meeting females outside of bars


Attire Monitor
Originally posted by Athena1078
That's ME!!!
I'm your man!

Oh, and my only real requirement is that you have a pulse.
Do you have a pulse?

I'm all yours!

Oh...BTW....what are you wearing???

I answered that already.. but I will repeat myself..
come over and find out..

You were SUPPOSED to PM the directions to me!!!


New Member
meeting women IN bars ...

Hey there! Tidesweep here. I'm signing in after my long day at work!!
Anyway, I hear the stirrings of a cache of females heading out ... not that I'm overstepping my bounds, but perhaps I was too hasty talking about meeting women outside of bars. Perhaps I should rethink ...

By the way, I have a Stetson, does that count?

Is that a Leonardtown thing?


New Member
:offtopic: But I just started my Crest White Strips last night. Ya'll didn't tell me they'd be this nasty. This gooey gel is all over my mouth. :biggrin: Oops!


New Member
I firmly pressed on the gel strip to get between my teeth, as to get an even whitening. While doing so, some of the gel has slipped out, and it's yucky. I've got 20 more minutes to go.


Be about it
Re: Re: meeting females outside of bars

Originally posted by bknarw
Sorry I failed to say hi Tidesweep, but I must caution you against flirting with Lauren. I have reserved exclusive rights to stalking her!

However, I have to say that the most ironic thing happened to me this past weekend. A bunch of my friends decided to go bowling, and I went along for the ride. They were all bowling whilst I sat at the bar, and lo and behold, I met a very nice woman! We share the same sense of humor (scary, isn't it?), we were finishing each other's sentences, and have a TON in common. I had sworn off the bowling alley as a place to meet ANYONE, and especially the bar there, but it just happened.
I have a feeling that when it's going to happen, it's going to happen, regardless of where you are...

BK that is GREAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm sooooooooo happy and excited that you've met someone!!! Although, I'm sure I'll be in mourning for sometime and have 'stalker withdrawal'. Please promise you'll still flirt every now and then...even though there's a new woman in your life. :bawl: :bawl: :bawl:



Be about it
Originally posted by justhangn
:confused: WOW, Lauren is going to be crushed....she's lost her stalker!! :cool:

I know it. It's going to take some time to get used to. I...I...I just can't believe he's gone!!!!!!! :bawl: :bawl:


Be about it
Originally posted by bknarw

Oh...BTW....what are you wearing???

I just can't take it anymore, BK! First you get a girlfriend...and you never bother to ask me what I'm wearing anymore. This is way too much for me to deal with in one night...:frown:


Be about it
Originally posted by pixiegirl
Sorry, I thought BK was the attire monitor. :confused: Are we up for it again this Saturday girls?

BTW, Athena, there are lots of hotties at Club V. Just stay away from my new husband. He's the cutest one there; you'll know him when ya see him. :biggrin: But don't tell Vrai, Cari or my boyfriend. :wink:

Pixie is VERY protective over her husband...I can back up that statement. And...can also back up the fact that he is a TOTAL hottie :-D! I think I'm down this Saturday...let me check with my sitter (Dean...hehe).


New Member
stepping out ...

Cariblue ... sorry about that, left the house after my post. Greeetings!

Had to ride my horse through the snow. Wore no pants, just chaps ...

By the way, did you say might be venturing out this weekend?

Sorry Laureng, about you losing your stalker and all.




Social Director
I used to think it would be fun to have a stalker... but only if he was cute... and non-violent...and had a nice car to follow me in...and .. nevermind


New Member
chaps ...

Laureng: Now that you're out of a stalker, is it OK to say you have a realy nice face again?

(I'm not a bad stalker).

Anyway, my cat won't stop jumping up into my lap when I get online. She's like a surfer cat or something. She just sits facing the key board and puts her paws on the desk and watches.
I'm going to let Boukie (my cat) type something to you Laureng. Here goes ...

Guudd Merrnyng tooo yew, lallauring ...

Not bad, eh? She's pretty talented!

We'll talk to you all later!

John :crazy:


aka Mrs. Giant
Originally posted by Athena1078
I used to think it would be fun to have a stalker... but only if he was cute... and non-violent...and had a nice car to follow me in...and .. nevermind
Joking aside, it sure ain't what it's cracked up to never happens like that, so be careful what ya wish for.


Social Director
yeah I know.. I actually had someone before, not really a stalker, but we never figured out who it was.. Really weird, and scary. So anyways, off topic, I heard it is snowing really bad down there....