Media Corruption


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NewsGuard 2.0: ‘Media Bias’ Tracker ‘Ad Fontes’ Overwhelmingly Favors Leftist Media

Over the past several years, a number of “media rating” agencies have sprung up which purport to rank the accuracy and bias of news companies.

Virtually all of them, like the Global Disinformation Index (GDI) end up functioning as blacklists, used to advise advertisers and tech companies which news outlets to demonetize and suppress. Now, the spotlight is on another such company: Ad Fontes.

Founded in 2018 at the height of the “disinformation” panic, Ad Fontes maintains a regularly-updated list of media outlets, ranked by their levels of “bias” and “reliability.”

The Media Research Center conducted a deep dive into Ad Fontes’ list and the methodology behind it, finding extensive evidence of bias.

View Newsbusters:

Ad Fontes deemed the bulk of media it labeled as on the “left” to be fully “reliable,” including CNN, The New York Times, ABC, CBS and NBC, while only rewarding less than one third of media it labeled as on the “right” to be “reliable,” including The Wall Street Journal, Fox Business, National Post and CATO Institute.
  • Ad Fontes gave 64 percent of media it considered to be on the left as reliable, while only rating 32 percent of media it labeled on the right as reliable.
  • Ad Fontes is 10 times more likely to give its lowest rating of “unreliable” to media on the right as it is to give this badge of shame to media on the left. Ad Fontes rated only 2.9 percent of media it considered on the left as “unreliable,” while it rated 29 percent of media it labeled on the right as “unreliable.”

Moreover, the methodology that Ad Fontes uses to rank media outlets is shrouded in mystery. Ad Fontes says it deploys teams of three individuals, one from the political right, one from the left, and one from the center, to assess media outlets. Yet Ad Fontes never reveals who these people are.


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The Washington Post has admitted that the censorship-industrial complex of “fact checkers,” think tanks, and NGOs, carefully constructed over the past half-decade to censor dissident voices, has been put on the defensive by a number of investigations from Congressional Republicans and red states.

“Misinformation research is buckling under GOP legal attacks” is the headline at the Washington Post, over a lengthy article which bemoans ongoing probes of the censorship industry by Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH).

The article also credits the ongoing Missouri v. Biden lawsuit which has uncovered widespread collusion between the Biden administration and the censorship industry, as well as the activities of the Foundation for Freedom Online (FFO), a nonprofit that advocates for free speech online, for putting the censorship industry on the back foot.



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Ed Krassenstein used to be nothing but an anti-Trump troll, but now that he's gotten a taste of some of that X "content creator" money, he's lightened up a bit and now asks his followers what they think about each issue. He's practically begging for engagement, and we're going to give him some because he thinks Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez might have made a good point about immigration. AOC says the number of migrants coming to New York City today is nothing compared to those who came through Ellis Island in the late 19th Century and early 20th Century.

Does AOC have a point when she compares the people coming to NYC today via immigration and those who came through Ellis Island?
AOC said:
“The number of, when it comes to people coming to New York City today, are nothing. I’m telling you, nothing compared to the daily amounts of people we saw coming in through Ellis Island in the first half of this century.
“We’re seeing more than twelve million immigrants that passed through Ellis Island between 1892 and 1954.”
What are your thoughts? Is this a fair comparison?

Um, no. First, the migrants arriving in New York City are being bussed there from the border. You can fit only so many people onto a bus. The number of people coming to NYC is nothing compared to the border states, and we note she doesn't propose any solution to what her mayor has called the destruction of the city as we knew it.

Second, migrants have been being bussed to New York for, what, a year? Compared to 60 years of immigration through Ellis Island, yeah, the number's small.



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The Associated Press Tried to Bring Down Rumble and the GOP Debate in Lame Fashion

The Associated Press noticed that the video platform Rumble has not taken action to remove Russell Brand’s channel from its site, following his coming under fire for alleged sexual assaults taking place over a decade ago. The site dared take the provocative stance that it will wait to see if anything valid comes from the accusations made by anonymous women and rely on due process before it takes any action.

This innocent until proven guilty common sense approach has the AP describing things with “extremism”, and there is a clear attempt to implicate the Republican party in the process. Writing at the syndicate is Ali Swenson, who right from the start works to impugn both entities.

  • The second Republican presidential debate will be broadcast Wednesday on Fox Business Network and Univision, but the exclusive online livestream will take place on Rumble, an alternative video-sharing platform that has been criticized for allowing— and at times promoting — far-right extremism, bigotry, election disinformation and conspiracy theories.

Before delving into the empty claims, let us step back and take an overview perspective. Rumble became a space favored by those on the right who have tired of being perpetually hounded by the information gatekeepers at sites like YouTube. (Case in point, YT recently demonitized Brand’s channel based solely on the unproven and as yet uninvestigated allegations.) One of the common refrains heard in response to complaints from those on the right about being silenced has been “If you don’t like it, go start your own platform!” This has proven to be an unsatisfactory result.

Recall how Parler, after swelling with users shifting over, was completely shut down when it was inaccurately blamed as the laboratory where January 6 plotters operated without control. Conservative sites - including the Townhall Media network - are perpetually targeted for content that meets disapproval from leftist overlords. Now Rumble is in the crosshairs for not acting in an appropriately reactionary fashion. The left loves to say “go away, we don’t care about your kind”, but then when you actually leave, look who it is peering through the shrubbery to get into your business.

Swenson launches into a hyperactive dose of charges regarding Rumble, but what is revealing is how much of her accusatory content is based on supposition and interpretational offenses. There is very little in the way of tangible proof; mostly is boils down to her saying essentially: “I don’t like what they are doing!”

yet when the ' right ' attempts to develop websites, apps or platforms - those are attacked as a purveyors of hate QAnon Conspirators, homophobic and racist content - business hosting Apps are attacked so the app is dropped from Apple and Google Stores, web hosting companies are harassed, financial institutions are are asked

care to comment on why you support racists neo nazis and white supremacists

Yeah go start your own platform .... made IMPOSSIBLE because progressives attack the support structure ... if you mange to get something of the ground websites are DDOS'd in an attempt to crash the site or block access

At the end of the day Progressives only believe in Free Speech THEY AGREE WITH any decension is to be driven from the public square


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Reporters Caught Using Identical Talking Points to Dems on Impeachment

Biden’s defenders insist the President’s only role in his son’s life was that of a loving, supportive father. On July 26, former Democratic Congresswoman Claire McCaskill complained on All In with Chris Hayes: “They are going to try to indict a father for loving his son who has been addicted to drugs and/or alcohol.”

Just a day earlier, NBC News White House correspondent Mike Memoli deployed the same argument: “The only involvement on the part of the President of the United States was as a loving father.”

Hours after Hunter’s former business associate Devon Archer testified before Congress on July 31, Congressman Dan Goldman (D-NY) was on damage control duty. To downplay the revelation that Hunter had put his father on speakerphone at least 20 times during business meetings, Goldman insisted: “It was all casual conversation, niceties, the weather.”

The media quickly adopted that same argument, and since then they have reminded their viewers almost daily. “They talked about fishing and the weather,” co-host Mika Brzezinski insisted on the August 5 edition of Morning Joe.

During the August 13 State of the Union on CNN, Goldman pretended Hunter’s influence peddling career was nothing but smoke and mirrors: “Hunter Biden was trying to promote an illusion of access to his father for his own reasons.”


Beloved Misanthrope
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Russell Brand.jpeg


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Reporters Caught Using Identical Talking Points to Dems on Impeachment

Biden’s defenders insist the President’s only role in his son’s life was that of a loving, supportive father. On July 26, former Democratic Congresswoman Claire McCaskill complained on All In with Chris Hayes: “They are going to try to indict a father for loving his son who has been addicted to drugs and/or alcohol.”

Just a day earlier, NBC News White House correspondent Mike Memoli deployed the same argument: “The only involvement on the part of the President of the United States was as a loving father.”

Hours after Hunter’s former business associate Devon Archer testified before Congress on July 31, Congressman Dan Goldman (D-NY) was on damage control duty. To downplay the revelation that Hunter had put his father on speakerphone at least 20 times during business meetings, Goldman insisted: “It was all casual conversation, niceties, the weather.”

The media quickly adopted that same argument, and since then they have reminded their viewers almost daily. “They talked about fishing and the weather,” co-host Mika Brzezinski insisted on the August 5 edition of Morning Joe.

During the August 13 State of the Union on CNN, Goldman pretended Hunter’s influence peddling career was nothing but smoke and mirrors: “Hunter Biden was trying to promote an illusion of access to his father for his own reasons.”
They sound like they all work for Babylon Bee


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Univision Cheers Licenses For Illegals In Minnesota

Time and time again, Univision proves itself to be an immigration advocacy PAC with a broadcast license. And, as immigration advocacy organizations do, they cheer anything that erodes the distinctions between legal and illegal immigration.

Watch Univision’s report on Minnesota’s upcoming implementation of driver’s licenses for illegal immigrants in its entirety, as aired on the late-night Edición Nocturna newscast on Friday, September 29th, 2023:

There is no distinction between citizen and non-citizen, between legal or illegal immigrant. Readers of MRC Latino know that from a business standpoint, Univision’s preferred outcome is a continuously porous border because *that* is what secures the continued need for Spanish-language TV. This isn’t just a reasonable inference based on Univision’s history, but something that literally came out of the mouth of the network’s own Jorge Ramos:


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There is nothing new about leftist censorship involving the media. Famously, history recalls Soviet dictator Joseph Stalin literally having this or that now-former ally removed from a group photograph because that aide had fallen out of favor.

Over here at the BBC Culture site is the photo in question in its different stages. The original photo of Stalin surrounded by four others was taken in 1926. The site runs the series of photos that followed, with the BBC quoting expert Matthew Gale as saying:

A series of snapshots conveys a chilling timeline: in the first photo, Stalin is seen surrounded by four of his comrades; in the next, dated 23 years later, three have disappeared; in the third, he stands alone in a postcard portrait. Those in the leader’s inner circle who fell out of favour were simply erased from official images: photographic manipulation was key for rewriting Soviet history. It is one of our concerns today – images are very convincing, but they are also very easily manipulated,’ says Gale.

Stalin’s era was filled with media censorship of one kind or another. The tactic was and is the stuff of dictators.

In today’s world, one of the major dictatorships is, of course, the Chinese Communist Party.Here’s a recent headline from the UK’s The Guardian:

China’s manipulation of media threatens global freedoms, says US report
Censorship, data harvesting and purchases of foreign news outlets could lead to ‘sharp contraction’ of freedom of expression

Don’t forget about Vladimir Putin’s Russia. Last year there was this in the New York Times:

Russia Takes Censorship to New Extremes, Stifling War Coverage
Contradicting the Kremlin on the war in Ukraine — even calling it a war — is now a crime, prompting independent media to close, and Russia cut off access to Facebook, the BBC and other news sources.

Whatever is going to unfold in this latest impeachment saga - the fourth in American history following impeachment charges in their day against Presidents Andrew Johnson, Richard Nixon, Bill Clinton and Donald Trump - is at this moment unknown.



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Bloomberg Flubs Data For Bombshell Report That Only 6% Of New Corporate Hires Are White

The conclusion from Bloomberg — which credits five reporters and four editors for its report — is that on the heels of the Black Lives Matter protests, corporations followed through on their promise to diversify their ranks. The outlet reported that companies in the S&P 100 added 323,094 new employees in 2021, and that only 20,524 of those new jobs were filled by whites.

If true, such a statistic could launch a legion of victorious racial discrimination lawsuits — blacks, Asians, and Hispanics make up roughly 40% of the population, and there is no way they could obtain 94% of new jobs without some level of discrimination.

But the takeaway from Bloomberg is an example of innumeracy by journalists at an outlet once relied upon by businessmen for savvy financial analysis — or of willfully setting aside common sense in favor of what the publication acknowledged is an ideologically-driven “project to hold companies accountable to [diversity] pledges.”

A Daily Wire analysis of the same numbers examined by Bloomberg found that, in reality, the demographics of hiring figures for 2021 were barely different from previous years. The percentage of new jobs that went to whites was likely about 46%, eight points below the 54% white makeup of companies’ existing workforces. That’s to be expected given demographic changes in the United States since the time that the currently-retiring baby boomer generation first entered the workforce.

Though Bloomberg spun the tale as a victory for Black Lives Matter, blacks benefited the least of any racial group from the slight decline in whites, according to the analysis. The percentage of black hires was up from the status quo by 1%, while Asians were up by 2%, and Hispanics were up by 4%. That’s also explained by demographics — decades ago, when baby boomers entered the workforce, the U.S. was mostly white and black; in the decades since, the numbers of Hispanics and Asians in the United States have increased.