Media Corruption


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The New York Times Tried to Fact-Check Donald Trump’s Press Conference – Facts Were Optional

In practiced fashion, the New York Times decided it would provide a team of fact-checkers to tear into Trump’s many claims. What is notable about this exercise is how we have never seen such an application of diligent journalism with the other party. Take, for instance, the public coming out party for Tim Walz this week and his spewing of numerous inaccuracies; we did not see a gathering of analysts dispatched for that event.

But as expected as these admonishments have become, there is one other aspect we can count on – the fact-checkers contorting and corrupting the facts. As the Times displayed, the “facts” are malleable when it comes to Donald Trump. Accuracy becomes secondary to slandering the man as a liar. Here are the shameful results.



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NPR Shocked That GOP Mocked Walz Putting Tampons in Boys' Bathrooms

NPR's home page lit up with an article by digital news desk editor and writer Rachel Treisman, “Why Republicans are calling Walz 'Tampon Tim.'” She summarized the Republican mockery of Minnesota governor and Democratic VP nominee Tim Walz for signing into law a requirement that public schools provide menstrual products to students in grades 4-12.

In the girls’ and boys’ bathrooms. This "free period products" movement is supposed to help keep female students in school at their difficult times. NPR was pushing this in 2021. [Image via L.A. Johnson for NPR]

Treisman evaded the reason for the Republican mockery, swerving past the ridiculous image of tampon machines in elementary school boys’ bathrooms, to instead insist how proudly Democrats were embracing Gov. Walz’s “Tampon Tim” epithet.

She did a bait and switch, painting Republicans as virulently opposed to a liberal policy of machines dispending free tampons in girls' bathrooms, when they are actually opposed to a radical policy of machines dispending tampons in elementary school boy’s bathrooms.


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All the cringe.

Here's how they spin this:

If you’d predicted this scene a month ago to anyone following the race, they would never have believed you. But Harris has pulled off the swiftest vibe shift in modern political history. A contest that revolved around the cognitive decline of a geriatric President has been transformed: Joe Biden is out, Harris is in, and a second Donald Trump presidency no longer seems inevitable. Democrats resigned to a “grim death march” toward certain defeat, as one national organizer put it, felt their gloom replaced by a jolt of hope.



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CBS News Attacked Donald Trump’s ‘No Tax on Tips’ Proposal — Until Kamala Harris Copied Him

Notably, Harris is facing heavy backlash for copying the campaign promise, which Trump first announced, during her campaign rally on Saturday.

Social media users reacted to the vice president’s remark with the hashtag #CopyCatKamala, pointing out that Trump had been campaigning on eliminating taxes on tips for months.

To make matters worse, Harris voted in 2022 to pass legislation to allow the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) to track down workers’ tips so that they could be taxed.

On August 7, 2022, Harris cast the tie-breaking vote to pass the Inflation Reduction Act, which provided $80 billion in additional funding to the IRS, which then got to work cracking down on the service industry’s reporting of tips for taxation purposes.

On Monday, this revelation became a top trend on X, as social media users flocked to the platform to share that not only is Harris “plagiarizing” Trump’s campaign but her newfound stance is also a flagrant contradiction of her work as vice president.

X’s artificial intelligence, Grok, summarized the top trend with the following explanation:

Kamala Harris has announced her support for eliminating taxes on tips for service and hospitality workers, a policy initially proposed by former President Donald Trump. This announcement has sparked criticism and accusations of plagiarism from various conservative figures and media outlets. They point out that Harris previously supported legislation allowing the IRS to track workers’ tips, suggesting a contradiction in her stance. The discussion highlights the political dynamics around tax policies and the scrutiny of politicians’ consistency in their positions.


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Trump on X Taps Into a Voting Bloc That Legacy Media Doesn't Even Know Exists

As my colleague Bonchie reported, Axios reporter Sara Fischer appeared on CNN to complain about former President and GOP nominee Donald Trump having an unfettered microphone with Elon Musk on X.

The Monday night conversation hails Trump's return to the X (formerly Twitter) platform where he was unceremoniously booted almost four years before, and it has the entire legacy media complex shook.

As my colleague streiff also reported, a Washington Post reporter asked the Biden Press Secretary whether this interview could be stopped, because "misinformation," or something...

It would be an understatement to say that much of the media and a lot of the government is losing its crap at this hour as X, formerly Twitter owner Elon Musk engages in a free-form "conversation" with former President Donald Trump in an X "space." Earlier today, the European Union's commissioner for the internal market, some effete Frenchman who became a Senegalese in 2015, perhaps in honor of his efforts to turn Europe into a Third World sh** hole, named Thierry Breton. Breton warned Musk that the EU will punish him for allowing misinformation or hate speech

It's amazing and laughable to watch. This media meltdown is more delicious than liberal tears.

In the CNN segment, not only did Fischer complain that Trump might "say whatever he wants," but she insulted an entire bloc of voters that will never read her online scribbles or watch CNN.



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CNN Gets Supremely Triggered Over Donald Trump's Interview With Elon Musk

They've taken a decidedly different tack with Trump, though. On CNN, Axios reporter Sara Fischer complained that the former president might (gasp!) "say whatever he wants."

FISCHER: Well, for one, I think it's going to be a very light-hearted conversation. Because Elon Musk has come out and endorsed Donald Trump, I expect this a bromance type of an interview where they're supporting each other. I think Elon Musk will let Donald Trump speak all the falsehoods and misinformation that he wants. I mean, he's not a journalist, it's not his job nor necessarily does he want to be fact-checking all the information. I think it's just a platform for Donald Trump to say whatever he wants.
But the thing to remember, Kasie, is that like, the interview audience here is what Donald Trump needs. You see JD Vance going on Face the Nation, Sunday Shows, traditional media because he needs to get his name out there. Donald Trump's going the opposite route, he's talking to streamers and podcasters. He's going on X. He wants to rally up that sort of fringe online base. That's what Donald Trump is doing here tonight.

Whoa, Whoa, hold up. Donald Trump may "say whatever he wants?" What does he think this is? The United States of America?

That entire exchange is just mind-numbing. Here we have supposed journalists fretting that someone might dare to exercise their right to free speech without the press overlords being consulted. I mean, Musk might not live "fact-check" Trump with incredibly obtuse and unfair characterizations. Oh, my heavens!