Media Corruption


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TIME PULLS Trump Assassination Photo, Journalists COVER UP Truth Because It HELPS TRUMP Win​



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🔥🔥 Yesterday, NBC ran a story proving the Secret Service has its priorities straight, headlined: “Secret Service says it's appalled by DEI rhetoric against female agents after Trump rally shooting.

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The painfully long and numbingly repetitive article began with a statement from the Secret Service’s Communications Director, not apologizing for the agency’s failure to protect President Trump, but defending its crack ponytail brigade. Which, it must be said, looks more like the Keystone Cops than Charlie’s Angels. Just saying.

In relevant part, the official statement bristled at the public’s criticism, expressing outrage, disappointment, and most of all, appall. They are appalled! At criticism! During an election season! After they totally and inexcusably failed at their one job!:

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Mostly, NBC’s article was a tragic self-own. Despite allocating pages and pages to the story, NBC could only muster a single former agent to weakly defend the female agents’ performance. He gamely suggested there could be good explanations for the various slipups and failures widely mocked on social media this week.

That could be true. But if so, many Americans would like to hear those good explanations. Share them! Talk to us, Secret Service.

The rest of the article rounded up a laborious inventory of Secret Service failures, in the form of conservative complaints about the intersection between the Agency’s DEI priorities and the worst Secret Service screw-up in history. Trying to evoke sympathy for hiring people based on inherent characteristics rather than merit, NBC just ended up republishing those critiques, and at the same time making reporters look stupid.

Here’s my favorite example (though it was devilishly hard to pick):

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Noticeably absent from NBC’s article was a single reference to any DEI successes. You can be sure we’d know all about them, if any existed.

Finally, in fairness, it should be noted that President Trump has repeatedly defended his Secret Service detail, including the female officers. So.



Beloved Misanthrope
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PREMO Member
🔥🔥 Corporate media is, so far, trying to find solace in Biden’s Bailout, insisting there is historical precedent, mainly in Lyndon B. Johnson's 1968 decision not to run for re-election. But Johnson decided to bow out in March, not July, and even still it sent the Democrat party into a tailspin. Democrats nominated Hubert Humphrey, and Republican Richard M. Nixon handily won the election.

This time, Biden’s Bailout came not eight months ahead, but just 107 days before the election.

Curiously, Johnson’s political prospects were undermined by criticism of how he handled the Vietnam War. Another truncated President, Democrat Harry Truman, under relentless assault from heroic Senator Joe McCarthy, also bowed out of Democrat nomination, suffering public pushback from the Korean War. One wonders whether future historians will hang the Ukraine War around Biden’s neck when describing the root causes of his humiliating defeat.

In both cases, Johnson’s and Truman’s, Democrats’ replacement candidate lost badly to the Republican candidate.

Put simply, there is no historical precedent suggesting a Democrat victory. They have tried this before and it never worked. In fact, no U.S. political party has ever changed nominees this late in election season and won. If Democrats did somehow plan all this, they are making it up as they go along, and they have no idea how it will work out.

Napoleon once said, "Never ascribe to malice that which is adequately explained by incompetence."

They missed, and so Joe had to go.



Well-Known Member
🔥🔥 Corporate media is, so far, trying to find solace in Biden’s Bailout, insisting there is historical precedent, mainly in Lyndon B. Johnson's 1968 decision not to run for re-election. But Johnson decided to bow out in March, not July, and even still it sent the Democrat party into a tailspin. Democrats nominated Hubert Humphrey, and Republican Richard M. Nixon handily won the election.

This time, Biden’s Bailout came not eight months ahead, but just 107 days before the election.

Curiously, Johnson’s political prospects were undermined by criticism of how he handled the Vietnam War. Another truncated President, Democrat Harry Truman, under relentless assault from heroic Senator Joe McCarthy, also bowed out of Democrat nomination, suffering public pushback from the Korean War. One wonders whether future historians will hang the Ukraine War around Biden’s neck when describing the root causes of his humiliating defeat.

In both cases, Johnson’s and Truman’s, Democrats’ replacement candidate lost badly to the Republican candidate.

Put simply, there is no historical precedent suggesting a Democrat victory. They have tried this before and it never worked. In fact, no U.S. political party has ever changed nominees this late in election season and won. If Democrats did somehow plan all this, they are making it up as they go along, and they have no idea how it will work out.

Napoleon once said, "Never ascribe to malice that which is adequately explained by incompetence."

They missed, and so Joe had to go.

The democrats will go all out with mail in ballots like 2020. They did it before and it worked, they'll do it again.


PREMO Member
Fresh on the heels of Politico’s fear-mongering article warning about the ominous Christian influence of Lord of the Rings genius JRR Tolkien on Trump VP pick JD Vance, the outlet now devotes space to a profile of Vance’s “weird views on gender.” And by “weird,” Politico means “normal” – the traditional, biologically based understanding of sex and family that has held for all but the last ten minutes or so of human history.

In an opinion piece titled, “JD Vance Has a Bunch of Weird Views on Gender,” Politico’s Laura K. Field begins by calling Vance “a rabid participant in the culture wars” – that’s a dog whistle to leftists that Vance threatens the cultural hegemony the Left spent over half a century establishing precisely because the culture is where the real ideological war is waged and won. Conservative politicians like Vance and, say, Ron DeSantis, who understand this and are willing to get in the trenches of that fight, terrify the Left.

Politico’s Field then takes exception to a comment Vance once made to then-Fox News host Tucker Carlson that “We are effectively run in the country, via the Democrats, via our corporate oligarchs, by a bunch of childless cat ladies who are miserable at their own lives and the choices that they’ve made, and so they want to make the rest of the country miserable, too.” Vance named Kamala Harris, Pete Buttigieg, and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez as examples.

Is he wrong about that characterization? No. Leftists are anti-family Karens driven by a deep hatred of the bourgeois values of their political opponents: life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Nothing brings them greater satisfaction than to impose their own miserable worldview on others by curtailing those values.

Field goes on to describe Vance “and the rest of the New Right” as sharing “a deep skepticism about modern feminism and gender equality” and an “[o]vert chauvinism that seeks to roll back much of feminism’s gains.” Well, bravo for him then, because modern feminism and gender ideology are the tip of the spear of the cultural Marxist subversion of Western civilization (change my mind). What Field and Politico laughably call “feminism’s gains” have been disastrous for America (more on that below); we can’t roll them back fast enough.



PREMO Member

VERIFIABLY FALSE: Judge in Defamation Case Rules Rachel Maddow, MSNBC Straight Up Lied About Georgia Doc

But believe these people when they tell you Kamala is an amazing politician and Trump is basically Hitler.

They'd never lie to us, right?

More from The Post Millennial:

Amin sued NBCUniversal for defamation in 2021 and a Senate probe into the allegations found no evidence the doctor had performed "mass hysterectomies." The Senate report stated, "The Subcommittee did not substantiate the allegations of mass hysterectomies on ICDC detainees. Records indicate that Dr. Amin performed two hysterectomies on ICDC detainees between 2017 and 2019. Both procedures were deemed medically necessary by ICE."

A trial date for the defamation case has not been set yet.

Dr. Amin is suing for $30 million, and we hope he gets every penny.


PREMO Member

Media’s Soviet-Style Airbrushing of Kamala Harris’ Problematic History

Stalin was notorious for having a group of Photoshop, before there was Photoshop, of photo editors who could take people out of photos, could airbrush people who were now politically not acceptable. But they also did it by replacing pages in encyclopedias. Beria, the former secret police chief, had his pages replaced in the Soviet encyclopedias so that future generations literally would not know he existed because all they had then was the encyclopedia.

And I felt a little bit of that vibe, a lot of bit of that vibe today when there were stories about how Axios was going back and essentially rewriting its history. As we know for Kamala Harris, one of her big problems is that she was responsible for the border. And we all remember she was called the Border Czar. And you know what? Axios wrote an article today saying that’s not true. She was never called the Border Czar. And then people found from 2021 articles in Axios calling her the Border Czar because she doesn’t want to now take responsibility for the border problems.

So Axios just reinvented it, wrote an addition saying, oh, we were wrong back then. We used it improperly.

No, they didn’t. They used it in context at the time because that’s what she was called. And just like the Soviets go back and airbrush people and rewrite things, that’s what Axios did today.

But it even got worse because another one of Kamala Harris’s major problems, and this is already running in GOP ads attacking her, is that in 2019, which is not a governmental agency, it’s a private company, but people rely on it as an authority on what happens in the government. GovTrack had rated her in 2019 as the most liberal senator in the Senate. That means to the left of Bernie Sanders. That’s a problem for Kamala Harris, and that is something that Republicans are hitting her on.

And in completely Soviet style. GovTrack simply took down her page and posted a notice saying that they’ve reconsidered things. And their whole methodology that they used in 2019, not just for her, but for everybody, was now wrong. And they removed the page much like the Soviets would remove pages from the encyclopedia.