meeting females outside of bars


New Member
Originally posted by pixiegirl
Waaaaaay back in the day I use to frequent Rise and Fever.
You had to bring that up, didn't you? :bubble: I remember walking out of "Rise" with my pants covered in mud because the building always seemed to be leaking water. :rolleyes:


Originally posted by SxyPrincess
You had to bring that up, didn't you? :bubble: I remember walking out of "Rise" with my pants covered in mud because the building always seemed to be leaking water. :rolleyes:

MUD?? Why, where they around your ankles?? :roflmao:


Originally posted by SxyPrincess
After I got home they usually were. :biggrin:

Kewl, just checking.........maybe knee pads would have helped with the stains?:cheers:


Social Director
I have never heard of Rise, and 1722 isn't that on Charles St?
Nah, nowadays it's cool to go to Power Plant Live, 8 night clubs in one area, you can go outside with your drinks, and they have music outside too...
Or hit it up on a Thursday and go to a Foam Party at Bohagers


New Member
the mud thing ...


I think some of these ladies aren't being honest about the mud thing. I think they know of some secret back room where male attendants that look like Brad Pitt rub mud on them and attend their every dsire and whim ...

Or do the attendants look like Eminem?

Or maybe, Chris Farley?



New Member
mud thing ...


You devil you. Somehow I knew you were around. Do you work during the day, too?

Thanks for the invite this weekend to come and say hi at the Club V. Only problem is, don't know where it is ...

Anyway, with the best intentions, here's to you and your Tim thing!



Livin' Large
You guys are a bunch of Horn Dogs!

:offtopic: This maybe off topic, i don't know because i have not read any post. but the title and the number of views are killing me. :biggrin:

If you want people to read a post just give it a little sex angle. This thread has more views than any other.

:cheers: to all the horny people on SOMD.


New Member
Re: mud thing ...

Originally posted by tidesweep

You devil you. Somehow I knew you were around. Do you work during the day, too?
I'm a princess, not a devil and yes, I "work" during the day. :biggrin:

Anyway, with the best intentions, here's to you and your Tim thing! [/B][/QUOTE] Isn't Tim McGraw just the cutest? :yum: I'd lay the smackdown rodeo on him any day. :biggrin:

:rolleyes: [/B][/QUOTE]


Be about it
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: stepping out ...

Originally posted by migtig
Nope, I just thought it very true and funny - what last time it was 4 of us on a tab? And we might add more people to the tab this time, so he definitely will need a loan to pay for it! :roflmao:

Add me to the tab!! LOL! :cheers: