Media Corruption


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WaPo’s Philip Bump Shills For The Chinese Communist Party By Calling Its Name ‘Pejorative’

The day after the second GOP presidential debate, Philip Bump of WaPo didn’t bother to objectively analyze the candidates’ performances or inform readers of the ideas the candidates shared. Instead, he wrote a hit piece on Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, a GOP presidential candidate, by focusing on the frequency of DeSantis’ mentioning of “the Chinese Communist Party,” the “CCP,” or “communist China” during the debate. Bump took a swipe at another GOP presidential candidate, Vivek Ramaswamy, for saying, “The Communist Party of China is the real enemy.”

Bump regarded any of these references to the CCP as “pejorative,” even though “the Chinese Community Party” has been the official name of the party since its founding in 1921, and this title and its various references have appeared in both internal and external documents produced by the party itself. Furthermore, these variations have been internationally accepted and widely used for nearly a century (the phrase “communist China” has been circulating since the CCP took control of China in 1949).

No references to the CCP can bring up warm and fuzzy feelings because domestically, the party has committed numerous atrocities since 1949, from the Great Famine (1959–1962) that killed an estimated 45 million people to the ongoing genocide against Uyghur Muslims, just to name a few. Internationally, the party has been harassing China’s neighbors over territorial disputes, deploying economic coercion to impose its political will and silence dissenting voices, and aggressively conducting intelligence gathering and political interference in other countries. Can Bump name one thing the CCP did that warranted our love and respect?

Bump apparently deemed the GOP’s references to the CCP “pejorative” because his analysis “shows that the use of ‘Chinese Communist Party’ or ‘CCP’ has been far more common on Fox News and Fox Business than on CNN and MSNBC,” especially since the start of the Covid-19 pandemic.


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Many networks take cues from various organizations about how they cover the news, and this includes the Poynter Institute. You may recall this organization, which bills itself as the "world's most influential school for journalists" is a biased media organization that created a list of "unreliable" sites that was primarily made up of right-leaning news organizations with RedState included.

The Poynter Institute is best known as the owner of the heavily biased PolitiFact. In April, Poynter was exposed as being paid by the federal government to teach government-funded journalists about "unbiased" reporting. As Newsbusters pointed out, Poynter's people only claim to be unbiased but demonstrate incredible prejudice against center-right journalism and news organizations. This includes telling CNN they shouldn't move to the center because "Sometimes, the other side shouldn’t be given a voice, particularly if that side’s argument is based on lies or pushes harmful agendas."

Poynter's training includes not detailing the race of a criminal if they're black or brown because, according to the institute, it fosters systemic racism:

Kelly McBride, who chairs the Craig Newmark Center for Ethics and Leadership at Poynter, said, “Local news reporters have amplified narratives that connect Black and brown communities to crime. As a result, we have fostered systemic racism through our crime coverage.”
It’s within our power as journalists to break that cycle. We don’t need to publicize the crime blotter simply because it fills airtime or generates clicks. We can decide that if we’re covering an arrest, we will follow the case through to its conclusion. We can evenly apply racial descriptors. If a defendant’s race is mentioned, should the prosecutor’s race also be mentioned? What about the race of the judge and the people sitting in the jury box? Every decision we make about the details we include — and what we exclude — sends a message to our audience.

The Poynter Institute is clearly very influential, helping to define even how our government perceives "bias" in journalism. With legacy media tightly in bed with the government to the point where it's instructing state-funded journalists, there's little doubt that the Poynter Institute has something of an influence on how certain stories are covered in corporate media circles.



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Many networks take cues from various organizations about how they cover the news, and this includes the Poynter Institute. You may recall this organization, which bills itself as the "world's most influential school for journalists" is a biased media organization that created a list of "unreliable" sites that was primarily made up of right-leaning news organizations with RedState included.

The Poynter Institute is best known as the owner of the heavily biased PolitiFact. In April, Poynter was exposed as being paid by the federal government to teach government-funded journalists about "unbiased" reporting. As Newsbusters pointed out, Poynter's people only claim to be unbiased but demonstrate incredible prejudice against center-right journalism and news organizations. This includes telling CNN they shouldn't move to the center because "Sometimes, the other side shouldn’t be given a voice, particularly if that side’s argument is based on lies or pushes harmful agendas."

Poynter's training includes not detailing the race of a criminal if they're black or brown because, according to the institute, it fosters systemic racism:

The Poynter Institute is clearly very influential, helping to define even how our government perceives "bias" in journalism. With legacy media tightly in bed with the government to the point where it's instructing state-funded journalists, there's little doubt that the Poynter Institute has something of an influence on how certain stories are covered in corporate media circles.

You have to find out if the criminal is black. If they're white the photo is shown right away. Its part of the there's too many black men in prison reason. Its probably the biggest reason for the crime increase because of the law changes not arresting blacks for the crimes they commit.


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‘Somebody’s Off The Meds’: Jennifer Rubin Blames GOP For Hamas Attack, Gets Roasted

Washington Post blogger Jennifer Rubin took some serious backlash on Saturday after she suggested in an X post that the GOP was somehow responsible for creating the conditions that led to Hamas’ unprovoked attack on Israel.

Rubin appeared to be lashing out at Republicans, many of whom had suggested that President Joe Biden’s failures in foreign policy — particularly the disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan in 2021 and the recent deal freeing up $6 billion in Iranian oil money — had ultimately led to the attack on Israel, a close ally.

“How about this: With US House in chaos and US military promotions on hold, Hamas struck. Republicans’ weakness invites terror,” Rubin posted.



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Daily Beast columnist deletes tweet promoting his hit piece on Christopher Rufo

The fact that Christopher Rufo now rates his own hit pieces in The Daily Beast shows how effective the man has been at pushing back against critical race theory, academic queer theory, and more. Daily Beast columnist Jared Holt is concerned that Rufo has the ear of GOP presidential candidate; there was quite the left-wing freakout when DeSantis named Rufo to the board of trustees of New College in Florida in an attempt to purge the school of DEI initiatives and replace them with classical liberal education.

Holt ran a hit piece of Rufo in the Daily Beast, but the editors had to append a note, and Holt's tweet promoting his column has disappeared.

Look, they even used the scary stock photo image of two white men shaking hands.

The editor's note reads:

(Editor’s Note: The headline of this story has been updated to delete that Rufo is open to working with racists and fascists, which Rufo had explicitly denied. We have updated the story accordingly and added comment from Rufo.)

Added comment from Rufo? That's, like, doing journalism.

Holt writes:

Given Rufo’s apparent affinity for at least one self-described fascist, one might wonder whether Rufo sees himself as the person who can smooth the tensions in that gap and help curate these kinds of connections. Rufo’s track record and proximity to power certainly make him a potentially more effective person to attempt that mending.
Rufo made his name strategically advancing inflammatory accusations about communities of color and LGBTQ people for the sake of riling up support for Republicans. Domestic extremist movements have been especially responsive to these sorts of campaigns, turning out at events and explicitly encouraging threats against LGBTQ+ people and their allies.
It would make sense that Rufo would want to connect more with the seedier underbelly perpetuating the hysteria he has helped to inoculate; after all, they’re largely responsible for doing the dirty work of his campaigns. What’s more, Rufo has been rewarded and mythologized among the modern conservative intelligentsia for his efforts.


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'violent history' of pumpkin spice

The report titled "Fall’s favorite spice blend has a violent history" set the scene of the Dutch's 1621 invasion of the Banda Islands (located in modern day Indonesia), detailing that "Thousands were killed, others enslaved, and many who fled to the mountains were starved out."

University of Texas at Austin historian Adam Clulow told The Post, "The Dutch company was later accused of carrying out what some describe as the first instance of corporate genocide. . . . And it was all for nutmeg." The report notes that nutmeg is "one of three key spices in the blend known as pumpkin spice."

"A lot of commodities have terrible histories there’s sugar and tobacco to think about," Clulow said to The Post. "But nutmeg, now used in pumpkin spice, has the most compressed terrible history. Thousands were killed."

"Today you can buy a jar of the spice mix, typically made with cinnamon, nutmeg, cloves and ginger, for as little as $2.39, or drink it in Starbucks’s perennially popular Pumpkin Spice Latte, confident that the nutmeg wasn’t grown through means of violence," The Post tells readers.


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WaPo Columnist Celebrates Anti-Jew Terrorism As Exactly What ‘Decolonization’ Means

Karen Attiah

The X post suggests that those on the Left who bandy about terms like “decolonization” but don’t support the terrorism of Hamas are hypocrites, and that that is exactly what the leftist academics are pushing for with that language.

She reposted someone else elaborating on that same thought: “All my American education taught was that all we have to do to fight brutal, racist oppression is schedule a single die-in or refuse to give up a single seat on a bus and justice automatically prevails through non-violence.”

Attiah justified terrorism — non-state actors inflicting violence for political gain — writing, “We are forced to see state violence as justified + moral, while violence by non-state actors isn’t. This is changing.”


She reposted someone else saying, “I suspect that what we have instead are mostly people who believe that violence is only the legitimate province of some people, and what is morally required of everyone else is submission.”


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Major Left-Leaning Media Outlet Ordered Reporters to Avoid Describing Hamas As 'Terrorists'

According to leaked emails from CBC's director of journalistic standards, George Achi, strict guidelines include not referring "to militants, soldiers or anyone else as 'terrorists.' The notion of terrorism remains heavily politicized and is part of the story."

"Even when quoting/clipping a government or a source referring to fighters as 'terrorists,' we should add context to ensure the audience understands this is opinion, not fact," the email continues.

In addition, Achi ordered journalists not to describe Gaza as an independent territory since 2005.

"Please do not describe 2005 as 'the end of the occupation' as Israel has maintained control over airspace, seafront, and virtually all movement into or out of the area," his email read. "Our description should be fact-based, referring to the end of permanent Israeli military presence on the ground."



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Vespa says she pushed back on this argument, but we see none of that on camera. Then she concluded, “We know it’s hard for people at home” to hear, but “we just want to play that for you to kind of put that perspective on display.” NBC didn’t find the speaker at the protest calling the mass killings a “self-defense operation.”

Doesn’t all this coverage sound like “there were very fine people on both sides,” as former President Donald Trump said in 2017 after protests in Charlottesville, Virginia, about removing Civil War statues? Back then, the very same NBC News posted this online headline: “Has Trump Lost His Moral Authority for Good?” That’s not to say the Democrats at NBC like Chuck Todd (whose name was on that article) felt Trump ever had any moral authority.

So, why would NBC suggest that pro-Hamas protesters—who don’t want a “two-state solution,” but want the nation of Israel eradicated and the Jews liquidated—have just as much moral authority as the Israelis? How is “giving them a platform” not just like platforming neo-Nazis?

NBC and the other leftist networks should not pretend that these Palestinian activists on the streets believe in peaceful coexistence with Israel when they want an end to Israel. The Left is always screaming that the media shouldn’t “normalize” and give a platform to Trump. But journalism like this suggests they’re fine with “normalizing” and platforming Hamas.



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CBS ‘News’ Dragged For Downplaying Massacre Of Israeli Civilians

Critics responded by suggesting that CBS had downplayed the brutality and horror of the scene, mocking the outlet with their own scare quotes and referring to CBS News as CBS “News.”

“Putting the ‘BS’ in CBS,” Larry O’Connor observed.

“CBS ‘social justice’ reporter @WritingLiYakira is the ‘journalist’ who put quotes around the word massacre as if Hamas’s attacks weren’t in fact massacres of civilians,” Nick Fondacaro added.



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Associated Press Reporter Tasked With Covering Israel And Gaza Is A Longtime Anti-Israel Activist

The Associated Press reporter tasked with covering Israel’s war on terrorists in the Gaza Strip has a long history of public anti-Israel activism that the wire service’s hiring department likely saw on his resume but ignored.

Mere weeks after Issam Adwan joined the AP newsroom as the outlet’s Gaza correspondent, Adwan became one of the outlet’s most prolific reporters on the chaos in the Middle East region. His coverage repeatedly buries or omits the atrocities committed against Israel last weekend in favor of elevating the plea of Gaza.

In an Oct. 8 article that other national outlets, including CBS, picked up, Adwan noted that “human rights groups have previously said that Israel’s pattern of deadly attacks on residential homes display a disregard for the lives of Palestinian civilians and argued they may amount to war crimes.”

In an Oct.11 article, Adwan complained that an “Unprecedented Israeli bombardment lays waste to upscale Rimal, the beating heart of Gaza City.”