Meeting People


New Member
I'll put my two years in, then start looking at jobs at one of my company's many other locations... a location that warrants the absurd cost of living down here.

I really don't mind paying $1.2k for my 2BR because I can more than afford it and it's almost new and damn spacious all things considered. But I'd rather pay the same for a ####tier apartment and be in a better location like Northern VA or suburb of DC or Baltimore.

Luckily, I've lowered my expectations of finding a nice gal here that's single such that if it happens, great, if it doesn't I won't disappoint myself. I'll cast my line out for the hell of it and see if anything bites, but focus more on enjoying life and having money to buy nice things.

There seems to be a real lack of educated women down here that aren't already married. I'll admit I'm a shallow #### because it's practically a requirement for me that I date someone who has an IQ at least 100 or above. Even better, understands why the average IQ score is theoretically always 100 :p. Granted, a college degree doesn't guarantee intelligence, but statistically speaking, it does :p.
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New Member
I'll put my two years in, then start looking at jobs at one of my company's many other locations... a location that warrants the absurd cost of living down here.

I really don't mind paying $1.2k for my 2BR because I can more than afford it and it's almost new and damn spacious all things considered. But I'd rather pay the same for a ####tier apartment and be in a better location like Northern VA or suburb of DC or Baltimore.

There seems to be a real lack of educated women down here that aren't married. I'll admit I'm a shallow #### because it's practically a requirement for me that I date someone who has an IQ at least 100 or above. Even better, understands why the average IQ score is theoretically always 100 :p.

That's a pretty bold and incorrect statement you made. How long have you been here, and how many women have you talked to? Maybe if you and some of the other "gentlemen" on here would look outside of a bar to meet someone, then you may have a different outcome.


New Member
That's a pretty bold and incorrect statement you made. How long have you been here, and how many women have you talked to? Maybe if you and some of the other "gentlemen" on here would look outside of a bar to meet someone, then you may have a different outcome.

And next time you relocate, do yourself a favor, and visit the place you're thinking about moving to prior to putting your orders in. IMO that would be common sense, but I have such a low IQ, that couldn't be a smart idea, right?


New Member
That's a pretty bold and incorrect statement you made. How long have you been here, and how many women have you talked to? Maybe if you and some of the other "gentlemen" on here would look outside of a bar to meet someone, then you may have a different outcome.

Heh, the funny thing is that I'm not a bar person. I would be more inclined to if there were more classy bars here :p. And sure, I've only been here about 2 months. But if you're so adamant that my inference is incorrect, what exactly IS there to do besides go to bars here? Really, it speaks volumes as to the number of interesting and diverse activities to try, not to mention intellectually stimulating, when there are two spinning/ weaving guilds, two quilting guids, a tractor pulling club, etc. :p

And what's ironic is that you're a stay at home mom! Excuse me for not taking you as seriously as if you weren't.
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New Member
Heh, the funny thing is that I'm not a bar person. I would be more inclined to if there were more classy bars here :p. And sure, I've only been here about 2 months. But if you're so adamant that my inference is incorrect, what exactly IS there to do besides bars here? Really, it speaks volumes as to the number of interesting and diverse activities to try, when there are two spinning/ weaving guilds, two quilting guids, a tractor pulling club, etc. :p

And what's ironic is that you're a stay at home mom! Excuse me for not taking you as seriously.[/QUOTE]

Exactly what does that mean? I can't be taken serious for what? I've lived here my entire life, except for 5 years when I moved to Phoenix, AZ. There are quite a few things around here to do, you just have to look. Ever been on the Calvert side of the bridge? Maybe start looking into things to do, instead of whining about it. That might be one reason women aren't attracted to you. Trust me, no woman likes a whiner!!


New Member
And next time you relocate, do yourself a favor, and visit the place you're thinking about moving to prior to putting your orders in. IMO that would be common sense, but I have such a low IQ, that couldn't be a smart idea, right?

You're hilarious. You're implying I lack common sense because I decided to accept a job offer I received a month before graduating college that pays well above the average salary someone in my profession starts with, in an economy and recession like this where only 20% of my graduating class has jobs after graduating, instead of risking unemployment for a job offer in a better location!!!

Beta can back me up on how foolish this is, as the employment opportunities decrease exponentially around the time of graduation for most universities. The early bird gets the worm in this case.

EDIT: I love trolling.
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New Member
You're hilarious. You're implying I lack common sense because I decided to accept a job offer I received a month before graduating college that pays well above the average salary someone in my profession starts with, in an economy and recession like this where only 20% of my graduating class has jobs after graduating, instead of risking unemployment for a job offer in a better location!!!

Beta can back me up on how foolish this is, as the employment opportunities decrease exponentially around the time of graduation for most universities. The early bird gets the worm in this case.

Then stop whining about where you live, and the people that live here. Be thankful that you're so fortunate. Be positive and stop whining, you and Beta both.


New Member
And next time you relocate, do yourself a favor, and visit the place you're thinking about moving to prior to putting your orders in. IMO that would be common sense, but I have such a low IQ, that couldn't be a smart idea, right?
Heh, the funny thing is that I'm not a bar person. I would be more inclined to if there were more classy bars here :p. And sure, I've only been here about 2 months. But if you're so adamant that my inference is incorrect, what exactly IS there to do besides bars here? Really, it speaks volumes as to the number of interesting and diverse activities to try, when there are two spinning/ weaving guilds, two quilting guids, a tractor pulling club, etc. :p

And what's ironic is that you're a stay at home mom! Excuse me for not taking you as seriously.

Exactly what does that mean? I can't be taken serious for what? I've lived here my entire life, except for 5 years when I moved to Phoenix, AZ. There are quite a few things around here to do, you just have to look. Ever been on the Calvert side of the bridge? Maybe start looking into things to do, instead of whining about it. That might be one reason women aren't attracted to you. Trust me, no woman likes a whiner!!

EDIT: Meh, I've remove my original post since being a complete ####### to you wasn't warranted.

After deciding to read the latter half of your post and look into something I can do in Calvert County that would at least be interesting and give me something constructive to do, I did find something.

I never said I wouldn't try, rather I said I'm just not expecting much from this place. I hope I'm wrong about it, but we'll see.
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I'll put my two years in, then start looking at jobs at one of my company's many other locations... a location that warrants the absurd cost of living down here.

I really don't mind paying $1.2k for my 2BR because I can more than afford it and it's almost new and damn spacious all things considered. But I'd rather pay the same for a ####tier apartment and be in a better location like Northern VA or suburb of DC or Baltimore.

Luckily, I've lowered my expectations of finding a nice gal here that's single such that if it happens, great, if it doesn't I won't disappoint myself. I'll cast my line out for the hell of it and see if anything bites, but focus more on enjoying life and having money to buy nice things.

There seems to be a real lack of educated women down here that aren't already married. I'll admit I'm a shallow #### because it's practically a requirement for me that I date someone who has an IQ at least 100 or above. Even better, understands why the average IQ score is theoretically always 100 :p. Granted, a college degree doesn't guarantee intelligence, but statistically speaking, it does :p.

:coffee: It is a good thing you are brilliant because otherwise, this would be hypocritical... seeing as how you aren't married. It is good that you admit to being a shallow ####; understanding that you have a problem is the first step to fixing the problem. Get well soon, dear. I don't care if you are the best looking guy in the county. You, sir, are a moron. Appearance fades, character remains.
WR, things are looking up! at least mike seems to be able to put a coherent sentence together unlike headtotoe.

FYI Mike, I am a smib and my IQ is 155. Sorry, I'm looking for men in baggy jean shorts that look like a skirt when they put their legs together and do not shave:killingme
WR, things are looking up! at least mike seems to be able to put a coherent sentence together unlike headtotoe.

FYI Mike, I am a smib and my IQ is 155. Sorry, I'm looking for men in baggy jean shorts that look like a skirt when they put their legs together and do not shave:killingme

:killingme that's right!

:huggy: I am a smib too, maybe we are related since we are looking for the same type of man. :killingme


They're out to get us
:yahoo: I AM "GOLD"
How YOU doin :really:

So, how do you feel about bald women?
They are wonderful!! :biggrin:

I am tired and have skip read.My take on it is.A man new to the area thinks he is a much better man than the local Southern Marylander men who he thinks wear denim shorts that look like skirts.This thread is full of double standards-ladies that have not been married or have no children are like gold around here accordng to one post.Yet it seems o.k when men who have been married and have children date.It is just the single mothers that try and capture a man as they are so desperate and can not live without one.
Oh and it all started with the new guy bragging about how he had met a nice woman with 3 kids and had exchanged telephone numbers.
Really that was not a very good summary but:duh: to the whole thread.
You talk about these "double-standards" but it's because different people are talking. For instance, that 'gold' comment that I made came from a single guy with no kids who has never been married. I really doubt that guys who have been married before or have kids would feel the same way that I do. If they feel that way, THEN it would be a double standard.

TYVM. Think I'll skip this one. :huggy:
Probably a good idea!

I'll put my two years in, then start looking at jobs at one of my company's many other locations... a location that warrants the absurd cost of living down here.

I really don't mind paying $1.2k for my 2BR because I can more than afford it and it's almost new and damn spacious all things considered. But I'd rather pay the same for a ####tier apartment and be in a better location like Northern VA or suburb of DC or Baltimore.

Luckily, I've lowered my expectations of finding a nice gal here that's single such that if it happens, great, if it doesn't I won't disappoint myself. I'll cast my line out for the hell of it and see if anything bites, but focus more on enjoying life and having money to buy nice things.

There seems to be a real lack of educated women down here that aren't already married. I'll admit I'm a shallow #### because it's practically a requirement for me that I date someone who has an IQ at least 100 or above. Even better, understands why the average IQ score is theoretically always 100 :p. Granted, a college degree doesn't guarantee intelligence, but statistically speaking, it does :p.

I agree...the location cost of living is far too high for both the pay and what we have out here. It's so high because of its proximity to DC, but the pay isn't close to what DC is. It's a ripoff. This area is nice, but I could probably make an extra 20k/yr in DC and not pay much more (if anything) for an apartment. Now lets wait for all the locals to say "then leave!" cuz that always happens when you make an observation that they don't like :lol:

There are nice single gals around here, but there are alot more most women get snatched up quickly. There are some single women here and there, but alot of them are fresh out of relationships and mentally "damaged" for a little while, making new relationships pretty rocky because they're still messed up from the last one and didn't get enough time to recover. So finding one right when they're really ready for a new relationship is a tough chore.

As for the IQ part...IQ is a law of averages. I'm sure the average IQ around here is just about the average IQ anywhere else (aka 100). That wasn't very nice :lol:

You're kinda right that there aren't many "educated" women in a "higher educated" sense (and out of those that went to college, most probably did community college) least at your age. It seems like around here, many people start work straight out of high school with admin-level jobs and then their company will eventually pay for their schooling, so they start a few years later and it takes a few more years to get that degree. The women that actually go straight to school don't seem to come back to this area very often. As you get further north, this "stereotype" dwindles, but this is especially true in the 'base area' including St. Mary's and southern Calvert.

But just because they haven't went through college doesn't mean they're dumb. Out of the women I've talked to or dated, some have had aspirations to go to college and get their degree, some were in the process, and maybe a couple who didn't really think about it at all. You're just used to a college environment where everyone was in college and this isn't that type of area. Don't be that much of a hater or you're gonna be single for 2 long years.


New Member
I agree...the location cost of living is far too high for both the pay and what we have out here. It's so high because of its proximity to DC, but the pay isn't close to what DC is. It's a ripoff. This area is nice, but I could probably make an extra 20k/yr in DC and not pay much more (if anything) for an apartment. Now lets wait for all the locals to say "then leave!" cuz that always happens when you make an observation that they don't like :lol:

There are nice single gals around here, but there are alot more most women get snatched up quickly. There are some single women here and there, but alot of them are fresh out of relationships and mentally "damaged" for a little while, making new relationships pretty rocky because they're still messed up from the last one and didn't get enough time to recover. So finding one right when they're really ready for a new relationship is a tough chore.

As for the IQ part...IQ is a law of averages. I'm sure the average IQ around here is just about the average IQ anywhere else (aka 100). That wasn't very nice :lol:

You're kinda right that there aren't many "educated" women in a "higher educated" sense (and out of those that went to college, most probably did community college) least at your age. It seems like around here, many people start work straight out of high school with admin-level jobs and then their company will eventually pay for their schooling, so they start a few years later and it takes a few more years to get that degree. The women that actually go straight to school don't seem to come back to this area very often. As you get further north, this "stereotype" dwindles, but this is especially true in the 'base area' including St. Mary's and southern Calvert.

But just because they haven't went through college doesn't mean they're dumb. Out of the women I've talked to or dated, some have had aspirations to go to college and get their degree, some were in the process, and maybe a couple who didn't really think about it at all. You're just used to a college environment where everyone was in college and this isn't that type of area. Don't be that much of a hater or you're gonna be single for 2 long years.
wwwwaaaaaayyyyyyyy to many words... :jameo: This is going to take a while.
How YOU doin :really:

They are wonderful!! :biggrin:

You talk about these "double-standards" but it's because different people are talking. For instance, that 'gold' comment that I made came from a single guy with no kids who has never been married. I really doubt that guys who have been married before or have kids would feel the same way that I do. If they feel that way, THEN it would be a double standard.

Probably a good idea!

I agree...the location cost of living is far too high for both the pay and what we have out here. It's so high because of its proximity to DC, but the pay isn't close to what DC is. It's a ripoff. This area is nice, but I could probably make an extra 20k/yr in DC and not pay much more (if anything) for an apartment. Now lets wait for all the locals to say "then leave!" cuz that always happens when you make an observation that they don't like :lol:

There are nice single gals around here, but there are alot more most women get snatched up quickly. There are some single women here and there, but alot of them are fresh out of relationships and mentally "damaged" for a little while, making new relationships pretty rocky because they're still messed up from the last one and didn't get enough time to recover. So finding one right when they're really ready for a new relationship is a tough chore.

As for the IQ part...IQ is a law of averages. I'm sure the average IQ around here is just about the average IQ anywhere else (aka 100). That wasn't very nice :lol:

You're kinda right that there aren't many "educated" women in a "higher educated" sense (and out of those that went to college, most probably did community college) least at your age. It seems like around here, many people start work straight out of high school with admin-level jobs and then their company will eventually pay for their schooling, so they start a few years later and it takes a few more years to get that degree. The women that actually go straight to school don't seem to come back to this area very often. As you get further north, this "stereotype" dwindles, but this is especially true in the 'base area' including St. Mary's and southern Calvert.

But just because they haven't went through college doesn't mean they're dumb. Out of the women I've talked to or dated, some have had aspirations to go to college and get their degree, some were in the process, and maybe a couple who didn't really think about it at all. You're just used to a college environment where everyone was in college and this isn't that type of area. Don't be that much of a hater or you're gonna be single for 2 long years.

:smack: I am liking you less and less every day. :mad: