Men and Confrontation...

do men deal with confronation?

  • yes

    Votes: 25 65.8%
  • no

    Votes: 13 34.2%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


You didn't use the term "meat hammer" when you talked to your parents did you?

i don't know where the term meat hammer came from...sorry to hurt your feelings on this but I would never use such a term to describe a penis.
Look Nit... it's not just the youngins who can't figure it out...

DEAR ABBY: I was the other woman for seven years, involved with a man I thought was perfect. His wife knew about me. It was never an issue until he fell in love with me. After that, things changed. He began making promises and told me as soon as his wife got herself together and found a job and a place to live, he'd divorce her and be with me forever.

Two years became three, three became five. Finally I realized he'd never do what he promised, so I ended it. The problem is, he's my boss. He was my best friend, and I still had some hope. We see each other every day because of work, although I am considered an independent contractor.

A year after I called it quits he finally filed for divorce. A few months later he met this new woman. He says he loves her, but I still hurt. Every day is another day of holding back my tears, another day to hide my pain.

Today I met a woman who is a member of a group I belong to. She mentioned she knows a man who would be "perfect" for me. She said they had dated a few times over the years. Abby, the number she gave me was his. While we were together he was seeing this other woman! I am devastated.

I am still in love with him. How can I make myself forget him when we still work together? Please advise. -- WEEPING IN CHICO, CALIF.

DEAR WEEPING: Forget him? People only learn from the mistakes they are willing to remember. Dry your tears and get out of that office NOW. As an "independent contractor" it's time to declare your independence. Finding a job with better benefits should be a breeze, considering that all you have to show for this one is heartache.


New Member
Look Nit... it's not just the youngins who can't figure it out...

DEAR ABBY: I was the other woman for seven years, involved with a man I thought was perfect. His wife knew about me. It was never an issue until he fell in love with me. After that, things changed. He began making promises and told me as soon as his wife got herself together and found a job and a place to live, he'd divorce her and be with me forever.

Two years became three, three became five. Finally I realized he'd never do what he promised, so I ended it. The problem is, he's my boss. He was my best friend, and I still had some hope. We see each other every day because of work, although I am considered an independent contractor.

A year after I called it quits he finally filed for divorce. A few months later he met this new woman. He says he loves her, but I still hurt. Every day is another day of holding back my tears, another day to hide my pain.

Today I met a woman who is a member of a group I belong to. She mentioned she knows a man who would be "perfect" for me. She said they had dated a few times over the years. Abby, the number she gave me was his. While we were together he was seeing this other woman! I am devastated.

I am still in love with him. How can I make myself forget him when we still work together? Please advise. -- WEEPING IN CHICO, CALIF.

DEAR WEEPING: Forget him? People only learn from the mistakes they are willing to remember. Dry your tears and get out of that office NOW. As an "independent contractor" it's time to declare your independence. Finding a job with better benefits should be a breeze, considering that all you have to show for this one is heartache.

This does bring up a very good issue. Cut all contact! ALL contact, no phone, computer, person to person or friends in common contact. Don't let others tell you otherwise. You cannot be friends with that person. You will strangle and smother in the emotional entanglement.

If you are serious about getting yourself together, you have to do that much. It is extremely important.


Look Nit... it's not just the youngins who can't figure it out...

DEAR ABBY: I was the other woman for seven years, involved with a man I thought was perfect. His wife knew about me. It was never an issue until he fell in love with me. After that, things changed. He began making promises and told me as soon as his wife got herself together and found a job and a place to live, he'd divorce her and be with me forever.

Two years became three, three became five. Finally I realized he'd never do what he promised, so I ended it. The problem is, he's my boss. He was my best friend, and I still had some hope. We see each other every day because of work, although I am considered an independent contractor.

A year after I called it quits he finally filed for divorce. A few months later he met this new woman. He says he loves her, but I still hurt. Every day is another day of holding back my tears, another day to hide my pain.

Today I met a woman who is a member of a group I belong to. She mentioned she knows a man who would be "perfect" for me. She said they had dated a few times over the years. Abby, the number she gave me was his. While we were together he was seeing this other woman! I am devastated.

I am still in love with him. How can I make myself forget him when we still work together? Please advise. -- WEEPING IN CHICO, CALIF.

DEAR WEEPING: Forget him? People only learn from the mistakes they are willing to remember. Dry your tears and get out of that office NOW. As an "independent contractor" it's time to declare your independence. Finding a job with better benefits should be a breeze, considering that all you have to show for this one is heartache.

god knows, I feel sorry for that woman... da da damn..


This does bring up a very good issue. Cut all contact! ALL contact, no phone, computer, person to person or friends in common contact. Don't let others tell you otherwise. You cannot be friends with that person. You will strangle and smother in the emotional entanglement.

If you are serious about getting yourself together, you have to do that much. It is extremely important.

Dear nitwhit,

Please listen to Pandora! NO CONTACT! That is all.

Love ya girl,



Super Genius
unfortunately you pinned the nail on the head with that one.

Pinned the nail on the head...sounds like something from the Dilbert newsletter where people send in ways that people have f'd up common phrases.

It's "pinned the tail on the donkey" or "hit the nail on the head". :dork:


Pinned the nail on the head...sounds like something from the Dilbert newsletter where people send in ways that people have f'd up common phrases.

It's "pinned the tail on the donkey" or "hit the nail on the head". :dork:

you better hush your mouth talking that nonsense. :huggy: