Media Corruption


PREMO Member
Yes, scoffing at the partisans of the NAACP, which engaged in this political stunt for just such a moment, is the right thing to do. It is preposterous to argue that Florida is an outlier of any sort when it comes to violence or racism. Then again, the NAACP’s headquarters are in Baltimore, one of the nation’s most dangerous cities for African Americans. Maybe Florida should be the one issuing travel advisories.

Still, the conceit of the AP piece, as with so many others like it, is that Republicans contribute to violence by virtue of having political opinions. This is not, incidentally, a standard employed when a trans person massacres kids in a Christian school, a racist murders five white cops, or even when a racist kills 10 in the blue state of New York.

Peoples claims, for example, that Republicans have worked to appeal to the “GOP’s white conservative base” (you are just automatons defined by skin color these days) by “downplaying the existence of racism in America.”

This claim, really a lie, is based on a nonexistent requirement that every American treat the far left’s assertions about racism as objective truth. It’s tantamount to accusing anyone who disagrees with QAnon of “downplaying the existence of pedophilia in America.”

No, people disagree about the scope of a problem. Yet, according to the AP, if one diverges from the worldview of Black Lives Matter, they are in league with white supremacists.

Even criticism of “wokeness” — which, I think most conservatives view as a catchall for progressive cultural values — is, according to NBC, an attempt to undermine “people of color” and other “marginalized communities.” If you disparage wokeness, you are basically buying Klansmen AR-15s, which is very convenient.



PREMO Member
Politico, which continually works to suppress the Biden family business scandal, wrote an article in its morning newsletter that suggested some Republicans are concerned about the lack of evidence against Joe Biden to open an impeachment inquiry.

The publication did not cite any particular lawmakers, claiming only that they were “moderate Republicans in Biden-won districts.”

Republican lawmakers are “privately fretting that there’s no evidence to back up their conservative colleagues’ accusations that the president benefited from his son’s swampy gigs,” Politico wrote.

“We haven’t proven the case for impeachment yet,” Politico quoted an alleged, unnamed senior aide. “How can you start impeachment? We haven’t done what you need to do to start impeachment. There is no way we’d get the votes.”


Powerful allegations continue to mount against the president. The allegations include, but are not limited to, photos, texts, an audio recording, and IRS and former business partner whistleblower testimonies:

  1. Biden family suspicious activity reports of wire transfers
  2. Texts
  3. Emails
  4. WhatsApp messages
  5. Photos of Joe with Hunter’s business partners
  6. Joe Biden’s voicemail to Hunter
  7. Five individuals referencing Joe Biden as the “big guy”
  8. Two whistleblower testimonies
  9. FBI FD-1023 form alleging recorded phone calls and texts between Biden and a Burisma executive
  10. FBI informant alleging bribes
  11. Video of Joe Biden bragging about firing the Ukrainian prosecutor
  12. Hunter’s statements about giving half his income to his dad
  13. Former White House Aide saying FBI ignored Joe Biden’s role in Ukraine business dealings
  14. Millions flowing into Biden family bank accounts
  15. Hunter paying for Joe Biden’s expenses
  16. Email aliases
The allegations demand an immediate impeachment inquiry, Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) and House Judiciary Committee member Harriet Hageman (R-WY) told Breitbart News.



PREMO Member

Facebook Files V: How Facebook Bent the Knee to White House Demands

In March 2021, The CCDH claimed that 12 accounts, dubbed the “disinformation dozen,” accounted for 65% of “of anti‑vaccine content circulating on social media.” But it seems the disinformation complainers became the disinformation spreaders. Jordan said that even Facebook was aware that the claim was false. “First, that 65% stat? CCDH was off by quite a bit. Facebook knew the actual number was closer to 0.05%,” he added

But the White House latched on to the CCDH’s faulty statistic which one Facebook employee later described as “misleading” with “unrelenting staying power.” Within a month of the CCDH releasing its faulty report, “Facebook employees were preparing a draft memo to Mark Zuckerberg about ‘pressure from … the White House’ to remove the Disinfo Dozen even though they did ‘not believe we currently have a clear path for removal,’” Jordan continued, citing a Facebook memo. The alleged memo goes on to note that of the 34 accounts including the so-called disinformation dozen and their affiliates, only six accounts violated Facebook’s policies.

The White House charged ahead with the CCDH’s script anyway. Jordan included screenshots of a memo showing that the White House asked Facebook to disable accounts that had been banned on other platforms and to ban links to websites associated with the 12 disfavored accounts. Facebook was hesitant as it only took those actions in extreme cases with concerns of child safety or dangerous organizations. “We do not and should not ban users from FB or IG because they've been banned by competitors,” the memo reads. The memo writer appeared concerned that excessive action would censor users who did nothing wrong.

By July 2021, Facebook had censored 11 of the 12 and former White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki brought up the Disinformation Dozen in a July 15 press briefing. After the briefing, Facebook Vice President of Global Affairs Nick Clegg met with the Surgeon General’s Office and employees attempted to prepare “persuasive” information on what had been done about the Disinformation Dozen. Although Facebook had in fact censored nearly all of the accounts one employee tellingly commented that “nothing we say will be persuasive to that crew.”

Jordan wrote that “y August, things hadn’t improved. CCDH’s false Disinfo Dozen stat was ‘routinely cited in the press’ and contributed to FB having a “tough relationship with” the Biden White House,” he added referring to a note written by Facebook staff. Apparently the Biden administration wanted Facebook to be “doing more to address the disinfo dozen actors.” In response “Facebook ‘tailored’ solutions around the White House’s concerns rather than real problems,” Jordan added.


PREMO Member

WaPo's Phillip Bump Humiliates Self by Claiming 14 Presidents Signed Anti-Trump Letter

"Fourteen presidents indirectly called out Trump's threat to democracy today," Bump claimed, linking to his story. "Thirteen former presidents signed a letter. The current one released an ad." First Bump restricted access to replying to the post, showing he couldn't deal with any comments that people might have on it. Then after people quoted it and commented anyway, he ultimately deleted it.

But if you noticed a small problem with his post, you weren't the only one. Bump was understandably inundated with a ratio, despite his effort to limit response. Many pointed out that there aren't "fourteen presidents" even still alive, much less able to comment or sign a letter against Trump. There are only five former presidents still alive, including Trump -- Donald Trump, Barack Obama, George W. Bush, Bill Clinton, and Jimmy Carter (who is very ill and likely not signing anything).

So how does Bump get to this wild number in his post, including the "13 former presidents signed" such a letter? From the guy who didn't know what Hunter Biden's message about giving half his income to Joe meant and didn't seem to think was worth looking into, this justification is something else. He's referring to an ad from Joe Biden, as well as a letter signed by the foundations connected to 13 former presidents.



PREMO Member

WaPo's Phillip Bump Humiliates Self by Claiming 14 Presidents Signed Anti-Trump Letter

"Fourteen presidents indirectly called out Trump's threat to democracy today," Bump claimed, linking to his story. "Thirteen former presidents signed a letter. The current one released an ad." First Bump restricted access to replying to the post, showing he couldn't deal with any comments that people might have on it. Then after people quoted it and commented anyway, he ultimately deleted it.

Mixed message? Bush foundation chief who organized unity letter previously leaked Steele dossier

David Kramer, who worked in the State Department under President George W. Bush and was an associate of the late Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.), pushed for the foundations and centers of former presidents to sign a letter about unifying the country.

However, in 2016 Kramer provided the Steele dossier to BuzzFeed, which published it without corroborating its allegations that then-President-elect Donald Trump was a puppet of Russian President Vladimir Putin.

On Thursday, a letter was released by the George W. Bush Institute about unifying around democracy, saying that: "Debate and disagreement are central features in a healthy democracy. Civility and respect in political discourse, whether in an election year or otherwise, are essential."

The letter was co-signed by 13 presidential centers, reflecting a wide diversity of viewpoints and policies, ranging from the Obama Foundation and The Carter Center to the George & Barbara Bush Foundation and The Ronald Reagan Presidential Foundation and Institute.

The Eisenhower Foundation explained that it had declined an invitation to sign the letter as there hadn't been a pre-publication discussion about the letter, which was the first joint statement issued by the foundations.


PREMO Member
In May, CNN (and PBS) host Christiane Amanpour gave a pompous commencement speech at Columbia Journalism School, declaring her love for an activist media and how it “can be a force for change and improvement in the world.”

But, like the rest of CNN, Amanpour righteously talks of "speaking truth to power" when it's Republicans, but pampers Democrats and worries out loud when they're unpopular.

On Thursday, Amanpour spoke to Franklin Foer about his Biden book titled The Last Politician. Almost all the questions were designed to figure out how Biden can sell himself and be more appreciated for his buckets of achievements as he seeks re-election.
