Media Corruption


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'I Don't Give a 'F**k': The Anti-Israel Talking Point That Sent This TV Host Over the Edge

Tensions boiled over during the Thursday broadcast of The Hill’s Rising show when Briahna Joy Gray peddled anti-Israel talking points that co-host and Reason senior editor Robby Soave couldn’t stomach. Gray contends that Hamas's atrocities against the Israeli people during this heinous terror attack were embellished, casting doubt on the confirmed reports of babies being burned alive and beheaded. It was done to strip their humanity away, she added. She tried to further bolster her erroneous point by painting with a wide brush, citing some random GOP operative, which is where Mr. Soave couldn’t handle it. Gray interjected that if what this official said didn’t matter, why are liberals facing questions about apologizing for Hamas’ terrorism?

Well, that’s self-explanatory: every pro-Palestinian rally in this country that we’ve seen over the past few days has endorsed the killing of children, the terrorism, and the wholesale killing of Jews. It’s here that Soave exploded at his co-host (via The Daily Caller):



PREMO Member

The Religion of Peace Wants Your Daughters

The time for Islamic apologists is over, especially when it comes to our elected leaders.

Speaking of leaders, check out this brief video. Every time I see this anchor, she is getting clown-slapped by someone with a brain. Here, she is suggesting that a Polish politician is “racist” because he doesn’t let savages in his country. He then schools her in her own language.

FACT-O-RAMA! Leftists have been successfully gutting our country by attacking anyone who disagrees with their pro-terror agenda as “racist.” Lefty schlemiels have allowed welcomed people into the nation who will chop their babies up because they want to feel as though are virtuous, unlike we “haters” who see the plan from a mile away.

The lesson of Hamas’ savagery last week is this, the globalists’ plan is now transparent. EVERYONE should now see they are attacking the West through immigration. The monsters are disguised as “refugees,” poor lambs who need to flee the nations they’ve ruined so that people liberals feel bad for them and welcome them into our borders.

This is what “refugees” have done to the UK:



PREMO Member

INDICTMENT?! CBS Stunned Biden & Trump Should Be Treated Equal

“You were talking about classified documents, mishandled by the current president, and you said that when it came to Biden and Trump, they're both equally egregious with equal classification issues.This past week, President Biden was interviewed by special counsel Robert Hur,” Brennan noted.

She then asked “Will there be legal consequences? Will your committee do anything to act on this? I mean, what exactly do you mean equally egregious?”

Turner responded frankly which seemed to irk Brennan:

Well, when you look at the documents, both the classification level and the subject matter, both sides, Trump and Biden's documents, if they had been released in the public or gotten into the hands of nefarious parties, would be damaging to the United States national security. When I look at those documents, there are documents on both sides, equally egregious, that would have negative consequences to our means, methods, techniques and our allies. In this instance, I think President Biden needs the same consequence that they pursue with President Trump. The actions are the same. And in this instance, if you notice—

Brennan jumped in to ask incredulously: “Indictment?”

“He was a serial classified document hoarder,” Turner said about Biden. “I reviewed documents that were from all the time that he's been in government. This really is a very serious breach by President Biden.”

She then asked for clarification: “Just to be clear here, though are you saying that President Biden had top secret and TFSCI classification level documents in his personal home?”

“That's public already. Margaret, so I'm not confirming something that people don't already know. That is correct,” Turner responded.

Brennan asked again: “So I think you're saying that he should be indicted when you say treated the same?”

“I think they need to be treated exactly the same. They're continuing their investigation with President Biden. I don't think, if President Biden in the end has been found to violate the law and I believe from what I've seen that he has, that he should be treated any differently than Donald Trump,” Turner added.


PREMO Member
One of the most misleading, contextless talking points spread by the pro-Hamas right and left contends that Israel “supported” and “created” the terror organization. It is the political equivalent of condemning someone today for failing to make a citizen’s arrest of O.J. Simpson in 1986.

The myth was popularized by former Qatari propagandist, now one of MSNBC’s leading terror apologists, Mehdi Hasan. The insinuation, of course, is that Israel bears moral and historical responsibility for the murder of its own citizens. A lot of these same people, no doubt, blamed Americans for creating al Qaeda and thus 9/11.

The Hamas claim is even weaker, frankly, considering Israel had no hand in arming any iteration of Hamas.

An offshoot of the Muslim Brotherhood, the group was formed in 1967 and legally registered in Israel in 1978 as a nonprofit Islamic association. From the start, its stated goal was destroying Israel, joining virtually every Arab group in the area. If Israelis began shuttering every Islamic association and assassinating every leader whose stated goal was the destruction of the Jewish State, it would be in a constant state of war.

Israel, instead, was largely indifferent to Hamas — one of many theocratic groups appearing at the time. When created, Hamas was best known for building medical centers and offering welfare services. Most of Hamas’ funding came from foreign sources. Jordan, probably the group’s biggest patron in the subsequent years, saw Hamas as a way to influence the politics of the “West Bank.” And Israel also largely looked the other way, hoping to create a political counterbalance to the terrorist PLO. (Israel’s only known direct funding to the group came, according to U.S. intelligence officials, to fund agents who were spying on the organization.)



PREMO Member

4 Important Stories Corporate Media Missed Last Week

1. Biden’s Classified Docs Scandal

More than a year and a half before President Joe Biden’s attorneys claimed they “unexpectedly discovered” Obama-Biden documents at the Penn Biden Center, White House officials began screening the documents, James Comer, the Chair of the House Oversight and Accountability Committee, revealed last week.

In an Oct. 11 letter to White House counsel Edward Siskel, Comer noted Biden’s personal attorney, Bob Bauer, had previously represented to the public that classified documents were first discovered at the Penn Biden Center on Nov. 2, 2022, and that Biden’s attorneys then promptly notified the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) of the discovery.

But according to an unnamed employee at the Penn Biden Center, on March 18, 2021, Annie Tomasini, assistant and senior adviser to the president and director of Oval Office operations, went to the Penn Biden Center to inventory Biden’s documents and materials. Thus, as Comer noted, the timeline began much earlier than Biden’s legal team had said.

This revelation raises the question of whether Tomasini discovered the documents with classification markings when she inventoried Biden’s records in March of 2021. If so, whom did she tell of that fact? Why was NARA not immediately contacted? And why were Biden’s personal attorneys later brought in to “find” the documents?


PREMO Member

Scarborough: Jail Trump If He Violates Gag Order!

Scarborough had a long back-and-forth with former US Attorney Chuck Rosenberg, who was the comparative voice of reason. Rosenberg said the situation was complicated, and that Chutkan would have to weigh her options. Where is the rhetorical line Trump shouldn't cross?

Scarborough snidely challenged Rosenberg, saying "I don't know where you practiced, but where I practiced" a defendant criticizing the prosecution and court would be jailed.

Rosenberg seemed to take umbrage at Scarborough's crack, saying it was more complicated than throwing Trump and jail, adding "maybe I'm not smart enough to figure out," where the line lies between protected political speech and violating the judge's order.

That caused Scarborough to backtrack, assuring Rosenberg that he is "extraordinarily smart."

And in a variation on his standard false-modesty shtick, Scarborough described himself as "a simple country lawyer that just fell off of a turnip truck outside of 30 Rock."

What's Scarborough's motive in calling for Trump to be hauled off to the hoosegow at the earliest opportunity? Is it Joe's raging animus toward Trump, or could he imagine that being jailed would hurt Trump's chances of being nominated or elected? Surely it's just as likely that campaigning from behind bars would actually help Trump. He'd play the martyr to the max!

Note: The more jewelry-attuned Mika Brzezinski suggested that instead of jailing him, Trump could be confined to Mar-a-Lago with an ankle bracelet. Scarborough acknowledged that could be an alternative.


PREMO Member

‘Interstellar’ Star Jessica Chastain Pleads for Help to Find a Credible News Source After NYT and WaPo ‘Rushed to Conclusion’ over Gaza Hospital Blast

“Is there ANY place that I can get accurate news? We are living in a dark time when giants like @nytimes and @washingtonpost rush to conclusions in trying to keep pace with social media,” Chastain wrote in a social media post on Wednesday.

“Social media is not a credible news source. Please folks guide me to a place where I can get well sourced information,” the Zero Dark Thirty star added.

Chastain appeared to be reacting to the recent revelations that the mainstream media and others spread false information about Israel, to the benefit of the Iranian-backed Palestinian terror group Hamas.


PREMO Member

Here Are the Media Outlets That Uncritically Regurgitated Hamas Propaganda

Many of the same outlets have obsessed over the spread of "misinformation" in recent years yet created their own by parroting Hamas during a war the terror group savagely provoked with Israel.

The journalistic fiasco was an example of the media's tendency to adopt the Palestinians' narrative about the conflict with Israel, even when that narrative is unsupported by the facts. In this case, there were geopolitical consequences: U.S. Democratic lawmakers and Arab leaders condemned Israel for the bombing, Jordan canceled a planned summit with Biden, and riots broke out in the West Bank and elsewhere in the Muslim world.

Immediately after the hospital blast, which occurred around 7:30 p.m. local time, outlets reported that Israel had bombed the facility, killing hundreds of Palestinians. The reports generally referred to their source—the Hamas terrorist group that governs Gaza—as "Palestinian officials" or "health authorities."


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
CNN Blames Fog Of War For Errant Reporting On Gaza Bombing, Russian Collusion, Jussie Smollett, Covington Catholic, Hunter’s Laptop, The Steele Dossier, Kyle Rittenhouse, Origins Of Covid (Continued In Article Please Click For More)...




PREMO Member

The New York Times Destroys More Than Just Its Credibility | Opinion

Announcing the horrifying news of an explosion at a hospital in Gaza, the Times made a series of deliberate and unconscionable choices that contorted the story, and in a way that may have contributed to lost lives.

Their headline "Israeli Strike Kills Hundreds in Hospital, Palestinians Say" is abominable journalistic malpractice. Think of the editorial decisions involved here: repeating an inflammatory claim (an "Israeli strike"), one that is highly likely to provoke a violent response, one that is unsubstantiated and heavily disputed, and subtly bending the rules of writing by burying the extraordinarily suspect source of this allegation as an afterthought at the end of the headline.

Think of the decision to further whitewash the accusers by attributing the claim to generalized "Palestinians" rather than the "terrorist group Hamas," which was the actual source, and which is defined as a terrorist group by the U.S. government and numerous other Western allies.

As if there were any lingering doubt about who they are after Oct. 7.

Did I mention that they put the headline over a gruesome photo of a bombed-out building? A building that was somewhere else entirely, not associated with the hospital, and that was just an available and sensational image intended to amp up readers? Why not deepfake a mushroom cloud?

In the ensuing hours, one could watch the Gray Lady's "sorry, not sorry" back peddling in real time. Sorry in the sense that the Times did eventually change their headline as the evidence that they had been played mounted. Not sorry in the sense that they did everything possible to leave the reader with the exact same impression that they started with. First they took out the word "Israeli" but left the word "strike" and added a new, even more highly-charged photo. Then, they dialed back "strike" to the more neutral "blast" but added the subhead, "Israelis Say Misfired Palestinian Rocket Was Cause of Explosion."


PREMO Member

Confidence in Mass Media Matches 2016 Record Low

Megan Brenan reported the latest poll, conducted September 1 to 23, "marks just the second time, along with last year, that the share of Americans who have no confidence at all in the media has surpassed the percentage with a great deal or fair amount of trust." This is the Gallup question:

In general, how much trust and confidence do you have in the mass media -- such as newspapers, TV and radio -- when it comes to reporting the news fully, accurately and fairly -- a great deal, a fair amount, not very much or none at all?



PREMO Member

NBC Whines About Backlash to Leftist Students Demanding Jewish Genocide

The video portion of the segment was delivered by NBC correspondent Jake Ward who began with an edited soundbite of student protesters clearly chanting "Palestine will be free." Ward began to speak over them as they started the chant over with "From the river to the sea."

The phrase “from the river to the sea, Palestine will be free” has long been known to be a direct call for Jewish genocide in the Holy Land and to ethnically cleanse the region of Jews. Ward speaking over them was an attempt to obfuscate what they were demanding.

Ward’s opening premise was that the rallies were “part of a long tradition of free speech on campus. But some law students are now finding their words can affect their future.” He openly whined that multiple law firms had rescinded job offers to far-left law students who voiced support for Hamas’s acts of genocide, and that “a tenured professor has written an op-ed for the Wall Street Journal entitled: Do Not Hire My Anti-Semitic Students.”

In a conversation with Ward, the op-ed’s writer, UC Berkley Professor Steven Davidoff Solomon argued that “Free speech does not mean there is no consequences for free speech.” “This is a professional setting. These are people who are to be trained to be lawyers. They should not be going out as lawyers if they're advocating the murder and justifying the murder of innocent people,” he added.

Despite the fact that Hamas had carried out a pogrom on October 7, and their charter called for the elimination of the Jewish State of Israel, Ward huffed that “Solomon says he considers any justification of the Hamas attacks to be anti-Semitic hate speech.”

Apparently unable to get any of the genocide-supporting students to speak to him on camera, Ward was left with just reading their statements to him justifying their support for such actions. “One Berkley student group mentioned in the op-ed characterized the October 7th attacks as ‘resistance to apartheid.’ In a statement to NBC News, the group calls the article ‘a smear that wrongly conflates activism with anti-Semitism,’” he said.


PREMO Member

Column: 'Reliable' Media Aren't Ashamed of Fake News on Gaza Hospital Blast

The massive social-media companies have all employed “independent fact-checkers” to improve their public image. Democrats and their allied media outlets have lamented that too much “misinformation” is shared on their platforms. “Fact-checkers” flag questionable posts, and they get blocked or limited.

None of this happens when left-wing media outlets commit their own misinformation. Facebook, Google, and X/Twitter aren’t going to punish those “reliable sources” when they are egregiously incorrect. Their freedom of reach is never in doubt.

On October 17, the terrorist group Hamas claimed Israel bombed a hospital and killed hundreds of people. The headlines sounded like repeaters, not reporters.

The Associated Press: “Hundreds killed in Israeli airstrike on Gaza City hospital, health ministry says.

The Reuters wire service: “Israeli air strike hits Gaza hospital, hundreds dead.

CNN: “Israel hits hospital and school in Gaza as blockade cripples health care system.

Their first paragraph unspooled like this: “A school and a hospital in Gaza were among the civilian refuges lethally blasted during Israeli airstrikes on Tuesday, as humanitarian concerns mount over ongoing deprivation of food, fuel and electricity to the isolated population.”

On television, CNN’s Jake Tapper claimed in those initial moments after the explosion that there was “no reason to doubt” the Hamas claims. Almost every other national outlet repeated these claims, at least on social media.

The New York Times homepage declared, front and center: “Israeli Strike Kills Hundreds in Hospital, Palestinians Say.


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
I agree with some that the rush to beat out social media platforms when reporting breaking news, Big Media is rushing out stories without vetting first.


PREMO Member

Dashcam Footage Analysis: Why 'Justice for Leonard' Will Fail

“I ain’t doing sh*t,” Cure shouted when Aldridge told him to put his hands on the back of the truck. In case anyone is wondering, whenever a cop tells you to stand on the curb or put your hands on the hood of the car, yes, they are making efforts to keep everyone safe, but they are also testing the subject for compliance. Cure failed the test, so Aldridge pulled his yellow taser with a green target light, very obviously not a gun. The officer demands compliance “or you will be tased.” Aldridge issues 14 commands and two direct warnings to Cure; Cure only argues. Aldridge deploys the taser, as promised.

Video viewers will see Cure seemingly freeze, with one arm straight out in front of him — this is the electricity coursing through his body. When he comes out of it, Cure is combative, swatting at the wires connecting the taser prongs to the handheld base before laying hands on the officer. The two engage in a physical struggle, the fight moving from the shoulder across the white line and into the highway.

Cure grabs Aldridge’s glasses and throws them on the ground. When Aldridge gets a free hand, he grabs his baton, swings it open, and tries to hit Cure with it. Cure’s hands are on Aldridge’s throat. The two continue to struggle with flowing traffic mere feet from them. As he chokes Aldridge, Cure says, “Yeah, b*tch. Yeah, b*tch.” This is when Aldridge drops the baton, grabs his gun, and shoots Cure in the gut. Cure falls to the ground; Aldridge calls “shots fired” on his radio; Cure tries to get up and viewers can catch a quick glimpse at what looks like a single bloodstain about the size of a golf ball on Cure’s white tank top.

The family is blaming Aldridge for “escalation met with escalation,” upset that Aldridge did nothing to pacify Cure. When asked if there was anything the family wished Cure did differently, his brother said he wished his brother never moved to Georgia. The brother then went on to say that there wasn’t any concrete proof that Cure was speeding, but anyone can see that the silver truck is moving much faster than any other car on the road at the time; Aldridge followed Cure for a minute before he pulled over, so if there was no radar, there was speed-matching on the part of the officer, which is recorded.

The conviction was overturned after appeals sufficiently proved that Cure’s legal counsel was ineffective and that he was mistakenly identified by eyewitnesses, along with evidence of official misconduct.

Over the last three years, Cure’s mother says her son was “never set free,” living in fear of being locked up, beat up, or killed by the police. Attorney Crump says Cure was triggered by the event and, in a PTSD response, automatically shifted into violence. In essence, the family refuses to accept that Cure did anything wrong, and even if he did, it was the cop’s responsibility to diffuse the situation.


PREMO Member
I agree with some that the rush to beat out social media platforms when reporting breaking news, Big Media is rushing out stories without vetting first.

Progressive Media DOES NOT WANT TO VET Any story that makes anyone progressive media opposes ' look bad '

very fine people
grab them by the pussy

Israel Murders Muslims