

New Member
No Problem Here

easy killer !!!!!

No problem... just replying to all these people:

Apparently the original poster has nothing better to ##### about not to mention misinformed.


My take is that you're being a prick.


My take is that you seem to be a self-important jerk with an over inflated ego. Of course that is just my opinion. You should take a note....the world does not revolve around you.

et cetera, et cetera.

It’s a great demonstration of the mentality of the respondent when they have to resort to personal inflammatory comments. Thought it would be best to respond to each of them with a comment that I'm sure they hear everyday.

jazz lady

~*~ Rara Avis ~*~
PREMO Member
Originally posted by Tonio
I feel like playing Reverend Billy C. Wirtz's "Mennonite Surf Party."
Or Weird Al's "Amish Paradise." :lmao:

I enjoy the Amish/Mennonite's as part of the charm and character of the area. :yay: