ProPublica’s lame hit on Alito: a ‘dark money’ assault on high court
Since the Supreme Court shifted right, media coverage has, well, flip-flopped from hagiography to hit pieces fast enough to make your head spin.
When the court was reliably liberal, things like Justice Hugo Black’s fomer Klan membership, or William O. Douglas’ history of sexual misbehavior and shady connections to Vegas “businessmen” didn’t matter.
Now that it’s leaning the other way, the press has stopped swallowing camels and started straining at gnats.
Last month we were told that it was somehow an ethics violation that George Mason Law School (one of the few conservative law schools in America) had Supreme Court justices as adjunct professors, even as its clinic filed friend-of-the-court briefs.
Since the Supreme Court shifted right, media coverage has, well, flip-flopped from hagiography to hit pieces fast enough to make your head spin.
When the court was reliably liberal, things like Justice Hugo Black’s fomer Klan membership, or William O. Douglas’ history of sexual misbehavior and shady connections to Vegas “businessmen” didn’t matter.
Now that it’s leaning the other way, the press has stopped swallowing camels and started straining at gnats.
Last month we were told that it was somehow an ethics violation that George Mason Law School (one of the few conservative law schools in America) had Supreme Court justices as adjunct professors, even as its clinic filed friend-of-the-court briefs.