Larry Gude said:I used to agree with that; murder is murder, abortion is murder, end of story.
Personally I've always been for abortion simply for the fact that I don't think I should have to pay to raise kids that someone didn't want to have, nor suffer the social issues that these kids create as they grow up. In my opinion, if the Christians want all these kids to be born, then they should be responsible for adopting and raising all of them, and until they're ready to step up and take that responsibility they're no different than these a-hole musicians who stage a concert to buy food for starving people then run off to get their humanitarian awards while someone else gets stuck figuring out how to school, house, employ, and cloth the formerly dying masses... but I digress.
I have to disagree with your reasoning about how "we" can't stop women from committing all of the "the other horrors we hear about." Yes we can stop them from doing that. My aunt's family used to own a movie theater in Pittsburgh, and when she was young (back in the 1930s and 1940s) she said that it was not unusual at all to find a dead newborn floating in the toilets of the lady's room. These were all babies that were born to unwed mothers and they would just shoot them out into the toilet and leave. When someone reported finding a dead infant to my aunt, or when she found one herself, she called the police and they would send a call-out guy from a mortuary to pick up the corpse and take it back for cremation. No reports, no reporters, and no howels of protest from the public. It was just accepted that women were protecting their reputations and that was that.
Now when that happens today the opposite happens. There's tons of reports, cops track down the mother and arrest her for murder, the media splashes the story everywhere... hence that's why you hear about it. But whereas my aunt might find one or two babies a week, you might hear about a mother killing her newborn once a year. So granted, maybe we haven't stopped them, but we've sure come a long way towards preventing these horrors from happening.
But in the end, I think that people who say that abortion is murder and should be banned... except in the case of rape, incest, or for the mother's health, are contradicting themselves. If you're going to make those exceptions, then there's no reason you can't make other exceptions, which ultimately leads to legal abortion for everyone.