Meeting People


They're out to get us
wwwwaaaaaayyyyyyyy to many words... :jameo: This is going to take a while.
hey c'mon, it's what I'm good at :biggrin:

:smack: I am liking you less and less every day. :mad:
cuz I pointed out that people don't go straight to college around here? It's true! That's about all I said :shrug:

yeah the COL around here sucks. And college is actually Dutch, not French. :smack:

just thoguht id sum up all of betas posts
:buttkick: nice pineapple!

I'm a subtle troller, you just uncovered my trolling bait. You should have kept quiet!!! I wanted to see if anyone realized this and wasn't you :p.

:lol: I always have to comment, it's my curse! :jameo:


This thread makes me happy I am sexy, in shape, college educated, have a good paying job, single, and wear baggy shorts :hot: I need to put this mirror down.


I have had a hard time with the folks here. Ive probably tried to strike up a conversation with you at one time and only for you to not call me back, or tell every one im a hooker when i only asked if you had kids, or how old they are etc. I am NOT single and never imply that I am. I would love to start a social group from 50-30 group. PS we drink on occation, travel, have kids, whoop's I cussed, get over it, oh and we attend church and are saved. Well for the christians who are going to write me, cast the first stone! Im a work in progress. Who will meet with me and hubby to have some drinks or just talk
your leg off? No sicko stuff! U must have a open mind! NO political fights please.


I have had a hard time with the folks here. Ive probably tried to strike up a conversation with you at one time and only for you to not call me back, or tell every one im a hooker when i only asked if you had kids, or how old they are etc. I am NOT single and never imply that I am. I would love to start a social group from 50-30 group. PS we drink on occation, travel, have kids, whoop's I cussed, get over it, oh and we attend church and are saved. Well for the christians who are going to write me, cast the first stone! Im a work in progress. Who will meet with me and hubby to have some drinks or just talk
your leg off? No sicko stuff! U must have a open mind! NO political fights please.

Who's not a work in progress? Hope you find some cool people to hang with. Where are you from originally?