Middle East War Briefing


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Why the Discovery of Hamas' Leader's Credit Card Is a Little Infuriating

While clearing out Hamas strongholds in Gaza, Israeli forces stumbled upon the credit card of Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh. It’s a Visa card, and the man reportedly put some significant charges on the card. Though expired, it showcases what we all know about the terror group: the upper crust has accumulated inordinate amounts of wealth at the expense of the civilian population. What do you expect from an administration that spent 17 years building an intricate network of terror tunnels for its forces but not a single bomb shelter for civilians?

It’s a point that even Arab reporters picked up on when the war between Hamas and Israel erupted after the October 7 attacks. And this behavior is not unique to Hamas; any authoritarian group or leader in history has screwed over its citizenry. Haniyeh spent two years' wages for the ordinary Gazan on just one receipt. But what’s a little infuriating about the discovery is that we have credit card companies wary of American gun owners but willing to extend lines of credit to genocidal Islamic terrorists (via The Messenger):



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Yemen Announces a Blockade of Shipping to Israel | How Will Navies Respond & Global Shipping React?​



Power with Control

Yemen Announces a Blockade of Shipping to Israel | How Will Navies Respond & Global Shipping React?​

Seems really FREAKING SIMPLE!!!!!

Kill Them GIF



PREMO Member
Seems really FREAKING SIMPLE!!!!!

I agree ... I am not sure what the hold up is ... should be easy to apply counter battery fire and start destroying missile sites

Satellites, Cruise Missiles ... I am waiting for the Islamist's to hit a few more Chinese Ships

The Sycophants running the administration must really like the taste of that Islamic / Iranian dick


PREMO Member

Hamas Threatens to Kill All the Remaining Hostages Unless Israel Bows to Its Demands

Hostage-taking is evil and defies international law. Unfortunately, however, it’s also a very effective tool against civilized people and allows vastly outnumbered forces to have negotiating power that they otherwise wouldn’t have.

Hamas is even using the bodies of captives who died as a sick negotiating tactic. They have 20 corpses that they are refusing to return to Israel.

Sinwar is well aware of the emotional power of hostages, and taking them was always part of the plan:

Sinwar said that what Israel considers its strength—that most Israelis serve in the army and soldiers hold a special status in society—is a weakness that can be exploited, said Yuval Bitton, who spent time with Sinwar as the former head of the Israel Prison Service’s intelligence division.
The idea proved accurate in 2011 when Sinwar was one of 1,027 Palestinian prisoners freed for a single Israeli soldier.
Now, Sinwar is holding hostage 138 Israelis, including soldiers, and the Hamas leader is betting he can force the release of thousands of Palestinian prisoners and establish a permanent cease-fire. He’s relying on his judgment of Israeli society after two decades studying it in jail, learning Hebrew, watching the local news and getting inside the Israeli psyche.

Hamas knows that most people who aren't terrorists care deeply about their families and are sickened when a loved one is taken captive and will do almost anything to get them freed. It's psychological warfare, and while it may buy them some time in this conflict, it won't win the war.


PREMO Member

Following his predecessor: IDF and ISA kill commander of Hamas’ Shuja'iyya Battalion

Following precise IDF and ISA intelligence, the IAF killed the new commander of Hamas’ Shuja'iyya Battalion, Emad Krikae.

The previous commander of the Hamas battalion had already been killed by the IDF earlier in the war.

Since 2019, Krikae had been the Deputy Commander of Hamas’ Shuja'iyya Battalion. He was previously responsible for anti-tank missile training in the Gaza City Brigade.


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Houthi Terrorists Hit Oil Tanker With Anti-Ship Cruise Missile

“At around 4 p.m. EST on December 11, the Motor Tanker STRINDA was attacked by what is assessed to have been an Anti-Ship Cruise Missile (ASCM) launched from a Houthi controlled area of Yemen while passing through the Bab-el-Mandeb,” U.S. Central Command said in a statement. “The STRINDA reported damage causing a fire on-board, but no casualties at this time.”

“There were no US ships in the vicinity at the time of the attack, but the USS MASON responded to the M/T STRINDA’s mayday call and is currently rendering assistance,” the statement added.

Private intelligence firms confirmed the attack happened before the U.S. military published its statement.

The British military’s United Kingdom Maritime Trade Operations posted an alert on Monday evening warning that a vessel had been attacked and that there were flames on board the ship.


PREMO Member

Hamas Leaders Flee Qatar, Turn Phones Off

According to Makan (via Google translate), a “number” of Hamas leaders have left Qatar “for an unknown destination,” though they are presumed to be going to Lebanon, Iran, or Algeria.

The Jerusalem Post added: “Additionally, on Tuesday, KAN news reported that Saleh al-Arouri, a senior member of Hamas, left his usual residence in Beirut for Turkey.”

Other countries that have given refuge to Hamas in the past include Syria, though that is probably too close to the range of current Israeli airstrikes, which have reached targets near Damascus in the current conflict.

In October, as Breitbart News reported, Israel created a special unit to track down and kill every Hamas member involved in the planning and execution of the October 7 terror attack in Israel, in which 1,200 people were murdered.


PREMO Member

IDF Begins Flooding Hamas Terror Tunnels With Seawater

Hamas terrorists have used a significant portion of the aid that they received from foreign countries to build their tunnel network, which has been estimated to be hundreds of miles long.

The IDF’s flooding of the tunnels only started in recent days and is expected to potentially last for several weeks. The flooding began after Israel finished installing seven pumps and conducted some initial testing.

“Israel’s military said it was intensifying operations underground in northern Gaza and beneath the southern city of Khan Younis, one of Hamas’s last strongholds,” the report said. “The underground labyrinth remains one of Israel’s main challenges to achieving its goal of destroying Hamas’s military capabilities both in areas it controls above ground and those where it so far hasn’t operated. The tunnels under the southern city of Rafah near the Egyptian border for example, analysts say, are used by Hamas to smuggle most of its weapons into Gaza.”

Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant said this week Hamas was “on the verge of collapse” in areas throughout Gaza as it begins to run low on supplies, having to rely on stealing aid from Palestinian civilians to keep their terrorist activities going.


PREMO Member

Iran Threatens ‘Big Explosion’ In Middle East If Israel Continues To Kill Terrorists

The Islamic Republic of Iran threatened that a “big explosion” could unfold in the Middle East if Israel continues to hunt down the Hamas terrorists responsible for murdering 1,200 Israelis on October 7.

“At least every week, we receive a message from the U.S. telling us that U.S. bases in Syria and Iraq are targeted by some groups,” Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amirabdollahian told the Doha Forum on Monday.

“At any moment there is a possibility of a big explosion in the region, one not controllable by any party.”

He said that the reason Iranian-backed terrorist groups had launched dozens of attacks against U.S. forces in the region over the last two months was because they were “defending the Arab and Muslim people of Gaza.”


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Aviva Klompas shared the same video, adding, “This is outrageous. The world demands that Israel send humanitarian aid into Gaza for Palestinian civilians and as quickly as it’s sent in, it’s stolen by Hamas. Here you see their gunmen standing on top of aid trucks aiming their weapons at people on the street.”

UNRWA, the United Nations Agency for Palestinian Refugees, called for additional aid to Gaza on Monday, saying, “Too many people haven’t eaten now for two, three days in the #GazaStrip @UNRWA colleagues are doing everything they can with what little they have – but food, water and fuel are being systematically used as weapons of war in #Gaza. Hunger stalks everyone.”



Beloved Misanthrope
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IDF foils Hamas ambush that used dolls, children’s backpacks and speakers playing crying noises

The Israel Defense Forces said Friday it has foiled a “Hamas terrorist ambush” attempt that used dolls, children’s backpacks and speakers playing sounds of crying in hopes of luring soldiers to a tunnel.

“The ambush attempted to use dolls and children's backpacks with speakers playing sounds of crying. These were placed intentionally near a tunnel shaft connecting to a large tunnel network,” the IDF said in a statement.

“This network extends under other nearby civilian structures, including a school and a medical clinic. It also connects to a mosque containing a Hamas command center equipped with cameras that were monitoring IDF troops,” the IDF continued. “The command center is connected to the medical clinic's power supply.”



PREMO Member

Israel had blueprint of Hamas’s financial infrastructure in 2018, but didn’t shut it down

Israeli intelligence obtained comprehensive details of Hamas’s financial empire in 2018 but did nothing to shut it down and stem the flow of funds to the terror group, The New York Times reports.

According to the report, documents found on the computer of a senior Hamas official listed what amounted to a private equity fund worth hundreds of millions of dollars.

It included “Hamas-controlled mining, chicken farming and road building companies in Sudan, twin skyscrapers in the United Arab Emirates, a property developer in Algeria, and a real estate firm listed on the Turkish stock exchange.”

However, the report says that even though the documents were shared in Jerusalem and Washington, nothing was done to disrupt the operations.

“Everyone is talking about failures of intelligence on Oct. 7, but no one is talking about the failure to stop the money,” Udi Levy, a former chief of Mossad’s economic warfare division, tells the paper “It’s the money — the money — that allowed this.”


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Israel's IDF flushes Hamas's tunnels with sea water -- and sends terrorists scurrying out like rats

By Monica Showalter

Hear that flushing noise?

Amid all the screeching of the anti-Semitic global elites, the haze of pro-Hamas global protests, and the Biden administration's efforts to micromanage how Israel conducts its war against avowed terrorists, Israel's Defense Forces have been quietly takin' care of business.
AT's editor, Andrea Widburg has written about the mass surrenders which is happy news indeed, here.

But how they did it is fascinating.

Should have mowed them down when they came out of the water hole