Military stories no one would ever believe


Smarter than the average bear
PREMO Member
As a female sailor (retired for 20 years now) this story and your attitude make me sad. Most women I knew in the military were no better or worse than their civilian counterparts. I was stationed with one girl who was sleeping her way "up the chain" - having short little affairs with men of progressively higher rank (pretty blond who was up to Navy Captain by the time I PCS'd), but by the same token, there was a woman (blond) at my first job as a civilian doing pretty much the same thing in the company I worked for.....there are skanks everywhere.

I saw a lot of what I will call sexual politics. During my time women were about 12% of the force so they were clearly in the minority. Some gals it didn't take them long to figure out how to get a better assignment or do less work because they could bat an eyelash. I saw less of this behavior in the civilian world due to the fact that the male to female ratio was more or less even.


Active Member
I guess because of my career field both in and out of the Navy, I've always been in what is typically a mostly male work center. 12% female would be high. I don't see more or less of the "sexual politics" as a civilian. I will continue to defend my fellow female service members because I think the characterization of women in the military is unfair and blown out of proportion. You hear about the bad apples, but many, many more women serve admirably and hornorably.


I bowl overhand
As a female sailor (retired for 20 years now) this story and your attitude make me sad. Most women I knew in the military were no better or worse than their civilian counterparts. I was stationed with one girl who was sleeping her way "up the chain" - having short little affairs with men of progressively higher rank (pretty blond who was up to Navy Captain by the time I PCS'd), but by the same token, there was a woman (blond) at my first job as a civilian doing pretty much the same thing in the company I worked for.....there are skanks everywhere. I guess by your way of thinking, all blonds are skanks sleeping their way to the top. Your son should avoid blonds.

I could have slept my way to the top? Damnit..