Mike Vick gone...

Larry Gude

Strung Out
...for a year or life?

It seems Vick was involved with the dog fighting at his house. Reports say numerous witnesses place him there and not just as a spectator. Glad you're sitting down for that one, huh?

New commissioner Roger Goodall is cracking down all over the place suspending people for off field behavior including Pac Man who hasn't even been convicted of anything.

Can Goodall NOT suspend Vick? For a felony?


Larry Gude said:
...for a year or life?

It seems Vick was involved with the dog fighting at his house. Reports say numerous witnesses place him there and not just as a spectator. Glad you're sitting down for that one, huh?

New commissioner Roger Goodall is cracking down all over the place suspending people for off field behavior including Pac Man who hasn't even been convicted of anything.

Can Goodall NOT suspend Vick? For a felony?
He can't scramble away from Johny Law.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Not to me...

Pete said:
Wouldn't that just suck.

...never liked him. Never understood why Gibbs got him other than that player personnel is not, was not and may never be his strong suite. CP does not fit a pound it running game like we FINALLY got going with Betts for the second half last year.

Don't let me be misunderstood; Betts is not the talent Portis is, but he is much more a pounder than CP and that is what we used to do when we won, power running game.

The way Portis answered the questions about Vick that got him in trouble to begin with suggests to me that ol' Clinton has been to his share of dog fights.


New Member


Quote:In the indictment's most harrowing parts, federal investigators describe what happened to some Bad Newz Kennels dogs that either lost matches or did not perform well in test fights. After a March 2003 loss by a female pit bull, codefendant Purnell Peace, "after consulting with Vick," electrocuted the animal. In April, prosecutors allege, Vick, Peace, and Quanis Phillips, "executed approximately 8 dogs that did not perform well in 'testing' sessions." These animals, the indictment claims, were killed "by various methods, including hanging, drowning, and slamming at least one dog's body to the ground."

Take the bastages to the pit! :yay:

Larry Gude

Strung Out

...now what?

Vick has GOT to be gone for life.

How do you suspend Pac-man for a year for multiple 'incidents' that he hasn't even been convicted of that amount to a guy who goes out partying and gets into unplanned trouble way too much and not ban Vick for life for an on going criminal enterprise?

Now, the can of worms. New sheriffs in town, Goodall, like to clean things up and they are the ideal person to do it; new means they don't have the ties, the inside knowledge, the conflicting agendas and the long term involvement and compromises that are part and parcel to the issues of the day.

The down side is the Vick investigation is going to bring out names. I've wondered before if Portis's flippant comments were related to knowledge of and perhaps involvement with Vick even if just as a spectator.

So, who else? Vick has friends. Famous friends. Now that Goodall has brought out the broom to clean things up, he's gonna have to confront some tough and perhaps very inconvenient problems as this evolves.

So, will Vick be gone for life?

Who else is going to come to light?


Larry Gude said:
...starting at QB for your Atlanta Falcons, #11, Dante Culpepperrrrrrrrrrr...
Could be. Wasn't Pac Man Jones actually convicted of several of his escapades? I can't see the NFL getting away with suspending indefinitely someone who was "accused". Reeks of lack of due process and with the money involved the lawyers would be all over it. If he is convicted he will get the boot for sure.

The Falcons though might have a prime chance to get rid of cap money dumping Vick since he seems to be more trouble than he is worth on the field.

First Marcus and now Micheal, I bet momma Vick is not happy her thug sons are squandering gazillions of dollars worth of talent.


All Up In Your Grill
Pete said:
Could be. Wasn't Pac Man Jones actually convicted of several of his escapades? I can't see the NFL getting away with suspending indefinitely someone who was "accused". Reeks of lack of due process and with the money involved the lawyers would be all over it. If he is convicted he will get the boot for sure.

The Falcons though might have a prime chance to get rid of cap money dumping Vick since he seems to be more trouble than he is worth on the field.

First Marcus and now Micheal, I bet momma Vick is not happy her thug sons are squandering gazillions of dollars worth of talent.


"As of March 2007, Jones has been arrested five times and questioned by police ten times since he was drafted by the Titans in 2005. Many NFL commentators are quick to point out that Jones has more arrests than interceptions since being in the NFL..."

I was thinking the same thing about Mrs. Vick. She must be so proud of her boys. As is Coach Beamer. :rolleyes:

Larry Gude

Strung Out
The NFL...

Pete said:
I can't see the NFL getting away with suspending indefinitely someone who was "accused". Reeks of lack of due process and with the money involved the lawyers would be all over it.

...is under no 'due process' obligation when it comes to their employees and how they represent the company. Theres is a fudicial interest; not a legal one. They fine guys for wearing the wrong socks.

Vick is in deep #### with the NFL simply because of the million$ at $take for the league a$ a whole image wi$e.

Larry Gude

Strung Out

nachomama said:

"As of March 2007, Jones has been arrested five times and questioned by police ten times since he was drafted by the Titans in 2005. Many NFL commentators are quick to point out that Jones has more arrests than interceptions since being in the NFL..."

I was thinking the same thing about Mrs. Vick. She must be so proud of her boys. As is Coach Beamer. :rolleyes:

...great minds.
