Media Corruption


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Missouri AG Files Petition to Force Media Matters to Comply With Civil Investigative Demand

Bailey accused Media Matters of violating the Missouri Merchandising Practices Act.

“The Attorney General has reason to believe that the Subject has used deception, fraud, false promise, misrepresentation, unfair practice or the concealment, suppression, or omission of material fact in connection with the soliciting of funds for a charitable purpose or the sale or advertisement of merchandise in or from the State of Missouri, § 407.020, RSMo,” Bailey wrote in the petition. “Independently, the Attorney General also believes it to be in the public interest to investigate whether such acts have occurred.”

It all stems from a Media Matters report claiming that Twitter “would place ads next to ‘pro-Nazi’ content.” Elon Musk sued Media Matters for allegedly “falsely and deceptively manipulated the algorithm on X.”

Bailey wants Media Matters to turn over anything “identifying any and all donations of funds from donors” in Missouri from January 1, 2023, to March 25, 2024.


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Attorney General Suing Media Matters for Docs About X

Back in November, X owner Elon Musk said he was preparing a thermonuclear lawsuit against Media Matters of America, whom Musk declared "pure evil." Musk claimed that Media Matters was trying to game the system to produce an outcome that would display ads from high-profile advertisers next to vile content. Media Matters would then present the screenshots of ads next to some white supremacist tweet.



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🔥 Watch out! A new fake-news narrative is burbling up from the media’s septic tank, this one about outbreaks of old diseases. I can explain the narrative shift with one single over-under image (h/t End Wokeness):

image 5.png

Don’t worry! The media will make sure these new, third-world, old-disease outbreaks in the U.S. will always remain a baffling mystery. Because doing science means saying whatever the government grant-givers tell you to say.

Science! Shut up about those migrants!



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President DESTROYS WOKE BBC Reporter Lecturing Him On Drilling Oil And Climate Change Agenda!​



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Guyana President Lights Up BBC Host Who Tries to Climate Shame Him Over Extracting Oil

First, Ali tells him they have a huge forest in Guyana that basically makes them carbon neutral because of how large it is, "a forest we have kept alive."

Sackur says, "Does that give you the right to release all of this carbon...."

Ali interrupts him, "Does that give you right to lecture us on climate change?"

"I will lecture YOU on climate change!" he said, pointing his finger at Sackur. Then he ripped him to pieces, using their own terms on him.

"Because we have kept this forest alive, that stores 90.5 gigatons of carbon. That you enjoy. That the world enjoys. That you don't pay us for...That you don't see a value in...Guess what? We have the lowest deforestation rate in the world." He said even with the greatest amount they could extract, they would still be "net zero."

He then flipped the script on the BBC guy asking if he was in the pockets of people who had destroyed the environment.

There was a little bit more that didn't make the above clip, where Ali explained the importance of paying for the development of the country.

Sackur complained that Greenpeace said the world needs to keep the majority of the world’s remaining fossil fuels in the ground.

But Ali was not having it.
“You just said that we are 6-feet below sea level. Who is going to pay for the infrastructure? Who is going to pay for the drainage and irrigation? Who is going to pay for the development and advancement of our country?” The President questioned.

Nice. Would Sackur rather they languish in poverty? How dare this guy tell the president how best to help the people of Guyana survive? That's peak virtue signaling that this guy thinks he can tell another country what to do. But that's an example of just how twisted our media has become.


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Democrat Media Are Horrified At Trump’s Plan To End Federal Racial Discrimination

“As President Trump has said, all staff, offices, and initiatives connected to Biden’s un-American policy will be immediately terminated,” Trump campaign spokesman Steven Cheung told Axios.

“President Trump is committed to weeding out discriminatory programs and racist ideology across the federal government,” Cheung said, according to Axios. Cheung did not respond to The Federalist’s request for comment by publication time.

Rolling Stone fretted that Trump’s reported plans would “protect white people” from discrimination. MSNBC derisively used the word “plot” to describe Trump’s efforts, inviting notorious race-baiter Al Sharpton on the air to claim Trump wants to “reverse” the civil rights movement.

The 1964 Civil Rights Act prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, or national origin. It was designed to end racial discrimination in America, but Democrats have instead twisted the law to justify such discrimination, excluding white Americans from opportunities while perpetuating their soft bigotry of low expectations for racial minorities.

As Axios’ Alex Thompson noted, a federal judge recently ruled that the Commerce Department’s Minority Business Development Agency program that was “dedicated exclusively to minority business enterprise” was discriminatory. Three white business owners were denied the chance to even apply for aid from the department because only so-called “disadvantaged” racial minorities were eligible. The business owners successfully argued the agency was discriminating on the basis of race or ethnicity.


PREMO Member
Chris Matthews: Trump Calling Himself ‘God’ — If He Can Get Away with It, It Is a ‘Cult’

Matthews said, “This presidential candidate, Donald Trump, is saying, I am the shepherd. I’m him. I’m God. It’s astounding to me. It’s astounding to me that he can talk like this. It’s blasphemy.”

He continued, “When I was up there in New Hampshire, my tenth primary up there, I saw a lot of really poor people waiting in line for two hours to see Donald Trump. Really poor people, white people in most cases. And I said, what’s going on here? I don’t know if the tabs relate or why it relates, but they really want this guy to be president again. Then I saw the Florida Atlantic University poll that came out in March. And it pointed out that the only economic group in the country that likes Trump is under $ 50,000 a year, not $50,000 to $100,000, only people below $50,000. I can’t put it all together. Maybe people are hard up, people have a grievance against society, because society has been tough on him. white, Hispanic, black, all kinds of people below $50,000 a year are for Trump. Somebody has got to get that into their heads that’s what’s going on here. Somebody has to start thinking about why Trump is appealing to those people who are hard up.”

Matthews added, “I don’t know if the Democrats have really thought through this campaign and what they’re up against. This guy’s calling himself God. And if he can get away with that, then it is truly a cult.”


Well-Known Member
Well of course Trump knows he isn't God and I personally never heard a speech where he said he was..
Certainly many-many people who want Trump for President , make more than 50,000 dollars a year.

Now as for the cult. What else would make people vote for a brain dead corrupt old jackass and Willie Browns ex.mistress.


PREMO Member

Getting Trump wrong again

“Trump Media & Technology Group shares plunged by more than 25% around 1:08 p.m. ET before recovering slightly later in the day.

“Trump Media’s closing price was $48.66 per share, more than $30 lower than its high of $79.38 per share, which it hit last week on the heels of becoming publicly traded.

“Despite Monday’s steep drop, the company’s market capitalization was still nearly $6.6 billion.

“But as of Monday’s closing price, Trump’s shares in Trump Media were worth about $3.8 billion, or around $2.5 billion less than they were last week.”

Oh, such a failure, right? He’s down to his last $3.8 billion. Brother, can you spare a million?

(Actually, he has a few billion more tucked away in his other investments and his resort empire.)

His Truth Social stock is worth only $3.8 billion.

Earlier, on March 22, CNBC reported, “Shareholders in Digital World Acquisition Corp. voted Friday to approve a merger with Donald Trump’s social media company, a deal that could net the former president an eventual windfall of $3 billion or more.”

$3 billion.

So CNBC once again is misleading the public about Donald Trump. I remind my readers that CNBC is the home to Jim Cramer who picks stocks on his Mad Money show. There is evidence that by taking his advice, you can become a millionaire using this one little trick: start with a billion dollars to invest.


PREMO Member

Hot Take: Only Explanation for the Polls Is the Right Wing’s Capture of Media

As Twitchy reported earlier, Dr. Jill Biden had a bit of a tantrum when her interviewer brought up a recent poll showing Donald Trump leading Joe Biden in six battleground states. We don't know what polls she's been looking at.

Will Stancil, who's running for state representative in Minnesota, posted a graph showing Biden falling behind Trump, with no clear explanation. "The economy was good and has only gotten better," he says. The economy's only gotten better since Biden tanked it his first year in office.

The only explanation is that the right-wing has seized control of the media and social media.



PREMO Member
So, Joe Biden would be alert, competent, and cognizant, for instance — at least on Opposite Day. Biden’s mouthpiece, Karine Jean-Pierre, would be honest, Miley Cyrus would be talented, and Jimmy Kimmel would be funny. Well, okay. Opposite Day doesn’t have that kind of power.

The usual suspects in the corporate media have long operated in an opposite world, believing that speaking their truth is, in fact, the truth. Take Sudiksha Kochi, the “congress, campaigns and democracy reporter” for the shortcut to thinking that is USA Today. Following this week’s rejection of “Zuckerbucks” by Wisconsin voters, Kochi wrote a CYA piece for the left demanding that “Trump and the GOP weaponized Mark Zuckerberg’s donations.”

In the reporter’s pretend world, the unprecedented $400 million-plus that Facebook founder and conservative voice silencer Mark Zuckerberg injected into the 2020 elections was simply the noble act of a Big Tech billionaire trying to save democracy from the clutches of covid-19. The piece is rich with leftist sources insisting that conservative criticism of Zuckerbucks is driven by “misinformation” and “false claims.”



PREMO Member
OMG Trump has a Spotify List

We will give them points for the unintentional poem in that post.

But 'man has musical preferences for property he owns' isn't exactly news, guys.

They write:

Former President Trump thinks, talks and acts like no other politician in our lifetime. There's a Rosetta stone that demystifies how his mind works, his closest friends tell us: his Mar-a-Lago Spotify playlist.
  • At his oceanside retreat in Palm Beach, Trump controls the surround-sound stereo system on the breezy dining patio with his big iPad and its Spotify list. Regulars jokingly call it the "Deejay T" performance.

Why it matters: To those who know him best, Trump spinning through his golden oldies provides a telling lens into his style on much bigger stages. It captures his obsession with a few familiar hits — controlling the volume, never changing.

We wonder how much they spent on journalism school to write this.



Beloved Misanthrope
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Anonymous users are dominating right-wing discussions online. They also spread false information

The incident sheds light on how social media accounts that shield the identities of the people or groups behind them through clever slogans and cartoon avatars have come to dominate right-wing political discussion online even as they spread false information.

The accounts enjoy a massive reach that is boosted by engagement algorithms, by social media companies greatly reducing or eliminating efforts to remove phony or harmful material, and by endorsements from high-profile figures such as Musk. They also can generate substantial financial rewards from X and other platforms by ginning up outrage against Democrats.

Many such internet personalities identify as patriotic citizen journalists uncovering real corruption. Yet their demonstrated ability to spread misinformation unchecked while disguising their true motives worries experts with the United States in a presidential election year.

They are exploiting a long history of trust in American whistleblowers and anonymous sources, said Samuel Woolley, director of the Propaganda Research Lab at the University of Texas at Austin.

“With these types of accounts, there’s an allure of covertness, there’s this idea that they somehow might know something that other people don’t,” he said. “They’re co-opting the language of genuine whistleblowing or democratically inclined leaking. In fact what they’re doing is antithetical to democracy.”

The claim that spread online this past week misused Social Security Administration data tracking routine requests made by states to verify the identity of individuals who registered to vote using the last four digits of their Social Security number. These requests are often made multiple times for the same individual, meaning they do not necessarily correspond one-to-one with people registering to vote.

The larger implication is that the cited data represents people who entered the U.S. illegally and are supposedly registering to vote with Social Security numbers they received for work authorization documents. But only U.S. citizens are allowed to vote in federal elections and illegal voting by those who are not is exceedingly rare because states have processes to prevent it.


PREMO Member

Charles Barkley Goes Off About Public Safety and Immigration. Dems Should Listen.

Still, Barkley and ESPN’s Stephen A. Smith tore into woke culture, the lack of law and order, and the out-of-control illegal immigration on the latter’s show this week.

“First of all, the border is a joke. The border is a joke. They have these migrants bussed up to New York. They have them on camera kicking and beating cops,” said Barkley. Mr. Smith followed by adding, “With woke culture, you have folks on the left endorsing a more lenient legal system. And obviously, folks on the right going crazy about it, calling for law and order. Who do you side with, considering our iniquitous history? What's going on today?”

Smith added who do you vote for if it’s Biden or Trump.

Barkley didn’t endorse any candidate but added that we need law and order back, to which Smith agreed. The ESPN host of First Take also ripped New York City for handing out $50 million in pre-paid credit cards to illegals.

Charles Barkley CONFRONTS CNN Analyst On Her Trump Derangement After GOING OFF On Democrat Policies!​
