Media Corruption


PREMO Member
🔥 Meanwhile, facing an existential threat to the Biden gravy train’s integrity, Biden’s handlers did not stay idle, even if Joe himself was sleeping. Yesterday CNN ran a story headlined, “White House sends letter to news execs urging outlets to ‘ramp up’ scrutiny of GOP’s Biden impeachment inquiry ‘based on lies’.

The article was deliciously ironic and possibly even a self-parody.

The article’s “news” was that the White House sent all major media executives a letter directing, I mean encouraging, them to ignore the Republican’s “baseless process story.” The letter strongly advocated that the media has a responsibility “to the truth,” meaning the lie, in the form of taking Biden’s side against the Republicans.

That’s where it got hilarious. See how CNN repeatedly characterized the Republican’s impeachment inquiry as “baseless,” as if that were fact, and note how they continually obscured the definition of “evidence,” like we discussed yesterday:

The White House sent a letter to top US news executives on Wednesday, urging them to intensify their scrutiny of House Republicans after Speaker Kevin McCarthy launched an impeachment inquiry into President Joe Biden, despite having found no evidence of a crime
McCarthy launched the impeachment inquiry Tuesday without a formal House vote in a bid to appease Republicans on his far-right… House Republicans, most of whom have denied that disgraced former President Donald Trump committed any wrongdoing, have long sought to baselessly portray Biden as a corrupt, crime-ridden politician engaged in sinister activities…
The Republican House-led investigations into Biden have yet to provide any direct evidence that the president financially benefited from Hunter Biden’s career overseas.

Haha, that’s Establishment Media even-handed news reporting for ya. And, “Hunter Biden’s career overseas?” His career? Really? What, pray tell, was that “career?” Exactly?

Basically the news was the White House has enlisted the media onto its impeachment-response team and CNN is 100% on board. What else is new?

My suggestion is for the House Oversight Committee to send its own letter to all the media executives, listing the evidence, and calling on them — in the noble Spirit of Watergate, of course — to hold the White House’s muddy feet to the political fire.



PREMO Member

The media cannot save lyin’ Joe Biden — even with his demands

How strange, then, that there was nary a peep of media protest over the expectation they would do the president’s bidding.

If there was outrage at being outed for rank partisanship, it remains a secret.

Most media treated the letter as no big deal.

In truth, it was a very big deal, and the SOS from the Biden White House tore the cover off any claim the media is fair.

No Republican president would dare make such a demand, knowing he would be ripped to shreds.

The strangest reaction came from Axios, which used the letter to give friendly political advice to the White House.

It warned the missive “could backfire” because any media attacks on Republicans “will now look like they’re kowtowing to White House pressure.”

In other words, make such demands privately!


PREMO Member

AYFKM?! Joe Biden much more coherent than Trump!

How humiliating must it be to go on national TV and claim that Joe Biden hasn’t lost a step or a thousand? Or that Biden is coherent? There isn’t a person in Washington DC, no less outside of it, who actually believes that he is still entirely with it. We can debate whether the problem is actual dementia or mere exhaustion, mental and physical, but what we cannot seriously argue about is whether Joe Biden has the capacity to execute the office of president.

Even Democrats will tell pollsters this, and partisans rarely will say out loud things critical of their side to strangers. That some Democrats don’t say it though they believe it is unsurprising–quite normal, actually–that so many do tells you that the problem has gone beyond “open secret.” The Democrat leadership would love to get rid of Biden and replace him, but has the problem that this would result in a battle for the top spot that would kill the Democrats’ prospects for victory.

So everybody pretends, and people like Morning Ho Scarborough must beclown themselves by saying that Biden is much more coherent than Trump.


PREMO Member
When asked if the media are biased, Boyle explained it is based on the mere fact that it is comprised of people who have different experiences and backgrounds that shape who they are and the decisions they make.

“No, we’re not artificial intelligence, right? You see artificial intelligence out there starting to write stories and whatnot, and that is a serious threat to the business. But I think the average person out there can tell if a story has been written by AI or if it’s been written by a person and as such, because we are people, our personal experiences — whether they’re about our beliefs, our history, people that we know, things that we’ve done over the course of our lives — inform the decisions that we make,” he said, explaining that journalists make a series of decisions when working that can factor into that perception of bias.

“Every story we cover, we’re making a decision. Should we cover this? Should we cover that? Should we cover this, and as are people in any other newsroom, right? The New York Times makes similar decisions, the Washington Post makes similar decisions,” he said, explaining that Breitbart News is different in that the outlet essentially tells you where it is coming from and what it believes upfront.

“The difference between a Breitbart and maybe some of those more traditional establishment media outlets is, we come right out and tell you what it is that we believe. I mean, you know what you’re getting. When you’re dealing with Breitbart, you know, that you’re dealing with a conservative media outlet, you know? You’re dealing with people that have certain viewpoints on the issues of, say, immigration or trade or any other political matter like that,” he said, noting that establishment media outlets are not as honest.



PREMO Member


The Times blocked a bot that had given the Internet Archive’s Wayback Machine huge troves of websites.

THE NEW YORK TIMES tried to block a web crawler that was affiliated with the famous Internet Archive, a project whose easy-to-use comparisons of article versions has sometimes led to embarrassment for the newspaper.

In 2021, the New York Times added “ia_archiver” — a bot that, in the past, captured huge numbers of websites for the Internet Archive — to a list that instructs certain crawlers to stay out of its website.

Crawlers are programs that work as automated bots to trawl websites, collecting data and sending it back to a repository, a process known as scraping. Such bots power search engines and the Internet Archive’s Wayback Machine, a service that facilitates the archiving and viewing of historic versions of websites going back to 1996.

The New York Times has, in the past, faced public criticisms over some of its stealth edits.

The Internet Archive’s Wayback Machine has long been used to compare webpages as they are updated over time, clearly delineating the differences between two iterations of any given page. Several years ago, the archive added a feature called “Changes” that lets users compare two archived versions of a website from different dates or times on a single display. The tool can be used to uncover changes in news stories that have been made without any accompanying editorial notes, so-called stealth edits.

The Times has, in the past, faced public criticisms over some of its stealth edits. In a notorious 2016 incident, the paper revised an article about then-Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., so drastically after publication — changing the tone from one of praise to skepticism — that it came in for a round of opprobrium from other outlets as well as the Times’s own public editor. The blogger who first noticed the revisions and set off the firestorm demonstrated the changes by using the Wayback Machine.

More recently, the Times stealth-edited an article that originally listed “death” as one of six ways “you can still cancel your federal student loan debt.” Following the edit, the “death” section title was changed to a more opaque heading of “debt won’t carry on.”

A service called NewsDiffs — which provides a similar comparative service but focuses on news outlets such as the New York Times, CNN, the Washington Post, and others — has also chronicled a long list of significant examples of articles that have undergone stealth edits, though the service appears to not have been updated in several years.


PREMO Member
The State Run Media and Activists have been doing this for over 15 yrs now, this was the cause of the 1st round of YouTube Advertising crashes

do you have a statement to make about your advertisements supporting Nazi's on YouTube


PREMO Member
Sounds like this WaPo "journalist" will qualify for some of the Biden Admin's hurt feelings therapy money.

I'm sure she is getting roasted

looking at her Twitter account, she does food ... which on one hand explains the pizza, but wtf is she doing engaging advertisers, besides she is a progressive hack


PREMO Member

New York Times Again Normalizes Radical Nutty Environmental Protest in NYC

The New York Times’ coverage of an environmental protest in Manhattan, “Fingers Pointed at President, Protesters Demand End to Fossil Fuels,” felt familiar. The story template, of normal people “young and old” filling the streets, was identical to the paper’s mainstreaming of previous left-wing protests, a template from former leftist protest movements like Occupy Wall Street, the Dreamers, and Black Lives Matter.

The story took six people to report and was credited to Somini Sengupta, Hilary Howard, and Delger Erdenesanaa. (Sengupta wrote a similar story about a march around this time in 2019, which just shows how effective these things are.)

Tens of thousands of people, young and old, filled the streets of Midtown Manhattan under blazing sunshine on Sunday to demand that world leaders quickly pivot away from fossil fuels dangerously heating the Earth.
Their ire was sharply directed at President Biden, who arrived in New York Sunday night for several fund-raisers this week and to speak before the United Nations General Assembly session that begins Tuesday.
“Biden, you should be scared of us,” Emma Buretta, 17, a New York City high school student and an organizer with the Fridays for Future movement, shouted at a rally ahead of the march. “If you want our vote, if you don’t want the blood of our generations to be on your hands, end fossil fuels.”
The Biden administration has shepherded through the United States’ most ambitious climate law and is working to transition the country to wind, solar and other renewable energy. But it has also continued to approve permits for new oil and gas drilling, in most instances because it was required by law.
…. According to scientific models as well as projections by the International Energy Agency, nations must stop approving new oil, gas and coal projects if the world is to stay within relatively safe levels of atmospheric warming.
At least they included a response from the devilish energy industry who signed on to “the urgency of confronting climate change” but said the protesters approach would “leave American families and businesses beholden to unstable foreign regions for higher cost and far less reliable energy.”

Then came the attempt, using the old reliable template, to normalize (leaving out the Che Guevara t-shirt-wearers) and flatter the protesters in a sentence that’s probably appeared in some form in every admiring New York Times article about a left-wing protest.


PREMO Member
CNN's liberal media janitor and former Brian Stelter stooge Oliver Darcy had a meltdown of sorts in his reliably liberal Reliable Sources newsletter due to Meet the Press moderator Kristen Welker daring to interview Trump during her first show as moderator. To leftists and wannabe totalitarians like Darcy, anyone who platforms Trump should be admonished.

"NBC News spent the entire week hyping Welker as someone who 'met the moment' as a White House correspondent when' power was held to account' during Trump’s tumultuous presidency," Darcy huffed in the opening paragraph.

"Unfortunately, Welker failed spectacularly to meet the moment during her interview with Trump," Darcy added.


Darcy had to turn to anonymous "reliable sources" to endorse his thesis. "Television executives I surveyed before and after the interview were baffled that NBC News and Welker willfully chose to take on such a fraught assignment, given Trump's notorious propensity to lie. As one television executive put it to me, 'It was a crazy way to set the tone of what Meet the Press would be under her.'"

This is the same attack he launched on his own network for hosting a Trump town hall to launch Kaitlan Collins into prime time. He repeated: "CNN, for instance, saw a tsunami of criticism wash over the network in the wake of its (also disastrous) town hall with Trump this spring — and the network is still trying to win back viewers."
