to attack DeSantis. Duthiers smugly whined:

[DeSantis] recently led an attack on the word ‘woke’ and whatever that means. It’s come to mean something very different [to] Republicans. Would you like, give me something to work with here?


PREMO Member
USA Today has named a man its Woman of the Year.

I’ve written before about the stunning speed with which the transgender movement has taken over American culture, and I’ve posited that part of the problem is the natural aggression of men. We hear a lot about “toxic masculinity” in these modern times. There is no greater example of such than in the transgender movement. Toxic men who don’t get their way tend to become manipulative bullies. They become aggressive and demanding. Most women feel highly uncomfortable confronting aggressive and demanding men. Men who believe they can choose to be women take advantage of that apprehension and here we are, offering them awards and unfettered entry into protected women’s spaces.

But it isn’t just about aggressive men. Too many women are welcoming this absurdity into our culture. Too many of us are advocating for the male take over women’s experiences even as we watch our daughters lose to them in competition, give up their places in society to them, and step aside so they can receive awards for living entire lives as men before deciding to be a woman for all of five minutes. Hell, we’re handing them the awards and smiling like good little girls…nice girls.


Perhaps it is a form of “battered woman syndrome.” What is that, exactly?

Battered woman syndrome is “a psychological condition that can develop when a person experiences abuse, usually at the hands of an intimate partner.” A battered woman will often feel like the abuse is deserved, somehow, and that there is something fundamentally wrong with her, not her abuser. She seeks to satiate her partner through compromise and suppressing her own needs and desires.

The neo-feminists are constantly complaining about being raised to be “sweet.” It’s a whole meme thing now. Asking a woman to smile these days is akin to asking her to strip naked and pose. It’s a sign of a patriarchy that likes its women to be submissive.


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^All part of showing why modern Neo-Liberalism is a mental disorder.
^A Classic Liberal would be on the side of these folks being as they want to be, but not pushing it on anyone else.


Well-Known Member

All these people just jealous that Hunter can manage to be an expert energy consultant to China and the Ukraine as well a North African land developer and talented and successful artist, all while coked out of his mind.


Well-Known Member
All these people just jealous that Hunter can manage to be an expert energy consultant to China and the Ukraine as well a North African land developer and talented and successful artist, all while coked out of his mind.

When did Hunter win the presidency?

If we are talking about kids what about the $2 billion Kushner got from Saudi Arabia?


PREMO Member
If we are talking about kids what about the $2 billion Kushner got from Saudi Arabia?


But TRUMP ..... explain how the 2 are even REMOTELY related

Oh and Trump's deal was done OUT IN THE OPEN, not shady bank transfers covered by the Treasury

Explain what Business Acumin Hunter has from smoking crack and banging whores, for Energy Companies