Missing Child South Shangrila/Patuxent Homes


Stop Staring!!!!!
This is just going on over the scanner @6:30PM

Child Missing in the South Shangrila/Patuxent Homes area

8 year old riding a White & Black Mongoose BMX style bicycle. Been missing since about 3PM.

Child is a Mixed male but dark complected
No Shirt
Basketball Shorts

I won't give the child's name but they did say he goes by Nicky/Nicki
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Stop Staring!!!!!
HopHead said:
Three and a half hours to realize your kid is missing?

Maybe they looked by themselves for a long time before calling for help. I dunno


Stop Staring!!!!!
@ 6:45 Child still unfound. One officer on Missouri ATL. (Attempt To Locate)

There are several officers assisting but it's hard to track who is looking where.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I'll bet he's over at a friend's house, inside in the AC drinking Kool-Aid, and has no idea his parents have the police looking for him. :lol:


Stop Staring!!!!!
Seems like several of the officers that were enroute to assist are getting called away for other calls. This happens quite a bit. We still have several officers on the scene.


American Beauty
PREMO Member
vraiblonde said:
I'll bet he's over at a friend's house, inside in the AC drinking Kool-Aid, and has no idea his parents have the police looking for him. :lol:

Bug just drank a glass of fruit punch and pronounced: My tongue is red! Mmmm... I just drank blood! :lmao:

My kid is warped. :lol:


Stop Staring!!!!!
vraiblonde said:
I'll bet he's over at a friend's house, inside in the AC drinking Kool-Aid, and has no idea his parents have the police looking for him. :lol:

That happens alot. I helped look for one in Town Creek a few years ago. Same deal. Lost on his bike. They even called in the FD to help. A little while later he was found riding is bike home from a 'new found freinds' house.


Stop Staring!!!!!
I don't think they generally call inthe FD unless they suspect the child is in the woods or something similar.


New Member
Jeff said:
That happens alot. I helped look for one in Town Creek a few years ago. Same deal. Lost on his bike. They even called in the FD to help. A little while later he was found riding is bike home from a 'new found freinds' house.

I once told my mom were I was going to be before I left. When I got home she yelled I was just on the phone with the police, they were going to start looking for you. She forgot I had told her where I was going.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Jeff said:
That happens alot.
My son was under strict instructions not to go into a friend's house unless he let me know first. Not that he ever actually followed this rule, which is how I got all these gray hairs.

I hope this is what it is.


Stop Staring!!!!!
They are putting out a 7:00 informational broadcast for all other officers to keep an eye out.

Further information given
4' tall 60 Lbs
possibly no shoes


Stop Staring!!!!!
vraiblonde said:
My son was under strict instructions not to go into a friend's house unless he let me know first. Not that he ever actually followed this rule, which is how I got all these gray hairs.

I hope this is what it is.

I lived in Heards Estates for a while. I always kept some of those little FRS radios around. I alays knew where my kids were. Other parents started catching on as well. The kids would even play on the radios and we would all know they were all Ok.

If they were at one freind's house and wanted to go to another they would just let me know. If it was dinner time, I could just tell them to come home. They wre actually very handy. I bought them some of those little Fanny Pack type belts to keep those in along with the Pokemon Cards.

Dye Tied

Garden Variety Gnome
back in the old day, we never went home until the street lights came on.

It's a shame most kids will never know what that's like. :bawl:


Thats how them b*tch's R
I remember that too! I also remember living on base housing in FL apprx 2 or 3 blocks from the beach and riding my bike there by myself and staying for hours. My kids are lucky if I let them cross the yard to g'mas by themselves, lol.


Stop Staring!!!!!
Dye Tied said:
back in the old day, we never went home until the street lights came on.

It's a shame most kids will never know what that's like. :bawl:

We didn't have any street lights around. Dusk usually did it for us. For a while we had a neighbor who had this great big green plastic horn. When she blew that thing her kids had to be home. My parents pretty much told me to go by it as well.

Update. Now search expanding to Valley Drive Area. More officers are moving that direction as they become avaible.