Media Corruption


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The Moment the Newest ‘BLM Martyr’ Leonard Cure is Shot by Police (and a Legal Deep Dive)

On Monday, a man named Leonard Cure was killed by a cop (Staff Sgt. Buck Aldridge of Camden County, Georgia) during a traffic stop and this has been gaining attention in the news this week. As best as we can tell, there are three reasons why the attention has been increasing:

1) Cure is black and Aldridge is white, and the media always assumes that means the officer is racist. In some circles, whether or not a person is racist is judged by the color of one’s skin and not the content of your character, without any sense of irony.

2) Three years ago, Cure had been exonerated in another crime for which he served more than a decade in prison.


3) The police just released dashcam footage showing the shooting.

Let’s start with that footage, because it gets us at the most immediate issue: Was this a valid shooting? And there is a LANGUAGE WARNING in effect for that video, because people often curse as they fight.



PREMO Member

The Telegraph Smears George Orwell as ‘Misogynistic,’ Homophobic,’ ‘Sadistic’

“The horrible thing about the Two Minutes Hate was not that one was obliged to act a part, but, on the contrary, that it was impossible to avoid joining in. Within thirty seconds any pretence was always unnecessary. A hideous ecstasy of fear and vindictiveness, a desire to kill, to torture, to smash faces in with a sledge-hammer, seemed to flow through the whole group of people like an electric current, turning one even against one’s will into a grimacing, screaming lunatic. And yet the rage that one felt was an abstract, undirected emotion which could be switched from one object to another like the flame of a blowlamp.”

—George Orwell, 1984

This week in Culture Revolution irony, The Telegraph has orchestrated a thinly-sourced Two Minutes Hate campaign against the progenitor of the Two Minutes Hate concept.

If you masochistically take the time to read the article, you will notice there is literally no single quote attributed to Orwell to prove his alleged misogyny and homophobia. The entire article is premised on the musings of the hyperfeminist biographer of Orwell’s wife who died in 1945 and whom the biographer obviously never spoke to.

Via The Telegraph (emphasis added):

George Orwell was a “sadistic, misogynistic, homophobic, sometimes violent” man who wrote women out of his story, according to a biographer of his wife.
Anna Funder said that Orwell was a brilliant writer but a complicated man whose personal life was at odds with the “decency” of his writing.
She has produced a biography of Eileen O’Shaugnessy, Orwell’s wife – highlighting the contributions O’Shaugnessy made to his work, including helping him to write Animal Farm.
According to Funder, the darkness that runs through 1984 is a reflection of Orwell’s soul..
“He desperately wants to be decent, and wanting to be decent is an honourable thing, a noble thing. But writing a book like 1984, which is violent, misogynist, sadistic, grim, paranoid: that comes out of a writer’s flaws.
“It takes someone who is those things to go deep inside themselves and pull that vision out.
“A decent, everyman underdog, the ordinary person that he might have wanted to be, would not have had those visions…
She added: “That’s a very curious thing that’s going on. He’s not ‘a man of his time’*, it’s not to be excused and thought of as ‘back in the day’.”

*I had a relevant debate along these lines with my liberal uncle once upon a time, in the context of the Founding Fathers. His argument, which at the time in 2010 was obscure but has since become mainstream by the left, is that the fact that the Founders were largely comprised of slave owners negates any value that the founding documents they penned offered to the world because it exposed them as hypocrites.


PREMO Member

The Gaza Hospital Fiasco Offers A Vivid Example Of Journalism’s Rot

Al-Ahli Arab Hospital

Nate Silver says he’s more sympathetic to media mistakes — and, for the sake of arguments, let’s concede they are mistakes— that are made as events are unfolding in real time. The fog of war, and all that. But that’s exactly when we need journalists to sift through information and synthesize reliable accounts.

Of course, any person who’s spent more than ten minutes on the Israeli-Palestinian situation — to say nothing of those who are paid to cover the conflict — knows full well that both Hamas and the PLO are constantly lying about alleged Israeli atrocities and casualties. Anyone who has even a rudimentary understanding of this situation knows that 30-40 percent of rockets that emanate from Gaza land in Gaza. And they know that Hamas not only operates among civilians to use them as human shields — often in hospitals — but that it is keen on seeing Arab civilian deaths to gin up sympathy and sacrifice martyrs.

If you’re gullible enough to believe Hamas’s “Health Ministry,” you need to be reassigned to a job that better aligns with your skill set. Something far away from reporting. Maybe become a journalism professor.

To put this in perspective, it takes a modern nation like Israel days to come up with specific casualty numbers — maybe longer when babies are torn apart by bullets and the elderly are burned alive — but when the terror group Hamas tells the media that 500 died within minutes after a bomb goes off in a hospital and the Times et al run with it. Smaller outlets follow. Self-professed “disinformation” beat reporters and repeat it to their followers. Hamas apologists in Congress spread the blood libel.


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TikTok Deleted My Video Exposing Climate Cultists’ Dystopian Plan To Restrict Freedom Of Movement

This is probably because there isn’t anything false in my original video. In the first half of my TikTok, I reported on indisputable truths, like the fact that France has banned short-haul domestic flights and that nearly 100 cities across the globe have a stated “target” of limiting air travel to one short-haul return flight every three years per person by 2030.

All the information I shared in the now-deleted TikTok is backed up by an article I wrote before posting the video titled “Anti-Air Travel Climate Psychos Want To Abolish Freedom Of Movement.”

More likely than not, it was the second half of the video that enraged the TikTok speech police, particularly this line:

“Globalist jet-setters pretending to be environmentalists are producing fake doomsday climate predictions and spreading fear as a ploy to consolidate power.”

How do I know these globalist “environmentalists” are scam artists using climate hysteria to consolidate power? To start, each of their goals, from eliminating jet fuel to doing away with privately owned vehicles, slowly prices the masses out of various modes of transportation, therefore restricting freedom of movement.

These same climate activists are heavily pushing for 15-minute smart cities, an urban planning concept that will supposedly protect the environment because everything you need will be within a 15-minute walk. If everything you need is within a 15-minute walk, there will be no need for external travel, the thinking goes.

But if regular people are priced out of air and vehicle transportation, the 15-minute cities won’t be a convenient neighborhood — they’ll effectively be prisons. It’s not a coincidence that 15-minute city development plans include sophisticated surveillance technology. In the meantime, former officials of intelligence groups like the CIA, FBI, and Mossad are promoting surveillance systems that are already being installed across the world.


PREMO Member

The Misinformation Age: Is the Fourth Estate Finally Being Held Accountable?

The press was quick to jump on the story to spin a narrative laying the blame on the Israel Defense Forces (IDF), using terrorist group Hamas as their source. The narrative quickly unraveled, however, and it was revealed that the explosion, which destroyed a parking lot, not the hospital, was most likely due to a misfired rocket fired by a Palestinian terrorist group. Nevertheless, many people are still running with the first narrative, believing it to be true.

But, as far as accountability in media goes, I would posit that this is already happening to a certain extent, thanks to alternative digital media. Indeed, the fact that journalism has become more democratized has been a boon to those seeking the truth rather than relying on the establishment media apparatus for their information.

When the false reports about the hospital bombing surfaced, many on social media called it out, posting pictures and video footage showing that the pictures painted by the elite media were lies. Numerous news sites, including RedState, published reports exposing the falsehoods being spread by the once-vaunted Fourth Estate.

In this way, others were able to ensure that fewer people were fooled by the lies. Of course, it is not a perfect solution because alternative media can’t reach everyone. But the fact that it exists means that more people are able to find the truth outside of the stranglehold the left has on our media institutions.

Take social media, for example. X, formerly known as Twitter, has rolled out the community notes feature, which allows users to fact-check claims made on the platform while providing high-quality sources to debunk false narratives. It is a brilliant addition to the platform. Rather than relying on “fact-checkers” who are nothing more than propaganda outlets, we, the people, can set the record straight.

Another indication that the elite media is beginning to be held accountable can be seen in the reality that trust in the press is plummeting at a rapid clip, according to recent polling.


PREMO Member

Associated Press Reporters Can Only Describe Hamas Terrorists as Militants, ‘Fighters, Attackers, or Combatants’

The Associated Press will not allow its reporters to identify Hamas as a terrorist organization.

It’s weird because the AP even admitted that the government has designated Hamas as a terrorist organization.

There is so much wrong in the Israel-Hamas Topical Guide (AP’s emphasis):

The calculated use of violence, especially against civilians, to create terror to disrupt and demoralize societies for political ends.
The terms terrorism and terrorist have become politicized, and often are applied inconsistently. Because they can be used to label such a wide range of actions and events, and because the debate around them is so intense, detailing what happened is more precise and better serves audiences.

“Therefore, the AP is not using the terms for specific actions or groups, other than in direct quotations or when attributed to authorities or others,” the AP continued. “Instead, we describe specific atrocities, massacres, bombings, assassinations and other such actions.”

Okay. So, how should reporters describe Hamas? Not as terrorists (AP’s emphasis):

militant, militants
AP uses this term to describe Hamas, in keeping with the Webster’s New World College Dictionary definition: ready and willing to fight; especially, vigorous or aggressive in supporting or promoting a cause; and Merriam-Webster: aggressively active (as in a cause).
Terms such as Hamas fighters, attackers or combatants are also acceptable depending on the context.
Do not use the term Hamas soldiers or Hamas resistance, other than in direct quotations.
The Israeli army has soldiers. It also can be called the Israeli military. Use its official name, Israel Defense Forces, and the acronym IDF only in direct quotations.

Under the Hamas section, the AP admitted: “The U.S. State Department designated Hamas a terrorist group in 1997. The European Union and other Western countries also consider it a terrorist organization.”

But don’t you dare call them terrorists and a terrorist organization! Holy moly.

The reporters also cannot capitalize the word war. It has to be the “Israel-Hamas war.” Why?

“Lowercase the word war,” the AP explained. “AP capitalizes that word only as part of a formal name, which as of now does not exist.”

Are. You. Kidding. Me. Israel *literally* declared war on Hamas. It is *literally* a war.

The Washington Free Beacon reminded everyone that the AP once shared an office building with Hamas for 15 years.

The AP slammed the Israeli military for destroying the building, including the offices, in 2021: “We are shocked and horrified that the Israeli military would target and destroy the building housing AP’s bureau and other news organizations in Gaza.”

The military targeted terrorists, weapons, and an office for Islamic Jihad, another terrorist organization.

But the AP knew the building had Hamas and terrorists. In 2014, Matt Friedman, a former AP reporter, detailed in The Atlantic:

When Hamas’s leaders surveyed their assets before this summer’s round of fighting, they knew that among those assets was the international press. The AP staff in Gaza City would witness a rocket launch right beside their office, endangering reporters and other civilians nearby—and the AP wouldn’t report it, not even in AP articles about Israeli claims that Hamas was launching rockets from residential areas. (This happened.) Hamas fighters would burst into the AP’s Gaza bureau and threaten the staff—and the AP wouldn’t report it. (This also happened.) Cameramen waiting outside Shifa Hospital in Gaza City would film the arrival of civilian casualties and then, at a signal from an official, turn off their cameras when wounded and dead fighters came in, helping Hamas maintain the illusion that only civilians were dying. (This too happened; the information comes from multiple sources with firsthand knowledge of these incidents.)


PREMO Member
🔥 The Washington Post ran an encouraging story yesterday headlined, “Trump files new challenges to federal election-obstruction case in D.C..”

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Trump’s newest motion to dismiss the DC Election Integrity case was filed late last night, right before the midnight deadline, which is a completely typical and totally unremarkable legal practice that for some reason seemed to delight the drooling morons at the Washington Post.

This new motion joins the previous motion to dismiss the case. The earlier motion argued Trump’s presidential immunity covers official actions taken while he was in office. Last night’s new motion added three more arguments: First Amendment free speech, double jeopardy since Trump was already acquitted for the same conduct by the Senate during his second impeachment trial, and lack of fair notice that his complaining about democrat cheating would be considered criminal conduct.

I thought you’d enjoy, as I did, the way Trump’s lawyers began their new motion. Here’s my lightly-edited version (only edited for brevity):

The prosecution opens its indictment by stating that President Trump “had a right, like every American, to speak publicly about the election,” including his deeply held view that there had been fraud and other irregularities “during the election and that he had won.” These points are not in dispute. Nonetheless, in an astonishing display of doublethink, the prosecution simultaneously claims that President Trump—simply by speaking his mind and petitioning for a redress of grievances—also somehow conspired to “defraud the United States,” “oppress rights,” and “obstruct an official proceeding.” Attempting to explain this obvious contradiction, the prosecution argues that there was no “outcome-determinative fraud in the election” (whatever that means), and that President Trump supposedly knew this because some government officials “notified” him “that his claims were untrue.”

If there is any constant in our democratic system of governance, it is that the marketplace of ideas—not the mandates of government functionaries or partisan prosecutors—determines the scope of public debate. Countless millions believe, as President Trump consistently has and currently does, that fraud and irregularities pervaded the 2020 Presidential Election. As the indictment itself alleges, President Trump gave voice to these concerns and demanded that politicians in a position to restore integrity to our elections not just talk about the problem, but investigate and resolve it.

The first section begins with the First Amendment, and appropriately starts by citing the Supreme Court referencing George Orwell: “Our constitutional tradition stands against the idea that we need Oceania’s Ministry of Truth.” The 9-0 decision, which is significant far beyond Trump’s case, also explained, “The mere potential for the exercise of (a broad government censorial) power casts a chill, a chill the First Amendment cannot permit if free speech, thought, and discourse are likely to remain a foundation of our freedom.”

Indeed. They could have been arguing the Missouri v. Biden case. It’s a fascinating confluence of issues.

Despite the WaPo’s snide commentary, it’s a terrific motion, and in a fair court it should be an easy winner. Here’s the link to the whole thing, which I found very entertaining and think is quite accessible for non-lawyers. LINK: President Trump’s Motion To Dismiss The Indictment Based On Constitutional Grounds (31 pages).



PREMO Member
🔥 Earlier this month, Reuters published a massive media status report clocking in over 158 pages, titled Reuters Institute Digital News Report 2023. It’s a stinker.

Reuters is wringing its withered, bloodstained hands over the fact that traditional media — aka corporate media — is getting its butt kicked by random loudmouths on social media. In other words, the largest block of people would now rather get their news from Coffee & Covid than from The New York Times:

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For some reason that Reuters thinks involves “misinformation,” global trust in trad-news media is low and still falling. In its conclusion, Reuters called for another bowl of buzzword salad: it said “urgent collective multi-stakeholder action is needed to rebuild trust in the media ecosystem, tackle disinformation and promote media information literacy.”

Haha, these marxists kill me. Collective action! Media ecosystem! They’re not even pretending that the different trad-media outlets are competitors anymore. They are just symbiotic or parasitic members of some kind of gross media hive. Collective action? Back when we were doing capitalism, that kind of thing used to be called “monopolistic action” and was barred by the Sherman Antitrust Act.

Times change, I suppose.

In more bad news, Reuters revealed that only 32% of Americans say they “trust” trad-media. Haha. Of course, Reuters blamed President Trump and goofily claimed that pandemic-era reporting somehow increased trust in media, which made me laugh harder than a hyena who got loose in a cannabis dispensary:

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I may have to start reading some Finnish newspapers to see what’s going on there. Google translate works. Kind of. Sometimes it generates some very amusing locutions. Any Finlanders in the house today to explain to the rest of us why Fins trust their trad-media so much? Is it the fresh Finnish air or something?

Anyway, there’s a lot more great stuff in the report, but I’m not suggesting you read it all. Here’s my bottom line: I predict trust in trad-media will continue falling. Why? Because nowhere in Reuters’ mega-report did it suggest TELLING THE TRUTH or FAIRLY PRESENTING BOTH SIDES.

It was even like those concepts were somehow impolite or offensive, like asking whether masks actually work back in 2021 or something. They just aren’t getting it.



PREMO Member

CBS Blasts ‘Far-Right’ Johnson as ‘Anti-LGBTQ,’ ‘Climate Skeptic,’ ‘Election Denier’

Thursday’s CBS Evening News chose continue to early browbeating of the public into turning against the calm and steady new House Speaker, Mike Johnson (R-LA) by trashing him as “anti-LGBTQ,” “an election denier, climate skeptic,” and “staunch conservative” whose overall politics is riddled with “far-right stances.”

Fill-in anchor Adriana Diaz was digging Johnson’s grave in an opening tease: “Mike Johnson takes up the gavel as speaker of the House and begins defending his record as an election denier, climate skeptic and his anti-LGBTQ views.”

Later, Diaz led into congressional correspondent Nikole Killion’s segment with more ominous language about Johnson: “Until now, the staunch conservative was little known outside his state and party and...he is remaining tight-lipped about some of his positions.”


PREMO Member

Public Broadcasting Smears: NewsHour Puffs Author Comparing GOP to Nazis

PBS NewsHour anchor Amna Nawaz approached the hosting job by promising a civil tone: "we seek to add light and not heat." That was a lie.

On Tuesday, Nawaz brought on Stuart Stevens, former Republican strategist and senior advisor to disgraced “Republican” group the Lincoln Project to promote his latest GOP-trashing book. Their online headline:

Former Republican strategist raises alarms about GOP in ‘The Conspiracy to End America’

The whole title is The Conspiracy to End America: Five Ways My Old Party Is Driving Our Democracy to Autocracy. This is the media’s favorite kind of Republican guest, one who bashes his party, even to the point of likening them to fascists.

Show host Amna Nawaz, who didn’t bother to mention the Stevens link to the Lincoln Project, which is now simply a nasty Democrat messaging outfit. Instead, this was the introduction: "Stuart Stevens has spent the majority of his decades-long career getting Republicans elected to political office. But his latest book is a warning to the country, not just about the current state of the GOP, but what he says is its threat to American democracy."


PREMO Member

'The Atlantic' reports Speaker Johnson's Great Great Great Grandpa Was A Confederate Soldier

Well, it's a good thing this story didn't break before Mike Johnson became the new Speaker. This might just be disqualifying. Listen to this upsetting news. His great great great grandfather was a Confederate soldier who had to sign a pledge not to ever engage in a rebellion again.

On August 16, 1867, a young farmer named Alfred McDonald Sargent Johnson walked into the courthouse of Cherokee County, Georgia. He had an oath to swear.
The effects of the Civil War were still visible in Canton, a village of about 200 people and the county seat. For one thing, that makeshift courthouse was inside a Presbyterian church—its predecessor having been torched by William Tecumseh Sherman’s men shortly before their march to the sea. For another, Georgia was still under military rule as federal officials debated how best to reconstruct the former Confederate states. How does a government reintegrate the men who, not that long ago, were engaged in a treasonous rebellion?

With all that is happening in the world, this is what they are taking the time to drudge up.

Johnson had, like many of his neighbors, taken up arms against the United States. At age 21, he’d joined Company F of the 3rd Georgia Cavalry. The Third had fought in the Chickamauga and Chattanooga campaigns, and Johnson had even been captured as a Union prisoner at New Haven, Kentucky. But he was just a foot soldier in a much larger war. Johnson had not grown up in a stereotypical plantation “big house”; his family’s farm was modest in size and census records do not list him or his father as having owned slaves. He ended the conflict as a private, just as he’d entered it. Johnson might not even have cared much for his war experience; Confederate records list him as having gone AWOL for a period in 1863.
