Media Corruption


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NEW: IRS Whistleblower Joseph Ziegler Battles Jake Tapper's Bias in Revealing Interview

Ziegler, a registered Democrat who has over a decade of experience as an IRS case agent, laid out the corruption he saw involving the Hunter Biden investigation. At every turn, he and his team were hamstrung, with the DOJ refusing to even allow questions surrounding Joe Biden. Ziegler also testified that interviews of Hunter Biden’s adult children were also placed off limits. Other damning allegations include Hunter Biden’s legal team being tipped off to searches and U.S. Attorneys in districts outside of Delaware refusing to allow well-evidenced prosecutions.


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10 Media Hack Factories That Pooh-Poohed The Biden-Burisma Scandal As A Conspiracy Theory

Collage of headlines

A scandal involving our now-president selling out his country for foreign dollars is nothing less than earth-shattering, but the biggest scandal of all is the coverup being run by everyone from the Justice Department and FBI to the compromised corporate press.

In any country with a free press that sees itself as a government watchdog and not a government lapdog, this would be a news cycle to make Watergate look like a case of stolen lollipops. Instead, the explosive developments have been making their way to Americans directly from the mouths of brave whistleblowers and in documents pried from FBI fingers by Congress. For good reason, Grassley didn’t give the FD-1023 form to gatekeepers at The New York Times or The Washington Post; he released it straight to the American public.

Why? Because the corporate media have spent years actively trying to shut the story down, in service of the Biden dynasty. Here are some of the best examples of media hackery about the Burisma-Biden scandal that aged like fine milk.

1. The New York Times​


2. The Washington Post​


3. The New Yorker​


4. The Intercept


5. CNN


6. NBC News​


7. ABC News​


8. Slate​


9. The Daily Beast​


10. USA Today​

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The host took care to label Cohen “the Republican Secretary of Defense under President Bill Clinton.” (He’s also a founding member of the new group angrily challenging the third-party movement “No Labels” because they believe that would elect Trump again.)

Cohen praised Trump’s indictment as reaffirming “we are committed to the rule of law.”

Cohen: ….I don’t know what the charge is going to be, but I think it was the most serious because it was an assault upon our democracy. It was an attempt to impose a dictatorship, abandon the rule of law, do everything by sheer power. And, that’s a fascist form of government, and if Mr. Trump in his most recent statements has said he wants to clean out everyone out of Washington who does not support him. It means eliminating all of our State Department personnel, intelligence personnel, military personnel, so he can be the dictator and chief. I think it’s a very, very dangerous concept for anyone to propose, but apparently he is committed to that.

(The New York Times front page Monday blared that Trump would want to expand executive branch authority over government, something all presidents have tried to do. It’s an American political tradition, not dawning “fascism” as hysterical Cohen would have it.)

Golodryga egged Cohen on.

Golodryga: So given what you have just laid out, on top of news, potentially another indictment, what does it say about the party and the country that as of right now he is the frontrunner for the Republican nomination for president?
Cohen: For me, it says that the Republican Party no longer believes in the rule of law. It’s been demonstrated by them over and over again, refusing to hold him accountable, refusing to say this past election of President Biden was not stolen….
Golodryga: Let’s turn now to Washington, where the Senate is going to start debate on the Defense Authorization Act. And obviously, whatever bill they end up passing will look certainly different from the one that was passed by the party-line vote in the Republican-controlled House, where conservative lawmakers really added several amendments that were centered on abortion, transgender rights, and inclusion initiatives. As a former defense secretary, does it surprise you that these issues are jeopardizing funding for the U.S. Military?



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Ex-ABC News Journalist Pleads Guilty to Child Porn Charges

A former ABC News acclaimed producer, previously the outlet's senior Emmy-winning investigative journalist, pleaded guilty Friday to federal charges of transporting and possessing child pornography in a horrific case involving infant rape.

In February 2020, ex-ABC News reporter 53-year-old James Gordon Meek of Arlington, Virginia, used an online messaging platform on his iPhone, where he discussed a sexual interest in children, to send and receive graphic images as well as videos depicting kids forced to engage in sexually explicit conduct, according to court documents. Some of the child sexual abuse material (CSAM) depicted prepubescent minors under the age of 12, including an infant being raped. Meek, who was visiting South Carolina then, brought the iPhone containing the child porn across state lines back with him when he returned home.



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Media Blackout: Corporate Media Ignore Hunter Biden Revelations

The New York Times, Washington Post, and Wall Street Journal (WSJ) did not cover the release of the document, although the WSJ did run an opinion piece.

ABC News, CBS News, and NBC News did not cover the release on their nightly broadcast that evening or on their morning shows the next day, according to Newsbusters. By contrast, Fox News’s nightly newscast led with the story on Thursday.

Newsbusters said in its story:

On Thursday, the “big three” of ABC, CBS, and NBC kept their viewers in the dark on a major storyline of the 2024 presidential election as Senator Chuck Grassley’s (R-IA) office released a rumored form from an FBI confidential source alleging the Biden family coerced the Burisma CEO to shovel them millions if then-Vice President Biden could have Ukraine’s top prosecutor fired (which he did).



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Amazon founder Jeff Bezos’ The Washington Post is projected to lose around $100 million in 2023, two individuals familiar with the Post’s finances told The New York Times.

Additionally, two other individuals briefed on the matter disclosed that the Post is projected to fall short of anticipated advertising revenue for 2023, according to the NYT. The Post has faced challenges in expanding its paid customer base since the 2020 election when it reached a peak of 3 million digital subscriptions compared to about 2.5 million now.

The four sources discussed the Post’s financial affairs on the condition of anonymity, according to the NYT. The Post’s CEO Fred Ryan announced in June that he would step down from his position in August. Ryan’s mistakes were largely responsible for the low morale at the company, executive director of the Post Sally Buzzbee said, individuals familiar with her statements told the NYT.



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NYT bought the Athletic and then let go their sports staff of around 100. They must of made more money than the group they purchased.


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Chris Christie Actually Scores a Direct Hit on CBS News' Margaret Brennan

That leads me to my favorite part of the exchange. After Christie finished, Brennan stared down at her desk, not wanting to acknowledge a word of what Christie had just said. She then tried the only deflection she had left.

BRENNAN: And you know that the US Attorney in Delaware was appointed by President Trump, on issues…
CHRISTIE: Incompetent Margaret. It doesn’t matter whether you were appointed by a Republican or a Democrat. If your work appears to be incompetent and inexplicable, you need to explain it.

The fact that Trump appointed David Weiss, the US Attorney in Delaware, has been used by Democrats as a dismissal of any possibility of political bias in this case. That’s simply absurd. At one point, Weiss was appointed to a position by Barack Obama too. He’s a career prosecutor who has a very cozy relationship with the current leadership at the DOJ. There is zero evidence that his appointment by Trump (as big of a mistake as that apparently was) somehow means he’s a straight shooter and above reproach.

You’ll notice Brennan went to that talking point because she couldn’t offer a rebuttal to anything Christie actually said about how corruptly the investigation was conducted. Love or hate the guy as a presidential candidate, he was spot-on in his commentary.

Lastly, I’ll just note that Brennan’s entire premise is ludicrous. Since when does an alleged crook getting away with his crimes mean it’s time to “move on” from the issue? What an incredibly corrupt standard to try to assert. The plea deal in question is a joke, and it’s ample proof that the DOJ sought to protect the Bidens. If anything, once the plea deal is finalized, the investigation into Hunter Biden and his family needs to intensify.


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Media beg Republicans to ‘move on’ from Hunter Biden – because they know scandal is serious

The media’s desire to “move on” from the scandal is reaching an almost frantic level, as millions in foreign payments and dozens of corporate shell companies are revealed, and incriminating emails are released.

The same plaintive demand was made in congressional hearings.

What was most striking about the last hearing involving two respected IRS whistleblowers was how Democratic members avoided virtually any specific questions.

The members discussed everything from the Emmett Till murder in 1955 to whether the term “two-tiered justice system” is racially insensitive … and of course, Donald Trump.

It was clear that the release of the new evidence of corruption had left no room to maneuver for both Democrat politicians and the media.


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Nets Ignore FOUR New Biden Scandals on Burisma, Hunter’s Life of Corruption

Instead, the networks had other priorities, such as lying about Florida’s Department of Education and screeching about Israel’s judicial reforms signaling the end of its democracy. And, in the case of ABC, Good Morning America shelled out 12 minutes and 41 seconds to their first two stops on a tour of MLB ballparks, including a look at some of their unique snacks.

First came word late Monday that former Hunter Biden confidante Devon Archer finally committed to a closed-door deposition with the House Oversight Committee in which he could reveal the depths to which then-Vice President Biden knew of his son’s Burisma dealings.

The Fox News Channel’s flagship newscast Special Report led Monday with this development (as would numerous FNC shows after them). After three no-shows, correspondent Gillian Turner revealed July 31 is when Archer, who had already “convicted of securities fraud,” will arrive as the committee has said “they have evidence that President Biden, himself, communicated with Hunter Biden’s business partners’ business associates overseas many times in the past.”


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NBC is slammed for report about black people needing 'safe spaces' to camp to avoid 'trauma' from white people who might have Trump flags

  • NBC BLK reporter Char Adams penned an essay describing several black-led outdoor groups working to 'provide safe spaces for black people'
  • The report focused on creating 'safe spaces' so that black people can avoid 'harassment' and 'trauma' from white people at campsites
  • Conservatives on Twitter criticized the report, accusing NBC of race-baiting

NBC BLK reporter Char Adams described in a recently-revived June essay several black-led outdoor groups working to 'provide safe spaces for black people to enjoy outdoor activities and dispel myths that the outdoors doesn't belong to us.'

The report focused heavily on creating racially segregated 'safe spaces' so that black people can avoid 'harassment' and 'trauma' from white people who might fly 'Trump flags' at campsites.

Adams explained that the groups were founded to combat racism from the Jim Crow Era barring African Americans from National Parks, and current stereotypes that black people do not enjoy outdoor activities.

Many on Twitter criticized the report after NBC News re-shared it on Tuesday, saying the media outlet was race-baiting.

The article detailed several black-led outdoor groups working to 'provide safe spaces for black people to enjoy outdoor activities and dispel myths that the outdoors doesn't belong to us'

On Wednesday, defense attorney Marina Medvin joked that the outdoors were now 'racist,' and Seattle-based radio host Jason Rant slammed the article as a 'parody.'

'NBC News is now Teen Vogue, which became The New Republic,' he tweeted. 'They're just a parody, not a news organization.'

Kentucky State University Political Science Professor Wilfred Reilly even went as far as to say the article was an 'unbearable' example of 'upper-class left-wing neuroticism and fake race/gender grievance' from the media.

'It brings us headlines like "It's Summer: Is it All Right to Leave the House?' he joked.

NewsNation reporter Zaid Jilani also hit out at the news outlet for suggesting black people were living in a horror film.

'Does a week go by without an article from a once-reputable news organization suggesting minorities live in an endless M. Night Shyamalan movie where our entire lives are spent hiding from this or that?'


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John Burn-Murdoch has a disturbing chart to show you; look at the party lines showing the share of U.S. adults who have "a great deal of confidence in the scientific community." For Democrats, it's skyrocketed, and for Republicans, it's plummeted. Burn-Murdoch shows the tragedy in that Republicans were less likely to get vaccinated against COVID-19, and therefore tens of thousands of lives were lost due to people being anti-vaxxers. Our president has since proved that you can get the vaccine and all of the boosters and still contract COVID-19 twice. This editor contracted COVID after being vaccinated and getting boosted once.

But note the change in words: The chart says "confidence in the scientific community," while Burn-Murdoch says "anti-science." The pro-science party predicted that the Arctic ice caps would have melted decades ago, flooding coastal cities. The anti-science party believes there are two genders. The pro-science party called it a conspiracy theory that the coronavirus came from a lab leak and wanted you fired from your job if you didn't take the vaccine. The anti-science party didn't see how you could call for lockdowns and also OK huge Black Lives Matter protests because racism was "a public health concern."
