Moms..I need help


Sweet and Innocent
Pain control is NOT the only thing a hospital can offer that you may need. Emergencies happen and you CANNOT to an emergent c-section at home. No one wants to think about it but in those 10% of cases when seconds count in getting that baby out being somewhere where they can do it inside of 3 minutes can mean life and death for you and/or your baby. You cannot manage a postpartum hemorrhage at home - and there is very little that can help you predict who will hemorrhage. Seen it, done it, been there. In perfectly healthy normal woman. I have seen women lose babies because their midwife allowed them labor for hours or go to 42 weeks gestation for no other reason than "it's a natural process and the body knows what to do". There are good and bad midwives out there just like there are good and bad MDs. Don't think that just because they have CNM after their names they are superior. In most cases they are not.

That's very true. I had an emergency c-section on Easter day in 2004. I was in labor for 12 hours from the time my water broke until the doctor found out that the baby was breech at the last minutes. Doctor found out after watching me and saw symptoms of breech baby, so she brought out the sonogram to check and see what's keeping my baby being born right after my water broke because I was 100% effacement, but never dilated at all. Before I went into labor, my baby was not in breech position. He flipped over while I was sleeping and we had no idea that he flipped over, which is why I went through 12 hours of labor. I had an emergency c-section that they had to put me to sleep to get the baby out ASAP! The OR team left in the middle of their Easter dinner with their families and was at the hospital within 5 minutes.

I was supposed to have normal childbirth with no problems or complication. I had healthy pregnancy with no problems and we never thought I would have had an emergency c-section. I was thankful that I was in the hospital.

The baby is healthy, and he's 6 years old now and I'm alive! I survived! :yahoo:


Absolutely positively. A hospital is full of sick people and wounds and hospital superbugs.

It's also full of bleach and disinfectant and the trained professionals who use them in the appropriate concentrations.

All my nijnas were born in a hospital, and not a one of them got sick there.

My house has my own germs, which the baby will be living in anyway and have immunity to through breast milk.

Your own germs? What germs do you have that the rest of us don't?


Are you brewing some sort of weird genetic infection stew over there or something?

Hospitals are disgusting filthy places. No place for a fragile little baby.

They're not as fragile as they look. Sure they scream and moan, but they're pretty tough little guys.

Except for their skin. They squish around in your juice for 9 months and when they come out, they'll have the worst case of prune-hands... all over their bodies! So go easy on the skin. It starts off looking all purple and wrinkley and just awful. But it toughens up.

And they're pretty sensitive to the light.

And their little bones are pretty brittle.

And their little fontanelles .. OMG! You have to be so careful around their head!!

And don't let their little necks go unsupported!

OK, so they are kind of fragile. More fragile than older kids. My boys are playing football now, and they smash into each other like dump-trucks playing chicken. And when they play video games it often results in the two of them rolling around on the floor pounding on each other. It seems like yesterday those little guys had little purple legs that looked all folded up like a pair of wrinkley socks... and they had that little black dried up umbillical cord piece still attached, and it almost looked like a turd sticking out of their bellybuttons, but you knew it wasn't a turd because their poop is all yellow and green and looks like rabbit turds drenched in toxic waste. So after a week of having a child, you start looking forward to when they're potty trained - but by the time they're potty trained, there's ANOTHER newborn kid with the same turd sticking out of their navel, and the same amount of feces that makes you say "DAMN HONEY! What are you feeding this ####ing kid?" and she says "The same ####ing thing YOU are!" And you try not to fight because you know that everyone is just cranky because they haven't slept that much since this baby NEVER sleeps.

And what the hell is up with that? These kids have to eat EVERY 4 hours, night and day? Seriously? I never could figure that out. And when you try to get them on a normal schedule all they do is scream and fuss until you can't take it any more so you feed them just to shut them up! And what do they do? They puke all over you!


It's just non-stop puke. It's almost as bad as the poop! And then one day you wake up and realize that the defining substances of your LIFE for the past 5 years is vomit and poop! You almost can't remember what it was like NOT to smell vomit and poop because these little ####-machines are everywhere. The older are two fighting and screaming all the time, and the baby screaming for more crap-ore to process and the next thing you know they're all in school. These demon-spawn who you thought were going to have problems in school turn into perfect angels when they leave the confines of your door-step. WTF? Why can't they act like that at HOME? But they keep bringing home these goddam fund-raiser things, and they want money for all these events! Don't I pay taxes for this ####? Seriously - and how much paper can the school send home with these kids every day? The irony is how much propaganda the school crams into the kids heads about "saving the planet" and "being environmentally conscious", and yet they must go through a rain-forest every damn week judging by the amount of paper they send home every day. And then your oldest is a heart-beat away from his teen years, but he's already got that surley sarcastic attitude and everything is a damn battle... No matter what! Even if you tell him to do something he WANTS to do, there's an argument involved, and you're looking back to that day in the hospital where they put that little striped hat on his head and as they handed him over, they told you to keep his hands covered up because he can't control them and he may accidentally scratch his own face off, and you're thinking... "if I had known then what I know now..."

Anyway babies are fragile, sure - but hospitals are safe.


Dream Stealer
It's also full of bleach and disinfectant and the trained professionals who use them in the appropriate concentrations.

All my nijnas were born in a hospital, and not a one of them got sick there.

Your own germs? What germs do you have that the rest of us don't?


Are you brewing some sort of weird genetic infection stew over there or something?

They're not as fragile as they look. Sure they scream and moan, but they're pretty tough little guys.

Except for their skin. They squish around in your juice for 9 months and when they come out, they'll have the worst case of prune-hands... all over their bodies! So go easy on the skin. It starts off looking all purple and wrinkley and just awful. But it toughens up.

And they're pretty sensitive to the light.

And their little bones are pretty brittle.

And their little fontanelles .. OMG! You have to be so careful around their head!!

And don't let their little necks go unsupported!

OK, so they are kind of fragile. More fragile than older kids. My boys are playing football now, and they smash into each other like dump-trucks playing chicken. And when they play video games it often results in the two of them rolling around on the floor pounding on each other. It seems like yesterday those little guys had little purple legs that looked all folded up like a pair of wrinkley socks... and they had that little black dried up umbillical cord piece still attached, and it almost looked like a turd sticking out of their bellybuttons, but you knew it wasn't a turd because their poop is all yellow and green and looks like rabbit turds drenched in toxic waste. So after a week of having a child, you start looking forward to when they're potty trained - but by the time they're potty trained, there's ANOTHER newborn kid with the same turd sticking out of their navel, and the same amount of feces that makes you say "DAMN HONEY! What are you feeding this ####ing kid?" and she says "The same ####ing thing YOU are!" And you try not to fight because you know that everyone is just cranky because they haven't slept that much since this baby NEVER sleeps.

And what the hell is up with that? These kids have to eat EVERY 4 hours, night and day? Seriously? I never could figure that out. And when you try to get them on a normal schedule all they do is scream and fuss until you can't take it any more so you feed them just to shut them up! And what do they do? They puke all over you!


It's just non-stop puke. It's almost as bad as the poop! And then one day you wake up and realize that the defining substances of your LIFE for the past 5 years is vomit and poop! You almost can't remember what it was like NOT to smell vomit and poop because these little ####-machines are everywhere. The older are two fighting and screaming all the time, and the baby screaming for more crap-ore to process and the next thing you know they're all in school. These demon-spawn who you thought were going to have problems in school turn into perfect angels when they leave the confines of your door-step. WTF? Why can't they act like that at HOME? But they keep bringing home these goddam fund-raiser things, and they want money for all these events! Don't I pay taxes for this ####? Seriously - and how much paper can the school send home with these kids every day? The irony is how much propaganda the school crams into the kids heads about "saving the planet" and "being environmentally conscious", and yet they must go through a rain-forest every damn week judging by the amount of paper they send home every day. And then your oldest is a heart-beat away from his teen years, but he's already got that surley sarcastic attitude and everything is a damn battle... No matter what! Even if you tell him to do something he WANTS to do, there's an argument involved, and you're looking back to that day in the hospital where they put that little striped hat on his head and as they handed him over, they told you to keep his hands covered up because he can't control them and he may accidentally scratch his own face off, and you're thinking... "if I had known then what I know now..."

Anyway babies are fragile, sure - but hospitals are safe.

I worked in a hospital for many years. It is not clean. I suggest you take your own pillow if you end up there. I won't go into details. :killingme

But I loved reading your narrative. very cute/sweet. Every one keeps saying things about changing diapers and such...and I have the same answer for them all. I have single handedly changed the diaper (read: sheet) of a 500 pound plus man with c-diff (look it up if you don't know) and a GI bleed. Then gave him a sponge bath which took me over an hour to properly perform. And had him as a ptient for nearly a month. A little baby poop/vomit is NOTHING. :killingme:killingme

As for the older kids. I don't even wanna think about that.:otter: I am pretty sure that's why you get them as infants when they are you have something to cling too when comtemplating teenacide.


Every one keeps saying things about changing diapers and such...and I have the same answer for them all. I have single handedly changed the diaper (read: sheet) of a 500 pound plus man with c-diff (look it up if you don't know) and a GI bleed.


I could've gone to bed quite comfortably this evening without that image.

You are to be commended for powering through that episode. Especially if you made it through without your own bout of projectile vomitting.

Sounds like an atomic #### bomb detonating in the middle of a perfect #### storm.

Then gave him a sponge bath which took me over an hour to properly perform. And had him as a ptient for nearly a month. A little baby poop/vomit is NOTHING. :killingme:killingme

You are well prepared I should think.

However when you say "A little baby poop/vomit" I really feel the need to :lmao:

As for the older kids. I don't even wanna think about that.:otter: I am pretty sure that's why you get them as infants when they are you have something to cling too when comtemplating teenacide.

I'm sending him to his grandparents in about a month or two.

While he's away I'm going to sound-proof his room and make it so the door can only be opened from the outside.

I already have the plaque made up that says, "DO NOT OPEN UNTIL 2019"


New Member
...he may accidentally scratch his own face off, and you're thinking... "if I had known then what I know now..."

Anyway babies are fragile, sure - but hospitals are safe.

That is one of the best motherhood narratives I've read in a long time!!!! ROTFL!!!!!!!

:killingme :killingme