Michael Jackson

Did Michael Jackson really molest children??

  • NO WAY

    Votes: 14 13.7%

    Votes: 52 51.0%

    Votes: 36 35.3%

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Now that we are all talking about Michael Jackson's death, how about a poll.....

Do you think MJ molested children?
No doubt, McDonalds has a sammich named after him - 50 y/o meat between 12 y/o buns, they would have not done that for nothing.


Visualize whirled peas
PREMO Member
No doubt, McDonalds has a sammich named after him - 50 y/o meat between 12 y/o buns, they would have not done that for nothing.
I think a lot of people want him to be guilty just so they can keep making stupid jokes at his expense. Got news for all of you, he doesn't care anymore.


New Member
I think a lot of people want him to be guilty just so they can keep making stupid jokes at his expense. Got news for all of you, he doesn't care anymore.

I often wonder about people who defend the defenseless. Makes me wonder what skeletons they have.


I often wonder about people who defend the defenseless. Makes me wonder what skeletons they have.

I'll tell you what's defenseless is the abuse MJ had to put up with all of his life, especially as a child. He was a screwed up human being because of it. To the end people were taking advantage of him. I have no clue if MJ molested any children. And no one on this forum knows this for a fact either. You either believe he did or didn't or just aren't sure.

You want to make jokes about something? Make jokes about the parents that ripped this poor kid from his childhood, abused him when he didn't perform to dad's liking and forced to do what he probably didn't want to do. Over time I'm certain the years of brainwashing into believing this was all he was born to do put him a place that he couldn't escape.

But the bigots will ignore this for their own pleasure to mount further abuse on someone that had zero control over his life. Especially now that he's gone.

I think it's sad that people are finding this as an opportunity to plague this forum (and other places) with jokes about a person that lived a painful and pathetic life. Makes me wonder what THOSE people have hidden in their closets.

And don't you find it ironic that the person that represented the highest level of success in the entertainment industry also lived the highest level of mental pain? His death doesn't make me sad. His life does.


New Member
I often wonder about people who defend the defenseless. Makes me wonder what skeletons they have.

and the people that convict someone when they dont know the facts....make you wonder, what skeletons they have. Trying to make yourself feel better about something?


and the people that convict someone when they dont know the facts....make you wonder, what skeletons they have. Trying to make yourself feel better about something?

Interesting comments. Some people just have no idea how the courts work and how MJ got off. OK, bad use of words. If kids wanted to make up stories like this to get money, why doesn't it happen more often to other celebrities? Anyone with a little bit of a brain should be able to come to come to the conclusion that MJ was a little strange, liked to have little boys over lured them into his bed. I love his music and he was a great performer. I have a few DVD collections of him and will enjoy watching them from time to time but there is no doubt in my mind he had a dark side. The MJ who liked little boys.

If you really believe he is innocent, then you are probably the type who thinks OJ was innocent and think the Easter Bunny is real. I guess there's nothing we normal people can say to get through to you.


In My Opinion
I have to say that I picked Im not sure.
I would bet 99% that he is a chester the molester, but I personally have no real knowledge of anything going on.

I will say that there is no way in hell that I would allow him to be near any child I knew.
But I suppose thats all really not important anymore is it?


Visualize whirled peas
PREMO Member
Interesting comments. Some people just have no idea how the courts work and how MJ got off. OK, bad use of words. If kids wanted to make up stories like this to get money, why doesn't it happen more often to other celebrities? Anyone with a little bit of a brain should be able to come to come to the conclusion that MJ was a little strange, liked to have little boys over lured them into his bed. I love his music and he was a great performer. I have a few DVD collections of him and will enjoy watching them from time to time but there is no doubt in my mind he had a dark side. The MJ who liked little boys.

If you really believe he is innocent, then you are probably the type who thinks OJ was innocent and think the Easter Bunny is real. I guess there's nothing we normal people can say to get through to you.
Did you ever see an old Henry Fonda movie called 12 angry men, give it a look sometime, it may open your eyes. (I doubt it, but give it a try)


Did you ever see an old Henry Fonda movie called 12 angry men, give it a look sometime, it may open your eyes. (I doubt it, but give it a try)

So, would you have let your kids sleep at his house? If you really think he was innocent, you would have to answer yes.

Do you know how many people get off due to a technicality? You know, maybe one little mistake the cops made. Or one little piece of evidence that disappeared.

Instead of watching a "movie", go spend some time in a real court room. Spend a couple of days listening to a few circuit court trials. It may open YOUR eyes. I actually have very little doubt. You will see.


Visualize whirled peas
PREMO Member
So, would you have let your kids sleep at his house? If you really think he was innocent, you would have to answer yes.

Do you know how many people get off due to a technicality? You know, maybe one little mistake the cops made. Or one little piece of evidence that disappeared.

Instead of watching a "movie", go spend some time in a real court room. Spend a couple of days listening to a few circuit court trials. It may open YOUR eyes. I actually have very little doubt. You will see.
Just why would I have to let my kids sleep at his house? It makes you sound like a moron to even say such idiotic things. The second paragraph, there was no technicality, he was found "Not Guilty". That means him and his lawyer convinced the twelve people who mattered. On to the third paragraph, you're a hardheaded idiot who is so self righteous that the truth could come up and kick you in the balls and you still wouldn't accept it.

Where are the logic and facts you you think so highly of?
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