Middle East War Briefing


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Israeli military launches "precise and targeted" ground operation inside Gaza's Al-Shifa hospital, IDF says

The Israel Defense Forces says it is carrying out a "precise and targeted operation against Hamas in a specified area" of Al-Shifa hospital in Gaza.

The ground operation, based on intelligence and "operation necessity," came after the Israeli military had repeatedly warned Hamas against using the hospital as a base for its operations, the IDF said in a statement issued Wednesday morning local time.

"Yesterday, the IDF conveyed to the relevant authorities in Gaza once again that all military activities within the hospital must cease within 12 hours. Unfortunately, it did not," the Israeli military said, adding that Hamas's alleged use of the hospital violates international law.

Next Hamas blows up the hospital and blames Israel.


PREMO Member

Surprise, Surprise! Guess What Was Found in Yet Another Gaza Hospital

As Israel Defense Forces continued clearing out Hamas terrorists around Gaza City this week, they made their way to the Al-Shifa Hospital, long believed to be a base of operations for the Iran-backed terrorists, and found exactly what they expected: weapons caches, bastardized hospital equipment, and all the signs of a Hamas HQ hidden within a hospital to use Gazan civilians as human shields.

In a nearby closet, Conricus showed bags containing full military kits for Hamas fighters. A live grenade, ammunition, a fighting vest with military insignia, boots and uniforms, and "last but not least, standard AK-47," he continued.

Another area contained knives and other items bearing military insignias, and a laptop computer was also found along with a tactical radio and burnable CDs. The laptop, Conricus said, is believed to contain "very important intelligence" that the IDF is now scrutinizing.



PREMO Member

Iran Tells Hamas It Won’t Be Joining War Against Israel: REPORT

Iran claims Hamas did not give advance notice of its Oct. 7 terrorist attacks and will not join the group in its fight against Israel, Reuters reported on Wednesday.

Iranian supreme leader Ali Khamenei told Hamas head Ismail Haniyeh last month that, though Iran would continue to offer moral support, it would not get directly involved in the terror group’s fight against Israel, according to Iranian and Hamas officials who anonymously spoke to Reuters. Khamenei pressured Haniyeh to suppress Palestinian calls for Iran and Hezbollah, one of its proxy terror groups, to fully join the fight.

The Hamas Oct. 7 attacks resulted in the deaths of over 1,200 Israelis and the kidnapping of hundreds of civilians. Iran has historically supported and funded Hamas to carry out its will, as well as over a dozen other terror and militia groups located throughout the Middle East, according to the Foundation for Defense of Democracies.


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Iran Tells Hamas It Won’t Be Joining War Against Israel: REPORT

Iran claims Hamas did not give advance notice of its Oct. 7 terrorist attacks and will not join the group in its fight against Israel, Reuters reported on Wednesday.

Iranian supreme leader Ali Khamenei told Hamas head Ismail Haniyeh last month that, though Iran would continue to offer moral support, it would not get directly involved in the terror group’s fight against Israel, according to Iranian and Hamas officials who anonymously spoke to Reuters. Khamenei pressured Haniyeh to suppress Palestinian calls for Iran and Hezbollah, one of its proxy terror groups, to fully join the fight.

The Hamas Oct. 7 attacks resulted in the deaths of over 1,200 Israelis and the kidnapping of hundreds of civilians. Iran has historically supported and funded Hamas to carry out its will, as well as over a dozen other terror and militia groups located throughout the Middle East, according to the Foundation for Defense of Democracies.

How much did Biden send Iran for this .?


Well-Known Member

Surprise, Surprise! Guess What Was Found in Yet Another Gaza Hospital

As Israel Defense Forces continued clearing out Hamas terrorists around Gaza City this week, they made their way to the Al-Shifa Hospital, long believed to be a base of operations for the Iran-backed terrorists, and found exactly what they expected: weapons caches, bastardized hospital equipment, and all the signs of a Hamas HQ hidden within a hospital to use Gazan civilians as human shields.

In a nearby closet, Conricus showed bags containing full military kits for Hamas fighters. A live grenade, ammunition, a fighting vest with military insignia, boots and uniforms, and "last but not least, standard AK-47," he continued.

Another area contained knives and other items bearing military insignias, and a laptop computer was also found along with a tactical radio and burnable CDs. The laptop, Conricus said, is believed to contain "very important intelligence" that the IDF is now scrutinizing.
I'm sorry, but doesn't every hospital have a lost and found?


Beloved Misanthrope
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WaPo: ‘Tentative’ Deal for 5-Day Pause in Gaza, 50+ Hostages (No Soldiers, Men)

No men would be released under the deal, and no male or female soldiers, according to the Post, which cited unnamed officials describing an agreement brokered by the U.S. and Qatar as intermediaries between Israel and the Hamas terror organization.

The Post reported:

Israel, the United States and Hamas have agreed to a tentative deal that would free dozens of women and children held hostage in Gaza, in exchange for a five-day pause in fighting.
The release, which could begin within the next several days — barring last-minute hitches — could lead to the first sustained pause in conflict in Gaza, according to people familiar with its provisions.
Under the terms of a detailed, six-page agreement, all parties to the conflict would freeze combat operations for at least five days while an initial 50 or more hostages are released in smaller batches every 24 hours. It was not immediately clear how many of the 239 people believed to be in captivity in Gaza would be released under the deal. Overhead surveillance would monitor movement on the ground to police the pause.

Israel has declared that its mission is to destroy Hamas and to kill all of its leaders and terrorists, while at the same time doing everything possible, including negotiating indirectly with Hamas, to secure the release of nearly 240 hostages still in captivity.


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When Neutrality is Immoral: Israel, Hamas, and the Problem of Moral Equivalence

  • While many the world over had the integrity to condemn "the hideous crime, naming its perpetrators and acknowledging Israel's basic right to defend itself against the atrocity," the Patriarchs and Heads of Churches were unable to muster up such moral clarity.
  • While the IDF goes out of its way to minimize civilian casualties, Hamas and other Palestinian terror groups do their utmost to maximize them — not only by indiscriminately murdering Israelis, but also by hiding among their own civilian population and using them as human shields, resulting in disproportionately high numbers of Palestinian casualties, caused -- deliberately -- by Hamas.
  • If there is an "occupation" problem in Gaza, the occupier is Hamas, not Israel.
  • In this war, Christians — and all of us — have a moral responsibility to support a civilized nation's fight against barbarism. Israel must eradicate a terrorist group, Hamas, just as we confronted ISIS. Then all of us need to contain the real mastermind behind such groups, the genocidal regime of Iran. Unfortunately, there is no other viable solution if we wish to preserve the West.


PREMO Member

Iranian-Backed Houthi Terrorists Seize Cargo Ship In Red Sea

“Israel strongly condemns the Iranian attack against an international vessel,” the Israeli government said in a statement. “The ship, which is owned by a British company and is operated by a Japanese firm, was hijacked with Iran guidance by the Yemenite Houthi militia.”

The statement said that there were 25 crew members on the ship from all over the world, but none were from Israel. The 620-foot ship had left a port in Turkey and was headed to India when it was seized by the terrorists.

“This is another act of Iranian terrorism and constitutes a leap forward in Iran’s aggression against the citizens of the free world, with international consequences regarding the security of the global shipping lanes,” the statement concluded.

Earlier in the day, the Houthis said through one of their media outlets that they would “target all types of ships that carry the flag of the Zionist entity or are operated by or owned by Israeli companies, calling on all countries of the world to withdraw their citizens working on the crews of the enemy entity’s ships, and to avoid shipping on them.”

The Houthis have launched missiles and drones at Israel in the weeks following the October 7 Hamas terrorist attack.



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IDF Reveals: Hamas Murdered Noa Marciano in Shifa Hospital; Abducted Hostages There

In addition, the IDF revealed surveillance footage of Hamas bringing hostages from Israel into Gaza and into the hospital. The video shows armed Hamas terrorists surrounding a Thai civilian and a Nepalese civilian. One is shown injured and on a gurney, and the other is seen being frogmarched through the hallway of the hospital.

EXPOSED: This is documentation from Shifa Hospital from the day of the massacre, October 7, 2023, between the hours of 10:42 a.m and 11:01 a.m. in which hostages, a Nepalese civilian and a Thai civilian, were abducted from Israeli territory are seen surrounded by armed Hamas… pic.twitter.com/a5udjBw4wF
— Israel Defense Forces (@IDF) November 19, 2023

Observers noted that the footage poses a major problem for the International Committee of the Red Cross and other humanitarian organizations, which essentially turned a blind eye while Shifa and other hospitals were abused by terrorists.



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Iranian Proxies Hijack Israeli-Owned Ship in International Waters

Iranian-backed Houthi terrorists based in Yemen hijacked an Israeli-owed commercial vessel Sunday as it was in international waters. The Bahamas-flagged roll-on-roll-off ship auto-carrier disappeared from tracking systems just before noon GMT (6 a.m. EDT) while transiting the Red Sea in international waters.

It is partially owned by Tel Aviv-based Ray Shipping Ltd, which operates a fleet of 65 pure car and truck carriers (PCTC). It has a crew of 22, none of whom are known to be Israeli.

BREAKING. Iranian Proxies Hijack Israeli-Owned Ship in International Waters

Yemen's Houthi terrorist organization, which styles itself "rebel," claimed responsibility.

The Tehran-backed Houthis released a statement claiming responsibility, with Houthi spokesperson Yahya Saree saying in a statement that the rebels “carried out a military operation in the Red Sea, the results of which were the seizure of an Israeli ship and taking it to the Yemeni coast.”
He said the Houthis were “dealing with the ship’s crew in accordance with the teachings and values of our Islamic religion,” reiterating repeated threats to target any Israel-linked vessels in the Red Sea due to Israel’s “brutal aggression” against Hamas terrorists in Gaza.

There are two messages to be taken from this.

First, Iran intends to expand the scope of the ongoing war between Israel and Hamas terrorists to encompass the Red Sea and the approaches to the Persian Gulf. For the moment, they seem content to let the Houthi be their instrument of policy.

Second, this is a direct slap at the US Navy. The USS Bataan and the USS Carter Hall are both on station in the Red Sea. The last reported position of the USS Bataan puts it within easy aircraft and helicopter range of the location of the Galaxy Leader piracy.

BREAKING. Iranian Proxies Hijack Israeli-Owned Ship in International Waters

The fact that the Houthi did this under the nose of the US Navy doesn't say much for our deterrent ability.

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How many aid groups knew Hamas was hiding in a hospital and lied about it?

Hamas used Gaza City’s Shifa hospital as a base of terror operations. That’s the obvious conclusion following Sunday’s discovery of a large terror tunnel under the hospital along with videos of Hamas bringing Israeli hostages inside.

Now comes an important question for Congress: Which US-funded international organizations knew the truth about Shifa and helped Hamas conceal its war crimes?

The Israel Defense Forces this weekend discovered a tunnel beneath Shifa hospital that extends 10 meters down and 55 meters across — leading to what might be a booby-trapped door. Special units that specialize in handling explosives have been summoned to break through to the next section.


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Israel Agrees to 4 Day Ceasefire with Hamas – Deal Includes Release of 50 Israeli Hostages and May Extend Extra Days for Each 10 Hostages Released

“As part of the deal, which is expected to go into effect on Thursday, 12 Israeli hostages will be released every day during the four days of the agreed-upon truce. In the event that Hamas agrees to additional truces – for each day of the truce, ten additional hostages will be released.”

The deal would include the release of 40 children and 13 women in exchange for a five-day ceasefire, JNS reports. The Cabinet will meet at 8 p.m. local time (1 p.m. Eastern) to approve the agreement with Hamas.

On Wednesday morning Israel’s cabinet approved the ceasefire in exchange for the release of roughly 50 hostages taken in October by Hamas.

The deal is expected to see the release of 50 living Israeli citizens, mostly women and children, in groups of 12-13 people per day.

The deal may extend for each 10 hostages released by the terrorist group.