Mike Vick gone...


Nothing to see here
Larry Gude said:
...is taking a year off, leave of absence, break, whatever.

Just out; Vick not playing this year.

This a SOMD scoop?? I have yet to see this anywhere on the wires or news websites and I have been looking since you posted.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
You doubt...

otter said:
This a SOMD scoop?? I have yet to see this anywhere on the wires or news websites and I have been looking since you posted.

...the Great and Powerful Goooode?

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Here it is...

otter said:
No, not at all..But wanted to read what his statement was..:notworthy

"I (say your name) Say Your Name, would like to thank the NFL and the Falcons for their support and patience in my families time of need. I will devote all my time and energy into giving my personal issues the attention appropriate so I can put this...this...#### this ####, man, I'm putting this bull#### behind me and y'all can go back to kissing Michael Vicks ####ing ass. I'm Mike Vick, #####."


Look my ass glows!
Vicks legal and media team-
Daniel Meachum, an attorney from Atlanta.
Billy Martin, of Washington, D.C.
Lawrence Woodward
Collins Spencer III, formerly of CNN
Brother Al Sharpton :killingme


It'll make ya feel good..
Stick a fork in that basssssterd, he is DUN-di-Dun-Dun,,,,,,DONE! What a &*$ing waste.......Oh well, how bout those Eagles...?! :killingme


They call me ... Sarcasmo
His buddy is turning evidence, witness for the prosecution...
Q: What kind of bird doesn't fly?

A: A jailbird.

So when Vick gets sent to Marion are they gonna film "The Longest Yard II"?


Well-Known Member
Maybe Vick oughta read his Bible before going on air praising God-
Jesus said that no sparrow falls to earth without the Lord’s caring. The books of Exodus and Deuteronomy clearly teach compassion and kindness towards animals and require that stray and lost creatures be helped while declaring that one is forbidden to "pass by" an animal in distress.


New Member
No offense to anyone that holds michael vick in high regard, but he deserves every bit that is coming to him. What he did was heinous and cruel.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
I Hate...

cassheart said:
What he did was heinous and cruel.

...to do this, but, it's worth considering; we're talking about what he is ACCUESED of doing.

What if Vick is just one more rich, stupid celebrity azzhat who owns all manner of property and has all manner of 'pose', hangers on, n'er do wells and...criminals in his life?

What if the witnesses turn out to have a motivation, self preservation, to lie about Vick's involvement? What if he hardly ever went to the property and only kinda knew what was going on? What if he never killed any dogs or ordered their killing and didn't actually participate in the dog fighting, at least not on the level he is accused of?

All I am saying is that being rich, stupid and kinda being OK with what might have been going on, turning a semi blind eye, is a far cry from being actively involved, killing dogs, ordering their killing and being a full participant.

He's gotta be guilty on some level, but let's save the witch burning until we're sure. Shall we?


New Member
Larry Gude said:
...to do this, but, it's worth considering; we're talking about what he is ACCUSED of doing.

What if Vick is just one more rich, stupid celebrity azzhat who owns all manner of property and has all manner of 'pose', hangers on, n'er do wells and...criminals in his life?

What if the witnesses turn out to have a motivation, self preservation, to lie about Vick's involvement? What if he hardly ever went to the property and only kinda knew what was going on? What if he never killed any dogs or ordered their killing and didn't actually participate in the dog fighting, at least not on the level he is accused of?

All I am saying is that being rich, stupid and kinda being OK with what might have been going on, turning a semi blind eye, is a far cry from being actively involved, killing dogs, ordering their killing and being a full participant.

He's gotta be guilty on some level, but let's save the witch burning until we're sure. Shall we?
Aww come on Larry, isn't that what we do best here-burn witches before due process? :elaine:
Just ask MMDad! :lmao:
And I'm pretty sure the Feds have a solid case against him. :yay:

Larry Gude

Strung Out
I think so to...

BlackSheep said:
And I'm pretty sure the Feds have a solid case against him. :yay:

...just from what we've been told, but, I've seen Godfather II too many times and I watched in disbelief as OJ walked. Many's the slip 'twixt a cup and the lip.

I do, however, have my torches all fueled up and pitchforks sharpened.

Just in case.


Lem Putt
Larry Gude said:
...MM do and how did I miss the lynching?

:rolleyes: I just said that we aren't the court, so we don't have to presume innocence. We get to guess, postulate, and bloviate all we want! It's great!


Well-Known Member
That doggone Mike Vick! :whistle:


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Look my ass glows!
MMDad said:
:rolleyes: I just said that we aren't the court, so we don't have to presume innocence. We get to guess, postulate, and bloviate all we want! It's great!


New Member
Fubar said:
I, for one, don't like most NFL players. Not very many of them give back to the public in any way.

They get their money, flip their fans off, and then go home to more gangbanging.

The NFL better show that they are serious about cleaning up their image, or they'll see their audiences fade away just like the NBA.

The more and more I hear about Michael Vick, the more angered I get.

I, typically, believe in innocent until proven otherwise, but not in this case. When this is somebody who I am paying to watch in person or on television, than I believe they should be held to a higher standard.

On another note ... Where's Rev. Al? The NAACP? Jesse Jackson?

All these people who would've condemned Tony Romo (for example) are silent now.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
My God...

AndyMarquisLIVE said:
On another note ... Where's Rev. Al? The NAACP? Jesse Jackson?

All these people who would've condemned Tony Romo (for example) are silent now.

...did Andy just say something I agree with?