Men don't have the right to choice!

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Well then...

camily said:
First of all, he is not paying her, he is supporting his child. Secondly, if he didn't want to risk 18 years of payments he could have kept it in his pants or wore a condom. Getting a woman pregnant is a chance you take if you don't use protection. Your also risking AIDS and many other diseases. He should be so lucky as to only get her pregnant.

...seeings how it's HIS child, you certainly wouldn't mind if, say, she was some slut and had a better job that perhaps he divorce her ass and get a court order that SHE pay support for 18 years, would you?


Lem Putt
kingpl2 said:
Great minds discuss ideas, average minds discuss events and small minds discuss people. I choose to focus on the ideas. The Bible is part of the deposit of faith. The Bible is not all of the faith, nor is it the only source of truth. The Bible is as complete as it is supposed to be. Answering complete or incomplete does not communicate the entirety of the thought without this further explanation. The Bible also says to believe not only what is written but what has been spoken from his disciples as well. The written word alone is not the full deposit of faith. Jesus came to establish a church, which he did. He could have been a scribe and wrote it himself or faxed it from heaven but chose not to. The Bible was not intended to make the church obsolete. He has the authority to do as He pleases. He did not leave us orphans he left us a vicar from his authority, although He Himself is still the head with His Glorified risen body. I am part of His mystical body the church. I don't make up any of this myself. I don't own the truth. I hear and either accept or reject it, in it's entirety. That is everyone's free choice. All I can add is my own testimony to it's truth.
True I do not spend everyday on this thread only when other service to my fellow man and other responsibilities is not required. Hope this helps.

Wow, you are arrogant. First you call yourself a great mind. Then you regurgitate nonsensical junk, and add on a lie at the end by saying you hope it helps.

Add this to your previous lie when you said you were done here, then kept on posting.

Lose the holier than thou attitude. It alienates people and makes you look stupid.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
How would you...

camily said:
Whoever has custody gets the child support. No problem with that.

...decide, if you were a judge? Right now, 90% goes to the woman because she is female. That is discrimination and illegal.


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
Larry Gude said:
...decide, if you were a judge? Right now, 90% goes to the woman because she is female. That is discrimination and illegal.
Prior to sufferage, the children almost always went to the husband since he could provide.


BS Gal said:
Who runs the kids to their different sports, clubs, school-related things? I mean, I know the kids are busy helping you with all those chores you do (when do you EVER find time to sleep, poor baby), but they must have to be run to and from activities. Who helps the kiddies with their homework? Who takes care of the kids when you are working those god-awful hours?

Well, two of my kids are out of school and working, and we just have one who is still in school. But, since you'all seem to see a father who does more work than the mother as being as rare as meeting Big Foot, I'll also tell you that my wife does not drive, and hasn't driven since she wrecked a couple of cars back in the early 1980s. She has a DL, but suffers from immense panic and apprehension when she drives, so about the only time she gets behind the wheel of a car is when it's an absolute emergency, i.e., not very often.

So, this means that your's truly has been responsible for driving the kids to football practice, friend's houses, dances, etc., from the time they were born to the time they got their DLs. And that's why I've also become the lead grocery shopper. I was also the one who drove everybody to the doctor's office when they were sick, and the one who would have to drive from NAS to Chopticon, Margaret Brent, or Lettie Dent schools to pick up a sick child, then drive them to the Doc's or home to Golden Beach, and then drive all the way back to NAS.

7:00 - 9:00 in the evenings was set aside for homework with my older kids, but my youngest son has taken advantage of a physical defect to get extra study time in school and usually doesn't have to deal with homework on a regular basis.

As for watching the kids, my wife did do that during the summer over the years as she only started working last November. Before that she hadn't held a job since 1985. However, during the summer the kids would be asleep till the afternnon so there wasn't much watching to be done during the day. Fortunately all of our kids have been exceptionally well behaved and we've rarely ever had disciplinary issues outside of the house. I was rather proud of the fact that school administrators had no idea who I was when I would visit them as they'ld never had a reason to call my wife or I in for conferences about our children.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
The bottom line is that women carry and birth the child and men do not. Until you guys can figure out a way to change that, tough noogs. Because even if you can force her to carry the baby to term, you can't force her to take care of herself and not cause harm to the fetus.

And, frankly, if you all weren't such a bunch of horndogs who'll :bangbangbang: with any chickie that comes down the pike, you wouldn't have these problems. And those of you who AREN'T horndogs, well, you'll never have to worry about being in this situation anyway.

Don't want your wife to run off with her boyfriend and take all your money? Pick a better woman.

Don't want her to abort your child? Don't screw her.



vraiblonde said:
The bottom line is that women carry and birth the child and men do not. Until you guys can figure out a way to change that, tough noogs. Because even if you can force her to carry the baby to term, you can't force her to take care of herself and not cause harm to the fetus.

And, frankly, if you all weren't such a bunch of horndogs who'll :bangbangbang: with any chickie that comes down the pike, you wouldn't have these problems. And those of you who AREN'T horndogs, well, you'll never have to worry about being in this situation anyway.

Don't want your wife to run off with her boyfriend and take all your money? Pick a better woman.

Don't want her to abort your child? Don't screw her.

:clap: :clap: :clap:
vraiblonde said:
The bottom line is that women carry and birth the child and men do not. Until you guys can figure out a way to change that, tough noogs. Because even if you can force her to carry the baby to term, you can't force her to take care of herself and not cause harm to the fetus.

And, frankly, if you all weren't such a bunch of horndogs who'll :bangbangbang: with any chickie that comes down the pike, you wouldn't have these problems. And those of you who AREN'T horndogs, well, you'll never have to worry about being in this situation anyway.

Don't want your wife to run off with her boyfriend and take all your money? Pick a better woman.

Don't want her to abort your child? Don't screw her.

And might I add that despite the fact that some women are not and never will be good mothers, there is a maternal nurturing factor that you all seem quick to dismiss. No matter how great of a father any given man may be, he cannot provide this to his offspring, as it is a factor dictated by nature.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
What was that which flew over your head?

Because even if you can force her to carry the baby to term, you can't force her to take care of herself and not cause harm to the fetus.

Ah, the POINT!

Dear, what I am trying to illustrate is that two wrongs do not make a right. Dad told me that.

Sperm donor should have NO control over her in terms of whether she decides to have 'one night stand baby' or not.

NOR, NOR, NOR should SHE have control over his wages for the next 18 years.

If she wants to have squab, fine. Do washyahwannado.

If he wants to be part of the childs life, shouldn't he be able to choose that?

You want to kill it and toss it in the trash? Do it.

He doesn't want anything to do with lil' Jr.? If you can kill it, why the hell is it so bad that he doesn't want to have anything to do with it?

BOTTOM LINE: If it's HER choice, and it is, birth control (CONTROL) should and had better damn well be, up to the party which is in charge of the womb.

You are SO right about the forcing or getting her to care and you know those are the grounds I am totaly with you; she don't wanna be a mom? Probalby best that she's not.

Same for the sperm donor. You can't make a male be a man and a dad any more than you can make a female be a woman and a mom.


BOTTOM LINE: If it's HER choice, and it is, birth control (CONTROL) should and had better damn well be, up to the party which is in charge of the womb.

Safe sex isn't a man's concern? It's not all about pregnancy. But yes, if he chooses not to wear a condom he is taking the risk of child support for the next 18 years. That is just the way it is. If he doesn't want to do that, then don't have sex or wrap the rascal! It is a simple step to take to protect yourself of either scenario. It is just smart, plain and simple.


Super Genius
camily said:
Safe sex isn't a man's concern? It's not all about pregnancy. But yes, if he chooses not to wear a condom he is taking the risk of child support for the next 18 years. That is just the way it is. If he doesn't want to do that, then don't have sex or wrap the rascal! It is a simple step to take to protect yourself of either scenario. It is just smart, plain and simple.
Safe sex (prevention of sexually transmitted diseases) is (or should be) the concern of both parties. Pregnancy (since pregnancy is just a woman's body) should be the concern of the woman. If she does not want to get pregnant, she should not have sex or insist on some form of contraception.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Larry Gude said:
He doesn't want anything to do with lil' Jr.? If you can kill it, why the hell is it so bad that he doesn't want to have anything to do with it?
I completely agree. You have to wonder about women who get pregnant by a guy they know damn good and well won't stick by them, then they sit and cry because their poor spawn has no daddy. THEY CHOSE THAT when they chose their sex partner.

In my little fiefdom, there will be no abortion. People will suffer the consequences of their actions AND will be punished if they are a poor parent. Want to be a crack whore and lay around on your good-for-nothing ass all day? You better not have kids in the mix or we're coming to get you. Want to spread your seed indiscriminately with all the neighbor hoochies? You better hope you don't get anyone pregnant or you're BOTH gonna be in for it.

Ah, the unintended consequences of Roe v. Wade.

This is why it makes me laugh my head off to hear these kennedys say that legalizing drugs won't encourage people to use them. All you have to do is look at sexual promiscuity and unwanted pregnancy since the invention of the Pill, then look abortion rates since it became legal. Case made.