

Football season!
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Mennonites

Originally posted by libragirl
well no duh the point is that its poop. birds poop on cars dont they so should we complain about them? the whole point is i dont care about the poop or what the amish or minnonites do. i like them and find them more pleasent to see and be around then some people i see everyday.
(we have more important issues to talk about then this):cussing:

And I'm sure you're the same person that would just flip if I were walking my dog past your house, and he decides to relieve himself in your front yard


Well-Known Member
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Mennonites

Originally posted by SmallTown
And I'm sure you're the same person that would just flip if I were walking my dog past your house, and he decides to relieve himself in your front yard
Sounds like you are runnung out of rational arguments to keep this lame thread going.


Football season!
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Mennonites

Originally posted by willie
Sounds like you are runnung out of rational arguments to keep this lame thread going.

Glad you decided to enlighten us with your great wisdom and vision.


24/7 Single Dad
clip-clop, clip-clop, clip-clop, BANG clip-clop, clip-clop, clip-clop.
Amish drive-by

:confused: Who would they register their buggies with? The MOTOR Vehical administration?


curiouser and curiouser
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Mennonites

Originally posted by libragirl
well no duh the point is that its poop. birds poop on cars dont they so should we complain about them? the whole point is i dont care about the poop or what the amish or minnonites do. i like them and find them more pleasent to see and be around then some people i see everyday.
(we have more important issues to talk about then this):cussing:
A bird crapping on my car is something that can be taken care of with a paper towel and some windex, or the squeegee at the gas station...Horse sh1t on the other hand, must be run through the car wash, b/c a) it stinks, and b) it takes up a helluva lot more space than bird poop. Let me invite a dog to take a dump on your car, and see how you feel about it. As far as you feeling there are more important things to discuss, no one's forcing you to participate in this thread, take your happy ass over to the politics forum and see how your logic works there.


Cleopatra Jones
Damn people. As stuck up as I am even I like the Amish people. Or whatever the hell they are. First of all horse $hit is bio degradable and does more good for the environment then bad unlike the fumes your cars spew and the fossil fuels they consume. I drive through Amish county every day on my way to work and have yet to get horse crap on my car. Hmmmm, maybe I'm just a better driver and able to avoid/straddle/whatever the hell I need to do to not run right through it. :rolleyes: Those of you busy scraping horse crap off your car do me a favor and set it aside, I can use it in the garden.

I was suprised to see some of these people on the shuttle bus at the airport when we came home from vacation. They were very pleasant. They lived in PA and were very friendly at 11something at night. They had come on a PLANE from Washington state I believe it was. She was wearing either baby blue or lavender, I can't remember.

Anyway, they're a simple people that mind their own business. Like someone else said I'd rather them be here then a bunch of hood rats.


curiouser and curiouser
Originally posted by pixiegirl
Hmmmm, maybe I'm just a better driver and able to avoid/straddle/whatever the hell I need to
I'm sorry, I know you're gonna get pizzed at this, but I couldn't resist :roflmao:


Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Mennonites

Originally posted by SmallTown
And I'm sure you're the same person that would just flip if I were walking my dog past your house, and he decides to relieve himself in your front yard
NOPE!! i have ducks so it wont bother me one bit if your dog poops in my lawn ill just clean it up or cut it up when i cut grass


Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Mennonites

Originally posted by Nickel
A bird crapping on my car is something that can be taken care of with a paper towel and some windex, or the squeegee at the gas station...Horse sh1t on the other hand, must be run through the car wash, b/c a) it stinks, and b) it takes up a helluva lot more space than bird poop. Let me invite a dog to take a dump on your car, and see how you feel about it. As far as you feeling there are more important things to discuss, no one's forcing you to participate in this thread, take your happy ass over to the politics forum and see how your logic works there.
when you see the poop you can straddle it most of the time!!!


Originally posted by pixiegirl
Damn people. As stuck up as I am even I like the Amish people. Or whatever the hell they are. First of all horse $hit is bio degradable and does more good for the environment then bad unlike the fumes your cars spew and the fossil fuels they consume. I drive through Amish county every day on my way to work and have yet to get horse crap on my car. Hmmmm, maybe I'm just a better driver and able to avoid/straddle/whatever the hell I need to do to not run right through it. :rolleyes: Those of you busy scraping horse crap off your car do me a favor and set it aside, I can use it in the garden.

I was suprised to see some of these people on the shuttle bus at the airport when we came home from vacation. They were very pleasant. They lived in PA and were very friendly at 11something at night. They had come on a PLANE from Washington state I believe it was. She was wearing either baby blue or lavender, I can't remember.

Anyway, they're a simple people that mind their own business. Like someone else said I'd rather them be here then a bunch of hood rats.
i agree with you 100%


24/7 Single Dad
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Mennonites

Originally posted by Nickel car doesn't poop all over the road :rolleyes:
You car poops in the air and we have to breathe it.

Will admit road apples can be a little scary when encountered in a corner while riding the bike.


Cleopatra Jones
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Mennonites

Originally posted by aps45819
road apples

:lol: that's good; I've never heard that termenology before. Can I call the dog poop yard apples?


24/7 Single Dad
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Mennonites

Originally posted by pixiegirl
:lol: that's good; I've never heard that termenology before. Can I call the dog poop yard apples?
No, they're doggie mines. Objects of destruction hidden from view by the grass.
Also, dog poop isn't round.


New Member
small town

And I'm sure you're the same person that would just flip if I were walking my dog past your house, and he decides to relieve himself in your front yard

Yeah ST, I have a problem with that. I have two dogs myself which I keep in my yard and I clean up after them. When they are walked, we carry bags to clean up behind them if they have to TCB when they are out. So, yeah I got a serious problem with your dog sh!ttin’ in my yard if you are too frickin’ lazy to clean up after him.

Similar problem(s) with the road apples. Why is it when you go to Lancaster PA, the Amish have the "catcher" behind the horse to keep things clean?


New Member
Too All

I asked for "thoughts" on this topic. Many of you responded with enlightening things like the Mennonites are better to have around versus builders developing home sites. I couldn't agree more. Obviously, there are a few of the “positives” with the Mennonites being here in the County. Thanks for making me see these.

For all that responded with the personal attacks, well here’s one back to you.. F.O.!!!


Re: Too All

Originally posted by Cletus_Vandam
I asked for "thoughts" on this topic. Many of you responded with enlightening things like the Mennonites are better to have around versus builders developing home sites. I couldn't agree more. Obviously, there are a few of the “positives” with the Mennonites being here in the County. Thanks for making me see these.

For all that responded with the personal attacks, well here’s one back to you.. F.O.!!!
easy killer !!!!!