Men don't have the right to choice!

jazz lady

~*~ Rara Avis ~*~
PREMO Member
tomchamp said:
Maybe some guys would...but nature didn't give them that option. The Q has yet to be answered!
Men should have abortion rights when women have the right to tell the guy they're with to have a vasectomy. :lol:

Seriously, how can a man tell a woman what to do with her body? Although I feel for the guy and the pregnant woman should consider the wishes of her partner, how can he force her to carry or abort the fetus if it's not what she wants? Can he even be certain HE is the father? Without DNA testing, it would be his word against hers.

Like vrai said, until men can carry babies, be very careful who you have sex with.


New Member
vraiblonde said:
You hear a lot about women having abortions because their boyfriends told them to, but never about men wanting the woman to carry and birth a child, then hand it over to them.

There's probably a reason for this.

Sure it's rare, but has and does happen...and the reason you don't hear about it is..both parties don't want to discuss it after the fact!


New Member
jazz lady said:
Men should have abortion rights when women have the right to tell the guy they're with to have a vasectomy. :lol:

Seriously, how can a man tell a woman what to do with her body? Although I feel for the guy and the pregnant woman should consider the wishes of her partner, how can he force her to carry or abort the fetus if it's not what she wants? Can he even be certain HE is the father? Without DNA testing, it would be his word against hers.

Like vrai said, until men can carry babies, be very careful who you have sex with.

Once again jazz you turn ALL the blame to the man...if a women gets pregnant is it all the mans fault... maybe she should do a little watching who she's doing.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Okay, so you force a woman to carry her unwanted child to term. Are you going to also monitor her behavior so she doesn't smoke or drink or do any number of things to harm the fetus?

You gonna keep her around afterward and make her breastfeed?


New Member
Birth control is the responsibility of both parties. If men want sex and no baby then wrap it. How do they know a woman won't get pregnant on purpose?
If a man wants a baby without a woman then he should find a surrogate.

He should not have a say in a womans reproductive choice. That's why it is called Pro-Choice, not pro abortion. Whether you believe in abortion or not, you have no right to legislate a womans right to choose. No one should have that power over any other human.


New Member
vraiblonde said:
Okay, so you force a woman to carry her unwanted child to term. Are you going to also monitor her behavior so she doesn't smoke or drink or do any number of things to harm the fetus?

You gonna keep her around afterward and make her breastfeed?

You are already way ahead of the point. And why do say force...OH there are things like simalac.


curiouser and curiouser
tomchamp said:
And most men are right along side..supporting. His job/insurance has nothing to do with it... :lol:
Stop talking out of your ass. First, you say that two parties, who presumably don't like each other enough to be married or even be "in love", get it on, and the woman gets pregnant. To further the scenario, if she wants an abortion, but her baby-making-partner wants to keep the baby, she should carry it to term. Why should she do this man a favor? Is she just his personal baby factory? And if these two people are not married, his insurance will not cover her pregnancy.


Football addict
tomchamp said:
Once again jazz you turn ALL the blame to the man...if a women gets pregnant is it all the mans fault... maybe she should do a little watching who she's doing.
Your rights leave with the sperm.


New Member
morganj614 said:
Birth control is the responsibility of both parties. If men want sex and no baby then wrap it. How do they know a woman won't get pregnant on purpose?
If a man wants a baby without a woman then he should find a surrogate.

He should not have a say in a womans reproductive choice. That's why it is called Pro-Choice, not pro abortion. Whether you believe in abortion or not, you have no right to legislate a womans right to choose. No one should have that power over any other human.

If men want sex they should wrap about women who want sex? They aren't resposable at all?

jazz lady

~*~ Rara Avis ~*~
PREMO Member
tomchamp said:
Once again jazz you turn ALL the blame to the man...if a women gets pregnant is it all the mans fault... maybe she should do a little watching who she's doing.

Show me where I blamed ONLY the man? :confused: It takes two to tango and BOTH need to take action to prevent pregnancy and spread of diseases.

My point is that men cannot carry babies and can't have or "take over" the pregnancy. They cannot force a woman to carry a baby they don't want nor abort one they do want. They can and should have input into the decision but to take it out of the woman's hands and it is ultimately her decision.


New Member
tomchamp said:
If men want sex they should wrap about women who want sex? They aren't resposable at all?

My first line states it is the responsiblity of BOTH parties. If you have a good relationship, this should have been discussed. We aren't talking :bangbangbang:


curiouser and curiouser
tomchamp said:
If men want sex they should wrap about women who want sex? They aren't resposable at all?
You missed her point...if a man wants sex and NO BABY he should wrap it up. Some women are trifling liars, and will swear up and down that they're on birth control when they aren't. It's called personal responsibility.


New Member
morganj614 said:
My first line states it is the responsiblity of BOTH parties. If you have a good relationship, this should have been discussed. We aren't talking :bangbangbang:

I read that line, but can you tell me you never bangbanged,,,,ever? None of my business. But it happens.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Your honors...

tomchamp said:
Maybe some guys would...but nature didn't give them that option. The Q has yet to be answered!

...and may I say you ALL look very, very fine today, like the fruit jiuce, only sweeter!

Brother Tom has a point. Will you look at it in a law school, theoretical sense for one moment, please?.

The 'choice' movement had at its basis the right to equality meaning the man did not own her, that he could not tell her what to do with her body, that she and she alone could choose to birth or not.

Fair enough. If that, freedom, is the issue, why is the man obligated to support the child, outside of the moral? Why is he obligated to use HIS body for 18 years to earn the succor that sustains the wee one when he had no say in wether or not there would be a birth?

If he sacrificed all his rights at the moment of Shangri-la and she successfully fought to KEEP her rights every step of the way, pre, post and at the moment, do we not now have what we originally sought to eliminate, in-equality? Only now the shoe is on the other foot which is specifically of one sex thus a sexual discrimination as well?

Can I get an AMEN?


New Member
Nickel said:
You missed her point...if a man wants sex and NO BABY he should wrap it up. Some women are trifling liars, and will swear up and down that they're on birth control when they aren't. It's called personal responsibility.

But I beleive most aren't Nickel.


curiouser and curiouser
tomchamp said:
But I beleive most aren't Nickel.
Then you need to open your eyes, Tom, they are everywhere. The hypothetical woman you speak of is a woman who would be irresponsible, get pregnant, then go against the father's wishes and have an abortion. What type of girl do you think she is?