I think that's a pretty sorry attitude. We're not talking about rides in cars, we're talking about children. So I ask, why is it that there are two distinct standards when it comes to parents and children? When we discuss a mother and a child, the bond is sacred, intense, nurturing, indespensible, and unbreakable by most any law of the land. But when it comes to a father and a child the bond can best be summed by by saying "tough sh1t Dad... your relationship only needs to be part time 'cause you don't really care about the kid." Despite all the caterwalling I've heard since the 60's about equality between men and women, I never hear women caterwalling about this inequity. And then women are all miffed that over the same time period, men have become increasingly non-supportive of their kids... anyone else seeing the cart being put before the horse... the ball driving the club? Maybe if we started treating fathers as equals in our society then future fathers would become more caring and responsible.
I worked with a young black man last year, he had just turned 21, and was on his third job. He had never quit a job, just changed jobs to get better pay and experience, and he's a very commendable kid. He hooks up with a girl, nothing serious for either of them, but then she gets pregnant. She wants to get an abortion because she doesn't want to marry him, and he wants the kid but doesn't want to marry her. She sees an opportunity and now this guy becomes her meal ticket... he starts paying her rent and car payments, and every time he balks she starts threatening to get an abortion. In the end she drains his wallet every month for six months and then gets an abortion. So how do you think he's going to act the next time a woman conceives, or, if he does have a son... what life's lessons do you think he'll be passing along to the kid?
The way I see it, married or not, once a child is conceived it immediately becomes joint property, and whatever is to become of that child needs to be jointly agreed to. If the parents decide to abort, fine. If they agree to marry and raise the child, fine. If the father wants to abort and the mother wants to carry to term and raise the child herself, fine... BUT... if that's fine (and in this country it's viewed as a god-given, Murphy Brown-approved right) then it should also be fine for the man to compel the birth of the child so that he can raise it by himself. That's called equality.
As for Ken's outlook, if we're to ascribe the outlook that getting pregnant with child is as casual a moment as giving someone a ride in a car, then I think the same outlook should be given to men's retirement packages and money when they divorice... the woman should get nada as she was just along for the ride.