Media Corruption


PREMO Member

Former MSNBC Host Chris Matthews Has an Anti-Trump Meltdown on Bill Maher's Show

Former MSNBC host Chris Matthews and Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (D-HI) were the guests on Friday’s episode, featuring an equally humorous rant from Matthews about what will happen if Trump wins in November. It’s the same hyperbolic nonsense that no one cares about since the former president is winning this election. The battleground state polls, the questions about age, Biden’s poor debate performance, inflation remaining at high levels, and a lackluster economy all have Biden on the defensive. He’s tied with Trump in Minnesota—all of this is post-conviction.

To be clear, we know the Manhattan hush money case was politically motivated and primarily vanished from the news cycle. Still, Biden’s debate performance has led to freakout mode among the Left, and Matthews captured that perfectly last night:



PREMO Member

Tapper blasts Democrats' Orwellian tactics trying to convince public to 'not believe what you saw' at debate

After playing a montage of Biden’s most criticized moments from the debate, Tapper said, "Democratic officials have tried to spin this in many ways. They said President Biden just had a cold. They said it was just one off night, akin to when President Obama in 2012 was rusty and seemed a little huffy."

However, he continued, "behind the scenes, make no mistake, most Democratic officials witnessed the same shocking spectacle that you did, the difficulty that the presumptive Democratic nominee, the current President of the United States, had just articulating his basic thoughts during the 90 minutes of the debate."

"The spinning is all very reminiscent of the George Orwell quote from the book 1984," Tapper said, alluding to having used the quote regarding Trump 5 years ago, "It’s relevant again today. ‘The party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.’"


PREMO Member
🔥🔥 Back in 1858, two years ahead of the Civil War, while describing the awful, unbridgeable, ideological gap dividing Democrat slavers and Republican freedom lovers, Abraham Lincoln sagely observed, “A Biden divided against itself cannot stand.” Or words to that effect. It doesn’t matter. At least he was enunciating. The point is, corporate media (and whoever controls it) has savagely turned against the President Peters coalition. Yesterday, Politico ran a good example story headlined, “‘We’ve all enabled the situation’: Dems turn on Biden’s inner sanctum post debate.


Prepare to grind your teeth, if you haven’t already ground them down to little white stubs. Try to look past Politico’s annoying admission that Joe’s dementia has been obvious “long before last week,” and its cowardly deflection of blame onto the White House for the cover up. The more interesting part was about how Joe’s crack staff is managing the Nation’s top executive:

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Wait … what? Did Politico really quote senior White House officials saying they hide the bad news from Joe because he throws temper tantrums? Because that’s what it looked like. The next paragraph answered that question and tripled down:

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It’s bad enough that Joe’s synapses are sparking out worse than a downed power transformer and his grey matter has the consistency of a boiled catfish. But his team isn’t telling him anything bad, because Joe is not a pleasant person to be around. The staff is scared shirtless. So now, thanks to Politico, we can add wild mood swings to Joe’s dementia diagnosis.

It’s not a pretty picture. Between his forgetfulness, his misremembering things that never happened, and his not even being briefed on stuff that might upset him … what does Joe Biden actually know?

Even that is not most important. Look deeper. For the first time, we see “senior officials” leaking damaging insider information about Joe. And for the first time, corporate media is running long articles like this one, confirming the damaging leaked information from other sources, instead of smothering the story in the middle of the night with a journalistic pillow.

Let’s continue. Politico next rambled about official White House denials that Joe has ever been sheltered from anything —he’s sharp as a tack!— and then got around to interviewing some very skeptical Democrats. One “Democrat operative close to the campaign” —another leaker— offered this excellent diagnosis:

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He’s right. Defying all predictions, at this point the election isn’t really about Trump, regardless of his criminal convictions and whatnot. It’s become about Biden. Which was the last thing Democrats expected to happen. After all, in 2020, Joe won by not campaigning. Now, one debate later, a basement campaign strategy has become completely untenable.



PREMO Member

Piers Morgan SCHOOLS Deranged Liberal Woman Lying About Trump Agenda To DEFLECT From Joe Biden!​



PREMO Member

N.Y. Times Columnist Wants Trump Dead — Seriously

But then McWhorter acknowledges that it wasn’t a one-off. “I have said it often,” he admitted. (The podcast can be found here; the conversation on Trump starts at 4:04, and McWhorter’s non-apology apology begins at 17:49.)

This was all too much for Loury.

“Do you realize the hell that will be unleashed on the country if people continue to talk like that? This is not something that you just casually throw around – killing politicians who you don’t like …” Loury said. “Do you think it ends there? Do you think that if somebody were to do something along the lines that you’re suggesting, that would be the end of it?”

To which McWhorter’s flippantly responded: “Well, somebody else would run (as the Republican nominee). Anyone but (Trump) would be better.”


PREMO Member

CBS sued for $5M by anchor Jeff Vaughn over diversity policy: ‘Too many white males’

An Emmy Award-winning CBS anchor claimed the Tiffany Network’s blind pursuit for diversity hires led to him getting canned because he is an aging, white, heterosexual male, according to blockbuster lawsuit.

Jeff Vaughn, 58, who spent eight years at a CBS-owned Los Angeles affiliate, alleged he was replaced by a younger, minority news anchor in 2022 in the $5 million discrimination lawsuit against CBS and parent company Paramount Global, which was filed in a California federal court Monday.

The complaint pointed to a CBS goal to ensure that half of all writers be nonwhite by 2023 and an initiative requiring half of all castmembers on their reality shows be minorities.


PREMO Member
"The First Amendment is spinning out of control," Wu whined in a New York Times op-ed on Tuesday, and since my managing editor won't let me reply to Wu with any of Carlin's seven words you can't say on television — even though all seven would be appropriate and, I promise you, artfully arranged — I'll have to resort to reasoned analysis.

(I knew I should have ordered that second martini at lunch.)

Excuse the lengthy excerpt but this is important stuff.

Monday’s Supreme Court decision in the two NetChoice cases greatly adds to the problem. The cases concern two state laws, one in Florida and one in Texas, that limit the ability of social media platforms to remove or moderate content. (Both laws were enacted in response to the perceived censorship of political conservatives.) While the Supreme Court remanded both cases to lower courts for further factual development, the court nonetheless went out of its way to state that the millions of algorithmic decisions made every day by social media platforms are protected by the First Amendment. It did so by blithely assuming that those algorithmic decisions are equivalent to the expressive decisions made by human editors at newspapers.
Even if one has concerns about the wisdom and questionable constitutionality of the Florida and Texas laws (as I do), the breadth of the court’s reasoning should serve as a wake-up call. The judiciary needs to realize that the First Amendment is spinning out of control.

But that's not what these cases were about. They were about social media sites determining which perfectly legal opinions could be seen online. They were about factual information being squashed.

The job of the First Amendment is to protect the individual's right to say what he wants, to argue for his cause or against your cause in any public square — real or, these days, virtual. The First's job isn't to provide some kind of "balance" between an aggrieved group — of Wu's choice, you can be sure — and so-called "corporate interests."

"The First Amendment" in the 18th century, Wu claimed, "was a tool that helped the underdog." And yet he would neuter it to silence dissenting voices online — the very collusion between Big Government and Big Tech that murdered the Hunter Biden laptop story to influence the 2020 election.

The disingenuousness on display requires Carlin's bitter wit to properly eviscerate, so let me finish with a couple of thoughts that lack Carlin's bite but that he'd surely agree with.

The First Amendment's job is to forbid Congress from making any law abridging, among other rights, our freedom of speech. And it's up to the courts to knock down any attempt — by Congress or by executive fiat — to do so.



PREMO Member

The media loses the game

POTATUS (hat tip to BEEGE WELBORN of Hot Air) is suddenly persona non grata after his strabismus-inducing debate performance. Well, maybe not so suddenly. Everyone with a scintilla of firing neurons knew that Joe Biden was not all there. Excuses to the contrary fall on bored and jaded ears. The media made their Biden-bed and now that they are forced to lie in it, they pretend that we put the bedbugs in it. No, their own dirt attracted those bedbugs, so they have no excuse for blaming anyone else. They chose to be deaf and blind to Joe's obvious incapacities because they needed a progressive Democrat in the White House to be the rictus mask of Obama's team of hammer and sickle America-haters.

What the media have done to America is beyond reprehensible. It sinks to evil. They deliberately hid POTATUS' frailties and his dementia. They deliberately ignored his inability to do the job. They deliberately gaslighted us by continuously lying about the border being closed and the economy doing well and EVs being environmental saviors, as though the environment needed actual saving. They deliberately lied about Trump's nonexistent crimes and the imaginary danger he posed to the American democratic process.

Instead of blaming all the above on POTATUS Biden where it belonged, the media transferred blame to the one not-guilty party in this steaming, fetid oozefest, Donald Trump. The media never bothered to ask the right questions and they certainly never delivered the right answers or the truth about either Biden or Trump. Their irrational hatred for Trump and for conservatives in general prevented almost an entire industry from serving the American people by reporting the news, digging for news, and telling the whole truth instead of half-truths, when they bothered telling any truth at all.


PREMO Member

The Conspiracy of Silence to Protect Joe Biden

The president’s mental decline was like a dark family secret for many elite supporters.​

In January, I began hearing similar stories from Democratic officials, activists, and donors. All people who supported the president and were working to help reelect him to a second term in office. Following encounters with the president, they had arrived at the same concern: Could he really do this for another four years? Could he even make it to Election Day?

Uniformly, these people were of a similar social strata. They lived and socialized in Washington, New York, and Los Angeles. They did not wish to come forward with their stories. They did not want to blow a whistle. They wished that they could whistle past what they knew and emerge in November victorious and relieved, having helped avoid another four years of Trump. What would happen after that? They couldn’t think that far ahead. Their worries were more immediate.

When they discussed what they knew, what they had seen, what they had heard, they literally whispered. They were scared and horrified. But they were also burdened. They needed to talk about it (though not on the record). They needed to know that they were not alone and not crazy. Things were bad, and they knew things were bad, and they knew others must also know things were bad, and yet they would need to pretend, outwardly, that things were fine. The president was fine. The election would be fine. They would be fine. To admit otherwise would mean jeopardizing the future of the country and, well, nobody wanted to be responsible personally or socially for that. Their disclosures often followed innocent questions: Have you seen the president lately? How does he seem? Often, they would answer with only silence, their eyes widening cartoonishly, their heads shaking back and forth. Or with disapproving sounds. “Phhhhwwwaahhh.” “Uggghhhhhhhhh.” “Bbbwwhhheeuuw.” Or with a simple, “Not good! Not good!” Or with an accusatory question of their own: “Have you seen him?!”


PREMO Member

Woke Media ROASTED For Claiming Biden COVERED UP His Mental Collapse, NO ONE BELIEVES THIS​



PREMO Member

The View On The VERGE OF TEARS Over Liberal Media DESTROYING Joe Biden While IGNORING Trump!​



Well-Known Member

Former MSNBC Host Chris Matthews Has an Anti-Trump Meltdown on Bill Maher's Show

Former MSNBC host Chris Matthews and Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (D-HI) were the guests on Friday’s episode, featuring an equally humorous rant from Matthews about what will happen if Trump wins in November. It’s the same hyperbolic nonsense that no one cares about since the former president is winning this election. The battleground state polls, the questions about age, Biden’s poor debate performance, inflation remaining at high levels, and a lackluster economy all have Biden on the defensive. He’s tied with Trump in Minnesota—all of this is post-conviction.

To be clear, we know the Manhattan hush money case was politically motivated and primarily vanished from the news cycle. Still, Biden’s debate performance has led to freakout mode among the Left, and Matthews captured that perfectly last night:

Can anyone tell me WHERE this whole "Trump will become a freedom destroying TYRANT if he is elected?" come from?
Or the whole "it will be the end of Democracy" crap comes from?

"Oh well - uuhh - all that J6 stuff". Oh crap, please. He was President for another two weeks after that. He could have called out all the stops.

Do you remember when the Capitol Police captured all the people in the Capitol that day and frog-marched them out with their hands on their heads? Nope, neither do I. They left when Trump told them to just stop, respect the police and go home.

So WHY do they think it?

Because it's what THEY would do.


PREMO Member
Can anyone tell me WHERE this whole "Trump will become a freedom destroying TYRANT if he is elected?" come from?
Or the whole "it will be the end of Democracy" crap comes from?

DNC / Progressive Media Talking Points for at least 6 months now

Partially from a off hand comment Trump made about wanting to be a Dictator on Day and reopening Keystone [ I think rolling back a lot of Sleepy Uncle Joe's Executive Orders


The Heritage Foundation's 2025 Project to get rid of the Administrative State or getting more CONSERVATIVES In Gov, weeding out Gov Employee's that act as 5th Columnists and sabotage another Trump Administration [ part of the Program is a Conservative Linked-In of trust worthy people to hire ]

Trump has claimed he doesn't know ANYTHING about Project 2025 ... but the Media / DNC Spin Machine has been trying to tie Trump to this

Project 2025

With the Biden administration half over and with the immediate dangers inherent to one-party rule in Washington behind us for now, it’s past time to lay the groundwork for a White House more friendly to the right. For decades, as the left has continued its march through America’s institutions, conservatives have been outgunned and outmatched when it comes to the art of government.

One reason is because the Republican establishment never moved on from the 1980s. Beltway conservatives still prioritize supply-side economics and a bellicose foreign policy above all else. Belief in small government, strangely enough, has manifested itself in a belief among some conservatives that we should lead by example and not fill all political appointments. Belief in the primacy of the national security state has caused conservative administrations to defer political decisions to the generals and the intelligence community.

The result has been decades of disappointment.

Fortunately, this situation is changing. The conservative movement increasingly knows what time it is in America. More and more of our politicians are willing to use the government to achieve our vision, because the neutrality of “keeping the government out of it” will lose every time to the left’s vast power. The calls for a “new Church Committee” represent a momentous shift in energy; while conservatives used to lament liberal Sen. Frank Church’s original project as a kooky leftist attack against “The Brave Men And Women of Our Intelligence Community,” we’re now the ones agitating for Congress to go after the three-letter agencies.

This new vigor of the right can be found at Project 2025. Organized by the Heritage Foundation, Project 2025 has brought together 45 (and counting) right-of-center organizations that are ready to get into the business of restoring this country through the combination of the right policies and well-trained people. The Project’s foundation is built on four interconnected pillars.

The first pillar, the upcoming production of the policy book Mandate for Leadership, represents the work of more than 350 leading conservatives and outlines a vision of conservative success at each federal agency during the next administration. Presidential candidates won’t be able to ignore what the conservative movement demands in this book.

The second is our online personnel database. This “Conservative LinkedIn” will launch in March and will provide an opportunity for rock-solid conservatives to place themselves in contention for roles in the next administration. This pillar will bring Mr. (and Mrs.) Smith to Washington.

The third is our Presidential Administration Academy. When conservatives do finally make it into an administration, they often don’t know what to do or how to seize the gears of power effectively. Through their action, inaction, and their encyclopedic knowledge of volumes of technicalities about the federal workforce, certain career federal employees are masterful in tripping us up. Our interactive, on-demand training sessions will change that. They will turn future conservative political appointees into experts in governmental effectiveness.

The fourth and final pillar of Project 2025 is our Playbook, which will take the policy ideas expressed in Mandate for Leadership and transform them into an implementation plan for each agency to advocate to the incoming administration. What regulations and executive orders must be signed on Day One? Where are the greatest needs for more political appointees? How can we effectively use the mechanisms of government to face our most challenging problems? Our Playbook will put our movement to work answering questions like these.


Well-Known Member
DNC / Progressive Media Talking Points for at least 6 months now

Partially from a off hand comment Trump made about wanting to be a Dictator on Day and reopening Keystone [ I think rolling back a lot of Sleepy Uncle Joe's Executive Orders

See, this is where I seriously cannot stand the Left - they are STILL repeating the "bloodbath" comment and morphing into some kind of blood in the streets thing - while anyone who actually HEARD what he said - or READ it - knows he was referring to what the Chinese would face if they tried to sell their Mexican made EVs in the United States -

China now is building a couple of massive plants where they’re going to build the cars in Mexico and think, they think, that they’re going to sell those cars into the United States with no tax at the border. Let me tell you something to China, if you’re listening President Xi, and you and I are friends, but he understands the way I deal. Those big monster car manufacturing plants that you’re building in Mexico right now, and you think you’re going to get that, you’re going to not hire Americans, and you’re going to sell the cars to us? No. We’re going to put a 100% tariff on every single car that comes across the line, and you’re not going to be able to sell those cars. If I get elected. Now, if I don’t get elected, it’s going to be a bloodbath, for the whole — that’s going to be the least of it. It’s going to be a bloodbath for the country. That’ll be the least of it. But they’re not going to sell those cars.

AND using a term - 'bloodbath' - very, very frequently used in economic terms and even by those on the Left for the very same thing.

It was clear enough that when Trump said dictator on Day One - he was referring to - and ONLY referring to -

TRUMP: He says, "You're not gonna be a dictator, are you?" I said no, no, no … other than Day One. We're closing the border and we're drilling, drilling, drilling. After that, I'm not a dictator, OK?

THAT - is it. He's going to reverse executive orders, he's gonna close the borders and start the drilling and re-start Keystone. And then he's done. No gulags. No hunting people down. No mass arrests. What a load of crap. These guys heard ONE word - read it out of context - and now people on MSNBC and The View think Trump is gonna get them. Newsflash - you're not that important. We have North Korea, and China, and Putin, and Hamas and loads of other boogeymen out there. You're not even a blip on the radar.

Why did he say dictator? Because you shouldn't need to do them. Biden went on a tear his first 100 days - he's been ok since, but most of his first executive orders were reversals.


Well-Known Member
You know, I never ever HEARD of Project 2025 until my daughter came home from a visit with the family of one of her more liberal friends. She had a whole host of - dare I say - extremely ridiculous talking points describing a Trump administration straight out of "1984".

You'd THINK - if this was some kind of wonderful idea concocted and ready to be enacted from the right - they'd be TALKING about it. They're not, just like George Bush didn't usher in a theocracy where kids would be forced to become Christians - or when Reagan would start WW3 and do a pre-emptive strike on Russia.

It doesn't surprise me that they SAY stupid stuff like this - it surprises me that reasonable people BELIEVE it.