Middle East War Briefing


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All the Aid From Biden’s Gaza Pier was Seized by Hamas

The good news was that the Pentagon press secretary announced that 569 metric tons of humanitarian assistance has been delivered across the temporary pier in Gaza.

The bad news was that according to the same press secretary, none of the aid has gotten through to any recognized aid distribution points.

Did the aid get to the people of Gaza? “I do not believe so,” he answered.

So they’re now looking for “alternate routes”.

Meanwhile, politicians and the media keep lying about Israel causing a “humanitarian crisis” when indeed the only aid to Gaza is coming through Israel because Egypt blocked its crossing into Rafah once all the tunnels going from Egypt to Rafah were exposed once the Israelis went in (which they weren’t supposed to because that would expose all the tunnels.)

Egypt isn’t getting blamed for ‘starving’ Gazans, Israel is. In reality, there’s plenty of food in Gaza because we keep sending food. Hamas and other armed groups then steal the food and resell it. It’s no surprise to any of the so-called aid groups because this is exactly what Islamic terrorists have been doing to them in Yemen, Afghanistan and all around the world. They know it works this way and they’re lying about it every day.


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🚀 He’s Bidening it up again. The Hill ran a story yesterday headlined, “US to pull troops out of Niger by mid-September: Pentagon.” We are leaving behind a brand-new, $100 million dollar military base, since the Nigerian government has decided to go with Putin.

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Biden’s catastrophic withdrawal from Camp Niger, a clanking echo of his catastrophe of a withdrawal from Afghanistan, is funny-not funny, if you see what I mean. The good news is that most equipment will be airlifted out, unlike last time. Still, the story admitted, “Military infrastructure and some items too large to transport will be left to the Nigerien military.”

Meaning, the most expensive stuff. Why not break it all down? Crush it into powder? If I understand this right, we just gifted a $100 million dollar aid package to a Russian ally, who will probably re-gift our brand-new base and its unnamed “large items” to the Russians to reverse-engineer.

Make it make sense.

In its final sentence, the Hill remembered to mention that, oh yeah, neighboring Chad is kicking us out, too. Biden’s foreign policy, if you can call it that, is working better than ever.



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Yemen's Houthi rebels said they launched a missile attack on the US aircraft carrier Eisenhower in the Red Sea in response to US and UK air strikes in parts of Yemen that killed 16 people and injured 42 others.

The group's spokesman Yahya Sarea said in a statement the attack against the ship was "direct and accurate".

He said the US-UK strikes hit the Yemeni provinces of Sanaa, Hodeidah and Taiz.

"The air strikes on Hodeidah have left 16 martyrs and 41 injuries, including civilians in the air strikes that targeted civilian sites such as the Hodeidah Radio building and the Coastguard facility in Al Salif Port," the spokesman added. One person was injured in a strike on Sanaa.

The air strikes also caused damage to a number of commercial ships in the port, he said.

"This represents a clear targeting of civilian objects, a blatant violation of all international laws, and a full-fledged war crime," he added.

Earlier in the day, the UK Defence Ministry said the operation against the Houthis on Thursday was carried out “to degrade their ability to persist with their attacks on international shipping in the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden".

It added that the two sites near Hodeidah were involved anti-shipping attacks by the Houthis.

Buildings were identified as ground control centres for drones and storage for very long range drones, as well as surface-to-air weapons used to impede coalition operations to protect shipping in the region, the UK said.

A set of Houthi sites at Ghulayfiqah, further south on the Yemeni coast, had also been identified as being involved in the command and control of their anti-shipping campaign.


Houthi's whinning about war crimes


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The main focus of the CNN story is the claim that American munitions were used in the strike, from which CNN evidently wishes readers to conclude that the United States shares moral culpability in an Israeli atrocity.

However, the airstrike, as described by the Israel Defense Forces (IDF), was actually a targeted attack on a building that had been used as a base by Hamas terrorists, who likely accounted for most of the “dozens” killed in the airstrike.

Notably, the story cites the Hamas-run Gaza Ministry of Health, which has fabricated stories of atrocities since the beginning of the war. “At least 45 people were killed in the strike, a spokesperson from Gaza’s Ministry of Health told CNN,” the story says.

CNN does not inform readers that the Ministry of Health is run by Hamas, nor does CNN provide any information about how many, if any, of the dead were civilians, and how many were terrorists.



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Truly Evil: Hamas Leader Says the Quiet Part Out Loud

It's not really the 'quiet' part, honestly; with Hamas, advertising your evil is the out-loud part. Still, it's very important to highlight this Wall Street Journal scoop, which reports out the appalling and inhumane internal calculus of Hamas' top military leader -- Yahya Sinwar -- who planned the October 7th massacre. Sinwar is a fanatical supporter of Israeli civilian casualties, of course, and would kill every last Jew in the region if he could. That should go without saying. But he also explicitly advocates Palestinian civilian casualties as a strategy, referring to the innocent Gazans he deliberately places in harm's way as worthy "sacrifices" for the cause of turning world opinion against Israel, and thus ensuring the survival of his terrorist organization. Those aren't the words of his critics. They're his own words. The Journal's headline is, "Gaza Chief’s Brutal Calculation: Civilian Bloodshed Will Help Hamas." Civilian bloodshed. Will help Hamas. Yes, it's as disgusting as it sounds:

For months, Yahya Sinwar has resisted pressure to cut a ceasefire-and-hostages deal with Israel. Behind his decision, messages the Hamas military leader in Gaza has sent to mediators show, is a calculation that more fighting—and more Palestinian civilian deaths—work to his advantage. “We have the Israelis right where we want them,” Sinwar said in a recent message to Hamas officials seeking to broker an agreement with Qatari and Egyptian officials. In dozens of messages—reviewed by The Wall Street Journal—that Sinwar has transmitted to cease-fire negotiators, Hamas compatriots outside Gaza and others, he’s shown a cold disregard for human life and made clear he believes Israel has more to lose from the war than Hamas. The messages were shared by multiple people with differing views of Sinwar...In one message to Hamas leaders in Doha, Sinwar cited civilian losses in national-liberation conflicts in places such as Algeria, where hundreds of thousands of people died fighting for independence from France, saying, “these are necessary sacrifices.”

Israel takes great, historically-unprecedented pains to avoid the collateral damage of civilian casualties in Gaza. Hamas' leader, by contrast, is committed to a strategy of increasing them. Proudly. Hamas lies constantly about the numbers and demographics of alleged "civilain" deaths inflicted by Israelis in this war that Hamas started with a vast slaughter of Jews late last year. But it's undeniable that a signfiicant number of civilians, including children, have been killed. For Sinwar, that's by design. When kids die in this war, Sinwar sees them as "necessary sacrifices." And every single person who goes along with his diabolically heinous plan by blaming Israel for the deaths that Hamas ensures, in a war Hamas started, is rewarding the terrorists. Imagine knowing this is how Hamas plans to maintain its grip on power, and actively helping them in that pursuit. It's unconscionable. Ultimately, Sinwar's goal "appears to be to win a permanent cease-fire that allows Hamas to declare a historic victory by outlasting Israel and claim leadership of the Palestinian national cause," according to the story. It should therefore come as no surprise that Sinwar and his band of murderous savages have rejected yet another ceasefire 'deal:'

Islam is a DEATH CULT .... civilian deaths are acceptable sacrifices


PREMO Member

Hezbollah #2 Leader Reportedly Taken Out in Airstrike

Al Din had worked his way up the ranks of the political party/militant group:

Hashim Safi Al Din (also transliterated Hashem Safieddine) (born 1964) is a Lebanese Shia cleric, senior Hezbollah official and a maternal cousin of the secretary general of Hezbollah, Hassan Nasrallah.[1] He is the head of Hezbollah's Executive Council, a Lebanese political part that has a wide Lebanese support and big representation in the parliament. Hezbollah is affiliated by military action and activities known as the Islamic Resistance in Lebanon which was created in 1982 against the Israeli occupation of Lebanon. Hashim is generally considered the "number two" in Hezbollah.


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Gaza reporter who harbored Israeli hostages at his home wrote for US-based The Palestine Chronicle

Abdallah Aljamal — killed by Israeli Defense Forces during the raid to free the hostages from his home in Nuseirat — was a regular correspondent for The Palestine Chronicle, an Olympia, Washington state-based news outlet established in 1999, with sister publications in France and Italy.

Aljamal’s articles for the website lamenting the evils of war continued until just before the June 8 raid — many seemingly written while Jewish hostages taken by Hamas in their Oct. 7th terror attack were captive at his house.

The National Jewish Advocacy Center, a non-profit based in Atlanta, is now demanding the Department of Justice and FBI investigate The Palestine Chronicle.

The Advocacy Center also said Aljamal had worked as a spokesman for Hamas in Gaza’s Ministry of Labor.


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Looting renders aid delivery too dangerous for UN as trucks languish in Gaza - WSJ

Hundreds of trucks wait to be picked up

The military noted that 1,400 hundred trucks had been waiting to be picked up for distribution at the border crossing.

According to the WSJ report, no UN trucks had arrived to retrieve the aid by mid-afternoon. However, citing the IDF, the report noted that 21 other trucks had arrived to pick up aid.

“We need to keep people safe,” Gaza-based United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) director Scott Anderson told the WSJ.

UNRWA has received heavy criticism in Israel and abroad for alleged ties to Hamas. In February, the IDF discovered a Hamas command tunnel underneath UNRWA’s Gaza headquarters.

Late last month, the Knesset passed a preliminary bill designating the UN agency as a terrorist organization.


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Biden Associate: Israel Must Let Hamas Win

Nazism is alive and well at The New York Times, where Thomas L. “Tom” Friedman published his new opinion column, “American Leaders Should Stop Debasing Themselves on Israel,” in which he insists that Israel must let an evil jihadi group committed to genocide win the current conflict. After hysterically smearing the current Israeli government as “far-right” because it wants to survive, and promoting Biden as the man who could end the war (if he becomes even more anti-Israel), Friedman used the phrase “between the river and the sea,” a terrorist genocidal chant. He wrote, “Yes, yes, I can hear the criticism from the war hawks right now: ‘Friedman, you would let Hamas’s leader, Yahya Sinwar, come out of his tunnel and declare victory?’ Yes, I would.”


Friedman used Gazan propaganda, calling Israel’s Judea and Samaria the “West Bank” and pretending the so-called “Palestinians” should own that land. The columnist also promoted Biden’s catastrophic plans and attacked Orthodox Jews. According to Breitbart and Politico, Friedman is a “conduit” for White House opinions and a “close associate” of Joe “Back-Stabbing Israel” Biden. Old Joe and co. must truly be desperate for the Muslim vote in Michigan.

Hamas very proudly raped, tortured, kidnapped, and murdered over a thousand Israelis on Oct. 7, including little children and babies. This was the horrific culmination of years of Islamic terrorist attacks on innocent Israelis. Yet, nearly three-fourths of Palestinians still supported Hamas and its Oct. 7 actions as of March. A Hamas leader vowed to repeat its atrocities “again and again” until Israel is obliterated — but Friedman thinks Israel’s surrender will bring peace to the Middle East? He asserts that allowing Hamas to claim victory will allow Palestinians to turn their hatred on Hamas and reject its leadership. Friedman’s description of the situation in Gaza is outrageously out of touch with reality.

Perhaps that’s not surprising, as Friedman clearly hates Israel and especially Orthodox Jewish Israelis. He totally ignores the fact that the Jewish nation of Israel originally existed some thousand years before Islam was invented and that the Arabs now calling themselves “Palestinians” have no right to the land. Friedman literally claimed that it would be worse for Israel to control Gaza than for terrorist Hamas to do so:

And to Israelis who would ask, “Friedman, are you crazy, you would let [Hamas’s] Sinwar run Gaza again?” my answer would again be — yes, for now. The alternatives — Israel running Gaza or Gaza becoming another Somalia — are far worse. Netanyahu’s idea that some perfect Palestinians — who are neither members of Hamas nor the Palestinian Authority — will run the place for Israel is a fantasy.
The only people who can defeat Hamas are the Palestinians of Gaza.

Except that most of the people of Gaza have no intention of doing so.


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Dem Rep. Mark Pocan Giddy at Idea of Serving Netanyahu's ICC Arrest Warrant: 'I'm Available!'

"What’s your reaction to that and the attempt by certain members of Congress to immunize Netanyahu from being even investigated for potential war crimes," Obeidallah asked with regards to Netanyahu being invited to address the joint session of Congress.

Pocan responded with wild claims about the prime minister, even managing to tie former and potentially future President Donald Trump to it.

"[T]his is rhetoric and support that’s so unwarranted by Benjamin Netanyahu. If you want to support Israel and the people from Israel, you do it by not supporting Netanyahu, I can tell you that," he offered, without explaining why that is. He's not the only Democrat to call on Israelis to dump Netanyahu, as Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) memorably did so in March. "I mean, this guy basically is their Trump, except he’s doing this to stay out of jail. That’s the only way he can continue — he has to continue all this to not be thrown in jail for crimes that he’s already being investigated on," Pocan continued.

The congressman continued to rant about Netanyahu by levying more accusations against him. "But what he’s done has been crimes against humanity. I mean, killing that many people, this collective punishment, the children, the women who’ve been killed in Gaza, the fact that he doesn’t support their priorities of the U.S. I think a lot of us are figuring out what to do. I think there’s going to be a big block of us that don’t go and probably doing something alternative to get that message across."



PREMO Member
🚀🚀 NBC ran a troubling story yesterday headlined, “Russia blames U.S. for 'barbaric' Ukrainian attack on Crimea, summons ambassador.” The sub-headline explained, “The Kremlin vowed retaliation Monday after the deadly strike on the Russian-occupied peninsula.”

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CLIP: Russian Ambassador to U.N accuses U.S. of targeting civilians in war crimes against peaceful holidaygoers (1:37).

Russia’s ambassador soberly informed the U.N Security Council yesterday that “The fact the U.S. is involved in this crime is beyond any doubt.” He warned darkly, “The involvement of the United States, the direct involvement, as a result of which Russian civilians are killed, cannot be without consequences.”

Pursuant to Biden’s new policy allowing Ukraine to fire U.S.-supplied weapons into Russian territory, on Sunday Ukraine fired U.S. ATACMS missiles at the Crimean city of Sevastopol. The missiles were equipped with cluster bombs, which are designed only to kill unarmored personnel, meaning people, not tanks or planes or bases or anything.

Just about every country on Earth, except a very few like North Korea and the United States, believes using cluster bombs is a war crime.

Most of Ukraine’s missiles aimed at the Russian city were intercepted by Russia’s air defenses. But one exploded over a crowded beach, causing scores of deaths and hundreds of injuries, including dozens of children.

The pictures are awful.

Ukraine fanatics will argue whataboutism, or say it’s only fair since Russia attacked them first, or something similarly myopic. The main difference is Russia is a near-peer, first world, nuclear armed adversary. As much as Ukrainian die-hards would love to see the U.S. and Russia trade nukes, that will teach them!, the rest of us would prefer not to have to start building bunkers and stocking bugout bags.

Make no mistake. We will pay a price for this. According to the UK Daily Mail, Russia summoned the U.S. Ambassador in Moscow, Lynne Tracy, and warned her that the attack would “not go unpunished. Retaliatory measures will definitely follow.” Americans will likely die so that the Ukrainians can temporarily enjoy a little Schadenfreudey, Pyrrhic victory against unarmed non-combatants on a beach in Russia.

It’s been nearly 48 hours. But Biden, Blinken, and Nod, I mean Jake Sullivan, have been unaccountably silent, all while the furious Russians accused the U.S. at the United Nations. More bizarrely, none of corporate media’s articles about the story quoted U.S. officials.

The reporters aren’t even asking questions.

The reason the Russians blame us is not only because they were U.S. missiles, or because Biden authorized Ukraine to launch them into Russian territory. Russia more blames us because the high-tech missiles launched by the Ukrainians were guided to their target by U.S. satellites. The missiles can only be programmed with GPS targeting data using our computers, and can only be launched electronically by U.S. technicians located outside Ukraine, maybe even inside the Pentagon in Washington, DC.

There is a rumor, which sounds like a joke, that there is a lonely Ukrainian soldier at the Pentagon who doesn’t speak English but is trained to click the final button to launch the missiles, so that the U.S. can claim it technically wasn’t us. The Russians don’t seem to appreciate the nuance.

I keep asking, where is Congress? Those chickenhawks should either officially declare war, or else shut this down before things get any hotter. Whatever game Biden thinks he’s playing, maybe tic-tac-toe, it isn’t worth it.



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