You said:
I think that if you're going to make the case that abortion is wrong, murder, etc., then it has to be wrong all the time and that a child's right to life is absolute regardless of the consequences
I used to agree with that; murder is murder, abortion is murder, end of story.
Where I've changed is that in the case of murder, let's say I'm going to 7-11, walk in at the wrong time and a robbery turns into a homocide, up until my death I was a fully functioning person, not dependant on a mothers womb AND her willingness to take care of herself for my direct benefit.
So, my death is a crime of taking from me everything I had as an individual; autonomy being very chief among them.
Vrai got me to see that, frankly, if the mother doesn't give a #### and is going to smoke crack, drink and so on during the preagnancy and God knows what else when I'm an infant, well, you simply can't FORCE the mother, in a free society, to CARE. You can't make her take care of herself. You can't make her NOT let her boyfriend hit her in the stomach with a baseball bat or keep her from plopping me in a dumpster when I'm born or all the other horrors we hear about.
So, yes, it is a life, it is human but there has to simply be the acknowledgement that the mother is and should be in charge here.
I used to and still do feel that a mother being able to choose to have an abortion has serious negative consequences on aimless children, especially teenagers. When they're searching for meaning in life and come up against the fact that they are not precious or priceless UNLESS mom chose to have them, to not dispose of them, that it was an OPTION, it makes them wonder that much more; 'what's the meaning or point of life if my being here is basically no more consequential than choosing to have a puppy or not?'.
On the other hand, if kids understand that life in and of itself is pointless and has no meaning, that one GIVES life meaning, they become very liberated and never again suffer from "What's it all about? Why am I here?"
And on that basis, I can accept abortion. When I was younger it was simply inconceivable that a mom would NOT want her child. Life teaches. Better to not bring that child into life than have it tortured and broken by some wretch.