Media Corruption


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"Plans to protect the 2024 elections" = Plans to interfere in the elections by suppressing unhelpful narratives and truths.

From the Washington Post:

A July 4 injunction that places extraordinary limits on the government’s communications with tech companies undermines initiatives to harden social media companies against election interference, civil rights groups, academics and tech industry insiders say.
After companies and the federal government spent years expanding efforts to combat online falsehoods in the wake of Russian interference on the platforms during the 2016 election, the ruling is just the latest sign of the pendulum swinging in the other direction. Tech companies are gutting their content moderation staffs, researchers are pulling back from studying disinformation and key government communications with Silicon Valley are on pause amid unprecedented political scrutiny.



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ABC Smears DeSantis: Appeals to 4Chan, Makes Trump Seem 'Chill'

"For instance," Coaston huffed, "he's been repeatedly hitting Donald Trump this week for being, like, comparatively centrist on LGBT issues. You've heard from Log Cabin Republicans, you’ve seen Caitlyn Jenner saying what’s going on here?"

DeSantis is apparently running to "appeal to people on 4Chan," according to the same leftist.

She ended her rant by helping DeSantis appeal to conservative voters. DeSantis is "the most right-wing, edge-lord person you have ever seen on the internet."


To paraphrase the great Rush Limbaugh: you will always know who the media and Democrats fear by who they are attacking.


Well-Known Member
Affirmative Action can and does do good with ONE PROVISO - if and only if it show preference to equally qualified persons of previously under-represented groups. You must admit, that if a hundred applicants apply to Harvard with the same credentials - and 10 of them are black - and none of them or maybe just one of them are selected - that yeah, that's racist. A purely RANDOM selection of equal applicants would yield a higher number.

It became and remains problematic if it ignores credentials and gives preference on the basis of race while ignoring having lower grades and scores. This is largely because - it is EASIER to do this. To admit based on scoring for grades, and test scores and race. Give a high enough point score for race, and the rest doesn't matter as much.


PREMO Member

The Elon Musk private jet tracker resurfaces on Threads and immediately goads Mark Zuckerberg

Jack Sweeney, the college student and creator of the banned @ElonJet Twitter account that tracked the movements of Elon Musk’s personal jet, has now launched the tracking project on Meta’s rival platform, Threads. “ElonJet has arrived to Threads!” Sweeney posted to the new @elonmusksjet account on Thursday. As of Monday, July 10th, the Threads account currently has 80,000 followers.

Sweeney addressed his second posting on the @elonmusksjet Threads account directly to Mark Zuckerberg, asking the Meta founder if he can remain on the platform. Sweeney includes a shoutout in the Threads bio of @elonmusksjet to the @zuckerbergjet account dedicated to tracking the location of Zuckerberg’s private jet. That account hasn’t posted any live information yet, but Sweeney has been actively tracking the movements of Zuckerberg’s jet across Meta’s Facebook and Instagram services for some time.

The account tracking Musk’s jet already appears to have been suspended and subsequently restored on both Threads and Instagram (where it’s been active for months) in the last few days.


PREMO Member

Morning Mika blames White House staff for Biden's falls and gaffes

Mika Brzezinski is angry at the White House staff because she thinks they are not protecting Joe Biden enough. Protecting him how, you ask? Protecting him from himself. It is clear to even a loyal Democrat like Mika that Joe Biden is failing and she is letting his staff know that she blames them.

Mika is a swamp creature who lives in New York. Her father was Zbigniew Brzezinski, who served as a counselor to President Lyndon B. Johnson. He was the National Security Advisor to President Jimmy Carter. Her brother, Mark, is a diplomat. He was Ambassador to Sweden during the Obama years and he is now the Ambassador to Poland in the Biden administration. Mika is well-connected and tied in with the Democrats and the DNC. Mika acts like an insider. For example, in today’s show, she felt entitled to scold the White House staff. She doesn’t think they are doing their job.

She delivered a rant, letting off some steam at the expense of Biden’s handlers.



PREMO Member
It’s difficult to believe any sentient human really believes that a gaggle of suburban moms are readying for the next Beer Hall Putsch. Then again, the people who cynically spread this kind of smear rely on the credulousness of paranoid Trump-obsessed Democrats. They’ll believe anything, apparently. As Stalin (probably) said: “Everybody has a right to be stupid, but some people abuse the privilege.”

The contention makes literally zero sense. The quote in question — “He alone who owns the youth gains the future” – was used to hyperbolically compare the outlook of Hitler with Joe Biden and other Democrats. Similar framing, though perhaps distasteful, is well within the norms of American political debate. French can find them regularly in his own paper.

While Biden is no Hitler, like many of the left, he is something of an authoritarian when it comes to your children. Well not your children, exactly. The president believes they’re “all our” children. And not only that the state has the right to trap them in schools, but that bureaucrats have the right to dictate what they learn and read against the wishes of parents. As the murderous dictator Vlad Lenin said, “Give me four years to teach the children and the seed I have sown will never be uprooted.”

Even when these parents use the mechanism of our democracy to elect people to enact change in those state-run schools, they are labeled extremists and Hitler stans and book banners and censors. If they complain about the state of American education to their school boards, the federal government might label them a terror threat.



PREMO Member
🔥 And now they’re coming for the podcasts. Two weeks ago, AFP ran this alarming headline:

Oh no! Not PODCAST misinformation! Misinformation like, claiming the shots don’t stop transmission, or that the covid virus leaked from the Wuhan lab. The article identified misinformation super-spreading podcasts like Joe Rogan, Charlie Kirk, and Steve Bannon which, according to the article, often include things that completely-reliable and presumptively un-biased “fact checkers” have deemed to be false.

The fretful fact-checkers worry, because the “conversational tone” of podcasts make them seem more believable, or something. So people might accidentally believe something that’s not officially approved by the government, which could damage the Nation’s cognitive infrastructure. It’s like a highway bridge that starts cracking after a conversational tractor-trailer filled with moonpies of misinformation collides with the cognitive overpass.

It’s JUST like that.

Presumably, the censors are just now getting around to the podcasts because lazy SBU and FBI agents prefer keyword searching over actually reading or listening to content for themselves. Anyway, don’t worry, the have people on the job now, and soon will be “fact checking” podcasts and rating them as unreliable:

NewsGuard, a firm that rates the credibility of websites, announced in May it would begin evaluating the trustworthiness of popular podcasts. NewsGuard said it will release the ratings for some 200 podcasts in 2024, giving more transparency to listeners and enabling advertisers to avoid podcasts featuring misinformation or content at odds with their brand.

I’m sure they will be super-duper careful never to flag people’s OPINIONS or issues that could be argued either way as disinformation, because that would be crazy unconstitutional, right? You believe that, don’t you?



PREMO Member


Jennifer Rubin is a left-wing columnist for the Washington Post. So, naturally, she hates Ron DeSantis. On Friday, she published a column arguing that DeSantis’s conservative policies endanger Florida’s economy. The headline was, “Florida might pay for MAGA cruelty and know-nothingism.” Just another objective day at the office at WaPo! Unfortunately, her entire column was based on a grotesque factual error.

The centerpiece of Rubin’s piece was this absurd claim:

DeSantis likes to brag that more people are moving to Florida than ever. Not so fast. ‘An estimated 674,740 people reported that their permanent address changed from Florida to another state in 2021.’ That’s more than any other state, including New York or California, the two states that have received the most attention for outbound migration during the pandemic, according to the American Community Survey released in June tracking state-by-state migration.

This assertion came from a Business Insider article that, when Rubin wrote, had already been corrected. In fact, the exact opposite is true. The Post had to correct Rubin’s error:

A previous version of this article mischaracterized Floridians’ state-to-state migration in 2021. According to the Census Bureau, more people moved into Florida than any other state that year. This version has been corrected.

This is one of those corrections that destroys the entire point of the original article. The correction implicitly acknowledges that the column never should have been printed in the first place. Both the Post and Ms. Rubin should be embarrassed, but we know from experience that, as a hard-core apparatchik, Rubin doesn’t embarrass easy.

But this is the point I want to make: it is truly extraordinary that a left-wing columnist and (presumably) an editor at the Washington Post are living in such a bubble that they are unaware of the fact that Florida, under Ron DeSantis, has become America’s number one boom state. Americans are moving to Florida as fast as they can dump their houses in New York, Illinois, California and Minnesota. This chart, from American Experiment, shows net domestic migration for each state from 2019 through 2022. Florida is on top, with Texas in second place:



PREMO Member

Jen Rubin spews tripe about Florida, forcing the WaPo to issue an embarrassing correction

By Monica Showalter

Talk about stupid.

Jennifer Rubin wrote a column in the Washington Post, absurdly claiming that Florida was so badly run and so "cruel" its residents were fleeing, basing her entire article on this errant premise, and forcing the Washington Post to issue an embarrassing correction.


More humiliatingly, Rubin's error was first corrected by readers on Twitter, at least one of whom actually went into the statistics Rubin should have gone into and found the problem. The WaPo had to issue its correction afterwards -- and who knows if they would have, had the Twitter correction not been so loud and out there first.


What an embarrassment. It's not just that Rubin should have known better than to get her statistics from Business Insider (or any outlet full of cub reporters on their first jobs out of journalism school), instead of original sources. It's that intuitively, she should have been skeptical, as the preponderance of news stories do cite the tremendous success Florida has had in drawing residents, based on its low-tax, low-regulation, pro-family, pro-freedom policies, brought in by Florida's excellent governor, Ron DeSantis. She also throws in an attack against President Trump, or rather, his MAGA movement, for good measure. See, she's got this all worked out.

Jen Rubin read one piece from Business Insider and she instantly believed its silly claims because it said something negative about DeSantis and by extension, President Trump? What a gullible doofus!

What we have here is ideology destroying what should be a natural skepticism about weird statistics. When normal reporters run into one of those, they double-check, they look for an original source, as well as a second source; they go over how the statistic was put together.

Not so Jen Rubin -- and her leftist editors. They hear something bad about Ron DeSantis and jump right in to use whatever weird thing they just heard to attack him, pathetically covering themselves with the sludge of error -- and sometimes irredeemably so.

Nothing clouds a reporter's judgment quite like extreme prejudice and hate.


PREMO Member

Nets Spend 527 Minutes on Trump Indictment, 0 Seconds on Biden Burisma Bribery

Over 39 days (June 8-morning of July 18) the Big Three (ABC, CBS, NBC) broadcast networks crammed their evening, morning and Sunday roundtable shows with a total of 527 minutes of coverage dedicated to the Trump indictment.

But how much did the Biden/Burisma alleged bribery scheme receive?

Zero seconds.

The Burisma scandal story and its ties to Joe “Big Guy” Biden has legs.

On July 12, Fox News reported that GOP lawmakers “erupted” after “learning about about a 2015 email chain” with a Burisma executive from Hunter’s laptop that so far ABC, CBS, NBC have yet to report on.

A July 12 article by Fox News’ Jessica Chasmar, Brooke Singman and Cameron Cawthorne detailed the revelations from the email exchange:

Republican lawmakers erupted Tuesday after learning about a 2015 email chain that predated President Biden’s infamous 2015 trip to Ukraine, when a Burisma Holdings executive revealed the “ultimate purpose” of Hunter Biden’s involvement with the Ukrainian energy company.
One month before then-Vice President Joe Biden traveled to Ukraine, where he threatened to withhold $1 billion in U.S. aid if Ukrainian leaders did not fire their top prosecutor, Hunter Biden and Burisma executives were discussing executing a contract for counter-messaging against any federal investigations into Burisma’s founder and then-president, Mykola Zlochevsky.
“The sequence of events that led to the firing of Viktor Shokin, and the subsequent comments by then-Vice President Biden, raise serious concerns as to what machinations were really at play — and were purposefully concealed from the American people,” Rep. Virginia Foxx, R-N.C., who sits on the House Oversight and Accountability Committee, told Fox News Digital. “No matter how you slice Hunter Biden’s involvement, it screams public corruption at the highest levels and must be fully investigated.”


PREMO Member

Prepare for Big Distraction – IRS Whistleblowers Scheduled for Public Testimony in Biden Bribery Scandal Tomorrow 1:00pm​

July 18, 2023 | Sundance | 340 Comments

Tomorrow (Wednesday), the House Oversight Committee will hold a public hearing at 1pm ET, gathering information from two IRS whistleblowers who have come forward with evidence the DOJ and FBI pressured them to stop the investigation of Hunter and Joe Biden and their alleged bribery schemes.

Essentially, large payments were made by foreign governments, and affiliated businesses within China and Ukraine, to Joe and Hunter Biden in exchange for political policy. The IRS agents investigating the case were blocked by DOJ and FBI officials during their investigation of the criminal activity.

Both IRS agents are going to testify publicly.

In advance of the testimony, a senior FBI supervisory special agent has now corroborated the claims made by both whistleblowers.



PREMO Member

CNBC Puts All Blue States In Top 10 States To Live, Red In Worst 10

CNBC’s Scott Cohn portrays himself on Twitter, not as some progressive commentator, but as simply a “journalist.” However, on Friday, Cohn released two articles: one on the top ten states to “live and work in” and one for the bottom ten. Despite all the migration out of blue states and into red states, Cohn’s top ten was exclusively blue, while his bottom ten was exclusively red.

Right away it was obvious that Cohn started with a predetermined conclusion that red states are terrible, defining liberal policies on social issues to be positive, “The study measures quality of life issues including crime, health care, childcare and health care, as well as inclusive policies on discrimination and reproductive rights.”

Of the worst ten (Florida, Arkansas, Tennessee, Indiana, Missouri, Alabama, South Carolina, Louisiana, Oklahoma, Texas), “reproductive rights” appears six times while “inclusiveness” appears eight times, and “voting rights” appears seven times. Here are some of what Cohn considers to be the lowlights of various red states:

  • Florida: “Many companies consider DEI an economic imperative…rated strictly on Life, Health and Inclusion, the Sunshine State can be a dreary place"
  • Tennessee: “Tennessee has enthusiastically passed laws targeting LGBTQ+ rights, even if it has meant crossing the bounds of constitutionality… But plenty of other laws have survived, like a transgender youth sports ban, and laws that provide religious exemptions allowing health care and child welfare professionals to deny service to transgender people.”
  • Missouri: “The state became the first to enact a so-called “trigger law,” which went into effect moments after the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade in 2022.”
  • Alabama: “It is also one of the most difficult states to vote in, with no in-person early voting and restrictions on voting by mail.
  • Oklahoma: “The Sooner State’s 1910 abortion ban remains among the strictest in the nation, even after its state supreme court struck down some parts of it, like the provision that required a medical emergency to justify an abortion. The law makes performing an abortion a felony punishable by up to five years in prison, unless the procedure is necessary to preserve the mother’s life.”
  • Texas: “The Lone Star State keeps hacking away at inclusiveness, with laws targeting the LGBTQ+ population, voting rights, and the nation’s strictest abortion ban.”